Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 714 Lan Qi’s Empire Dream

Chapter 714 Lan Qi’s Empire Dream
In the car, Lanci leaned on the soft leather seat, waiting for the journey to St. Creation's Monastery.

"If possible, Professor Landry please try to reduce your contact with the military while teaching at St. Clare's Monastery. You are a talent carefully selected by the principal. If you accidentally join the military, it will not be good for you or the school. Neither is a good thing.”

Secretary Naila glanced at him in the rearview mirror and whispered to herself.

Principal Violet is already very busy with her work in the capital. If she wants to negotiate with the military's commander-in-chief, the First Army Shenhai Sintos, because of the problems of her subordinates, it can be said to be a big trouble.

"Don't worry, Section Chief Nikolai just had some misunderstandings about me at the beginning. I think that after he investigates the cause and effect of the accident, he will soon clear up the misunderstanding about me."

Lan Qi nodded as usual, took out a thick "History of the Creation Empire" from his suitcase, and spread it on his lap.

"But Miss Naila, why are you so repulsive to the Secret Service? I can see that you are not only doing it for official reasons, but you also dislike them personally?"

He thought for a while and inquired again.

During the next time at St. Creation's Monastery, I'm afraid there will be a lot of affairs in the school. When I can't see Principal Violet, I will have to deal with the principal's secretary.

"Would you like the dogs raised by those nobles in the capital?"

Naila snorted and asked.

"Ahem, is it really okay for Miss Naila to say this?"

Lan Qi couldn't help but cough slightly. He didn't expect that the principal's secretary, who looked dignified and polite, could speak so straightforwardly.

"No problem, you can speak freely in St. Creation's Monastery. This has been a holy place since ancient times."

Naila smiled.

"To me, small animals are small animals, regardless of whether they are wild or raised, or who raises them."

Lan Qi finally replied like this to Secretary Naira’s previous question.

"It seems that Professor Landry is a centrist."

Naila looked ahead at the road and came to a conclusion.

"Isn't this supposed to be relatively normal?"

In Lan Qi's hometown, the difference between aristocrats and commoners is not that big. In addition to being richer, aristocrats do not have many privileges. Even the princess is discriminated against all day long.

His identity at the moment, Landry, is a remote aristocrat who does not necessarily know the capital city of Brílda. After all, Landry is coming to the capital from the border for the first time, so he can just play his true character.

"When Professor Landry arrives at St. Creation's Monastery, he will understand that the factions are clearly divided, and the vast majority of people who appear to be neutral actually have some thoughts in their hearts, but they will not express them easily."

Naila tapped her fingertips on the steering wheel and said lightly,

"I really hate the powerful people in the capital, and I hate the guys who serve as their dogs even more. Of course, Professor Landry, that doesn't include you, because you don't seem to have that worldly aura about you."

She will speak more clearly accordingly, which can also improve her work efficiency even more.

Landry, a declining aristocrat from a remote part of the empire, was eligible to join any side, depending on which side he considered himself to be.

Lan Qi smiled without saying a word and turned another page of the book on his lap.

As the principal's secretary, Naila is supposed to be a neutral party, but because she can express her thoughts more straightforwardly, she actually reassures the principal and keeps her by his side.

Outside the car window, this ancient capital with a history of thousands of years shines with the glory of the past in the gradually setting sun.

"Lan Qi, why is there such a big conflict between the nobles and civilians in the empire?"

Queen Cardalia seemed to have taken a nap for a while, and now she woke up again. She asked Lan Qi if she didn't understand.

After she came to the Crean Empire, she did not need to show up and had no identity. Most of the time, she served as Lanqi's magic card and summon, so she did not need to do much homework. Previously, Lanqi spent every day in the Posen Kingdom. While reading the information, she would lie on the sofa, eat snacks, and occasionally sleep.

After actually arriving in the Crean Empire, she became curious again after hearing about the actual situation inside the country.

Originally, Lan Qi would not be involved in the issue of civilians and nobles in the capital so quickly. His original identity was Lovia, a civilian on the northern border who did not have a clear position.

But Landry's identity is very subtle.

It seemed that he would be unable to avoid this problem after he went to the monastery of St. Creation.

To help Hyperion rescue Milaya, she must find what Lanqi said is the vampire's underground city hidden under Brilda, the capital of Creja, Blood Moon City.

And if you want to get the specific coordinates of Blood Moon City, you must first investigate the people in the empire who are related to the blood clan. In the process, you will certainly have many interactions with important figures in the empire. There may be nobles and nobles among them. There may be popular factions.

