Disaster For the Country · Return Journey

Chapter 36

Chapter 35 – Ginger On The Other Side (1)


I have lived in this house for ten years.

The only job is to grow flowers for the master’s family.

Ten years later, someone came to visit, looked at me, and asked, “Have you been here all these years?”

I nod.

Looking at the flower garden like a sea of clouds under the sun, the man seemed to sigh: “Only **** flowers?”

I nod again.

“These years… besides me, who else will come?”

My vision suddenly blurred.

there is none left.

No one will come but you.

Those men who are handsome and godlike, never came back again…

Only the **** flower grows day after day, year after year, blooming and failing.

The man looked at me fixedly, and finally said a word: “Cui Niang, do you…do you want to marry me?”

My whole body was shocked, and the hand holding the flower **** stopped like that.


Twenty years ago, I was selling flowers in the market. The flowers in my hands were always particularly bright, and the flowering period was longer than other families. As time passed, everyone knew that under the red brick wall in Beishi, there was a flower seller Cui My mother is good at planting flowers.

On that day, it was raining heavily, but because it was almost the Qixi Festival, every family would buy flowers as gifts. The master of the school once said that “the peony should be presented as a gift when you are joking with each other”, which means that peony should be given as a gift on Qixi Festival. But peonies generally bloom in May, so I tried my best to use various methods to delay it until July. Seeing that it has been raining for the past few days, my flowers are about to be wiped to death, so it’s time to sell them before they fail. Therefore, even though it was raining heavily and the road was difficult to walk, I still pulled a cart full of peony out.

There were not many people in the market, I held an umbrella and shivered behind the car. After noon, I was holding a bun and gnawing on it, when a carriage broke through the wind and rain, and suddenly stopped in front of me.

It was a black carriage, which looked ordinary, but the horse that pulled it was a first-class horse. He rushed forward, stopped instantly, without panting at all, his fur was even more shiny, and he was very handsome.

I looked at the old donkey who was pulling the cart for me again, and suddenly felt that the difference was too far!

“Are you that Cui Niang who is good at planting flowers?” the driver asked me. I nod. He opened the door: “get in the car.”

Wait, what is this for?

Although I have never been in a carriage since I grew up, there is definitely no reason why I should get into a carriage without knowing the origin of the other party.

Where are you going—I asked with gestures.

“For some reason, the flowers in my son’s mansion died overnight. I heard that you are very good at growing flowers. Hurry up and get in the car. You will be rewarded for curing my son’s flowers.”

I hesitated – but what about my car flowers?

The driver slammed a bag of coins on the ground in front of me: “We bought all the money for this car, so you can leave in peace, right?”

There was water on the ground, and the money bag sank into a deep depression in the mud.

I watched silently for a long time before bending down and slowly picking up the purse.

“Hurry up!” Seeing that I picked up the money, the coachman urged me even more anxiously.

I handed him the purse.

His expression suddenly changed: “What do you mean?”

I mean nothing. It’s just that I grow flowers and sell them for money, and passers-by buy flowers with money. There is nothing more than a fairness in dealing with each other. I don’t accept this kind of money thrown on the ground.

Not uncommon.

Seeing my refusal, the coachman said angrily, “I don’t know what to lift!” As he spoke, he swung his whip and hit me impartially.

Growing up in a small market, I am used to seeing all kinds of things in the world and street bullies. This is not the first time I get beaten, I have long been used to it. Therefore, he didn’t resist, just hugged himself and tried to use his back to resist the whip.

Many people gathered around, some persuading and some watching.

And amidst the noisy pointing and pointing, I heard a sneer.

There were many voices around, the sneer was not loud, but it pierced into my ears like a needle, and it sounded real.

I turned my head and saw another carriage came across at some time, the door was ajar, and a young man in white had eyes like water, clearer than ice and snow. And he just looked at me from a distance like that, with the corners of his lips raised, and said four words to the people beside him: “Your city is really chaotic.”

The person next to him jumped out of the car immediately.

