Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Chapter 32 — Airship and Remnants of War

Chapter 32 — Airship and Remnants of War



[Ei’s POV]


We arrived at some sort of airport. It’s not like modern ones with crazy security though. The only thing was that we couldn’t bring weapons aboard. Will that stop me? Nope. They can’t see my item bag… even I don’t know where it is. Is it even a bag?


“Welcome aboard the Falcon. Please proceed to your room; it will be the last one on the right.” (Flight Attendant)


This “airship” is literally just a giant boat with wings. It’s powered by magic, apparently.


We arrived in our room and it was actually pretty nice. It was about half the size of a classroom, and a bit less tall. There were four beds here which looked very fluffy. I thought first class would be better than this, but maybe I was overestimating how much you can put on a flying boat.


I think this boat so far is the only thing that really breaks the feeling of this being medieval Europe.  


“I’ve never been on an airship before. What should I expect?” (Ei)


“Not sure. Father said it was, ‘like a hot air balloon but better.’” (Nadia)


“Huh.” (Ei)


I’ve never been on a hot air balloon… Well, let’s just enjoy the experience. According to Nadia, there are another three rooms that are going to have passengers. We just arrived first.


“Ah! Ei! Can I talk to you for a moment?” (Luna)


Oh? Luna wants to talk about something? That’s unusual.


“So, we’re going to Polymatheia… I want to warn you that most Forest Elves don’t like High Elves very much, even if you look like a Half Elf.” (Luna)


“*sigh* I can use magic to change my appearance, probably? Or I can get Cthulhu to make a hood for me.” (Ei)


Cthulhu pops up over my head and forms into a black hood.


“Hmmm… let’s go with that for now! Besides, I like your blue hair.” (Luna)


Well then, I’m going to go hide in our room. I wish I had a quantum physics book…


“Kuruiiiiiiiii… do you know what quantum physics is?” (Ei)


“Quantum physics? Oh yeah, that’s fun.” (Kurui)


“What is ‘quantum’?” (Luna)


“I know not. However, some scientists said they were trying to find out the basics of it.” (Nadia)


“That’s impressive. Well, I happen to be a master at it. Why ya askin’?” (Kurui)


“Can I have a high level book on quantum physics please? I want to read during the trip.”  (Ei)


““EHH?!”” (Nadia + Luna)


“Uhhh… sure. But the books I have catalogued are in some language ENTITY called ‘English.’ That’s probably not a problem for you?” (Kurui) 


“Yep. Not a problem. Give me the book.” (Ei)


““...”” (Nadia + Luna)


Well, time to keep studying quantum physics… damn it! I already read this book!


“Kurui! Give me another! I read this one already!”


“““........””” (Everyone Else)


Kurui had to try another 15 times in order to get me a new book. Where they got the books from is a mystery to me. (G/N This is likely due to the science of quantum physics being a funda (A/N: SHUT UP) mental part of… (GREETER continued for several more paragraphs))




*This is before the deal was made (end of last chapter)


[Siren’s POV]


Time to go to the Polymatheia, the Nation of Elves! Well, not High Elves, but who cares about them!


Although, The Scientist told me to look out for a “forest elf with a great spirit”, a “vampire with blue hair”, and a “pirate with black hair”. Well, I’m sure that I won’t run into them! 


I’m getting on an airship to go there. This will be fun! I’ve been on an airship a few times, and even had some fun times~ 


Oh? It looks like there are some people here before me! Well, might as well get to know them. Maybe I can use them for something!



Is that an Elf who happens to have a strong spiritual aura, a blue haired half elf, and a pirate-y looking person with black hair??? Did I just run into the exact people I was told to avoid?!?


… Maybe I can still use this to my advantage. Besides, they’re victory against the Scientist’s chimera must have been a fluke.


Oh… I need a cover name… Let’s go with Thelxiepeia.


“Hello! I’m Thelxiepeia. You can call me Thel though!” (Siren/Thel)


“Another passenger, eh? Nice to meet ya.” (Kurui)


The pirate person answers me.


“I’m Luna!” (Luna)


“I’m Ei.” (Ei)


“I am Nadia.” (Nadia)


Oh? They have some blonde-orange-y haired girl with them too. Seems like a noble. She looks like she would be the most fun~


They don’t seem that dangerous. Hmmm… Well, not like they could stop me anyways. I’m more powerful than all of them. 




A few hours later…


[Ei’s POV]


“Ei! Stop hiding in your room! Kurui said we’re about to come to a really cool place!”  (Luna)


Luna calls through the door.


