Divine Luck: SSS-Rank Battle Maid Harem

Chapter 472: Children Of The Hydra

The elderly Nimla shaman was quite strong-willed. But she could tell that the others were just wondering what the Hydra and its children were. She cleared her throat. She looked at the Nilma chief.

"Chief, you remember the stories of the Hydra, right? The ones our ancestors passed down."

"Yeah. A monstrous being of myth that brings ruin to its surroundings. Nine-heads. Fire, poison, death, destruction, and so on. Immortal or something."

"What a brief summary, chief. It's almost like you listened to those stories," the shaman said condescendingly while shooting the chief a glare. She sighed and turned to Zach and visla.

"But it's accurate enough. The Hydra was a monster that would have destroyed this world if it wasn't made to change its ways by the god of nature, Isuls. The details of that vary from story to story, from storyteller to storyteller.

"That aside, I believe the ones who caused harm to our brethren and attacked our camp were the children of that Hydra. Their fire contained malice and destruction. They looked like they had a lot of lives under their eyes, and they spoke oddly." The shaman's analysis of the fire-breathing intruders aligned mostly with what the others had seen and experienced up close.

"Is the Hydra famous for having children?" Zach asked. Continue your adventure at My Virtual Library Empire

It seemed like a stretch to just call the fire-breathing intruders the Hydra's children just because they breathed fire and were mean.

"Yeah. Since the Hydra can no longer destroy the world, it's rumored that it had its progeny fulfill its ambition. But I thought that part of the stories was just to scare children into behaving. 'Or else the Children of the Hydra will take you!' kind of thing," Visla answered Zach before turning to the Nilma chief for confirmation of her doubts.

"Nowadays, that's the case. But all legends have a source of beginning. The Children of the Hydra were very real at one point in time, harassing the Sesha, running wild on the Steppes, and doing whatever they pleased to whatever or whoever they pleased. But their activities faded over time until only a memory of them remained in our stories."

"So, we're dealing with fairytale miscreants?" Zach confirmed.

The shaman nodded.


It wasn't like the shaman knew for certain, but Visla and the Nilma chief believed it. They were dealing with the Children of the Hydra. Ancient progeny of a mythological monster with the power to destroy the world or something.

"Fun," Zach said. The others couldn't tell if he was serious or extremely sarcastic.

The shaman and the chief rounded up the tribe's people. That was their main priority. While doing so, though, they asked for everyone to tell them about what they knew of the Children. Maybe they could uncover their weaknesses, habits, or ways to find them.

There was a lot of hearsay, people eager to help without knowing anything, and fluff to make the stories scarier.

But one family had a story that not even the shaman knew in detail. It was the story of a warrior who had managed to defeat one of the Children. But he hadn't just killed one of them. He had killed three.

The first Child tried to steal the warrior's children. The warrior caught him and fought him to the death.

The second Child tried to take revenge in the middle of the night, but the warrior bested him.

Knowing that there were more, the warrior set up an ambush for the next. It succeeded on the third. But the fourth Child acted as if he knew about the ambush and tricked the warrior, finally taking his head.

That was the gist of that family's story. Zach and the others weren't sure about the message it was trying to convey, but they still memorized it. They didn't have much else to do while resting and preparing to chase the Child who ruined the Nilma camp, after all.

Zach had one concern that he didn't voice since it would do no good. Once they were ready, they set off.

The Nilma chief couldn't accompany them since he had his people to look after, and they had no idea where, how long, or how far away this chase would lead them. As the strongest warrior of his tribe, especially now that he had successfully manifested the leopard spirit, the Nilma chief had to stay.

It was a shame since he was strong, but with Yanael reaching enlightenment with the sword, she should be strong enough to take care of them with the other familiars' support.

That was unless, of course, even the Child they were chasing had a big brother who was even stronger.

Zach hoped not but hoping wouldn't do much. It didn't help his condition, and it wouldn't change the strength of their foes.

Zach, Visla, Nora, Yanael, Alzara, Soara, and Mandra stepped onto Zach's barrier and soared into the sky. Zach could feel the weight press down on the barrier and his chest.

It wasn't unbearable, but he did not have much spare room. Carrying people was heavier and harder than he thought it would be, but they needed to get into the air to track the Child.

Mandra and Yanael could fly. Zach thought Soara should be able to as well since she was a deity, but it seemed she didn't have that power. Maybe it was part of what she lost back then.

But Mandra and Soara needed to focus on defense, scouting, and tracking. If they flew just to ease Zach's burden, they might not be ready to handle something else coming their way.

Besides, Zach wanted to carry them.

At a steady pace, they pursued the trail of fire energy that the Child of the Hydra left behind as he fled from the Nilma camp after being scared by Yanael. As the trail stabilized and no longer swung from side to side like the Child was trying to drop a tail or looking for something, Nora and Visla couldn't help but notice that he was heading almost straight East.

If he continued like this, there was only one destination they could think of.

But it didn't make sense.

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