The crowd of onlookers backed away one after another, making way for them.

The person who jumped from the car strode forward holding an umbrella, and said coldly: “Stop! Why did you hit her?”

The coachman turned his head and saw him, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly cupped his hands: “Kong Da, Da, Your Excellency…”

Not only he was shocked, but I was also shocked. It’s just because this man in purple who is over 30 years old is none other than Kong Sanguan, the city lord of Yuli City in Yan State.

I once saw him giving orders on the city wall from a distance, but I didn’t think that one day, he would be close at hand.

Kong Sanguan frowned: “Aren’t you…that…the driver of Fengfu?”

“Yes yes yes. My lord has such a good memory! When my young master went to visit your lord three years ago, the car was driven by a villain.” The coachman beamed with joy when he saw that he recognized him, but Kong Sanguan immediately darkened his face and said sharply : “How much courage did your young master give you, to actually beat up a helpless woman in the street?”

The coachman was startled, and quickly defended: “No, my lord, it was she who provoked me first and insulted my young master…”

Suddenly there was laughter around. Immediately afterwards, it turned into laughter.

“What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? I didn’t say anything nonsense, it was this wicked woman who insulted my young master first, and I couldn’t help beating her out of indignation…” The driver frantically defended, but everyone laughed.

One person pointed at me and said, “She is dumb, how could she insult you?”

“If you lie without asking first, a dumb person can curse at others. That day is really going to collapse!”

“You bullying dog slave, came to our Yuli City to play wild, no matter who your master is, Lord City Master, you must punish him severely, you can’t let the people of our city be beaten in vain!”

These people, they didn’t see them taking action to stop them just now, but now seeing Kong Sanguan approaching, they were all filled with righteous indignation.

Kong Sanguan asked me, “Do you want to sue him?”

According to the law of our dynasty, if you are beaten, you can sue, and then the government will punish you, or you will lose money or go to jail.

I remember one time, when Uncle Wang in the next street was chopping firewood, he was pushed down the hill by an evil young man, and he was seriously injured. So the Master Kong sentenced the evil young man to cut firewood for Uncle Wang for a month. The pampered young master cried and cried, and the family members went to intercede. Mr. Kong said: “It is not easy to be sympathetic to others only when you know how hard they are.” The **** has turned into a good boy who is cautious in his words and deeds.

That is a good story about Kong Sanguan that the common people like to talk about the most.

Now, when he asked me this way, I looked at the driver who beat me up, imagined him helping me stand on the street corner selling flowers, and couldn’t help but smile.

Seeing that I could still laugh in this situation, Kong Sanguan was stunned: “How?”

I shook my head, pointed to the groom’s whip, and touched my back, showing that it didn’t hurt. But it really didn’t hurt too much, the coachman was merciful.

Kong San nodded and said: “Okay. Since this girl doesn’t want to pursue it, you can go.”

But the coachman refused to leave, with an anxious expression on his face: “Your Excellency, I don’t know. All the flowers in my house died overnight. My son is very distressed. I will look around for strange people who can grow flowers. I heard that Yuli has a lady Cui who is very powerful. Come here by car. It was because I was too anxious that I offended the girl. The lashing of the whip just now was just to frighten her, not really hit her…My lord, please let this girl follow me to see if there are any flowers left Help… It’s not easy for me to come from the imperial capital…”

It turned out that he came from the imperial capital, no wonder he didn’t know that I was dumb.

Kong Sanguan said coldly: “If she doesn’t want to, do you insist? When I see Mr. Feng someday, I’ll ask him carefully. How does he discipline his subordinates? He’s getting more and more arrogant.”

The coachman suddenly bent his knees, ignoring the mud and knelt on the ground. When he raised his head again, tears filled his eyes: “My lord, you don’t know… my son… I’m about to die… If he didn’t point at me every day The flowers outside the window spend their days, if the flowers hadn’t withered suddenly, I wouldn’t be so impatient and rude…”

Kong Sanguan was taken aback: “What’s wrong with Mr. Feng?”

