Different Sex Story

Chapter 646: The Party that Got Out of Hand


Mandy sat on the couch feeling out of place. Looking at all the other women at the party, not one of them was over 21. Mandy was pushing 40. She couldn't help but be a little jealous of how young and pretty they were compared to her. More than that, she was just incredibly anxious. She took a sip from her beer. She knew that most of the kids here technically weren't old enough to drink, but the alcohol was flowing freely. She felt like she should say something to Eric, but the last thing she wanted was to cause a scene with him. He probably resented her enough for just being there.

It wasn't that they didn't usually get along. Ever since she had married his father four years ago, they never really got into any real confrontations. Eric was a normal boy. He did alright in school. He played football, though he wasn't the best at it. He had some good friends and previously had a couple cute girlfriends. He was what you could call "an all-American boy." Usually his father was the one to handle Eric any time he acted up. He was a domineering man, but that was what attracted her to him the first place. He was the man of the house, he made that clear, and she loved him for it. It was a perfect match for her far meeker personality.

Still, she thought she should stick up for herself more. It's how she ended up here in the first place. Somehow Eric's father found out he was coming to this party, being thrown by a friend of a friend that Eric found out about on Facebook. He was quick to confront Eric about it.

"Dad, come on! I'm 18!" Eric said.

"I don't care. My house. My rules."

"Come on, why can't I go?"

"I don't want you drinking, and I do not want you to getting in trouble."

"Oh, come on. How am I going to get in trouble?"

"There are a lot of ways."

"What's that even mean? It's not even a school night!"

"That's what worries me."

"Dad, please!"

"Well, I'll let you go on one condition. You have a chaperone."

"You can't be serious."

"Completely serious. The only way you're going is if Mandy comes with you."

Mandy had been sitting on a nearby chair reading. She raised her head from the book. What was he talking about? They had never discussed this.

"Um, why me, honey? Why can't you go?" she said.

"You know I've got a lot to do the morning after. I need to get a good night's sleep."

"Um. I don't..."

"Oh dear, it'll be fine! Just make sure he doesn't get in trouble. So it's settled. Mandy will chaperone you to the party."

"Ugh. Fine," Eric said.

"Thanks for taking care of my son, honey! It's why I love you!" Eric's father said and kissed her on the cheek. He walked out of the room.

Mandy looked at Eric who shook his head and threw his hands up. She returned to her book with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

She had hoped Eric would be discouraged from going. She was pretty sure that's why his father had set down the rule. Then the night of the party came.

"I want to leave for the party in like an hour or so, so get ready will you?" he told her.

She sighed. She had a quick shower, did her make up, and put on a casual but nice dress. She followed Eric out to his car and got to the front seat.

"Okay, listen," he said to her. "I'm going to drop you off a block away. I'll park where you can see the car. Just go in that house."

"Eric, I'm supposed to be your chaperone."

"You are. I just don't anyone to see you arriving with me. I don't want to explain what's going on to my friends"

"Well, that's okay, I guess."

Mandy got it out and let Eric drive off. She watched him park and walked to the house he parked in front of. She watched him walk in and followed shortly after.

Now here she was. Sitting on the couch, music playing loudly, a beer in her hand, surrounded by people half her age. She didn't even know where Eric was. She thought she should go find him and make sure he wasn't getting into trouble. Before she could do anything, Eric came over and sat next to her on the couch.

"Hey Mandy. What's wrong? Why are you just sitting here?"

"Oh. I... um... don't know what else to do. I think I'm a little old for this crowd."

"Well, you're here. You may as well try to have fun."

"I don't know. I'm just supposed to watch you. I don't think..."

"You just need to loosen up a little. Hold on, wait just a minute."

Eric got up and came back with a bottle of Fireball.

"Eric," Mandy said, "you know you aren't supposed to be drinking. You promised your father."

"Hey come on, it's a party. What's the harm?"


He took a snort from the bottle and held it out to Mandy.

"I won't tell if you won't. Come on, you work hard taking care of things at home. When's the last time you had a chance to let loose?"

She looked at the bottle for a moment and took it from Eric.

"Well, alright. Just don't get too drunk. Okay?"

Eric smiled and nodded. Mandy smiled back and took a drink from the bottle. It had been some time since she had liquor. She shook her head and Eric laughed.

"What's the matter? Are you a lightweight?" Eric said.

"Come on, don't tease me."

