Chapter 2: Chapter 2
"Ino..." Ino groaned, feeling a strange -yet pleasant- sensation against her breasts. She tried to move away but was unable to.
"Ino-chan...wake up." Ino groaned again and shook her head. Something wet started traveling up her cheek. It was hot, rough, and yet soft at the same time. Ino moaned one last time before opening her eyes to see a blur of pink. Her eyes opened fully, widening in shock as she saw Sakura licking her cheek, waking her up.
"Sakura, what are you doing?" Ino gasped, feeling her friend/rival's fingers toy with one of her nipples. The pinkette's tongue started licking her lips, which proved to be very distracting, yet so nice at the same time.
"What does it look like? You wouldn't wake up." Sakura asked. She then grinned at the bound blonde. "Did you know you taste like candy?" Ino shook her head, now fully awake.
"Where's Naru..." Ino was muffled by Sakura covering her lips with her finger.
"You will refer to him to him as 'Master' when we are like this. If you forget, Master will punish you. The only time you can call him 'Naruto' is when you are in public. Understand?" Ino scowled, but couldn't hide the tremor that shook her body as Sakura pinched her nipple lightly.
"Where's Master?" Sakura giggled at the look on her face, before cupping the girl's cheeks and bringing her head so her lips were almost touching Ino's.
"Master is upstairs taking a shower, and then he said he will fix breakfast for us. I suggested that you take a shower with him, but you just wouldn't get up. He said he'll wait until later." Ino blushed and groaned but stopped when she felt something down below. "Ah, you felt it didn't you?"
"What did you put in me?" Ino's pussy was now covered by a leather bikini bottom.
Well, almost covered, as the back was merely a leather cord that rubbed against her anus, pressing against something that rested inside her taught ass.
The front held a large vibrator dildo inside her velvety folds, with a prong just touching the base of her clit.
Sakura rubbed the front of the thong, pressing the dildo against her friend's womanhood, causing the girl to squirm in her bonds. She grinned at the sight, hoping to get a chance to do so herself later.
"This is the first part of your training," she explained, reaching up to pinch the other nipple, which was rock hard from its twin's treatment. "Master has the remote for the butt plug and the vibrator. He'll turn it on at random times to humiliate you during the course of the day as he sees fit." Ino's eyes widened in fear. "Don't worry Ino; Master did the same thing to me when I first started."
"Iruka-sensei won't let him…" she started only to stop when Sakura started laughing at the mention of Iruka.
"My dear Ino, Iruka-sensei knows of our relationship and he probably knows about you by now." Ino looked at her in disbelief.
"He had to know in order to cover for us if we needed to. Iruka-sensei came through for us on numerous occasions. He'll know when Naruto starts having fun with you and he'll help." Ino shook her head in disbelief.
"Who else knows of the 'arrangement'?" Ino asked, already afraid of the answer.
"Let's see...The Hokage, Iruka-sensei, Mitarashi Anko, Morino Ibiki, some of the ANBU from the Torture and Interrogation division, Ichiraku Teuchi, his daughter Ayame, and now you. Now that I think about it though, I think Shikamaru suspects something."
"Why Shikamaru?"
"The guy is a genius. We had to be extra careful around him." Ino moaned as Sakura slipped her hand under the half-bikini. "Hehe, you like what I'm doing to you?" Sakura asked, clearly amused at Ino's struggles as she caressed the sensitive fold's of the blonde's pussy.
"I hate you so much right now." Sakura just laughed.
"And to think, this will be on you all day."
"I'll take it off when I get a chance." Ino declared but Sakura just chuckled.
"I don't think so. Remember when Iruka-sensei taught us about paper seals?" Ino gasped.
"Don't tell me..." Sakura smirked.
"Same thing here. The only one that can take it off is Master." Sakura was about to say something else when they heard Naruto's voice.
"SAKURA-CHAN, INO-CHAN! GET UP HERE AND EAT YOUR BREAKFAST! THEN TAKE A SHOWER, TOGETHER IF YOU WANT!" Ino blushed at the last part and Sakura laughed at her expense.
"He's got a good idea. Don't want to use up all the hot water." Sakura got off of her, unbuckling her restraints. She then walked out of the room, a very hesitant Ino following. They reached the top of the stairs -Sakura still naked and Ino all but the same- and found Naruto sitting at the table. Naruto grinned and licked his lips at the sight of the still blushing Ino, as she 'eeped' trying to hide behind Sakura.
