Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 234: Alien killer whales, work together to besiege and kill.

At this time, the silver fluorescent light all over Su Lin's body was extremely conspicuous in the dark seabed hundreds of meters away.

A pair of cold light blue wolf eyes swept over the group of killer whales looking at him.

There is no doubt that the powerful mother of the killer whale family is a group of top predators in the deep sea.

These big guys are born with powerful genes,

Qi, blood, size, and strength are not comparable to the bear clan.

But this does not mean that the bear clan under Sulin's command is the group of killer whales that can be slaughtered wantonly.

After all, Xiaobai, Yinyue, and Baixiong are all different species, and they all have at least two kinds of talents.

Their strength, once they really fight, can be said to be not inferior to orcas, and even stronger than orcas.

Especially Ice Bear, if he hadn't met the leader of the alien killer whale, it would be no problem at all with Ice Bear's current strength to fight two or even three killer whales.

However, as bears, they didn't have the slightest sense of cooperating in combat. This was the reason why Xiaobai and the others were defeated so quickly.

Relying on their own defense and strength on land, the Bear Clan is used to fighting alone.

It's just that in the deep sea, there are too many existences stronger than their defense and strength.

However, Xiaobai and Ice Bear were all grown up by Su Lin little by little, so naturally they would not be allowed to perish here.

Moreover, this group of killer whales was originally the prey that Su Lin attracted by relying on the blood of different species of white whales.

He covets the flesh and blood of killer whales and alien killer whales.

In this deep sea, perhaps the killer whales are used to being hunters and domineering,

But whether it is deep sea or land, there is only one law to follow.

That is the law of the jungle.

This is an eternal law that no species can change.

Therefore, when they hunt down the weak fish and shrimps, when they regard ice bears, Xiaobai, etc. as delicious big meat balls, they must think that they will be hunted one day.

Just like Su Lin, he never thought that one day he would not become someone else's prey, or someone else's blood.

Therefore, in order to avoid this from happening, he has been climbing towards a stronger peak.

devour evolution,

Only by devouring the genetic flesh of each new species can he create the strongest gene and the strongest power.

The current group of killer whales is his new hunting target.


The wild fighting spirit that seldom surfaced in Su Lin since he defeated the Thunder Sky Eagle spewed out again!

He slaughtered so many alien species along the way, the mere group of killer whales didn't even look in Su Lin's eyes.

Perhaps this group of killer whales united together can compete with the new species of the golden lemming, but Su Lin was able to kill the golden lemming on the Arctic ice sheet, let alone now?

At this time, under the gushing wild fighting spirit, the silver fluorescent lights all over Su Lin's body became brighter and brighter, and the dark sea area reflected brightened.

The almost monstrous invincible aura on Surin's wolf body also spread to the surroundings.

This breath made the many killer whales around couldn't help screaming crazily, trying to use the ultrasonic waves in the singing to dispel the breath that made them feel boundless and oppressive.

but failed!

They failed!

The strength of this breath is not only not disturbed by the ultrasonic wave, but also stronger.

The fluorescence on the silver four-clawed monster became brighter and brighter.

In the extreme brilliance, these extremely intelligent killer whales felt the energy fluctuations that made their heart flutter.

At the same time, those other species of arctic salmon and northern pike that were still trying to prey on them also came to their senses and began to try to escape from this sea area in a hurry.

Because they evolved into alien species, their IQs are not low, and they have long seen that this may be a hunting ground that they cannot touch at all.

In a hunting ground of this level, they seemed to be unable to do anything other than die.

At this time, the group of fish attracted by the blood of the heterogeneous beluga whale also saw that there was no delicious blood food here.

Some are just real hunters who lure their prey,

Some are also groups of killer whales willing to be lured here relying on their own strength.

This is a battle between a silver four-clawed monster with a body size of more than 20 meters and a group of killer whales.

As for who is the real prey and who is the real hunter, it is no longer within their reach.

All they can think about now is escape.

But Su Lin attracted them, so naturally he wouldn't let them escape.

Accompanied by a sign of mental fluctuations, the surviving Xiaobai, Yinyue, and Bai Xiong all understood the sign of the wolf king.

He started roaring and roaring, and rushed towards these fish that wanted to escape.

All the killer whales who were watching Surin also let the big white meat **** go away.

Because all killer whales knew that the real opponent was the silver monster with a size of more than 20 meters in front of them.

As for these meat balls, as long as the silver monster is truly killed, why worry about them escaping from his hunting range?

So at this time, none of the killer whales set their sights on the white meat ball, but stared at Su Lin.

As for the little white and white bears who left, it may be difficult to deal with these killer whales with their strength, but it is very easy to hunt and kill these northern pike and baby fish who also cannot fight in a team.

At the same time, Xiaobai and Baixiong really need to practice underwater combat.

Because their ability to fight underwater is too hip, in the future as the size of the wolf pack gradually grows.

In the arctic ice sheet, where food is expensive and scarce, it may be difficult to support a huge wolf pack of various species.

Therefore, food in the future must be open source,

And the sea is the best channel for open source, not one of them.

Here are the most diverse species in the world, the largest creatures, and various exotic plants.

Don't talk about completely exploring and occupying the ocean, just really occupying any piece of sea area, then there is no need to worry about the food problem of the wolves at all.

Even Su Lin will usher in a golden period of rapid improvement.

Because he has a lot of genetic blood intake, his third genetic transformation will also be greatly accelerated.

Xiaobai and Baixiong, who also have water suitability, will become the pioneers of wolves exploring the ocean in the future, so it is imperative to train their underwater combat capabilities.

"What a sneeze!"

