Digital Emperor (Naruto X Digimon)

Chapter 40: Chapter 40

The group emerged from the testing room, the air heavy with an unspoken weight. Henry carried his unconscious partner, Tesla, his face set in a stoic expression that barely masked his inner turmoil. Takato and Arthur followed behind in silence, their usual enthusiasm drained. Arthur, usually a bundle of energy, walked with his head low, his tail dragging slightly against the floor.

Henry broke the silence first, his tone calm and measured but laced with regret. "Naruto, I'm sorry. I might not come along this week." He avoided excuses, owning his decision and acknowledging his responsibility. He had given false hope—not just to Naruto but also to himself—and now he had to face the consequences.

Takato glanced at Arthur, guilt flashing across his face as the harrowing image of the battlefield replayed in his mind. The grotesque aftermath of the fight haunted him, a stark reminder of what they had been thrust into. He wanted to apologize too, to admit that he wasn't ready, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he sank into a nearby sofa, his head lowered as Arthur climbed up beside him. The small Digimon leaned against Takato, seeking comfort but also offering silent support.

Rika observed the group, her arms crossed as she leaned against the wall. She had expected the boys to struggle with the emotional weight of the test, but the extent of their reactions surprised even her. She glanced at Luna, who stood beside her with a perplexed expression.

"Why is Tesla out of it when he has no visible injuries? And why is Arthur acting like he's defeated?" Luna asked, her voice curious but tinged with confusion. As a highly combat-oriented Digimon, Arthur's despondency seemed illogical to her.

Rika sighed, realizing that Luna, for all her logic, didn't understand the deeper connection between tamers and their Digimon. "It's not just about the battles, Luna. The tamers' emotions affect their partners. Takato's guilt and hesitation are weighing on Arthur, just like Henry's pain is affecting Tesla."

Luna tilted her head, processing the explanation, but remained silent.

Naruto stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the group. He saw their pain, their self-doubt, and the weight they carried. But he also saw their potential. He had no regrets about his decision to include them in the trial, knowing it would push them beyond their limits. Still, he understood the importance of addressing their emotions.

"You guys don't have to apologize," Naruto said, his voice steady and reassuring. "What we're doing isn't normal, so challenges like this are expected. If anything, I should apologize for not stopping you from going through with it. But I don't regret my decision."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "I trust you, and I trust your partners. This will help you grow faster. You're not like everyone else—you don't need months to adjust. But I'm not going to pressure you. If you need time, take it. Spend it with your partners, work through what you're feeling. This reaction is normal, and it will pass with time."

Naruto's gaze shifted between Henry and Takato, his confidence in them unwavering. "You'll be fine. I'll always be here to help when you need me. And remember, taking a step back isn't failure—it's part of the process. Just don't let it stop you from moving forward."

Naruto looked at the boys, his gaze steady and filled with trust. He could see the struggle etched into their faces, but he didn't doubt their ability to overcome it. The silence in the room was heavy, but Naruto's words carried a warmth that cut through the tension.

He glanced at Henry, who held Tesla protectively in his arms, and then at Takato, who was still seated with Arthur resting beside him. "If you need time, take it. Spend it with your partners, figure out what's weighing on you, and face it head-on. Growth comes from moments like these. But I'm not going to pressure you. If you're not ready to leave this week, that's fine. Rika and I will move ahead, and you can meet us when you're ready."

Naruto's words weren't meant to coddle them, but to remind them that their struggles were a natural part of the process. "There's no shame in stepping back to regroup. It's not failure—it's preparation. And when you're ready, I'll be here, just like always. Whether it takes a week, a month, or longer, it doesn't matter. You'll get there in your own time."


Takato hugged Arthur's head tightly, his voice barely above a whisper as he finally voiced his inner turmoil. "Is it normal to feel bad? I feel disgusted by what happened, even though he was evil and wanted to kill me."

Arthur made a soft growl, nuzzling into Takato's embrace, as if trying to comfort his partner. Takato's words hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty and guilt.

He really didn't want to speak about it but all of them were his friends. He needed to let them know and get their opinion, maybe it would help. He especially wanted to hear from Naruto. He was the person that made him walk confidently till now.

Yeong sat at the table as she got the results. She had watched all the battles, the result of the battle was expected but the rest was unknown before it took place.

Rika acted like she expected.

Naruto was calm like always and took out Asura's problem instantly as well. It was directly related to the fact that Candlemon were weak on the emotional scale and the personality was based on Naruto, so the reaction wasn't bad.

Takato and Arthur's reaction was expected as the boy was very pure while Arthur was a Guilmon, the digimon required more time before going into battle.

It had a tendency to go wild.

Henry was impressive but his partner was the gentle type so he was also put on hold. Now two of the team mates had to prove themselves worthy in two days or they will need to go through another test next week.

In these situation's she didn't have experience but Yeong would have tried, but Naruto handled it and she watched over them to see if her help was required.

Just like usual, she got the impression that his back was very wide and he looked like an experienced leader.

Naruto leaned forward, his calm demeanor unshaken as he prepared to address the question with care. "It is normal, Takato," he began, his tone warm and understanding. "People can talk all day about how they'd handle a situation, but when it actually happens, it's completely different. Feeling bad means you're human. You're not supposed to be okay with something like this right away. That's why most people take weeks, even months, before they're ready for what you just went through."

Naruto paused, glancing at Takato and Arthur with an encouraging look. "Digimon aren't just data. They think, feel, and act like living beings. You saw that firsthand, and it's only natural that it got to you. You're a kind person, Takato—that's why this bothers you. And you know what? That kindness isn't a weakness. It's a strength. It means you care, and that's what makes you a great partner to Arthur."

