Divine Amnesiac

Chapter 1: Warm

He felt… pleasant? An entirely new sensation. In fact, every sensation was new. He had no memories. Not even a name to… well, his name. He knew he should be panicking right now, but for some reason he was completely calm.

It was a strange feeling to be able to identify and understand several things would cause any normal person extreme distress, but, instead feel rather blissful. He just couldn't help himself. Even despite the lack of any distinguishable surroundings. After all, the woman in front of him was very pretty?

This was in fact a question. The longer he stared at her the less sure of her shape he was. It was as if as soon as his mind began to form a thought, a notion, an idea about this woman in front of him, that idea changed or never fully formed. Hair color, height, clothes (if she was even wearing any), hell even her skin color was something he couldn't quite wrap his head around. He could have sworn she was blue at one point. Or at least he thought that he thought she was. The only idea that stuck in his mind was that she was a woman. A idea thay invades his synapses and left no room for doubt as if it was the only truth in the world.

It very well might have been, because she was all he could see. No, really. It's like space bent around her. If there was any sign he could feel pain here, wherever here was, it would have been the headache he received for trying to comprehend her.


Her voice caught him off guard. If he couldn't distinguish anything about her appearance, he was certain of her voice. It was one of the most beautiful sounds he's heard. It was a soft voice. Childlike and wistful. Maybe a little bored. Undoubtedly comforting.

It was all he could manage to stammer out high pitched. "U-uhm?" The voice crack would have been embarrassing if he was able to feel that emotion.

"Ah… right. It's been a while so I forgot what a pain this is. Well, do you remember anything? No… of course not I'm too good to let that happen." After she said this, he couldn't help but feel a little smug. No, rather, he felt her smugness permeating his body.

Damn… what the hell is going on.

"You can just ask you know."

What? What does she want me to ask?

"You're not really thinking. I can hear you."

"Ah… so that's what." Once again, he felt a little bit weird as her feelings of amusement seemed to wash over him like wave. "Who are you?"

"I'm a goddess. Obviously."

"Well… of what?"

"Spoilers. That'd ruin the fun. And besides, I didn't tell you before we made our deal. It wouldn't be fair to that old you if I told you now would it?"

He felt… annoyed. Or rather he wanted to and knew that's what he should feel. He was getting increasingly unfrusterated at not being able to feel correctly.

Instead, he just continued his questioning.

"What deal?"

"The one for your life, obviously."

"How is that obvious? I was just born a minute or two ago?" While not really feeling annoyed, he did manage to feel some satisfaction by phrasing the question a little sarcastically.

"Tsk tsk. Quite a tragedy isn't it? Long story short, I can't afford to have you die right now. You don't need to know why, but you probably will one day anyway and itll fun to watch you frantically search for answers."

"What's going to happen to me?"

"Ah, well, soon you'll wake up. But I guess it's not really waking up because you didn't really lose consciousness. I should mention, even though you don't really remember anything, you do know things. Some will be general information. Common sense. Muscle memory. Those sorts of things. You may even remember some complex things like how to pitch a tent if your lucky. But you'll definitely know what a tent is. Depends on your mental fortitude. You will not, however, remember anything complex. Actual nations and their history, former relationships - which maybe won't even be a problem, you get the drill. Some more basic personality traits will return as well, if they haven't already. Just a result of your personality being so deeply engrained in yourself"

He was a little confused, but he could feel her grasp on his world slipping. There were still 2 things he wanted to ask, though.

"Can you give me a name?"

The goddess seemed lost in thought a moment. "Hmm… why not keep it simple. I'll just call you hero, hero. It's a shame, but it's about time for you to rejoin the real world."

Hero had some thoughts about the name that he couldn't fully come to form. They were mostly negative.

As his already loose grip on her form was slipping, "One more thing," he said. "why are you so childish?"

Almost immediately, that pulling sensation stopped and his senses were tightly woven around her un-form.

"Just for that, I'm not healing your arm." She said before he was finally torn from whatever vision, world, whatever it was that she… well, was. He almost immediately wished he had he was still facing that insufferable asshole of a goddess.

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