"Years ago, the nobility of the Creation Empire had so much power that they could even cover the sky with one hand. Most of the power, wealth, and even media resources were in the hands of the nobility."

Lan Qi flipped through the book in his hand and explained to Talia in his mind,
"In addition to oppressing and exploiting the people, some nobles even began not to treat civilians as human beings. They killed them whenever they wanted and robbed them whenever they wanted."

Lan Qi didn't know why there was a "History of the Creation Empire" in Landry's suitcase, but the content written on it did partially overlap with what he was talking about at the moment, but regarding these parts, The history books were embellished accordingly.

"Isn't something going to happen?"

Thalia thought that the demons were not like this. Although the demons had murderous intentions, they would kill when they should, but they would not care about your status, just whether they could kill you or not.

This can also be called a kind of equality characterized by demons.

"At that time, the most extreme aristocrat was able to disregard human life and continue to escape punishment, which finally triggered the explosion of emotions."

Lan Qi continued to preach,

"Speaking of which, Tata, do you know that the conflict between the Creyu nobles and the people is very fierce nowadays. It is said that in addition to some common people who hate the nobles, there are even nobles who hate the common people."

Lan Qi suddenly changed the topic back to the present and asked her.

"why is that?"

Talia didn't understand why Lanqi mentioned the past accident at the same time as the current conflict in the middle of the story.

"Because there really was a large-scale riot in the Botswana province of the Kraiju Empire many years ago. Many nobles were killed, and that day was called the 'Bloodbath Day'."

Lanci explained.

"The desperate and furious civilians rushed into the noble houses in an organized and armed manner, burned, killed, and looted. In the captured noble houses, the men were killed directly, and the women's lives were worse than death."

"And those descendants of the nobles who were lucky enough to escape and survive inherited the family, and their psychological shadows still remain in their memories, and they put hatred on all civilians."

It was not until later that the emperor established a charter to restrain the nobles, appease the common people, picket the nobles involved, and punish the mob, that the conflicts that completely broke out at that time were resolved.

For a long time afterwards, the conflict between the nobility and civilians of the Creation Empire improved.

But that's only temporary. As the huge disaster left over from that day of "Bloodbath" slowly fermented - the seeds of hatred began to take root and germinate, and the internal conflicts in the Crean Empire rapidly intensified in recent years.

Lan Qi closed the history book and basically told Thalia about the current conflicts between the aristocratic faction and the popular faction in the Creja Empire.

"Then the greater the conflict, the better for us? After all, we are here to cause destruction within the empire."

Thalia asked tentatively, tempting him like a demon that lived inside him.

She believed that Lan Qi was very good at fanning the flames, and with her magical voice and gentleness, she could also help Lan Qi do bad things very well.

"That's not the best way to solve the problem."

Lan Qi showed compassion in his eyes for the first time in a long time.

It's like seeing people suffering and not wanting them to become more miserable.

"...Then what do you want to do?"

Thalia was confused.

"I want to make the Creja Empire great again and become a holy country that does not need war."

Lan Qi looked a little thoughtful and pondered.

"...What the hell."

Thalia occasionally couldn't understand Lanci's mutterings.

But she was too lazy to care about it. Now she just loved the poet and followed Lan Qi to complete the secret spy mission in the empire. When the time came, she would just return to the kingdom with honor. Thinking about it, if she could receive the commendation, she would be quite happy.

When the special car finally slowed down after dozens of minutes of driving, Lan Qi knew that he had finally arrived at St. Creation's Monastery.

The setting sun in autumn dyes the sky a brilliant orange. The maple leaves dance lightly in the breeze, undulating and the tree shadows are mottled. The air is filled with the unique dryness and mellowness of autumn, mixed with the faint fragrance of osmanthus and earth.

The vehicle unknowingly drove into a vast land, with trees lined up neatly on both sides of the road. From a distance, the mountains-like buildings were so huge that it was even difficult to estimate the true size of the school with the naked eye.

The most famous thing about St. Creation Monastery is the attached magic school, where the elites of the Creation Empire receive all-round education, practice military training, study knowledge, hone their will, and eventually grow into the pillars of the empire.

The towering spiers pierce the sky, equipped with complicated window lattice, the walls are covered with colorful ivy, and monks in white robes sometimes stand by the door.

Ranchi passed through many places along the way. The monastery itself consists of a church, a priest's hall, a knight's residence, a park, a library and other buildings, while the school building occupies another corner, with teaching buildings, villas, training grounds, restaurants, and auditoriums. There are several areas.

It can be said that it has become a small and complete city-state.

Until the vehicle driven by Secretary Naila stopped in front of a certain building.