"What a sneeze!"


At this time, the group of killer whales felt the wild fighting spirit rising from Surin, and they all uttered uneasy chirps.

This tweet sounded preparations for battle, but also the fear of being overwhelmed.

In addition, all the orca groups adjusted their states to their peak and scattered around Surin.

The huge body swims quickly around Surin,

The two orcas spit out a series of bubbles, these bubbles are transparent and colorless, but they contain an anesthetic gas.

In the past, when hunting fish schools, these bubbles have always been invincible when used to deal with fish schools.

But this time, facing the silver four-clawed monster in front of him, these bubbles were scattered by the silver fluorescent light just within a radius of more than ten meters, not to mention close to Su Lin's body.

These bubbles are a luxury even up close.

Su Lin's original power has been improved to a higher level after devouring the secret bone of the Kuang Lei Tianying last time.

The current source of power is incomparably majestic, even in the sea, it is like the scorching sun before it is fully activated.

"What a sneeze!"

A violent cry sounded from the alien killer whale again.

Facing Su Lin, who was now exuding a breath of heavenly power, this alien killer whale still did not escape.

Because they are kings in the deep sea, they have endless prestige in the deep sea.

Except for a very small number of giants in the ocean, it is rare to encounter an existence that can make them retreat without a fight.

And the speed of this silver four-clawed monster is like a dream.

At this speed, escape is a luxury for them.

So there is only war!

At this time, the alien killer whales screamed frantically while commanding the battlefield, while raising the group's arrogance.

At this time, Su Lin's light blue wolf eyes also focused on the leader of the alien killer whale.

Although the two orcas exuded an aura that was not inferior to that of the Musk Ox King, the leader of the orcas was obviously stronger.

With a thought, the numerical attributes of the alien killer whale appeared in front of him.

Species: Killer Whale (exotic)

Level: Level 34.

Vitality: 12852

Stamina: 856

Strength: 793

Defense: 772

Speed: 295

Talents: Waves (Grade B), Protection of Water (Grade A), Killer (Grade A).

When the numerical attributes of this alien killer whale appeared in front of Su Lin, even Su Lin couldn't help feeling the power of marine life.

The strength of this alien killer whale surpassed that of the original alien musk ox king.

Not even counting the original power, in terms of numerical attributes alone, it is not inferior to the original golden lemming.

If it is on land, at least with the strength of this alien killer whale, it will become a truly powerful overlord.

Calling the wind and calling the rain, calling the king and dominating the world is definitely not a joke.

But in the ocean, it seems that this alien killer whale didn't shine much.

After all, it couldn't even lead the group of killer whales that came together this time.

Then Su Lin looked at another alien killer whale again, and found that the other alien killer whale also had a full level 31 strength attribute.

Two alien orcas superimposed together, coupled with the hunting of more than a dozen orcas under his command, this lineup is indeed gorgeous!

Just with this lineup, if you want to hunt Su Lin, that's not enough!

Far from enough!

Such a lineup is only suitable for hunting the existence of the golden lemming level. If you want to hunt him, even if you add ten times more groups to this alien species of killer whales, you will still have to be slaughtered.

Su Lin came from the **** wind. Before he had undergone the first genetic transformation, he had killed and hunted through a hundred wolves, let alone now?

At this moment, his fighting spirit reached its peak, and his aura became even more terrifying.

This feeling of depression made the whole group of killer whales unable to hold back the restlessness in their hearts anymore, and began to rush towards Su Lin with a chirping sound.

Two alien orcas charged towards Sulin, one left and one right, and the rest of the orcas knew that they were no match for this silver monster, and just wandered around Sulin, waiting for an opportunity to injure him severely.

"What a sneeze!"

Two alien killer whales rushed towards him with fierce calls.

Among them, the strongest alien killer whale still used head butts, and the other alien killer whale was obviously less courageous, and did not show the indomitable arrogance, but gave Su Lin a tail flick.

The huge tail created endless waves under the water, and the water waves smashed towards Su Lin with a huge impact force.

But in the blink of an eye, Su Lin's silver body more than 20 meters away disappeared in place as if teleported!

Only the tails and huge heads of the two alien orcas were left, and they collided fiercely.

Facing Su Lin, the two of them used their full strength.

So under the full force of the collision, accompanied by the fierce surge of the water, there was a huge collision and roar!


loud voice,

The two alien killer whales suddenly became huge, and they screamed in extreme pain.

Both the cartilage on the tail and the stronger head of the killer whale felt severe pain.

But before the sound spread underwater, Su Lin's icy eyes came to the strongest alien killer whale with a flash of murderous arrogance!

"Do you like headbutting? Then let you have a good time!"

Su Lin's murderous nature, which had been suppressed for a long time, was completely revealed at this moment.

In fact, the reason why Su Lin didn't make a move just now is,

It is he who wants Ice Bear, Little White, White Bear, Silver Moon, etc. These are considered to be a strong party on the icy Arctic ice sheet. They know that there are too many of them in this world. UU Reading An existence that is far from being invincible!

Only with awe of the world can they have more motivation to climb upwards.

But now these extremely clever killer whales think that they are turning against customers and want to hunt themselves, so Surin has to let them know the price they have to pay for hunting themselves!

In this world, whether it is land or sea, whether it is sky or underground.

All hunters must understand one thing.

In hunting and killing, there is no reason to only allow yourself to hunt others, and not allow others to hunt and kill yourself!

Since these killer whales rely on their own powerful strength and want to turn against the guest, then come!

Has Su Lin ever been afraid of hunting?

You must know that his journey has never been peaceful, but he was killed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

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