Takato looked up at Naruto, a flicker of relief in his eyes. "But… will it always feel this way?"

Naruto shook his head gently. "No, it won't. Over time, you'll adjust. You'll learn to accept what has to be done, but you'll also learn to keep that part of you that feels. That's important, too. Losing it completely can lead to other problems. The only time someone doesn't feel bad is if they've been trained for it their whole life or if they have direct hatred fueling them. You're not like that, and you don't need to be. What you're feeling now? It's part of the process."

He turned his gaze to Yeong, who had been quietly observing from the side. "Yeong, what's your advice on handling Arthur's instincts?"

Yeong blinked, briefly caught off guard by the question, but quickly gathered her thoughts. "Arthur's issue is rooted in his instincts. Guilmon is a hunter and predator by nature, so this reaction isn't surprising. He just needs experience and proper guidance to learn how to control those instincts. I'd suggest taking him to a region where he can hunt smaller data creatures. It'll give him a safe environment to work through those instincts and understand them better. His reaction this time was excessive because it was his first real battle."

Naruto nodded approvingly at her suggestion before turning back to Takato. "See? This isn't something you messed up, Takato. You were excited and overlooked a few things—it happens. But now, you've got a plan to make it better. And honestly? Arthur did well, and so did you. I don't see any bite marks on you, so that's a win."

He stepped closer, resting his hand on Takato's and Arthur's heads. "This is all part of growing, for both of you. Arthur's instincts are natural, and with some training, you'll both learn how to manage them. Don't be too hard on yourself, okay? You're already doing great."

Takato's grip on Arthur loosened slightly as a small, tentative smile crossed his face. Arthur let out a low, happy growl, sensing the shift in Takato's mood.


Naruto couldn't help but reflect on the events leading up to this moment as he watched the group interact. In hindsight, much of the current situation could have been avoided—except for Tesla's breakdown. But even then, Naruto had been too preoccupied with the bigger picture to notice the smaller details that could have made a difference. He had placed his faith in Takato, believing the young Tamer would handle things on his own. However, Takato's lack of understanding about instincts and the grim reality of battles had created a blind spot, one that now needed to be addressed.

Henry, cradling Tesla in his arms, stepped forward to support his friend. "Even I had a weak stomach the first time I saw something like this," Henry admitted, his tone calm and reassuring. "It's normal, Takato. Don't beat yourself up over it." Tesla needed his care, but for now, the small Digimon was fast asleep. That gave Henry the space to focus on his best friend. He understood Takato's personality well enough to know that carefully chosen words could pull him out of this emotional rut.

Rika, never one to miss an opportunity to needle her friends, chimed in with her own brand of encouragement. "You're such a sissy, Takato," she said, arms crossed but her voice lacking its usual harshness. "But you know what? It's normal to feel like crap after something like this. Just be glad you didn't laugh like a maniac—otherwise, we'd have to lock you up with Hisoka." Her comment was sharp, but there was a trace of genuine concern beneath the jab.

Takato kept his gaze on the floor, processing their words. Naruto's hand rested gently on his head, sending a calming wave of energy through him. It cleared his mind, allowing him to think more rationally. For the past few hours, his thoughts had been clouded by negativity, each one spiraling into another. He had convinced himself that his failure in the test meant he was worthless, a liability to his friends. But now, with the weight of their support and Naruto's steady presence, he realized just how irrational he had been.

He wasn't weak. He wasn't a failure. He was a Tamer facing an exceptional challenge, one with a high chance of stumbling along the way. His arrogance and excitement had led him to overlook key details, but that didn't mean he was incapable. It just meant he had more to learn.

Taking a deep breath, Takato turned his attention to Arthur, his loyal partner. "Arthur," he said softly, meeting the Digimon's gaze, "did you understand? We're not weak. We were just… stupid."

Arthur blinked at him, his expression curious. Through their bond, Takato could feel the remnants of Arthur's negative emotions fading as his own confidence returned. "We were stupid, Takatomon?" Arthur asked, tilting his head.

Takato nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. We got so caught up in training that we forgot to prepare for the test. We didn't ask for help when we should have."

Arthur's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Takatomon… that makes you stupid."

The blunt statement made Takato laugh, the sound startling after so much tension. Naruto chuckled as well, his own laughter breaking the somber atmosphere. "He's not wrong, Takato," Naruto teased, a grin spreading across his face. "Don't try to put it all on innocent Arthur. This one's on you."

Their laughter was infectious, and soon, even Rika and Henry joined in. The room, which had been weighed down by despair and guilt, now felt lighter, as if a collective burden had been lifted.

"Thanks, guys," Takato said once the laughter had subsided. "I feel a lot better now. But… I'll need some time before I'm ready to celebrate."

Rika smirked and gave his shoulder a hard squeeze, making him wince. "Don't worry, nobody wants your depressed face ruining the party. We'll postpone it until we're in the Digital World. So get your act together before I have to kick it into gear for you."

Takato rubbed his shoulder and stepped back with Arthur, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. "I'll keep that in mind, Miss Uzumaki," he said, slipping out of her reach before she could retaliate.

Rika froze at the words, her eyes narrowing as a faint blush colored her cheeks. But by the time she turned to respond, Takato was already halfway to the door, Arthur trotting by his side. She let it slide, watching as her friend left the room.

Takato was probably heading off to spend some quiet time with Arthur and reflect on everything that had happened. Maybe he'd call Juri and share his thoughts with her too. Whatever he decided, Rika was confident he'd pull through.

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