“My son has been ill for several years, and he has not been allowed to tell the outside world… Especially in the past six months, he can’t even get out of bed!” The coachman said, weeping uncontrollably.

Kong Sanguan looked shocked, and after standing still for a while, he turned to his own carriage and looked at the boy in white. The boy in white nodded silently.

Kong Sanguan immediately said: “If this is the case, then it’s another matter. Cui Niang, if you have nothing to do, why don’t you come with us?”

He said “we”, is he going too?

but my flower…

Kong Sanguan saw my doubts, and said again: “I will ask someone else to sell your flowers for you. After they are sold, I will send the donkey cart back to your home and report to your family. Would you like it?”

The coachman said beside him: “Yes, yes, I will give your family another ten taels of silver to make them feel at ease.” He said, and handed over the money bag that I returned.

I still don’t answer.

A neighbor who knew the details said: “If she has no family, you will give it for nothing.”

The coachman was stunned, and took the money bag back in embarrassment.

I turned to Kong Sanguan and made a “let’s go” gesture.

The coachman hurriedly opened the door: “Miss, please get in the car.”

I glanced at him, hesitated a little, Kong Sanguan noticed it, and said, “Why don’t you take our car?”

I hurriedly agreed.

Although that coachman from Fengfu is the savior’s heart, he beat me after all, and I don’t want to stay in the same car with him. It would be great to follow Kong Sanguan.


So I got into Kong Sanguan’s carriage.

He and the boy in white were the only ones in the car. The boy looked very young, but he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He had deep eyebrows and dark pupils, as if made of ice and snow. If anyone got close, he would desecrate him.

I shrank involuntarily to the corner of the car, trying to stay as far away from him as possible.

And he didn’t look at me at all, just looking at the windy and windy street outside the window, thoughtful.

“I didn’t expect… Feng Xiaoya was sick…” Kong Sanguan sighed with emotion.

Feng Xiaoya? I was taken aback. As a native of Yan, I have naturally heard of this name. He is the only son of a former minister, Feng Letian, and a well-known romantic figure throughout the country. How could he be sick? No wonder the coachman was in such a hurry.

The boy in white had a calm expression: “He was ill a long time ago.”

“Huh? I met him three years ago, and he was still very energetic at that time.”

“Bone fusion won’t be shown on the face, it will only make his bones softer and weaker, until he becomes paralyzed in the end.”

“Bone Melting Disease?” Kong Sanguan asked in surprise, “What kind of disease is this? How did he get this disease?”

“Why do you think he always travels in a carriage?”

Kong Sanguan was taken aback.

“He was born with soft bones, and the doctor estimated that he would not live to be ten years old. But Feng Letian is really a character. Not only did he not give up, but he found a top expert to teach him martial arts. Feng Xiaoya’s bones are softer than ordinary people. With a whole body of good skills, I have survived till now.” Speaking of this, the white-clothed boy paused, his pupils deepening, “Those who are determined to compete with the destiny of heaven, often end up being unable to compete with the destiny of heaven…It’s ironic…”

She’s obviously only a year old with curly hair, yet she’s so old-fashioned. Moreover, he was sitting in the same car with Kong Sanguan. Kong Sanguan, the city lord of Yuli, the largest city in the Yan Kingdom, actually treated him with respect. This young man…what is his background?

But whoever he is, what does it matter to me?

I stood in the market for a long time before, and I was cold and tired. Now that I sat in the warm car, the drowsiness hit me quickly, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, there was only a young man in white in the carriage. He lit a lamp and read by the lamp with a book in his hand. Kong Sanguan is no longer there.

Seeing me move, the boy glanced over: “Are you awake?”

I hurriedly lifted the curtain to look outside, the carriage was stopped, parked in a courtyard, there were many shadows of buildings outside, and the lights were dim. Here… where is it?

“We have arrived at our destination.” The young man said, “Master Kong saw that you were sleeping soundly, so he couldn’t bear to call you, let you continue to sleep peacefully.”

