Diary of the Female Emperor

Chapter 609: Ruthless people are cheating!

Make a bet with the Emperor's Xian Ling Paper?

What kind of masterpiece is this, I am afraid that it will cause waves in the nine great mountains and seas when placed in the ancient times, which is enough to make those fairy kings and even the quasi fairy emperor go crazy.

The Witch Emperor’s eyes widened as Huang Zhongda Lu’s eyes widened, and his giant mountain-like hands moved, seemingly unable to help but want to grab it directly, but when he thought of Zhang Tian’s terrifying power, he suppressed it. After the excitement in the heart, the eyes that looked at the tray were so hot that they were burning.

Even if the Wu Clan’s head is not bright, it is very clear and eager for the power of Xian Lingzhi, especially this is the Xian Lingzhi of the first emperor of the eternal burial. Even the quasi-immortal emperor has to retreat.

Venerable Ananda's eyes jumped wildly and he kept reciting the Buddhist scriptures silently. This was really a major challenge to test his Dharma cultivation. For the most part, he had cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and he almost lost control in front of such a treasure.

Not to mention the two of Palace Master Jade Chi and Emperor Qingxuan, their hearts were beating violently, their cheeks were extremely flushed.

To a certain extent, their family needs this immortal paper more than the Pure Land and Buzhou Mountain of Buddha.

The same treasure can play different roles in the hands of different people.

The Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and Buzhou Mountain are already the pinnacle forces of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas. An extra piece of fairy decree paper can only be said to be the icing on the cake, but if it falls into the hands of the Yaochi Immortal Territory and Qingxuan Ancient Kingdom, it is a nuclear weapon level. Powerful background, although it can't make them a power that can rival the pure land of the Buddha country, at least it can also make the pure land of the Buddha country not dare to provoke them easily.

Such a heaven-defying opportunity is in front of us, and who can not be crazy about it.

"You Daoist Zhang is sure that you want to use this fairy order paper as a bet?" Palace Master Yaochi barely calmed his mood, and asked again cautiously.

Nine-tailed Tianhu was anxious, and said quickly: "Xianling paper is too precious. Why should Daoyou Zhang take such a risk? My Tianming Shenshan would like to take a pool of Tianming water without roots to pay for this bet in place of Daoyou."

Venerable Ananda hurriedly announced the Buddha's name and said: "All bets must be taken out on the spot, and no credit is allowed."

"Yes, unless you take out a pool of water without roots right now."

The Emperor Wu also shouted loudly.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, pressed the shoulders of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox, and said in a low voice: "Just use this immortal paper as a bet. If you can't win that scroll of Netherworld's top exercises, this immortal paper will be yours. "


This kind of masterpiece shocked everyone. The eyes looking at Zhang Tian were very complicated. I don't know if he is too stupid or too confident.

Seeing all the dust settled, the emperor Qingxuan couldn't help sighing for a long time, raised his eyes to the Tongtian Pagoda, the bet was completed, it depends on who the champion of the trial will get.

Venerable Ananda said: "When I just entered, you all have imprints on your body, and Lao Na can cast spells to make all the imprints manifest. I wonder what you think?"

This matter needs to be asked, because once the imprint is manifested, which law channel each Tianjiao is in, and which layer is on it, it is all at a glance. This is also a very important privacy.

The Emperor Wu said loudly: "Then take a look, anyway, my Wu Clan Tianjiao must be at the forefront, haha..."

Palace Master Jade Lake and Emperor Qingxuan also nodded slightly in agreement, this time the bet was too big, and it would be very exciting for them to keep an eye on the progress.

Finally, Zhang Tian also nodded and said: "This emperor doesn't care."

Receiving these replies, Venerable Ananda took out the token gifted by Emperor Underworld, and played a blue magic trick to Tongtian Tower.

As for the opinions of other immortal mountain forces?

that's not important.


At the moment when the cyan Fajue appeared, the Tongtian Pagoda suddenly burst into light, as if it had undergone a baptism from top to bottom, and immediately appeared many golden light spots, all of them with imprints. But by relying on his breath, he can also recognize which force he is.

For a moment, the eyes of all the emperors focused on the past.

"That's amazing, the son of Emperor Wu Shi is worthy of being the reincarnation of Emperor Wu Shi, and it took less than three days to break through to the sixtieth floor. The next generation is terrible, and the next generation is terrible."

A great emperor stared at the Tongtian Pagoda in amazement. The law at the sixtieth floor was already close to the level of an ordinary immortal emperor, but the momentum of the beginningless was not half-decayed. This kind of background was really deep enough to shock them.

The Palace Master of Jade Lake smiled slightly and glanced downwards, and saw that Xing Tian ranked second, and he had reached the fifty-sixth floor. Although the Witch Clan did not cultivate the **** channel method, after all, the bloodline was noble, and that person opened up the world. The Taoist ancestors are very related, and they are not inferior in understanding the law.

After Xing Tian, ​​it was the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King of the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and the eldest princess of the Qingxuan Ancient Kingdom. Both of them reached the fifty-fifth floor and were also climbing vines quickly.

After searching for a while, Palace Master Yaochi just sensed the ruthless aura on the 32nd floor. He couldn't help but was surprised, and secretly said: "Daoyou Zhang, did Lingyuan choose an unfamiliar rule?"

Zhang Tian nodded.

This answer left the palace lord of Jade Lake speechless for a while. Venerable Ananda had already said very clearly before. Only by fully comprehending the law can he rise to the top of the tower layer by layer. In a limited time, he naturally chooses the law he is good at. The fastest.

After all, there is only one month of trial time. Only by shortening the time spent climbing the Tongtian Tower as much as possible can we buy more time for the tenth chakra behind to gather.

However, this discovery also made Palace Master Yaochi completely relieved. She has absolute confidence in Wushi. The only thing she is not sure about is the ruthless man who turned out to be. As long as the threat of ruthless man is gone, Wushi first is almost There is no suspense.

Soon, the ruthless person's situation spread in the circle of the emperor, causing many people to whisper, and a speculation was generated that the ruthless person did not intend to focus on condensing the ten round seas, but planned to take advantage of this effort. Feel the power of the law more.

After all, the condensing of ten rounds of the sea is a vague and unrealistic idea in the eyes of most emperors, but the perception of the laws in the Tongtian Pagoda is true.

Instead of pursuing the ethereal ten round sea, it is better to spend time on the law and understanding. After all, such an opportunity may only be once in a lifetime. Ordinary forces do not have their own sky like the Yaochi Immortal Territory and the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom. tower.

This was a very wise choice, but Zhang Tian participated in the gambling, it was completely different.

"This is cheating!"

All the great emperors sighed in their hearts. Judging from the current progress, even if the ruthless person is full of power later, it is impossible to catch up with Wu Shi et al.

Zhang Tian is afraid that this immortal order paper will be defeated. ,, ..

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