Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Hutton Kingdom.

It has been a day since Lan Qi entered the world of shadows.

In the early morning of this Saturday, the sun passed through the thick clouds and sprinkled on the masonry and glass of the royal capital Ikrite, leaving a warm glow.

In this ancient yet highly modernized city, the red brick buildings shine in the morning light, and the glass curtain walls reflect the blue sky and white clouds.

At the Central Station of Ikritia, the Mana Rail train was gliding gently with a steady hum, carrying residents and tourists to their destinations at high speed.

Walking through the station hall level, the hustle and bustle gradually fades away, followed by the crisp sound of shop bells, interwoven with the melody of bards playing instruments on the square in the distance.

A middle-aged man dressed as a businessman came to the square opposite the central station, boarded a small carriage for sightseeing, and started his journey in the city.

The soft leather seats of the carriage sway gently, bringing a refreshing and comfortable wind.

His temples were a little grizzled, but his demeanor and majesty remained undiminished, and every corner of his clothes was neatly arranged.

"This kid, don't get caught by me."

Noe Wilfort sat in the carriage, looking at the scenery of Icarite, and couldn't help talking to himself.

After hearing about the fine issued to their home by Professor Borao, the head of the Magic Academy.

Lankey Wilford's father, Noe Wilfort, took a rare boat from Glen Waverley City on the northern border of the Crescent Empire back to the South Wantina Territory on the southern border of the Hutton Kingdom.

A few days ago, when Noel received a transnational magic communication from the housekeeper Hans, he was very shocked at first.

Before he left the Hutton Kingdom last time, he had told the housekeeper Hans that as long as the news about Lan Qi was not particularly serious, there was no need to use expensive, complicated and strictly regulated cross-border communication equipment to notify him.

If it's just a small trouble, please ask the housekeeper Hans to help Lan Qi settle it on his behalf.

As a result, Noel has not received any news about Lan Qi during the past few months in the Crescent Empire.

Noel naturally thought that the bastard had already seen the gap with the geniuses of the same age in the capital, and returned to Nanwantina in disgrace, and lived the happy and muddled life again.

After all, it is impossible for Lan Qi to pass the entrance examination of the Alchemy Academy after studying for a while.

"Well, I didn't have that high demand on him."

Noel sighed, he knew that Lan Qi was not an academic material at all, and asking him to study was just to admonish him.

Even from the very beginning, Noë never expected Lan Qi to be admitted to such a good school as Icarite Academy.

As long as Lan Qi doesn't learn to be bad, and doesn't make troubles, it will be fine.


I don’t know if I don’t go back to my country, but I’m shocked when I go back to my country!
That kid is said to have actually passed the entrance exam for Icarite Academy, and he hasn't been back home since he went to the capital!

And the one who was admitted was even the Academy of Sages!

Even though the fine sheet from the Magic Works Academy and Lan Qi's admission letter were all the same as the real thing, Noel felt something was wrong no matter how he thought about it.

So Noe took the mana rail train in the country to the capital of Ikrite overnight, and after getting off the train, he went to the Ikrite Academy in the center of the city.

Along the way, the carriage drove the emotional Noel through the famous landscape of Icarite.

The Hutton Pedestrian Plaza in the early morning is not yet fully busy. From the art streamlined buildings under the Erica Tower to the wide boulevards beside the Yarra River, various shops are preparing to open their doors one after another. The faint aroma of coffee and desserts spreads. open.

Mostly took 10 minutes.

The sightseeing carriage arrived near the college.

The legendary Icarite Academy of Magic is located in the center of the royal capital.

Carrying a light black suitcase, Noel stepped into the academy's territory.

After a few steps, he was greeted by a grand and harmonious bell.

This is the melodious chime emanating from the ancient bell tower of the iconic Icarite Academy, and it stopped after ringing nine times, which means that it is already nine o'clock in the morning.

The bell tower stands in the vast lawn, surrounded by lush trees, and the sunlight passes through the dense leaves and falls on the green grass, forming a complex light and shadow.

Noel followed the map on the sign and walked among various buildings.

He saw the library of the ancient tower of the Academy of the Sages, whose outer walls were inlaid with fine reliefs, and the arena of the Academy of Knights with pointed arches, as well as the ubiquitous magic screens and their walls reflecting the sky and the surrounding green trees. shadow.

After more than ten minutes of walking.

Noel gradually got lost in this campus.

He felt that the main building of the Magic Academy he was looking for was nearby, but he didn't know how to find the old liberal arts building of the Magic Academy in Nuoda Garden through the signposts, and then walked through the end of the garden to the Magic Academy area.

Just at this time of confusion.

He saw the sparsely populated garden.

Finally, a figure of a student appeared.

"Student, do you know how to get to the dean's office of the Magic Academy?"

Noe hurried over and asked the girl with light blue hair who seemed more approachable.

In addition to the magic recording camera hanging around her neck, she also has two work badges hanging on her chest. It looks like she is both a member of the student union and a reporter for the Hutton Times.

"Of course, I'll take you there, but have you made an appointment?"

The girl with Luvihill written in the name column on the work card suddenly showed a friendly smile, with a feeling of vitality, enthusiasm and liveliness.

As the secretary of the student union, she was recently called back to the student union to help because of the lack of manpower in the student union. As a result, as soon as she walked downstairs from the student union room on the third floor of the old liberal arts building, she met someone who needed help.

"I have made an appointment. Professor Pollao will be waiting for me in the office before noon today."

Noe replied, sighing in his heart that it is indeed the best school in Hutton Kingdom, and the students are all so good-hearted and helpful.

"If I hadn't been scammed..."

Then Noe added another sentence.

In fact, even now he still suspects that the admission letter from the Academy of Sages was forged by that brat.

Even because he ran out of money, he came up with bad ideas, using fake tickets to try to cheat his family out of a large sum of money, so as to continue to enjoy a comfortable life in the capital.

And it was not the real Professor Borao who was contacted by the communication magic within the country yesterday, but an actor invited by that kid.

If this is the case, if Noe catches him, he must kill this evil!
The admission letter and the fine are too fake...

The only flaw is that the fines were issued a bit wrongly.

It is not in the name of the Icarite Academy, but the private name of Professor Borao, the head of the Magic Engineering Academy.

As a senior businessman, Noel is very clear that this kind of claim is more reasonable no matter whether it is public to private or public to public.

It is very strange that Professor Borao claims compensation from the Wilford Chamber of Commerce for private to public fines!
It's like Professor Borao extorting money from their family in Union Lanci!
(End of this chapter)

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