My heart warmed, and I was ashamed again.

As a person, the worst thing I can see is that others despise me, so the coachman just throws the purse on the ground, and I don’t want to go with him; but on the other hand, if others treat me well, I will feel very embarrassed.

Kong Sanguan is such a character, he can be so considerate of others, it really warms people from the head to the bone.

At this time, a series of footsteps came from the other end of the corridor, and I looked intently, and it was Kong Sanguan.

Seeing that I woke up, Kong Sanguan was very happy: “Cui Niang, you woke up very well, come with me to see what happened to those flowers.”

The boy in white got out of the car first, and then turned around to help me. I was a little surprised, but I still gave him my hand. His hands were icy cold, as if they had no warmth.

I was a little surprised in my heart.

And he quickly took his hand away, turned and walked forward.

A woman dressed as a housekeeper leads the way, and we follow her. All the way, the elegant houses are exquisite, and the mansions with deep courtyards show the majesty of the owner here everywhere.

And after I passed through the sixth arch, I finally saw the scenery I saw for the first time in my life——

Under the moonlit night, the deep blue lake is full of flowers.

Every ten steps, there is a stone pillar carved into the shape of a vase, and the vase is lit with lights. Looking from a distance, one by one, they form a line, converging into a flower, which is extremely beautiful.

I recognized it at a glance, it was **** flower.

Between the lampposts, thousands of **** flowers, all withered and dead, were completely dead.

I ran over quickly and turned over the dead leaves to take a closer look. It stands to reason that **** flowers are very resistant to stress, and generally will not wither unless they suffer from frost damage. In such a summer, it is the time for flowers to bloom, and there is no rain here, so why did they all die suddenly?

The housekeeper asked behind me: “Girl, look at this flower, is there any help?”

I didn’t answer, just dug out the root of one of the plants and took a closer look.

In the ear, I heard Kong Sanguan ask: “These flowers died overnight?”

“Yes, it was fine three days ago, but it was all dead when I woke up the morning before yesterday. I asked all the servants in the mansion, and they all said that they had never touched it. These days, they have been looking for skilled craftsmen everywhere, but they are at a loss…” said the housekeeper Finally, gradually began to cry.

Kong Sanguan asked again: “Is Mr. Feng all right?”

“Young master lives over there.” The steward pointed to the hut on the west, “He moved here half a year ago, so that he can see these flowers every day by opening the window. Therefore, he was the first to find out that the flowers were dead. Although the young master He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t blame us, but everyone saw that his health was getting worse and worse, and they all felt pain in their hearts, so they tried to find a way everywhere. I heard that Lian Yi offended this girl. Cranky, I’ll make amends for him and the girl!” The housekeeper came over to kneel down for me, I quickly supported her and waved my hand to show that I didn’t mind.

The housekeeper looked at me full of sorrow: “Miss, can you see the reason?”

I nod.

The housekeeper was overjoyed: “Really? What’s going on?”

Although I could see how these **** flowers died, I couldn’t speak, and I couldn’t read or write, so I wondered how to explain it. At this time, the boy in white suddenly said: “You gesture, and I will help you.”

Huh? I was taken aback. Can he read my gestures? However, it is good to try.

Immediately, he pointed to the rhizome of the **** flower on his hand, compared the length and thickness, and was still hesitating how to express it. The cool and arrogant voice of the young man rang out: “The rhizome of the **** flower should grow horizontally, but The roots of this plant are obviously too thin. Is that what you mean?”

I was surprised and delighted. I was surprised that he could read my meaning from such a simple action of mine, and I was delighted that there are people in the world who can interpret my words without knowing me. For a moment, I was overjoyed beyond words, looking at the boy in white, I could only express my excitement by nodding desperately.

The boy didn’t care too much about my excitement, he just said two words lightly: “Continue.”

I quickly walked to the lake again, pointed at the lake water, and then used a flower **** to dig a hole in the soil by the lake, dug out the soil inside, and held it in front of the housekeeper.