As if to confirm Lan Qi's thoughts, the car door had been opened by the college's guards.

The unique feeling of tranquility and tranquility of the monastery comes over you.

"Professor Landry, we have reached our destination."

Secretary Naila's words made Lan Qi look out the window.

The Great Monastery of St. Creation has a long history of thousands of years. Its predecessor is the ruins of the Temple of the Lady of the Moon, an ancient building that existed before the founding of the Creation Empire.

It has extremely high historical value and research significance in terms of the changes in the southern continent.

Hundreds of years ago, there was no such giant as the Creja Empire in the southern part of the Southern Continent.

There were once three major territories on this land, namely the Seiros Empire, the Elsaiya Sanctuary, and the Wenxi Free Federation.

The Seros Empire is named after its founding emperor Seros I. It is an autocratic monarchy with a long history and good military skills. It advocates force, advocates the divine right of kings, and the supremacy of imperial power. It is also the predecessor of the Creation Empire.

The Holy Land of Elsaiah believes in the moon goddess Elsai and believes that this land is blessed by the moon god. Therefore, the devout people named the country the Holy Kingdom of Elsaiah. The royal power and the religious power are inseparable. .

The West Vancouver area where the West Vancouver Free Federation is located has fertile land and rich resources, and is known as the "breadbasket" of the southern part of the southern continent.

The local lords formed a relatively loose alliance for common interests and worked independently.

The Brilda area where St. Creation's Monastery is located is at the center of these three forces.

The neutral holy land of Brilda is not only a stage for all countries to compete, but also an important weight to maintain the balance of power among the three countries.

Brilda Luna Monastery has always been neutral and follows the duties of the priests of the Moon Temple. No matter what the conflicts between the three countries are, this place will be a place to stop the war. However, in the secret, several forces are vying to infiltrate with the intention of incorporating it into their own. sphere of influence.

The Seiros Empire covets the monastery's solid city defense and rich resources, while the Elseiya Sanctuary hopes to use the monastery's religious influence to consolidate its rule. Although the Wenxi Free Federation is less powerful, it is also secretly wooing the monastery in order to Check and balance the other two countries.

Finally, the war broke out.

The war even spread to Brilda, but the priests of the God of Healing and Silver Moon were compassionate and always helped the homeless people.

After a long war, heroes finally took control of the entire southern part of the continent, ending this disaster and creating the Creation Empire, the largest empire in the history of the southern continent, occupying almost five-fifths of the entire southern continent. Second territory.

For this reason, during the integration and rejuvenation stage of the Creain Empire, many countries in the northern part of the Southern Continent began to fear this country, thus creating the prototype of the Alliance of Kingdoms United Council.

Fortunately, both the rulers and the people of the Crean Empire remembered the pain caused by that long war and actively established diplomatic relations with the kingdom in the north. Only then did the southern continent enjoy peace for hundreds of years.

The Luna Monastery has witnessed the change of dynasties, the battles of heroes, and the arrival of peace.

The protracted disputes between the three kingdoms also came to an end here and opened a new chapter for the Creain Empire. The capital was chosen to be in the Brilda area where the three territories used to meet, thus naming it today's Brilda. Da city.

In order to commemorate the great unification battle and the sanctity of the Temple of the Moon, the Monastery of the Moon God located in the capital of the new empire was renovated and expanded and became the Monastery of St. Crean, and continued to cultivate talents for the Crean Empire.

Despite this, this has also led to the fact that later and even today, the nobility of the Creain Empire is divided into three ideologies, namely, the imperialist faction that inherited the will of the Seiros Empire, the theocratic faction that inherited the will of the Elseiya Sanctuary, and the The democrats of the Liberal Federation of West Vancouver.

The monastery of St. Creation is led by the high priest, and the direct descendants of the high priest serve from generation to generation.

The current high priest and principal is Violet. She is so powerful that she is the Sixth Army God of the Empire who is also enshrined in the Beryl Seat.

"Please come with me, let me take you to visit the main hall of the monastery, and then introduce you to Principal Violet."

After getting off the car, Secretary Naila put her hands on her abdomen, returned to her original standing position, bowed slightly to him and said.

Lan Qi nodded lightly, and Secretary Naila turned around to lead the way.

 Since everyone asked me to write longer, I will try to write more. However, the Empire/Vampire Chapter is indeed the last chapter. The Demon Tribe Restoration Chapter is actually a relatively nonsensical plot that will only exist in the extra story. As for the Disaster Land War and The Lost Continent are obviously not stories in which Lan Qi is the protagonist, as has been hinted at many times in previous articles.

(End of this chapter)

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