“One more chapter…” (Ei)


“That’s what you said five chapters ago!!!” (Luna)


“Fine…” (Ei)


But I’m almost done with my book… It's only ten more chapters.


I follow Luna out of the room and up to the deck, making sure to put up my hood. What I saw was extraordinarily unexpected.


“Haha! Ya finally came out of the room! Welcome to the Isles of Seikitai, one of three floating island ranges!” (Kurui)


“Wow…” (Ei)


Surrounding the boat in a sea of clouds were hundreds, maybe thousands, of floating rocks and small islands. Clouds gently rolled over the yellow grass and golden trees on them. It made for quite the view, especially with Möjlnir (sun) setting in the background. 


“None of the mortal races seem to know how these islands came to be, but I do. Wanna hear?” (Kurui)


“Sure.” (Ei)


“So, you see, these rocks aren’t completely native to the Material Plane. These are from the Entity Plane actually!” (Kurui)


“These are god rocks then?!?” (Luna) 


“Sort of, but also not quite. They all have a bit of Cosmicium, which is what the Entity Plane is made of. These rocks got thrown up into the sky during the war against NULL.” (Kurui)


“So, that iseth why thy kind stopped walking amongst mortals?” (Vadina)


“Partially. Ya see, this is the damage in the Material Plane. The fighting only happened in the Entity Plane. These are the results of shockwaves from the fightin’. The only reason we walked with mortals was to repair the world…” (Kurui)


“...” (Ei)


“It took 10,000 years. Wasn’t fun. Some sealed Entities can be found in this area, so make sure to be careful.” (Kurui)


“If we happen upon a sealed Entity, would we be able to beat it?” (Nadia)


“Eh… probably. Most sealed Entities are weaker than I am.” (Kurui)


“Watcha talking about?” (Siren/Thel)


“History.” (Kurui)


“How fun~! Although, is it true you could beat a sealed god~?” (Siren/Thel)


She heard that?! …That’s a bit annoying.


“Well, we are A rank adventurers. According to our sources, they should be around the power of or weaker than most A rank monsters.” (Ei)

“Ooooo~ I see… Well, let’s hope we don’t run into one~” (Siren/Thel)


Running into one would indeed be unfavorable. Thel then ran off to go somewhere… Not sure where exactly. The other guests were also gawking at the islands, just like us.


Well, it seems to be getting dark now, so I’m going to go return to my room. I still have ten chapters to read after all.






…What’s happening? I just wanna read… I only have 2 chapters left. *sigh* Let’s go find out. I’ll let everyone else sleep though.


I ran up to the deck and found a bunch of the air sailors and the captain running around.


“You there! Why are you here? This is an emergency. All guests should remain below decks!” (Captain)


“I can fight for myself. I’m an A rank adventurer. I'm sure you could use a bit of help.” (Ei)


“I’ll help too~” (Siren/Thel)


Oh? Thel is here too?


“Well, I may not be the best at fighting, but I can still encourage everyone. I’m sure you’ll overcome this situation with ease~” (Siren/Thel)


“What’s the problem anyways?” (Ei)




… Pirates, huh? This could be bad. 


“Are there any weird rules for fighting off pirates, or can I just blast them out of the sky?” (Ei)


“None. The only agreement is that if you don’t fight back they’ll only raid you then leave. They’re still a few miles off though.” (Captain)

“Sir! The pirates have increased velocity! New projected arrival appears to be thirty seconds! They are on a collision course as well!” (Sailor)


“What?! Evasive maneuvers! Aim the cannons. We must protect the passengers! You two, hold onto something!” (Captain)


I can see the ship speeding at us… Well, let’s try to end this. Hmmm… I haven’t thought of any long range spells that come from my body. Or just something that works like an artillery strike. I would use [Storm’s Fury], but that has too long of a windup. Besides, it’d be too powerful since it vaporized a chimera. Well… I have an idea!


I imagine a comet, speeding across the sky. I see the stars that surround it, blurring into lines as the comet flies. The icy trail behind the comment is clear like snow.


“[Starfall]” (Ei)


The comet I was envisioning becomes a reality, along with all the stars surrounding it. The comet hits first, exploding in a mass of ice as it impacts the enemy ship. It begins to fall, but the stars fall faster. As they hit the deck, motes of light shoot up and down, blazing holes throughout the hull.


What’s left is a frozen sponge made of wood and steel, falling from the sky at 500 miles per hour (804.6km/h).


“That was… impressive.” (Captain)


“I’m an A rank adventurer. What did you expect?” (Ei)


Now, I can finally finish my quantum physics book. 




[Siren’s POV]


…What the HELL is that Vampire?




Short one, but oh well.

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