Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 247: I’m a professional, remember?

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And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.



"How did you do it? Recognize me, I mean. I have a magic item that makes it so people can't recognize me or remember my face," I say as my mind focuses on the magic item now in my inventory.

'Could it be that my perception inhibitor is failing me? If so, I'm in serious trouble'

"Haa haa haa haa..."

After her first orgasm, Beatrice seems to be having a lot more trouble stifling her moans.

' - Is it my idea, or is he increasing the speed and strength of his movements? I… want to... Shit... I'm starting to find it hard to think straight. I have… to remember that .... I can only tell him unimportant things'

"These thinghhs are useful, but only with unthrained p-people... ghhh.... I am one of the b-best spiess in my kinghdom. Haah! Thath! k-kind ohf thing d-don't affect me... hah!.... in the slightest if I concentrate on it."

'Hm... Can I trust her to tell the truth?....

What she says makes sense. Besides, she has no reason to lie to me about this....

After all, she must be doing her best to try to distract me as much as possible from the important issues....

That's exactly why what I'm doing is so effective.'

If she's a pro at handling secret information, I just have to use sex to break her concentration as much as possible and force her to blurt out the important information, even if she doesn't want to.

Fortunately, she may be an expert at handling secret information, but I believe I can say, without being arrogant, that I am a sex specialist.

My specialty may not sound as cool as hers, but it is no less useful.

For example, I don't have any trouble maintaining my concentration, despite what we're doing.

'She may be very pretty and all, but Alessia and Delia are much prettier, and with them there's....

There's more involved than just the sexual act.'

I'm not going to deny that I'm enjoying the experience, but I'm not having any trouble thinking straight.

On the other hand, the spy's expressions suggest that she is struggling greatly with the situation she is in.

"And what about Alessia? How did you link her to me?" I ask, a little more relaxed now that I know my perception inhibitor has no problem.

"Hanmn! Mnnha! Ahnmah!"

' - What a pity... for some reason, now his lunges are a little softer.... WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!!!!'

"I sahw yohuu with h-her at the party that tookh place afterr Cahhstemira's victory in the full-scale war, and.... Nhyaah!!! I also saw h-how you tookh her and the th-th-three ticks that neever left her hah… alone...."

'From the way she talks about the three annoying beauties, it seems that she doesn't like them.... Hmm… who knows... Maybe this woman is one of those rare cases who is not attracted to either men or women.'

"... But when you entered the women's camp, you.... Haah... I lost track of you. I don't know what the sentinels were thinking when they let you into that place.... "

' - The defenses of that place are too good for me to infiltrate without prior preparation. That's normal; it's run by women. If I had tried to sneak in at the time, the female guards would have recognized me instantly. And if I infiltrated by using my skills to conceal my presence, I would most likely have triggered the alarm thanks to some magical anti-intruder item that the camp probably has.'

"... So I resigned myself to waiting to meet you or her again, whichever came first. Then I saw you at the award ceremony, but you were too close to some very dangerous people for me to take the risk of trying to get close to you....."

Having said so many words without any moans interspersed, it seems that all the moans she was holding back were released at once.

"... Aarghh! Ahnmn! Mnnha! Ahnmah! Mnnnnnnhaa!!..."

A few moments later, she speaks again without me having to remind her.

".... Fortunately, to pass the time, doing a little research, I was hah… able to find a general who didn't hold you Nnnh... in very high esteem. I think his name was Hernan. Hee had been making his ownh inquiries and told me a l-lot of interesting thingsh about you and Alessia Addhari before the asshohhhle finished bleeding to death."

'Fucking Hernan! And I saved his life in the full-scale war. True, I did it by mistake, but still! I should have let him die, since he wasn't even good enough to keep his mouth shut.'

"You killed him? An army general?" I ask, surprised by the woman's audacity.

'Shit... If she was able to carelessly do that to Hernan, an army general... The three annoying beauties, who have no rank, must have been in her sights as well'

With my interface map, I look for the markers of the three annoying beauties and see that they are safe with other soldiers, probably on some mission.

'Haa... It looks like they're okay.... At least for now... Hmm... this woman is more dangerous than I thought'

"Yeah, w-whyy? Yohhhu're not going to tell me that bothers you, hah… are you? Judging by the way that man was talking about you.... Nhaah!!! I'd say I did you a favor…" she says between giggles and moans.

' - This situation is beginning to be worrying.... He doesn't seem to show any signs of fatigue, but my endurance is getting closer and closer to the limit. How come his right arm doesn't get tired? I have to be patient... He'll have to let go of me at some point.'

"....Ahnmn!!! Hanmgh!!!"

"Yes, I mean no.... I don't care about the general's luck. I just find it strange that you exposed yourself like that. Isn't it risky for you to kill an army general?" I ask as I begin to toy with her anus, gently pressing down with a finger to loosen the entrance.

"Nooot that plaaaace... Haah!!! There is no point in complaining..." says Beatrice, and her voice sounds increasingly resigned.

'That's not funny... You're supposed to complain! Even if it's just acting'

' - This fucker is even more depraved than I imagined.... And the worst thing is that... I… I don't dislike at all what he does'

"... I'm a professional, remember?..." She says with her pupils dilated with arousal and her cheeks flushed red.

'You may be a pro at murder, but you're a complete novice at this.'

"... I know how to wip-pe off my trah… tracks so that no one will d-discover my actions. Hanmn!..."

I press my index finger into her anus until it is fully inserted, after which I slowly withdraw it.

"... Ahnhywayyy, since I never sah.. w Alessia Addari again, I figured my beesth option was to prepare to force you to talkh. Ahnmn!!...."