The butler naturally couldn’t understand, and looked at the boy for help.

The young man pondered for a moment before saying, “She thinks the problem lies in the lake water. The poison in the water has corroded the soil by the lake, and then destroyed the rhizomes of **** flowers.”

I continued to nod excitedly, took another bucket of lake water, picked up a spoonful and smelled it, stretched out my fingers to dip it in, and was about to try it with the tip of my tongue when Kong Sanguan grabbed my hand.

“Since it is said that the lake water is poisonous, how can you taste it yourself?” Kong Sanguan blamed softly. I suddenly felt reckless, and my cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

The young man stared at the bucket of lake water, and said quietly: “Who poisoned it? It seems that Feng Xiaoya can only find out the answer by himself.”

The housekeeper hurriedly said: “Young Master is still taking a bath, just have a cup of tea. Please sit in the living room and have a cup of tea, you three. I will take you to see him when Young Master is ready.” Just as he was speaking, The window of the hut in front of Jiang Hua opened, and a person picked up a lantern with a bamboo hook and hung it in front of the eaves, so the road in front of the house was illuminated.

The housekeeper said happily: “Ah, the young master has finished washing! So everyone, please-“

I followed them to the hut. I said it was a hut, but it was actually not small, but compared to the abode in the front yard, this wooden house about five feet square looked simple and simple.

After the housekeeper let out a briefing, the door opened, and a wet, pleasant aroma came in. I carefully identified it again, and it turned out to be Osmanthus fragrans.

The person who carried the lamp before came out, just now it was too far away to see her face clearly, but when she got closer, she was actually a woman in silver armor with picturesque features.

The woman in silver armor bowed and saluted. I found that although Kong Sanguan was walking in front of the young man, when she saluted, she was directed at the young man: “Keep everyone waiting for a long time. Please come in.”

The room is not big, and it is divided into two halves by a brocade curtain. Behind the curtain is the bedroom. A large bed is facing the window facing Jiang Hua. A man was lying on the bed, wearing a black robe, his long hair was slightly damp, and was hanging on the pillow to dry.

The woman in silver armor raised his body with a cushion and helped him to sit up a little bit, but such an easy movement seemed to consume all his strength, his breath was slightly short, his eyes were closed, and he looked very tired.

Kong San took a step forward, held his hand and said anxiously: “After three years of separation, why is the young master so ill?”

This person… is Feng Xiaoya?

I silently recited this god-like name in my heart, and then looked at the dying patient in front of me, I couldn’t imagine that it was the same person.

But when he opened his eyes and looked towards me, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning, and I no longer dared to doubt his identity.

Such clear eyes that look like cold stars in the dark night…

How dare people believe that he is a dying man?

Feng Xiaoya looked steadily at the white-clothed boy beside me, and then smiled.

His facial features were stern, he was originally a majestic man who seemed to be indifferent to emotions or anger, but when he smiled at this moment, his brows were soft and his eyes overflowed with infinite gentleness.

“Why are you here?”

The young man replied, “See if you are dead.”

He laughed again: “You haven’t died yet, how could I die?”

“It’s not easy to think of me dead.”

“Then I will naturally live with you.” Even though he said this, his brows suddenly frowned, his facial features tightened, and he couldn’t hide his exhaustion.

“Isn’t the night clothes here?” The boy looked around.

Feng Xiaoya smiled, but said nothing. On the other hand, the woman in silver armor couldn’t help but said, “Young master drove Mr. Jiang away.”

Kong Sanguan was stunned: “Drive away? Why? Why did you drive Jiang Wanyi away?”

Jiang Wanyi, I heard that he is a miracle doctor who travels all over the world. With him here, Feng Xiaoya should be fine, right? Why do you want to drive away such an important person?

I was as puzzled as Kong Sanguan. And the Yinjia girl gave Feng Xiaoya an aggrieved look, and said, “Master, he said that his illness can’t be cured anyway, Mr. Liu Jiang living here is a waste of Mr. Jiang’s precious time, it’s better to let him go out to rescue him.” other people…”

The boy nodded unexpectedly: “Yes.”