*Almost as shy as Hinata,* Naruto thought, inwardly sighing, *If only that girl had some spine…I get the feeling she'd love to be a Dominatrix, and Kami-sama knows she'd do anything I asked. Damn Hyuuga elders.*
"Come on Ino-chan, come over here and eat. Don't want your ramen to get cold." Sakura moved behind Ino and gently pushed her toward her seat and sat her down. Ino couldn't stop blushing at being so exposed, and being the victim of Naruto's stares. Ino saw Sakura give a kiss to Naruto's cheek before sitting down and gulping down her ramen.
"The Hokage came by," Naruto started saying. "He told me that he'll tell Ino's parents later today." Ino paled at that. She'd forgotten about her parents. "The clone I sent to take Ino's place will be back in a little bit with a change of clothes." Naruto slurped up the last of the broth in his bowl. He got up, rinsed out the bowl, and set in the sink. "I'll see you two later…especially you Ino-chan." Naruto whispered into Ino's ear, giving it a quick lick and caressing her cheek as he passed. Ino shivered at his touch, then sighed in relief as she heard the door close. She turned to glare at her smug looking friend. She was already finished with her ramen and was waiting for her.
Ino took her time to finish. After she was done, Sakura had to drag her into the shower and the blond made new records in the blush department (she had to step gingerly after the pinkette had managed to slide a finger into her stretched asshole).
After they got out, they saw the Ino clone sitting down waiting for them, a duffel bag and her school bag next to her. She had the same smug look Sakura had on her face. "Here's your clothes for today. Your parents will meet you after class." 'Ino' poofed out of existence and Sakura walked up to the duffel bad, picked it up, and tossed it to Ino.
"Get dressed, I can't wait to get to school today." Sakura said with glee and Ino groaned again for the 5th time that day.
Ino was dreading arriving at the school. There was no telling what Naruto would do to her. The pink haired girl walking beside her offered no comfort, only teasing her to no end (and constantly goosing her ass - she knew the girl was obsessive about her own rear, but this was ridiculous). When they finally reached the academy doors Ino was genuinely considering making a break for it, but Sakura took care of that decision by pushing her in.
The door opened to the classroom and Sakura and Ino stepped in. Ino's eyes automatically went to find Sasuke but stopped when she spied a head full of blond hair sleeping on the desk next to a brooding emo. Ino's breath caught in her mouth as she stared. She felt Sakura nudge her side with her elbow.
"Remember how we're supposed to act in public," the green eyed girl whispered. Ino slowly nodded, not really feeling like trying to get Sasuke's attention at all while the threat of public humiliation hung in the air, but Sakura quickly reminded her if she didn't act normal in public, Naruto would punish her later, and it would be far worse. That alone was motivation to act as normal as possible. Taking a deep breath, she squealed out a 'SASUKE-KUN' and she and Sakura rushed toward a still-brooding Sasuke and a startled awake Naruto. Naruto gulped as both Sakura and Ino stared down at him. It was a scary sight, even for him.
"Uzumaki." Sakura said in a dangerous tone, which made Naruto gulp again.
"Y-yes S-sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, very afraid. Naruto was very good at acting, Ino noted.
"Who are you sitting next to?" Sakura asked in the same dangerous tone. Naruto slowly turned his head to his side to confirm who it was. He turned back to the girls.
"And what have we told you about that?" Sakura was enjoying this very much.
"Umm...never sit beside him?" Naruto answered, hoping to get out of this situation with his limbs intact. Sakura nodded.
"Good, and what are you doing right now?" Naruto gulped again and his mouth was dry. He was also certain he was sweating bullets.
"Sitting beside him?" Naruto knew he was dead when he saw the sadistic grins on the two girl's faces.
"Correct, you know what we have to do now riiiiiiight?" Sakura drew out the 'I' in right to emphasize her point. Naruto gulped one last time before moving his hands in front of his face to protect himself when the two girls reached for him. Naruto waited for the pain to start but it never did. Cracking open an eye, he saw hands inches away from his face and it looked like they were stopped by something. Naruto glanced to the side and saw Shikamaru with his hands in a seal and his shadow outstretched to the girls.
"Girls are so troublesome." That was the only thing Shikamaru said before the door opened and Iruka stepped in. He took one look at the scene and knew what had happened.
