Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 191 Huberian's Fourth Death Omen

Chapter 191 Huberian's Fourth Death Omen

On the other side of Icarite, thick dark clouds were about to cover the skyline of the royal capital.

In the cafe on the street, people gathered in front of the window, holding hot coffee in their hands, looking at the rain curtain outside with blurred eyes. It looks very warm and cozy.

The sudden torrential rain washes and washes the streets, the raindrops hit the lamps and make a rattling sound, and the trees are heavy with rainwater. People on the road hide in the nearby shops or rush to find shelter with umbrellas. This rainy place.

In the Cat Boss Restaurant, which is two streets away from the Icarite Academy, the wind chimes under the eaves were wet by the rain, and they swayed in the wind, making a low sound that was not the same as usual.

The door of the restaurant was pushed open and closed from time to time, and everything looked peaceful, only a few guests were sitting in the corner enjoying breakfast leisurely.

The clerk was cleaning the glassware in front of the counter, lowering his head and concentrating. The ancient chandelier emitted warm yellow light, which added a little warmth to this small space.

"Why doesn't Boss Cat come back..."

The clerk looked up at the clock in the store and murmured.

Although their restaurant does not focus on breakfast, but because of the weather, there are a little more customers than usual.

If Boss Mao doesn't come back later, she may not be able to take care of ordering and delivery by herself, and she has to go upstairs to ask Miss Tata to help.

But Miss Tata seems to be sleeping late today, and she hasn't seen her coming downstairs until ten o'clock.

The clerk looked out the window and quickly understood.

The raindrops hit the eaves, tick-tock, like a continuous rhythm of background music, the rainwater gathered from the roof to form a small waterfall, dripping along the eaves.

Anyone in this weather just wants to stay at home and relax all day long.

If possible, the clerk didn't want to bother Tata, but only hoped that the cat, which was turned into black coal balls by the rainstorm, would come back quickly.

"The 17th is ready."

The voice from the back kitchen brought the clerk back to his senses, and quickly walked towards the window of the back kitchen.

She gently picked up a white porcelain plate, on which was an exquisite dish: golden fried chicken cutlets served with a dollop of brightly colored fruit salad, garnished with a few drops of pale yellow lemon juice, served on a separate plate Each of the accompanying sauces can be selected by the customer to give the meal a different taste.

The clerk's movements are light and capable.

She walked to a table near the aisle on the side of the restaurant, where a young man was quietly sipping his coffee, quietly admiring the scenery outside the window, as if waiting for something.

Although he looks handsome, his lack of sharpness makes him unobtrusive.

When the clerk approached, the young man finally raised his head and showed an expectant smile.

"Your chicken salad, sir."

The clerk said gently, and gently placed the plate on the table.

"Thank you."

The young man nodded to the clerk to express his thanks, and then turned his gaze to the exquisite food.

After the clerk returned to the counter again, she could tell that this customer was not a regular customer of this restaurant, but his shoulders and the corners of his clothes were still stained with rainwater. Like many customers in the store now, he was passing by temporarily, because Temporary customers who choose to order food and rest here because of the weather.

The restaurant became quiet again, only the sound of rain outside the window and soothing music, and the atmosphere was as peaceful as ever.

The young man slowly opened the cloth cutlery bag on the dining table, and took out a delicate silver fork and knife from it.

Although he looked no different from the Icarite Academy students who usually come to the store, the way he ate breakfast revealed an unusual meticulousness and taste, as if performing an operation.

He spread the napkin on his lap, then cut the chicken steak in front of him with a knife and fork, stabbing a small piece each time, and after putting it in his mouth, he would savor it carefully until it was chewed.

Then he gently cut off a piece of fresh croissant with a knife, spread a layer of light yellow cream, and carefully put it into his mouth.

The same is true when he drinks coffee.

He didn't sip it hastily, but tasted its aroma before drinking it in small sips.

His every movement is calm and precise, and he is completely immersed in the process naturally, enjoying this delicious meal that is both breakfast and lunch.

About 10 minutes later, the meal in front of him was only reduced by one-third, but it didn't make anyone feel disobedient.

He was indeed expecting a lady.

However, that was the target he was about to kill.

He was sure that the Duchess Huberian was above the shop.

It seems that after the second movie world, I gained a lot and finally moved out of school.

This is also normal, some students of Icarite Academy don't often live in the school dormitory, and most of the time they live in their own residences.

Originally, the only thing he wondered was why the princess chose this place.

However, when he personally tasted the cuisine of this cat boss restaurant at this moment, he understood that there was indeed a reason for the princess to choose this restaurant.

"Customer, are you satisfied with our store?"

The lady clerk delivered another meal for another customer, passed by the young man again, noticed the faintly satisfied smile on his face, and asked.

Because he was sitting close to the aisle, as long as he walked towards the door of the store—for example, to the counter, he would pass by him.

"Very satisfied, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will come again."

The young man nodded warmly.

Although he said so.


I'm afraid I won't have this chance in the future.

This store, today should be the last day of operation.

His identity is Phoenix, a second-year student at the Royal Academy of Aroran, and he lives with his younger sister Phyllis.

But he is actually an elite believer who lurks in the present world and is loyal to the Bishop of Destruction, and will never be dispatched under normal circumstances.

Usually he would be in a state of deep self-hypnosis, and he would not even remember that he was a resurrection believer.

He will only wake himself up when he is ordered or given an opportunity to execute an order.

He was the most suitable person who wanted to kill Princess Huberian, or even if she couldn't kill her, put her to death and ruin the relationship between the two countries.

Huberian is in the light, he is in the dark, Phoenix is ​​very sure that the fifth-level self can play Huberian's life-saving card in a close-range sneak attack.

But this time, he not only brought the enchantment that blocked the terrain, the equipment that could see through invisibility, but also possessed two spells that could destroy the gift of the bishop.

【Big Puppet Theater】

[Category: Spell Card]

[grade: pink sacred]

【Class: 4】

[Effect: It can only be used on first-order targets, and can control the actions of all targets within 100 meters. The more targets you control, the longer the time, the more complex the behavior, and the greater your mental load and mana consumption. The cooldown time is 24 hours. . 】

[Remarks: A quiet death without dramatic tension. 】

In the environment of the restaurant, using this spell, which is useless in normal battles, can easily make Huberian take the blame for massacring civilians.

Moreover, it is impossible for Huberian to kill civilians indiscriminately. Facing the sudden and crazy sneak attack and interference of civilians, her actions will become restrained.

This is a small game that the Bishop of Destruction is keen on on weekdays. Every time the Bishop of Destruction can clearly win the opponent, but he just likes to lead the civilians to fight against the opponent, and then collapses when the noble and righteous people accidentally kill one civilian after another. And an expression of incompetence and rage.

As for the second spell—

【Spark of Destruction】

[Category: Spell Card]

[grade: pink sacred]

【Class: 5】

[Passive effect: When the carrier dies, it triggers an extremely violent and destructive fire attribute explosion. 】

[Remarks: The serial killing show is led by me. 】

It will ensure that Huberian can be killed without fail today.

Similarly, it is also the death that the Bishop of Destruction bestowed on him.

Today, this restaurant, as well as the innocent guests in it, will be buried with the princess if nothing happens.

It can't be considered innocent.

Phoenix smiled, with a hint of irony in his calm eyes.

Just like natural disasters have no eyes, these civilians just happened to be chosen by the god of death, that's all.

If anyone had to be blamed, it could only be blamed on the princess for choosing this place.

Because for the disaster star, it was her fault to be alive.

If she had died earlier, she would not have killed these people who had nothing to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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