The silver-armored woman was stunned, and became anxious: “Oh, Mr. Xue, you didn’t persuade my young master, but you still agreed with him!”

As soon as the word Xue Xiang came out, I immediately knew the identity of the boy in front of me!

In the whole world, within the four kingdoms, there is only one prime minister surnamed Xue.

There is only one prime minister who is a teenager.

That is the son of Bingli who is known as a child prodigy in the country of Bi – Xue Cai.

It turned out to be him! Sure enough…it was him! After much deliberation, Xue Cai is the only one who can make Kong Sanguan awe at such an age.

He actually came to the country of Yan, what did he come for?

“But you ruined my business.” Xue Cai said to Feng Xiaoya, “I came to Yan this time to find evening clothes. I thought I could just take him away from your residence, but you drove him away. gone.”

“What’s the matter, it’s not the first time I’ve spoiled you.” When Feng Xiaoya said this, there was a light smile on her lips, which seemed to be joking, and also seemed to be teasing, “However, you find him What? Is your queen sick again?”

Xue Cai frowned. Kong Sanguan on the side answered on his behalf: “It’s a plague. After summer, terrible plagues suddenly broke out in Hanqu, Hankou and other places in the country of Bi. Therefore, Prime Minister Xue came here to invite Mr. Jiang.”

Feng Xiaoya let out a groan, showing shame on her face: “That’s really a big deal that I messed up…”

“It’s okay, we can look for it again. It’s your flowers…” Kong Sanguan saw that the topic was far away, and quickly cut to the chase, “This Cui Niang has found out the clue, do you want to hear it?”

The housekeeper hurriedly said, “My lord! Miss Cui said that the lake water was poisonous and corroded the **** flowers, which caused them to wither overnight!”

Feng Xiaoya’s brows moved slightly, and her eyes suddenly drifted towards the silver armored woman beside her, “It’s you, isn’t it?”

The silver-armored woman’s face turned pale, and I didn’t expect him to find out the culprit immediately, so I couldn’t help being startled—this is too fast! Shouldn’t all the servants be called in to interrogate, and then follow the clues to investigate repeatedly before finally reaching a conclusion?

Could it be… a mistake?

Just as I was still defending the girl, the silver armored woman knelt down and pressed her head to the ground.

After the housekeeper was shocked, he was furious: “Shangshang, it’s you?! You poisoned the lake? Why? Why did you do that?!”

The woman in silver armor, Changshang, fell on the ground, her body trembling, but she didn’t answer.

The housekeeper grabbed her arm and shook it desperately: “What kind of poison did you inflict? Can you fix it? You clearly know that Jiang Hua is the young master’s favorite thing, how did you do it…”

“It’s just because it’s his favorite thing, so I want to destroy it!” Shangshang suddenly screamed sharply, and when he straightened up, his eyes were red, “I don’t want him like this! I don’t want him to look at those flowers every day! I don’t want him to treat those flowers as a substitute for that person! I don’t want him to think about that person day and night like this!”

The butler was even more anxious, trembling with anger: “If you don’t want you, why should you make decisions for the young master? It doesn’t matter to you if the young master thinks who likes to do, don’t forget your identity!”

“I haven’t forgotten! I know that I’m just a maidservant, and I know that even without that person, I wouldn’t be able to become someone of the young master, but I only know one thing – I want him to live!” Changshang stood up abruptly. , walked to the bed, hugged Feng Xiaoya’s hand tightly with both hands, and begged, “My lord, please, please survive! Everyone thinks that if you see those flowers, you will be more energetic and you will be able to live.” It will last longer, but I know, only I know! Those flowers are poison to kill, a nightmare to rot your bones! You will sink into pain forever just looking at those flowers, and you will never get well! My son, please, I beg you!”

“You want to say that you poisoned those **** flowers to save the young master?” The butler opened his eyes wide.