"Sakura, Ino, there are plenty of seats in the front row. Leave him alone." Sakura and Ino grumbled before agreeing and Shikamaru releasing his hold over the females. They walked down the steps but when Ino reached the second to last step, she suddenly yelped, fell and landed on the floor. Some of the class laughed while Sakura bent down to help her. She mentally smirked when she saw her panting and a flushed face.
"You alright Ino?" She almost laughed out loud when she heard her almost silent response.
"I'll kill that bastard next chance I get."
"You'll be alright." Sakura patted Ino's head while Ino's panting slowed down to regular breathing and Sakura helped her up and into the seat. She shot a glare to Naruto who was trying to get back to sleep. Naruto looked up and grinned in response, causing Ino to blush and look away.
The class started with a review of the villages in existence. Iruka looked at the flushed blond, noting her color as he called on her to answer a question. Iruka chuckled a bit. "Ino, name the five great shinobi villages." The blond girl nodded, standing. As such, she missed the sudden shark-like grin on both Sakura and Naruto's faces.
"Konohagakure, Sunag..." Ino suddenly let out a yelp as she felt her nether regions shake, followed by a tremor coming from her ass. She grabbed her stomach and tried not to moan. The vibrations weren't very high, but it was still enough to warrant a reaction. She snapped her head toward Naruto, who was currently sleeping. Ino narrowed her eyes at the boy and tried to kill him mentally.
"Are you alright Ino?" Ino brought her eyes to Iruka. She silently cursed Iruka for calling on her.
"I-I'm fine, sensei." Iruka nodded.
"Good, could you finish?" Ino nodded, still feeling the dildo's in her shake.
"Sunagakure...Kirigakure!" The vibrating suddenly increased resulting in a higher tone as Ino talked. Ino tried not to blush at the pleasure she was feeling. Her body started to shake a little and with a shaky voice, she finished listing the villages. "Kumogakure...and...Iwagakure." She let out a sigh of relief as the vibrations ceased.
"Good, are you sure you're alright?" Ino nodded and Iruka took the nod as confirmation. The rest of the class went by normal. However, normal wasn't the word for Ino. At different points during the class, the vibrators inside Ino's pussy and ass went off at different settings, sometimes one, some the other, and sometimes both at once. Ino had never been so embarrassed in her entire life. Sakura wasn't any help at all; instead she just sat there doing nothing except smirking sometimes. Finally the bell rang for lunch and Ino have never been so thankful to get away.
"Sometimes, I hate my job," Sarutobi muttered to himself as he puffed his pipe, dreading every second until the Yamanaka's were due to arrive. How the hell was he going to tell them that their daughter belonged to Naruto now? The Hokage gulped as the door was knocked on. Clearing his throat, he called them in and soon the Yamanaka's stood in front of him.
"Hokage-sama, you called us?" The Hokage sighed, dreading their reactions.
"Yes, please sit down. We have a lot to talk about."
When Ino arrived at the lunch room, she tried so hard to ignore Naruto as he got his lunch from the locker and left. Sakura wasn't anywhere in sight. After Ino got her lunch, she headed outside, wanting to get some fresh air. She spied an empty park bench and began her journey down the steps toward it; however, somebody had other plans. Just as she took a step, the butt plug went off at the highest setting and Ino squeaked and fell down face first on her lunch. The blonde haired girl heard laughter all around. Her cheeks blushed red from embarrassment. She was going to kill a certain someone when she got her hands on him.
"Ino-chan, are you okay?"
Speak of the devil.
Ino looked through the sauce covering her eyes and saw blond in her vision above her. Ino wiped her hand across her face to clear the stuff from her vision so she could see better. Her heart started to beat faster as Naruto raised his hand up as an offer to help her up. The blonde stared at him, wondering whether or not she should take it. She then saw Naruto's other hand twitch toward his pocket and Ino immediately grabbed Naruto's outstretched hand and he pulled her up. After she was up, Naruto made an offer to her.
"Since your lunch is ruined, I'll share mine with you." Naruto said with an innocent smile on his face.
'Naruto's a demon in disguise...a perverted demon at that.' That was the thought that ran in her mind.
"Why would I eat your lunch?" Ino asked, already knowing that she was going to lose this fight.
"Because..." Naruto grabbed her hand. "You got no more money." Ino yelped as Naruto dragged her to a secluded place. As Naruto dragged Ino through the trees, she felt a tingle of chakra pass by her. A barrier most likely, she surmised. As Naruto and Ino burst through, Ino froze at the sight in front of her. There in between two trees, was Sakura tied by the hands and feet buck naked, with various foodstuffs on her and a small apple in her mouth. Ino was tugged by Naruto towards the bound girl.