Another young man walked up to Eric. "Oh, here you are. man. Hey, who's this?"

"Hey Bill. This is my stepmom, Mandy. She had to swing by to pick up some stuff I left in my car and decided to stop in for a sec. Mandy, this is my friend Bill."

Bill smiled to her shook her hand. "Nice to meet you! Hey, why don't you stay a little longer? Come up and dance!"

"I don't know," she said. "I'm not much of a dancer."

"That okay!" Bill said. "No one else here is either. Come on!"

She let Bill lead him over to where the others were dancing and joined in. It had been a long time since she'd done anything like this. Even in back in the day, she wasn't the type to go out a lot. But she was having fun. She danced and drank and even got along well with the young girls around her. Some of the guys even flirted with her. Now that was a huge boost to her confidence, knowing she was desirable to young men in their prime!

Eventually, she felt the alcohol starting to get to her. She went up the stairs looking for the bathroom. She found it and as she was sitting on the toilet, she started to feel dizzy.

Oh no, she thought. I'm drunk. I'm so stupid. Why did I drink all that? I need to sober up.

She splashed water on her face, left the bathroom, and found the nearest bedroom.

I'll lie down for just a little bit she thought. Just enough to get sober.

She was laying on the bed and could feel herself slipping in and out of consciousness. She didn't know how much time passed. She could occasionally hear people talking out in the hall.

Eventually, she heard someone coming into the room. She felt someone tap her face and her eyes fluttered open. It was Eric. She felt too tipsy to respond, so she closed her eyes and pretended she was sleeping.

"She's out cold, man," Eric said.

"I guess she is a lightweight," she heard Bill's voice say.

She felt Eric lightly slap her face. "Hey, shut that door and make sure no one comes in."

"Uh, what are you going to do?"

"Come one, man. Just do it!"

She heard the door shut. Now she was frozen. What was Eric going to do? Just some prank? Some revenge for having to bring her to the party with him?

She felt her place his hands on her tits. He started fondling them through her dress. Was he really doing this? Was this a dream?

"Dude! What are you doing?" Bill said. "That's your stepmom!"

"Shut up! She's had this coming for a while. Just stand there and don't say anything."

Eric started kneading her tits through her dress. She lay there in denial and fear. Maybe he's just going to feel me up, she thought.

That notion was pushed aside when he reached down and hitched her dress up past her ass. Without hesitation, he slid her panties off and forced her legs apart.

This had to be dream, she thought. How could he do this? He's not the kind of boy who would do this.

All her denial didn't stop the sound of Eric unzipping his pants or the warm flesh of his hard cock pressing up against her cunt.

"Come on, man," Bill said. "This is going way to far."

"I said be quiet!" Eric snapped back.

She felt his thick young phallus penetrate her. She couldn't contain herself anymore. She started crying.

"I knew you were awake!" Eric said.

"Why, Eric? Why are you doing this to me?" She sobbed. Tears ran down the sides of her face.

"You were only faking being passed out because you wanted this! Don't act like you didn't!"

Eric pinned down her arms and thrusting into her. Mandy threw back her head and howled.

"Yeah. Keep crying bitch!" Eric said. "No one's going to hear you over the sound of the music down stairs."

"Bill!" Mandy said. "Please help me! Please make him stop!"

Bill stood there doing nothing. Just gaping at the scene in front of him.

Eric grabbed her face. "No one's going to help you, you dumb bitch. Just fucking take it."

He pressed his lips against hers. She didn't think her rape could get any worse, but now it had. She felt his tongue darting in and out of her mouth and wanted to die.

While he kept pounding away at her violated cunt, he started sucking on her neck. All she could do was whimper, "No, no, please no."

Eric laughed. "I'd love to see you explain that hickey to dad. Do you have the guts to tell him what happened? Oh fuck!"

She could feel his cock starting to swell even more inside her and realized what was happening. "No please! Anything but that! Please don't cum inside me!"

He didn't listen to her. He groaned and busted his nut. She could feel rope after rope of his thick young cum flooding her pussy. She felt so ashamed. She prayed to wake up but quickly realized she couldn't deny this was really happening anymore.

As Eric finally got off her, she covered her face and rolled into a ball on the bed. She wept and wept.

"Jesus Christ," Bill said. "Did you cum inside her?"

"Yeah. Hey, you want a turn with her?"

"Are you serious?"

