Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 148 Lan Qi is the only 11 people who can save the empire

Chapter 148 Lan Qi is the only one who can save the empire

The warm lights in the bedroom seem to block all the shadows and the chill of late autumn, and the moonlight softly shines on the knight-patterned carpet and luxurious furniture.

Opposite the long table, Alexia, the third princess of the Crescent Empire, was still sitting there. Her brown hair fell naturally on her shoulders, and her pupils were like a deep lake, but she was drowsy and lacking. Glossy, cheeks pale and transparent in the moonlight.

She seemed to be facing utter despair after struggling with all her strength, so her hope was finally shattered and could no longer be put together again.

"So, in your view, Princess Alexia, does the Crevan Empire really show no signs of being eroded?"

Lan Qi reconfirmed to Alexia with relief.


Alexia's voice was short and firm.

However, with Lan Qi's words, she only sounded like she was being tortured repeatedly.

Although Alexia knew Lan Qi didn't mean it, because he didn't know anything.

But if he asked again on purpose, then this person's personality is really bad.


She will not have the kind of dream of "there is an all-knowing and all-powerful hero who protects the country to save her and her country", that is a story that only appears in fairy tales.


Huberian didn't dare to speak at the side, and remained nervous all the time, carefully paying attention to every possible information.

She could see that Princess Alexia's mouth was particularly hard.

Under the influence of the beloved poet, the imperial daughter's emotional ups and downs are obvious.

At this moment, Huberian was also full of calculations.

She didn't want to be spotted by Lan Qi and Princess Alexia.

Only she knew that the disappearance of her father, Duke Migiya Aransar, had something to do with the Crescent Empire.

As the princess, this Miss Alexia probably knows some key information!

But Huo Bai Lian was absolutely unwilling to drag Lan Qi into the water, so she could only listen in like this, hoping that Lan Qi could unintentionally help her ask for some information that would help her find Duke Milia.


Lan Qi still stared at Huberian even though she behaved as usual.

He smiled but didn't speak.

This surprised Huberian!
She felt that her acting skills were obviously fine.

Why did Lan Qi's sudden gaze make her inexplicably feel that he had seen through her thoughts?
"Huberian, don't worry, we subjectively consider her to be a suspected accomplice of the Resurrection Church, so keeping vigilant or even restraining her before confirming her identity will not violate the international laws of the Southern Continent. "

Lan Qi just said gently.

Hubley was relieved by his words.

Sure enough, I was just worrying too much.


Lan Qi tilted his head with a smile without saying a word.

He seemed to be laughing at Princess Alexia's stubborn attitude.

In fact, Huberian didn't know that he already knew a lot of things, and even Lan Qi told her earlier that "Migaia will be rescued", she still took it as a joke.

To get back the Duke of Migaiya, it is really necessary to get the [Original Slate - Darkness] before the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, lifts the seal and kills the Duke of Migaiya.

[Original Slate-Darkness] is an irresistible top-level magic card for every blood race, they are born with a dark attribute.

In the era when the vampires were sealed off, it seemed that the props of the [Original Slate] series had not yet been born in the world, so none of the vampires who had just unsealed had the [Original Slate], even after a year and a half. In the legendary plot, the blood clan also launched an action to hunt the holder of the slate.

The [Original Slate] series has the characteristic that "the holder will drop upon death", but for the blood race with immortality, getting the [Original Slate] is almost equivalent to permanently occupying it.

Since [Original Slate-Dark] will be acquired by Marquis Bernhard of the Ninth Ancestor in the future, and Lan Qi knows that there is also a third Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor and the Eighth Ancestor were unsealed earlier but did not Get Mi Gaiya's [Original Slate - Dark], which proves with high probability that Mi Gaiya is still alive.

According to Lan Qi's plan, when he comes back from the Northern Continent after searching for [Original Slate-Seal], he will challenge Shadow World again and prepare for it. He will go to the blood clan's lair of the Crescent Empire with Huberian. Do an ecological balance survey.

It would definitely be the best if he could get a supporter from the Crean Empire before that.

As long as this princess Alexia is the enemy of the blood clan, they will have the same goal.

So Lan Qi decided to test her a little.

"Your Highness Alexia, based on your answer just now, I'll take the liberty to speculate that the current predicament of the Cream Empire is not the Church of the Resurrection, but rather that there are creatures far more terrifying than cultists that make you so fearful." .”

Lan Qi put down the teacup, and already moved his eyes away from the princess while speaking, his eyes were calm, but his tone was firm.

"...I don't understand what you're talking about, and the Crane Empire isn't in any trouble now, so there's no need for you to think about it!"

Alexia's shoulders trembled slightly. Although she was still refuting Lan Qi, even Huberian could see that she was being stubborn.

Lan Qi's words seemed to be able to break her defense with precision.

"With the twelve generals protecting the country, why are you afraid? Are you unable to tell which of them have been manipulated?"

Lan Qi smiled lightly, and said to himself again.

"Every word you say now is suspected of a felony, stop, I can let the past go."

Alexia's lowered voice was short and cold, and she tried her best to restrain her thoughts that were about to go into chaos.

Originally, she could maintain her acting skills to answer Lan Qi from the very beginning, but after all, under the influence of the great poet, she couldn't control herself!

She didn't know why Lan Qi tried again and again, as if he could spy out all the thoughts in her heart!
"Is there any figure in the palace that scares you recently?"

Lan Qi didn't give her a chance to stop, and new voices followed.

"I warn you, don't ask again!"

Alexia's voice was obviously not right, and she was trembling like a lion cub with fried fur.

"There is still a year and a half at most..."

Lan Qi tapped on the table, as if giving Alexia the final answer.

His voice was as sure as the ringing of the clock tower of fate in the dark night.

"The blood moon will completely envelop the entire Crean Empire, Your Royal Highness, your country is about to perish."

The short words exploded in Princess Alexia's ears like thunder.


Accompanied by the sound of the table and the teacup colliding, Princess Alexia finally took a half step back in panic and stood up.

In the dark night she was like a girl frightened by thunder.

She stared at Lan Qi, wanting to find out something from Lan Qi's eyes, but she still couldn't find any answers from those natural emerald green eyes.

Even Lan Qi could infer some clues from her performance and words.

But looking at the present-day North and South Continents, absolutely no one with a normal mind would think that such a behemoth as the Crean Empire would perish because of blood clans in just one and a half years!
"What exactly do you know..."

In her eyes, with the emotion of resentment and unwillingness, it seemed that the tears that had dried up began to flow again.

(End of this chapter)

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