"Come on Ino-chan. I'm hungry." Ino didn't resist as she was still shocked at the sight. She was forced to kneel down by Sakura's side by Naruto who sat down on the opposite side, while looking at Sakura with hungry eyes. The pink haired girl stared back with a look of adoration. He glanced at Ino.
"Dig in Ino-chan." Naruto bent down and devoured a rice ball with sauce on it, taking extra care to clean the area with his tongue, causing the nude girl to moan around the improvised gag. His eyes glanced up at Ino, silently ordering her to start eating.
Ino gulped and slowly bent down and took a bite. She slowly chewed the food and found that she liked it. Soon Ino found herself enjoying the Sakura buffet. During the meal, Naruto suggested something that made her heart stop.
"Ino-chan, why don't you have a banana?" Naruto asked while licking honey from Sakura's bellybutton, causing his 'plate' to giggle. Ino raised her head from licking the chocolate on her nipples.
"What banana?" Naruto grinned and moved his head toward the left. Ino's face turned a deep red as she saw a banana sticking out of Sakura's womanhood. She slowly turned back to Naruto who still had that grin on his face.
"Go ahead. Eat it all." Ino gulped and momentarily thought of refusing him but the look in his eyes promised her pain if she refused. She slowly crawled in between Sakura's legs and lowered her head toward the banana. She then started to eat it. Eventually she got near the end of the exposed part. Ino heard Naruto speak. "Remember Ino-chan, all of it. Use your mouth to pull the rest." Ino nodded and got a hold of what's left of the banana with her teeth and pulled out what's left. Ino saw Sakura's body twitch and she heard a low moan come from Sakura, even with the apple in her mouth. Ino started to eat the rest of the banana and this part of the banana was covered in Sakura's juices. Her juices were bitter but she had to eat it. Ino had a blush on her face all the time she was eating.
Naruto started chuckling and Ino's blush deepened. "Lick her clean Ino-chan. Reward her for being our plate." Ino shook her head, refusing to do it, and then Ino yelped as the vibrators in her turned on.
"I'll do it Master. Just turn it off please." Ino quickly shouted out. The dildo's stopped much to her relief. She didn't want to feel this, not out in the open and in public. Ino lowered her head to Sakura's entrance and started to lick it.
A part of her -a deeply hidden and dark part- was enjoying this. She savored Sakura's juices as if they were a fine wine (She'd never admit to anyone, but after having tried a glass at her father's birthday, Ino had become a closet winophile). After a while, lunch period ended and the trio made their way back to the school separately. However, Naruto had one last thing to say to Ino. As Ino walked away, she was suddenly slammed face first into a nearby tree and whispered in her ear, even as his hand snuck into her thong and teased the muscles around her asshole.
"One last thing Ino-chan, you must be in my house by 7:00 or I will find you and drag you to my house kicking and screaming. We're going to have so much fun this weekend. I suggest you say your goodbyes to your parents because you won't see them again until Monday. Do you understand?" Ino nodded, a little out of breath and her as twitching from the rough fondling.
The rest of the day went by with Ino being humiliated when Naruto saw the best time for it. Ino mentally cursed her teacher for calling on her all the time and giving Naruto the opportunity he wanted. Ino couldn't believe that day went on so long. When the bell finally rang, Ino was the first one out the door and soon was standing in front of her parents. They looked at each other and Ino finally embraced them with tears in her eyes.
"It's alright honey. Everything is going to be alright." Ino's mother tried to comfort her daughter, but was having a hard time of it since she still couldn't believe it herself.
"I'm scared mother. I'm scared of what he'll do to me." Ino cried into her mother's arms.
"It'll be alright. We'll go home and you can tell me all about it and he won't be able to get to you there."
"Actually..." Ino whispered out and the parents paled as she talked. "I'm supposed to be in his house at 7 or he'll come and get me. I won't see you again until the weekend is over."
"What?" Inochi asked hoarsely. Ino just held on to her parents tighter and cried.
"Hey, wait up Ino-chan!" Ino squeaked and hid behind her parents as Naruto and Iruka came up to them. Naruto reached them and looked at Ino in the space between the parents with a confused face. "Ino-chan, are you alright? Are you feeling sick or something?" Ino's spoke from behind her parents.
"I-I'm fine baka. What do you want?" Ino asked in a shaky voice. Naruto grinned and pulled a package from behind his back.