"She isn't going to fight back or tell anyone. Come get her. I know you want to. Your boner is about to burst out of your pants."

Before she knew even knew what was happening, Bill forced her legs apart and had his cock out. She shook her head and cried. He shoved his cock inside her and lay on top of her. He humped away at her, sometimes whispering, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

It was somehow even grosser than when Eric was fucking her. There wasn't any intensity or emotion. This was pure need. Mercifully, he quickly came inside her and got off.

For a brief moment, she thought it was over. Again, her hopes where dashed when Eric grabbed her by the hair. His cock was already hard again.

"Ready for round two?" Eric said to Bill.

Bill started acting panicky. "No way man! This is fucked up! It's wrong! I'm getting out of here, bro!"

Eric rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just shut the door on the way out."

Bill ran out and slammed the door behind him.

"Just you and me, Mandy." Eric said. "Now be a good girl and suck me off." He stuck his hard cock in her face.

"Eric, please, please, let me go," she said.

Eric pulled her hair until she screamed. "I said suck it!"

She took her stepson's cock in her mouth. Her eyes were shut tight praying someone, anyone, would come and stop it all.

"That's a good girl. Can you taste your pussy on my dick?"

Mandy moaned and started sucking harder. She figured the sooner she made him cum, the sooner it would all end.

"Yeah, that's the way. Jesus fuck. You give good head. I'm already about to cum."

She sucked on him. She her tongue over the head of his cock. Finally, he shot his second load into her mouth. It felt just as thick as the first one. She could barely hold it in her mouth and felt like she was going to gag.

"Don't spit it out!" Eric said. "Swallow it."

She did what she said. When his slimy jizz finally crept down her throat, she dry heaved a few times. Eric laughed at her.

"What's wrong? Don't like the taste?" He pushed her down on to the bed and climbed on top of her. "The party's not over yet, 'mom.'"

He fucked her four more times before he was satisfied. She kept praying for someone to come in and stop him, but no one did. At one point, she started crying hysterically like a baby. Eric grabbed her panties and stuffed them in her mouth until she stopped.

When he was finally done, she didn't have any tears left. She quietly sprawled on on the bed while Eric sat beside her. After a moment of silence he said, "It's 1:30 in the morning. We should get home. I'm going down to the car. Wait for about 10 minutes or so before you come downstairs."

Eric left the room. She got up shortly after and went into the bathroom. She splashed water on her face, refusing to look at her reflection and straightened her dress. She went downstairs and out the door without looking at any of the other guests still there. She got in the car and rode home with Eric in complete silence.

When they got home Eric told her, "You should probably get a shower before you go to bed. I'm going to go to sleep. You wore me out." He winked at her and went to his room.

She held it together when he said that. She started to crack when she walked in the bedroom and looked at her husband's sleeping face. She broke down when she went into the bathroom and looked at her reflection. She cried and cried. She cried as she undressed and as she sat in the shower. She didn't know how long she sat there with the water running over her before she finally calmed down enough to go to bed. She stayed as far away as she could from her husband. She did not want to touch anyone else tonight.

In the morning, Mandy woke up and found she was alone in the bed. She remembered all the things her husband had to do that day. He wouldn't be back until early in the afternoon. Which meant she was alone in the house with Eric.

He must have realized the same thing, because he walked into the bedroom wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. She curled up as he came towards the bed.

"You know," he said. "Dad's not getting back until this afternoon."

"Eric, please. Leave me alone. Don't hurt me again."

He ignored her. He pounced on her and forced her top and pajama pants off. Before he did anything else to her, he reached into the nightstand drawer. He looked around in it and pulled out a bottle of lubricant.

"What's this?" Eric said. "Does Dad like to fuck you in the ass?"

"Please, Eric..." Mandy was crying. She wasn't safe in her own bed. She was going to be raped again where she slept with her husband.

Eric grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled until she squealed. "Answer me! Does Dad like to fuck you in the ass? And tell me the truth!"

"Ow! Ow! Stop! We only did it once! I didn't like it! Let me go!"

Eric grinned. "Didn't like it? I'll have to fix that then."

He threw her down and made her lay on her stomach. He spread her ass and put some lube on her clenching asshole. She kept begging for him to stop, but he just ignored it. He slid his finger in her ass.

"Goddamn, you're fucking tight back here."

Mandy yelped. "Stop. Please stop. Please stop."