I perform the action again, but this time I also insert my middle finger, whereupon her orifice expands a little more, and Beatrice's eyes momentarily turn upwards in their sockets.

"....Bearing in mind my pa… haaah… past experience with you and the iiinhformation I had gathered, I decided to p-prepare as best I could to ambush you. Lyaaanh!!!...."

Then, to dilate the entrance a little more, I add my ring finger to the action and insert and withdraw all three together several times in quick succession.

This causes the redhead to be momentarily speechless as I play with her anus.

' - This is so degrading.... If I make it out of this... I'll kill him slowly and painfully, even if it's the last thing I do.... I already underestimated him twice; this won't happen to me a third time.... But... much to my regret, this feels amazing... But for that reason, this is even more unforgivable... I was perfectly happy thinking that men were useless beings'

When I withdraw my fingers and put my hand back on her waist, she resumes her explanation "... I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the advances of a woman like me so-"

'Are you really going to tell me that right now? It is not I who cannot resist the moves of the other'

"Yeah? You think you're that pretty?" I say, raising an eyebrow as I continue to impale her pussy hard again and again.

'The truth is, she's gorgeous, but I don't plan on telling her. Besides, if it wasn't for my state of abstinence, I wouldn't have fallen so easily into her trap.'

' - Who are you kidding? You were practically drooling when you saw me coming towards you.... And now I.... Why do I feel like this? It's all the fault of this stupid situation. What kind of demented person asks another person to explain something to them while they're having sex?'

Ignoring my question, the girl continues to talk about what she did so far to get to the curious situation we're in, while her brow furrows slightly. "So I p-prepared myshhelf thoroughly. The wine you dranhk had an aphrodisiach hah… in it. That's why you were s-s-so complacent a few moh… moments ago..."

'Aha! I thought there was something strange. Sexual abstinence is one thing, but a few moments ago I was almost physically aching for the need to have physical contact with this woman.'

' - What... I don't understand… is how he can keep his composure.... It's true that he's not... talking a lot, but he doesn't seem to have any trouble processing the... information he's getting from me... He should be having trouble... concentrating on keeping up and... yet he's not.'

"...It was supphoh… sed to dull your mind enough so thath you wouldn't try to r-run hah… away while the pah… paralyzing poison, which was also in the wine, kicked in...."

Then the woman frowns even more as her face wobbles up and down from my thrusts, and she looks at me with a mixture of fury and curiosity on her face.

".... I don't undh… erstand how you got rid of the poh… ison. It should have been able to keep even an elephant paralyzed for hours."

"Ahh, that… It's not a big deal. Haven't you gotten out of it too?" I say, downplaying the matter so that the spy woman can return her focus to the issues I'm interested in.

"Ahnmn! Mnnha!... I... I drank just a little, andh I'm trained to resist all kinds of poisons," says Beatrice, making special efforts to control her reactions.

' - I have to concentrate! This matter is very important. He shouldn't have been able to resist the poison.... With that dose of poison he ingested, I could have paralyzed even Dorian Aranis for several minutes. And this asshole got free after a few moments... I have to find out how he-'

"What about the aphrodisiac? Do you have a resistance to that too? I wonder how you train yourself to resist that sort of thing." I ask and raise my eyebrow again with an amused smile.

"Hahh, that's simple. The aphhh… rodisiac just exponentially increases the hah… already existing need. Since I… didn't find you attractive, the aphrodisiac wouldn't affect me," she says, smirking smugly.

'So she really isn't attracted to men… Or maybe it's just me...

But apart from that....

Was I that needy after a day of not having sex for the aphrodisiac to have that effect on me?....

This is starting to be worrying...

I don't want to turn into a brainless beast who only thinks about fucking...

I have to train my resistance to sexual abstinence, but…

How do I do it?' 

' - Damn it! I'm more than used to pain, but this... For fuck's sake! I feel my mind going blank at times…. That damn… monstrous penis is ruining me. From now on, nothing else will ever be able to satisfy me completely... If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up saying… something important by mistake.'

"Do you have some magic item that gives you a lot of resistance to poison?" she asks suddenly, without losing the thread of his words at any point during the question.

"What? No," I say, laughing and continuing to think while a part of me is still focused on not stopping repeatedly penetrating Beatrice's pussy at any moment.

'I can't refuse to have sex with Alessia and Delia. It is my duty, as the man in the relationship, to satisfy their needs....

Hmmm, anyway, now is not the best time to be thinking about that exactly. I'll have to reflect on the subject later.'

' - So how... How the hell did he get rid of the paralysis? And how the fuck is he... so calm? Haa... I have to concentrate... I can't... Give in... Shit... No, no, not again... I just got distracted for a mo-'

"Keep talking. Why did you want to- argh..." I start to say but am interrupted by the wild shudders of Beatrice's body, which seems to be cumming again.

With her arms and legs shaking uncontrollably around me.

Once again, her insides contract and writhe violently, sending waves of pleasure surging through me, from my cock to my brain, taking my breath away.

'I don't know a lot of things about this woman, but .... This woman... She sure knows how to cum.'

My mind is so dazed and enraptured by the sensation that I can barely hear the faint, uninterrupted moan that is escaping from the lips of the woman in my arms.

It's true that having sex with her is nowhere near as pleasurable as with Alessia or Delia.

But the way her body reacts when she cums...

It's a sensation I've never experienced with any other woman.

Just a moment after she begins to cum, I can't resist the sensation and shoot my second load.

*Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt*

Painting the depths of her insides with my sticky liquid and filling her to the point where the mixture of our fluids begins to drip from her pussy, and slide along my erection and my thighs.


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