“Yes!” Changshang was not ashamed, her eyes were deep, she looked at Feng Xiaoya without blinking, “Master, I know you have fulfilled the master’s long-cherished wish, you feel that you have completed what you want to do, you There is no goal anymore. So, you spend the rest of your years thinking about that person, torture yourself with **** flowers, and fall asleep with nostalgia every day. That’s why your health is getting worse… It’s not you! Young master, this It’s not you! You shouldn’t be like this! You are the most compassionate, bravest, and strongest person in the world! Have you forgotten that you once traveled thousands of miles just to bring a letter to a wanderer’s parents? Have you forgotten You once competed swords with someone and didn’t close your eyes for three days and three nights, just because that person was going to escape into Buddhism on the fourth day, and never touched a weapon again? You forgot that you searched for a promise in your childhood for twenty years. Young master… Young master, you are the one who is like that! Only one who has the right to live! So, I beg you! Please stop looking at these flowers! If you really like that person so much, If you can’t let it go, then go find her! Take her back! She is yours! She should be your wife! Why should you give it up to someone else?”

She cried hoarsely.

And everyone else in the room was silent.

I think so, facing the crying of such a beautiful girl, and hearing such lingering and deep love in her words, no one, no matter how heartless in the world, can refuse, let alone Feng Xiaoya, who is obviously deeply affectionate?

Although I don’t know who she is in Shangshang’s mouth, I think she is a very remarkable woman, so she can be loved so deeply by such an excellent man.

After a long time, Feng Xiaoya finally took his hand out of her hand, and then gently pressed it on her head: “Silly boy…”

Shangshang choked with sobs: “I’m not a child…”

“Yes, you have grown up. I forgot that you have grown up…” When Feng Xiaoya said this, there was a trace of determination in her sad eyes, then she raised her head and glanced at Xue Cai, ” Shangshang knows where Wanyi is going. Let her take you there.”

Before Xue Cai said anything, the woman named Changshang’s complexion changed greatly: “Mr., Mr.! You, you want to send me away?”

“You go, and then, you don’t need to come back.” After Feng Xiaoya said this, she seemed to be exhausted to the extreme, and closed her eyes.

Changshang tremblingly supported the edge of the bed and stood up, muttering: “No… no… I, I… I won’t go…”

The butler immediately stood in front of Feng Xiaoya’s bed: “In that case, pack your bags quickly.”

“Butler Lin, don’t drive me away…” The original excitement and stubbornness disappeared in an instant, and turned into a panicked and helpless expression. Changshang grabbed the housekeeper’s hand and tremblingly said, “I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Please, please forgive me. As long as you don’t drive me away! As long as you can keep me by Young Master’s side, I promise not to let you go!” Stop talking nonsense and doing nonsense!”

The housekeeper sighed lightly: “Even if the young master doesn’t drive you away, do you think we can let a person who can poison the lake stay in this mansion?”

Changshang was shocked, let go of his hand, took two steps back, and fell to the ground with a slap.

The housekeeper forcibly lifted her up and took her out.

The door closed, and the room fell into dead silence again.

After a while, it was Xue Cai who spoke first: “I didn’t allow you to use me as a baggage shelter.”

Feng Xiaoya sighed softly: “After she leads you to find Jiang Wanyi, you can let her go.”

There seemed to be a strange light in Xue Cai’s eyes: “What if she died?”

“Her martial arts are enough to protect herself.”

Xue Cai hummed lightly, and said nothing more.

But I felt sad when I heard it. Seeing what it meant, I really let it go! This person is so cruel! Anyway, she is the girl who has served her for so many years, how can she just drive her away?

At this time, Feng Xiaoya looked at me weakly: “Girl, can my flower be saved?”

I nodded first, then shook my head. I was expecting Xue Cai to convey the meaning for me again, but I saw Feng Xiaoya nodded and said: “Are you not sure? It doesn’t matter, how much can be saved, how much. Everything, I will trouble the girl.”

This person also understands my gestures.

