Diablo Gato

Chapter 2: I Eat Meat


Whoosh! The spiked whip cracked through the air digging into Aokis back chipping out bits of skin.

"Fucking devil! Sly as a cat!" Satoshi screamed for the millionth time as he raised his arm to go for another strike at his prisoner. Aoki had his hand tied up and hooked to the roof, dangling like meat in an industrial scale refrigerator.

"How did you like it you sisterfucker!?" Satoshi bellowed as let out a thick stream of smoke from one corner of his mouth with a Cuban cigar sticking out the other end.

"Kill me already" Aoki groaned, in so much pain that his brain had stopped processing it and had instead started feeling hysterical,feeling insane. This feeling emboldened Aoki. After all if he sure he was going to die in this dungeon then he had nothing to lose.

"Fuck you! I should have bent you over instead!" an emboldened Aoki without a care in the world. Adding fuel to the fire, fanning the flames of an angry dragon.

"What you say boy??!!" Satoshi bellowed with eyes open so wide they could have as well dropped out of their sockets.

He dropped the whip and folded his shirts sleeves.

"Imma show you what this hands do" as he proceeded to pound Aokis face to a pulp. By the time he was done with him Aoki was a bloody mess dangling unconscious.

Satoshi stepped back to admire his handiwork unsure if the boy was dead. "Make sure he lives. Death is mercy, I don't do mercy." He then proceeded to go up the stairs.

In the kitchen.

Satoshi runs into Nana, his beloved grandmother as she prepares pancakes for breakfast. He casually washed his bloody hands in the sink and proceeded to grab a pancake before affectionately kissing her on the cheek. An out of place action for someone with covered in blood and sweat. She by now had grown accustomed to the brutal nature of the Nakamotos. Satoshis grandfather had been as brutal before he got killed in an ambush by a rival mafia family along with his son, Satoshis father. This had left Satoshi as the head of the family and the Saratoga arm of the Russian Bratva, being the only son, and protector to his younger sister.

Considering this she understood where his anger at Aoki, his first cousin and deputy in the Saratoga Mafia chain of command. Aoki had overplayed his hand and it now had to go. The mafia never compromised on its rules, not with Satoshis heart of stone in the heart of affairs.

Satoshi having already showered and changed into clean clothes hopped in the drivers seat of the Chevy camaro. I'we take the back route, he said to Chun Li beside him as he threw the car into a deliberately vigorous reverse and headed to the rough road, driving the car like he stole it.

In the boot Aoki wakes up.

"Fuck!" he cursed. He had hoped that he was dead. It did not take long to figure out that he was in the boot of a car. Infact he knew the car, one too many times he had shoved some poor bastards head into that boot as they took him out to the woods for execution on Satoshis orders.

"At least it's almost over" he thought as he hoped he was about to get buried in a shallow grave.

It was not long before the car screeched to halt. Moments later the boot popped open. Aoki had squint as his eyes adapted to the flood of light. It was the first daylight he had seen in days, it made his eyes hurt so he raised his bruised arms to shield them.

Out of the blues he was met by a smack right in the face. Followed by Aokis voice barking orders to have that devil dragged out of the car to the auctioneer.

With the mention of the word auctioneer Aokis blood ran col cold. He at once knew where he was. He had sold men, women and children to slavery before.

Live by the gun, die by the gun. He thought as his weak frame stumbled past the back entrance of Quiver Lounge. His nostrils were stung by the thick smoke hanging in the air. He was roughly pushed to the center podium just on time to see the lady with a hammer start announcing the bid for Diablo Gato, Satoshis rabid dog…and she proceeded to describe him as young and handsome with a thirst that would quench the thirst of a desert dweller.

Looking around he could see the usual characters. Till they locked eyes with Ivan the terrible. Ivan eyed him head to toe, before licking his lips like he was looking at a piece of meat before snorting a line of coke off a woman's cleavage. The clearly high as fuck Ivan then got up and walked up to Aoki, standing so close that Aoki could smell his expensive musky cologne . He then pulled in so close that he could practically hear Aokis heart beating hard against his chest.

"Scared stiff. Just like I like them" he thought.

"I am a meatiterian. I eat meat." He whispered menacingly in Aokis ear "and I like to play with my food"

Aoki knew he was fucked. Literally.

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