"Sakura-chan wanted me to give you this. She said to open it when you are alone in your room as it is a private thing. To be honest, I think it is just girly stuff like make up and other stuff or it could be porn." Naruto yelped as Iruka smacked him upside the head. Ino quickly reached out and grabbed the package and hid behind her parents again.
"T-Thanks. Now get lost." Naruto's grin never faltered.
"Alright, I'll see you later." Naruto then started to tug on Iruka's sleeve. "Come on sensei. You promised me ramen." Naruto declared as he tried to drag him in the direction of the ramen stand. Iruka laughed and started to walk with the blond haired boy. Ino waited until Naruto's voice was out of hearing range.
"Is-Is he gone?" Ino's head popped out from between her parents.
"Yes, he is."
"Can we go home now?" Her father could hear the desperation in her voice.
"Sure." The Yamanaka family turned and started to walk home. During the walk, the parents could tell that this whole thing was bothering her so he tried to cheer her up. " got something from Sakura? Do you know what it is?" The answer he got from his daughter was not what he wanted to hear.
"It isn't from Sakura. The handwriting on the box isn't the same as hers. It's from Naruto."
"Oh." The rest of the walk was made in silence.
The door opened to the Yamanaka side of the Flower Shop. Ino put down the package on the table and sat down on the couch joined by her parents. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room as they just sat there not saying anything. After about 5 minutes, Ino started talking about the day she got involved in this whole business. Her parents were speechless by the time she finished and could only watch as their Ino broke down and cried. A few minutes later, Ino calmed down with the comfort of her parents. Inochi glanced at the clock. It read 5:49.
"Ino, why don't you go ahead and go to your room and open the package Naruto gave you?" Ino's eyes widened and she started to shake her head.
"But I don't want to. I don't want to go back to his house ever again. Can't you do anything?"
"Believe me Ino, I tried. I tried everything I could, but there's nothing I can do. If I tried to get help, I'll be executed as a traitor. If I tried to keep you from him, Naruto would kill me for keeping his toys away from him." He hugged his daughter tighter. "You'll just have to go through it." Ino hugged back. After a few minutes, they separated and Ino got up, picked up the box, and walked to her room. Once on her bed, she must have stared at the box for 10 minutes before she finally gathered up the courage to open it. She opened the box with her eyes closed and when it was fully opened, she opened her eyes and took one look inside. Horrified at the sight, she screamed and threw the box on the floor and collapsed on her bed, crying once again.
The door opened and Iris Yamanaka stepped in. She heard Ino's scream and figured out that whatever was in the box made her scream. She tiptoed over to the bed and tried to comfort her.
"It can't be that bad?" Her only answer was more crying. Curiosity getting the better of her, Iris picked up the box, set it on the bed, and pulled out the contents. She couldn't help but blush at what she was holding. "Oh my..." Ino stopped crying for a moment to get a better look at what was in the box.
It was a very, very, revealing outfit that would show off a lot of skin, and it was obviously at least a size too small. There were straps along the bust that would squeeze her breasts, while leaving her nipples open to the air. There were thigh high boots with four inch heals.
There was also a collar, with a metal ring in the front, and a small golden lock at the back. There was a tag attached, with two small words written on it.
'Lock Me.'
"I'm doomed. I'm doomed and it's all because of Sasuke." Ino mumbled into her pillow.
"I told you that boy was bad news." Iris responded.
"I know mother. I should've listened to you." Ino spied a piece of paper in the box. She picked it up and read it.
Dear Ino-chan:
If you're reading this then you found my little outfit for you. I expect you to be wearing this when you arrive. I'm not so cruel as to make you wear just that while walking over, so you can wear a trench coat over it…but just a trench coat. Be prepared for what's going to happen this weekend. You have 4 years of pain to pay for.
Love and spankings,
Your Master.
The paper slipped from Ino's finger as she understood what was in store for her and her mother picked it up and read it. Ino's eyes teared up again and Iris gathered her crying daughter in her arms. After a few minutes, Ino finally calmed down and she reluctantly stepped in the shower. She was afraid she'd have to explain what she was wearing when she got out, but Iris just let it go.
After drying off, Iris helped her daughter put on the outfit. Inochi tried to come in without knowing what was happening and his wife kicked him out...literally. That earned a laugh from Ino who needed it. When the clock reached 6:40, Ino thought it was best to leave now so she would have no excuse for being late. She said her goodbyes to her parents and soon was on her way to Naruto's place of residence. Ino didn't know this but her father was following her, making sure that she gets there safely.