People with seven apertures and exquisite hearts were never met in the past, but now, they met several at once. I looked at Feng Xiaoya, at Xue Cai, and then at Kong Sanguan. For some reason, I was suddenly happy.

For the adventure of flying from beyond the sky, even more, these people who can understand me.


I just stayed in Feng Xiaoya’s mansion.

Although I was slightly dissatisfied with him driving away Shangshang, the housekeeper told me later that Shangshang had liked Feng Xiaoya for many years, so Feng Xiaoya had to drive her away. Because, as long as she continues to stay by his side, Shangshang will not really grow up and have her own true happiness.

That’s right… Feng Xiaoya is so ill, even if he can marry her, so what? I’m afraid she will be a widow in a few years. Rather than suffering in the future, it is better to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

After I figured this out, I was relieved and started to concentrate on saving flowers.

I asked people to dig out all the **** flowers first, wrap the rhizomes with soft mud, and plant them in pots first; then drain the lake, renovate the soil by the lake, and reintroduce clean and clean water sources; finally, put the pots The re-rooted **** flowers are planted back in the ground.

This process took three months.

Every day, Feng Xiaoya watched our actions silently from the window, and it was a whole day just watching.

He was really lonely and desperate.

If a person is not lonely, he will not count how many leaves each flower has.

If a person is not desperate, he will not only dare to love others by borrowing things and thinking about others.

I heard that the person he misses, the person whose name has become a taboo and cannot be mentioned in this mansion, is his former wife. Later, because of some things, he left him.

No one wants to talk about the past in detail. That’s probably, really, the scars that hurt to the extreme, I dare not open them, let alone look directly at them.

On the morning of the first day of November, I saw flowers blooming again on one of the plants.

Flowering! I was so happy, when I was about to report the good news to Feng Xiaoya, I saw another person squatting in front of the flowers, looking at the flowers thoughtfully.

When did this person come to me? I was taken aback, and when I saw his face again, I was overjoyed—Xue Cai!

Why is he here again? !

By the way, did he find Jiang Wanyi after he left with Changshang last time? Has the plague in Bi Kingdom been cured? A series of questions arose in my mind, and I gesticulated, and he understood them one by one: “Well, I found it. Well, it’s almost there. I’m here to find Feng Xiaoya, is he dead?”

Why do you curse people to death as soon as you open your mouth? I glared at him dissatisfied, but I happily reported it for him.

Because I successfully rescued these **** flowers, everyone in the house regarded me as a great benefactor, and Feng Xiaoya was also very polite to me. I brought Xue Cai to him, but he didn’t let me avoid it. Looking at Xue Cai, she was also surprised: “Why are you here again?”

He came to see if you were dead or not. I answered for Xue Cai in my heart.

In the end, what Xue Cai said was: “There is something, I can only ask you after much deliberation.”

However, Feng Xiaoya seemed to have heard the most shocking words in the world, and her whole body was shocked: “You…beg…me?”


Feng Xiaoya curled her lips and laughed: “Master Bingli, is this the first time you’ve asked for help?”

Xue Cai thought for a while before answering: “This is the first time since I was nine years old.”

Nine years old, the age when he became prime minister, right? That’s right, when you become the prime minister, you don’t need to ask for help anymore. I thought so self-righteously, and then I realized that I was wrong, how wrong I was…

Because, Xue Cai has never begged anyone.

Before he was seven years old, everyone, including our king, eagerly brought the best things in the world to him, just to make him happy.

And when he was seven years old, when his family was wiped out, he never asked for mercy.

Later, he was awarded to Qi Aohou as a servant. Although he fell from the clouds and fell into the deep valley, he was neither humble nor overbearing, full of arrogance.

Xue Caihe… never asks for help.

And the only time he asked for each other was in the early winter twenty years ago, when he came to Fengfu to ask Feng Xiaoya to find someone for him.

The person he was looking for was Ji Hu.


That was the last time I saw Xue Cai.

Xue Cai asked Feng Xiaoya to help

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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