Eric pulled off his boxer briefs. His cock was rock hard. He pressed it hard into her ass. It gave way and he slid in. Mandy screamed loudly.

"Holy shit, that's fucking tight. It's squeezing my dick so fucking hard."

He slid himself balls deep into her shithole. She lay there crying like a wounded little girl. It hurt so badly. He slapped her ass and pulled her hair. His hips slammed against her and she let out a yelp each time.

"Ah fuck! I'm already cumming. It's so tight, I'm going to cum!"

She felt his hot jizz shoot deep into her asshole. "Oh my god," she moaned. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

He pulled his cock out of her ass and stuck it in her face. "Clean it up, slut." he said.

She was disgusted but did what he said. She knew it would only make it worse for her if she didn't. She could taste her own ass, the lubricant, and his cum on it. He grabbed her head and fuck her face like a blowup doll. His cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged and tried to push him off of her. He held on to her until he came again into her mouth. He made her swallow it again.

She couldn't hold back this time. She leaned over the bed to the garbage can next to it and vomited. She whimpered, spit it all out, and wiped her mouth.

"Happy you got that out of your system, you nasty bitch?" Eric said. "We've still got plenty of time before Dad gets home."

He fucked her asshole two more times before he was finally satisfied. By the time he was done, Mandy was nothing but a drooling wreck that lay face down on the bed. Eric left to go take a shower. He came back and Mandy was still laying face down like she was brain dead.

He yanked on her hair to snap her out of it. "What are you, retarded? Get a shower and get this shit cleaned up before dad gets home! Jesus Christ, what a dumb cunt."

She did what he told her to do. What else could she do?

She prepared lunch for everyone. Her husband got back and they all sat around the table like everything was normal. Like her husband's son hadn't raped her repeatedly since last night. She had to pretend. The consequences of admitting it were too much. She couldn't speak up and tear the family apart.

"What's that on your neck, honey?" her husband said. "Did some young guy get a little close to you last night?" He laughed.

He was laughing. It was a joke to him, because it was so inconceivable. It was ridiculous to him that she would let some young guy do anything to her. For a moment, she thought it gave her an opening. She could tell him everything. What Eric had done to her. The fallout would be awful, but his abuse would stop. She knew he'd never let Eric do anything to him again. But she just couldn't say anything. Like when Eric was groping her, she froze up.

Eric said, "Kind of. Some guy who was drunk off his ass elbowed her straight in the neck. She took it like a champ, though. Barely even knew she got hit until I pointed out the bruise."

"That's why I love her, Eric," Her husband said. "She's a tougher gal than she looks."

Both of them laughed. Like that, the opportunity had vanished. She gave a fake smirk and ate her lunch. She hated herself for not speaking up. The one chance she had left was gone. And she had let it slip. Just like she had let so many other chances slip. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she speak up to save her life? The questions just pounded at her head.

It was just the beginning for her. Eric's abuse didn't stop. Anytime they were alone in the house, he attacked her. Each time she hoped and prayed her husband would catch them and put a stop to it. It never happened. Somehow, she managed to hide the pain from her husband. She never had her crying jags when he was around. She felt like such a fake just doing everyday tasks in and out of the house. Like her own stepson wasn't constantly raping her.

It got even worse when his senior high school year ended. He spent his last summer vacation molesting her while his dad was at work. He made her do increasingly degrading things. He made her lick out his asshole. He forced her to drink his piss. There were times where he took out his anger on her and beat her ass until it was black and blue all over. Her husband never saw the bruises. She began refusing to have sex with him as well. She still loved him, but the abuse that she suffered made her feel so dirty, there was no way he'd let him touch her. It just made her feel even worse. Was she just a whore who wanted Eric instead of her own husband? What's worse, he didn't speak up about it. He seemed to think that sex was going to eventually disappear altogether. Why? Why couldn't he say something? She was beginning to resent him as well.

Mandy thought her salvation came when Eric moved away to college in the fall. She was finally free. Eric was out of the house. She wouldn't have to bear his abuse anymore.

But what about when he came back for Christmas? And for summer vacation? When she thought about it, she knew she wasn't really free. It was just biding time until he came back. The anticipation, the fear it was going to happen again would just make it all the worse when he came back.

Oh, she thought, will I ever be free? Why did I go to that party? If I had never gone, this would have never happened. Am I being punished? Someone, please. Save me.

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