"Calm down Naruto. The ramen's coming." Naruto couldn't wait for the ramen as he watched it cook and he startled to drool. Iruka decided start a conversation to keep his mind off the cooking ramen. "So Naruto, how are you treating Sakura?" Naruto turned his attention from the ramen to Iruka.
"I'm treating her fine. Still loves the way I punish her for her daily acts." Naruto chuckled. "I'm thinking up new ways of doing it."
"If you want some ideas, why not just heat up a piece of metal and stick it to her bottom?" Teuchi suggested while cooking the ramen.
"What? He asked for ideas."
"Don't encourage him." Teuchi's daughter said appearing from behind the store. He shrugged and continued working. "You know Naruto-kun..." Ayame Ichiraku sat down beside Naruto. "Even though I don't like the way your relationship with Sakura started, as long as you two are happy, I'm fine with it. I just need to make sure I don't step in your house any time soon." Ayame finished laughing a little. Naruto started to laugh as well and put his arm around Ayame and brought her closer.
"Even if you did, I wouldn't take you as my slave. I consider you my sister. You aren't meant to be one and besides, I got a new one." Her eyes widened.
"You do? Who? Is it that Hinata girl?" Naruto started to laugh out loud.
"No, Hinata just isn't my type. Her family broke her a long time ago. it's a shame, but she wouldn't be any fun to me. That's why I lure her away with a clone whenever she stalks me."
"So who is it?" Naruto grinned.
"Yamanaka Ino." Ayame gasped.
"The flower girl?" Naruto nodded. "How did she get involved?" Naruto let go of Ayame and began to explain, the trio listening closely.
"Apparently Ino saw Sakura on her trip to my house and reached the wrong conclusion; she thought that Sakura was trying to get the teme's attention so she followed and ended up at my place. Of course, being the curious girl she is, she broke into my house trying to find out whose house it was and eventually found the path to the basement. I went up to take a piss and when I came back down, Ino was in the room trying to free Sakura and that's when I knocked her out and claimed her for myself."
"Y-you didn't take her yet did you?" Naruto shook his head.
"No, I'm going to mark her tonight, and then I'll take her." Naruto finished with a grin. Ayame groaned and let her head fall on the counter.
"It's times like these that I'm glad you consider me your sister." Naruto laughed and ruffled her hair a bit. The smell of ramen filled Naruto's nostrils as bowls were being placed in front of him. Naruto dug in, showing the poor noodles no mercy. After a while, Iruka asked Naruto something that had been bugging him.
"Hey Naruto."
"Hmm?" Naruto looked up the Iruka with ramen hanging down.
"Why do you and Sakura live so far apart from each other? I mean wouldn't it be better if you lived closer to each other?" Naruto gulped down the ramen that was in his mouth.
"I thought of that and went to the old man. He said that it would be better if we stayed were we are for the time being, but he did have the idea of making tunnels connecting the places. He's having somebody do it for us and it'll be done within the month."
"Oh, that's a good idea." Naruto nodded and continued eating his ramen. Soon it was nearing the time Ino was due to his house. Iruka paid for their ramen and they went their separate ways.
Ino finally reached Naruto's house. The walk was too short in her mind. She slowly raised her hand and knocked on the door. Her breath caught in her throat as the door opened and a smirking Naruto leaned in the doorway.
"Well well well, look's who here and with 5 minutes to spare," the blond boy grinned, "I'm impressed. I thought I would have to bring you here myself." Ino scowled.
"Just shut up and let me in." Ino walked forward but was stopped by Naruto's arm blocking the doorway.
"Not yet. Let's see what you're wearing first. Drop the jacket."
Ino blushed, and then shook her head, gasping as the butt plug started vibrating again. "You better hurry up. You got 3 minutes left before I strip you myself."
"Fi…ne." Ino moaned, undoing the knot and parting the coat so he could see. "Happy now?"
"Mmm...Still can't see it. Take it off all the way."
"No!" The vibrator stared up now, going about ¾ speed it felt like. She felt her pussy leaking around her thong.
"2 minutes."
"But…wee'rrrrre in pub-public!" Naruto grinned.
"Just trust me Ino-chan." Ino could tell from his face that despite being a pervert, he wouldn't do something like that so she took off the coat fully. Naruto's grin increased and he looked her over. She moaned -partially in disappointment- as the twin vibrators shut off.
"Very good Ino-chan. I knew that was the right outfit for you. You can come in now." Naruto moved aside and Ino came into the house. After Naruto shut and locked the door, he turned to Ino. "Naruto is waiting for you downstairs. I trust you know where to go?" Ino quickly turned to face Naruto.
"I'm just a clone. The real one is waiting for you. Get moving." Naruto gently shoved Ino in the direction of the open bookcase that was waiting for her. Ino stared down into the abyss below; feeling like hell itself is waiting for her. Ino gulped and slowly put one foot on the step...and then another. Soon Ino reached the bottom and reached the middle door. She gulped once more and knocked on the door. The door opened and Naruto greeted her sight.
"Hi Ino-chan. Let's get started. Get in here." Ino was startled at the tone that Naruto was giving her. Despite that, Ino walked in. She saw Sakura on her left hanging from the ceiling, her arms bound behind her and her legs spread apart by a bar with cuffs on the ends. There was also a vibrator bussing in her pussy with a rope digging in. Her breasts were also tightly bound making them seem bigger. Ino could see that she was cumming at that very moment. She suddenly yelped as she was thrown to the ground by a violent shove behind her. She turned around and saw Naruto walk up to her.
"Naru..." Naruto kicked her in the stomach, not too hard, but enough to shut her up.
"You do not call me Naruto. You may only call me Master. You're name is 'slut' from now on. Understand slut?"
"Y-yes Master."
"Good, now get up slut."
"Yes Master." Ino complied and stood all the way up.
"Come here and take off all my clothes." Ino gulped.
"Y-yes Master." Ino walked up to Naruto and unzipped his jacket and took it off. "Where should I put it Master?"
"Just throw it in the bin over there." Naruto motioned to a bin near the door. Ino tossed the jacket in the bin. Ino pulled the black shirt off and tossed it. Ino looked down and hesitated. "Yes slut, even the pants and boxers." He answered her unspoken question. Ino bent down and took off the shoes and tossed them away. She raised her shaking hands and grabbed the zipper, ignoring the growing bulge, and pulled it down. Unbuttoning the button, she pulled down his pants and threw it in the bin. She stared at his tented boxers. She really didn't want to do this. "Hurry up slut. I'm getting impatient."
Ino raised her still shaking hands toward the rim of his ramen boxers and she pulled the boxers down and soon she was looking at Naruto's hardened member. Ino tossed the boxers in the bin while red in the face.
"That's a good slut. Now start licking."
"Master, please don't..." Ino let out a yelp of pain as Naruto grabbed her hair painfully.
"Did I say you can refuse me slut? DID I?" Naruto shouted at her. Tears started to leak out of her eyes.
"N-No Master."
"Good, now get to licking."
"Yes Master." Ino stuck out her tongue and started to lick the head of Naruto's shaft. Naruto let out a moan.
"That's a good slut. Don't forget the rest." Ino's tongue started to travel down the shaft and back up again, occasionally give kisses to it. Ino continued this for about 5 minutes before Naruto stopped her. "That's enough for now." Ino stopped her licking and sighed in relief.
"Thank you Master."
"Now take it in your mouth and make me cum." Ino gulped and looked up to Naruto's face, pleading him to take his order back. "Do it slut." Ino's eyes went back to Naruto's throbbing manhood.
Ino shook her head while still crying. Ino didn't see the smirk on Naruto's lips. Suddenly she couldn't breathe as Naruto's hands were on her nose, cutting her off from her air supply. Naruto watched as Ino held her breath, refusing to open her mouth. Finally Ino couldn't take it and opened her mouth to let in air and that's when Naruto made his move and trust his length into Ino. Ino gagged as he reached the back of his throat.
"Ooh, that feels so good. Your mouth is so hot. Get moving slut." Ino wasn't able to respond; instead she just complied and started to move her head back and forth while still using her tongue. Within 10 minutes, much to Ino's displeasure, Naruto finally came. Ino tried to move away but Naruto's hands held her there. "Swallow it all slut." Ino did as she was told and swallowed Naruto's seed. Naruto let go of Ino and she removed her mouth from Naruto's still hardened member.
She coughed from the taste and smell of Naruto's seed. "Slut." Ino looked up. "Clean it with your tongue." Ino looked at Naruto's manhood. There was still cum on it. Ino leaned forward and wiped it off with her tongue with tears still falling from her eyes. "That's a good slut." Ino fell on the floor and curled into a fetal position, still crying. Naruto bent down and grabbed Ino's chin with his hand and turned it to face him.
"Who am I?" Ino's crying messed up her tongue. Naruto slapped her in the face. "Answer me!" He growled, forcing Ino to look at him again. Ino stopped her crying to the point where she could speak clearly.
"Y-you are my Master."
"For how long?"
"Now and forever." Naruto grinned.
"That's a good answer. Now what is your name?"
"My name is Ino." Naruto hit her again.
"Wrong answer." Naruto flipped her over, undoing the seals so he could pull down the thong. She gasped as he tugged the butt plug out, and then whimpered as she felt him line up his length to her ass and push forward.
Ino screamed at the painful intrusion to her rectum, even as he continued to slide his member into her small hole. "What is your name?" Naruto demanded. Ino shook her head again and that's when Naruto thrust forward, earning a very loud, pained moan from Ino. "I'll ask one last time. What is your name?"
"M-my name is slut." Naruto chuckled and withdrew himself from Ino.
"That's a good slave. Remember your place and how you are supposed to act in public. Now, who do you belong to?"
"I belong to my Master." Naruto chuckled.
"That's correct." Naruto stood up and walked to Sakura who was watching him. Naruto let her down and unbound her. Ino watched as Naruto handled her with care. His hands gently untied the knots and moved his hands over her skin as that of a lover. Ino whimpered and turned away, wanting to feel that same care. "What's wrong?" Ino's eyes widened at the sound of Naruto's voice and she tried to get away from him. She reached the corner and she realized that she was trapped. Her whole body started to shake as Naruto's hand started to stroke her hair. "I had to do that to you...don't worry, Ino. You'll understand, eventually. It'll all be better." He stroked her cheek. "I don't even really want to break you...but..." He sighed. "It's complicated."
"Then don't. If you don't want to then don't." Ino choked out. A moment passed and she heard a sigh.
"I wish I could but its Kyuubi's fault. Because of that temporary control he had, his desire to dominate got imprinted on me. The urge is too great and I can't control it. Sakura-chan knows and understands this and she still loves me truly. I gave her the option to leave it all behind and she stayed with me."
"It's true." Sakura started to speak. "Naruto-sama loves me so much that he gave me the chance to leave it all behind with no strings attached because he thought I wouldn't be happy with him after all we been through.
"Why didn't you leave? Why would you stay and go through this?" Ino asked while looking at Sakura.
"I stayed because I love him. I love him because I saw the gentle, loving, caring side of him that no one else will see as long as they only see Kyuubi in him. I swore I wouldn't let him be alone again…if the price I have to pay is a few whip marks on my tits." Ino gulped at that image, "Then so be it. I'll wear them with pride."
"Then why not let me go?" Ino froze as Naruto cupped her cheek.
"Because I see great potential in you. Did you know that Sakura-chan didn't have a scrap of training when she was pining after Sasuke? She might have passed the exams for her book knowledge, but she would have died on her first big mission, or she would've been completely useless if she didn't."
Ino gulped, realizing she was in a similar position, even with her mastery of the Shitensen no jutsu.
Naruto continued, keeping her attention on him. "After she realized that the teme doesn't care for her and didn't even lift a finger when she was in trouble one time, she started to train and it has paid off tremendously. The only reason she isn't the number one kuniochi right now is because Hinata has been training her whole life - if Sakura had been put through that level of training, I probably would still be trying to break her even now." He gave his first slave a perverted grin. "I didn't even get to use those violate wands Anko-sensei gave me. She said you'd love them on those sensitive nipples of yours, Sakura-chan."
The pink haired girl shuddered. "We could try them out on Ino-chan, master," She offered. "Ino's stronger than I was…it'd be interesting to see her dance under those things."
"Good idea, we'll try that later," he mused, before turning to his now shaking prize. "You have the potential to become great Ino-chan, and I intend to bring you out of your blindness."
Ino didn't know how to respond. She shook -in fear or excitement she wasn't sure- as Naruto stood up, pulling a leash from the wall and connecting it to her collar. "Come on, pet," he chuckled evilly, causing both girls to shiver. "Time for your next lesson." He pushed her back down as she started to rise, earning a shocked look. "Walking is a privilege, Ino-chan, and you haven't earned it yet." At her confused look, he smirked. "Crawl, pet. You get to crawl until I say so."
Ino held back her sobs, even as Naruto lead her out of the room and into another room that she was familiar with. Her eyes locked onto the very object that was tormenting Sakura last night.
The Wooden Horse…