Devil’s Advent

Chapter 33 Upgrade method!

If the master is killed, will our restrictions disappear?

The gazebo at this time is really cool.

After Fan Li's words, there was a long silence.

But this kind of silence also means a terrible fact, and this fact will make the six people present feel a kind of shame and self-blame.


No one stood up immediately to refute Fan Li's treason,

No one speaks up to quickly reprimand Fan Li, your thinking is very dangerous!


means that everyone is thinking,

while thinking,

It means that everyone is hesitating,


It means that everyone... is moved.

Everyone is really weighing the pros and cons in their own minds, and they are really guessing whether they will succeed if they do this.

If you didn't speak up at the beginning, you have already revealed your little thoughts. At this time, you can say something to show your loyalty, and then say something that is divided.

Who are you fooling?

Especially those present here, even if they were not in a manga, it was easy to say, but they have been living together in this world for half a year.


Someone had to speak up to end this silence, otherwise, cracks would appear in the entire team.

And speak,

It's not blind Bei, nor Siniang,

It was Liang Cheng.

I have led soldiers and fought in battles before, among other things, I have done things similar to the Zhenbeihou family's taking the lives of thousands of civilians as bait this time, and even more egregious things. few.

But no matter what, I will tell my subordinates and soldiers clearly, even if I let them die, even if I let them die.

A general can deceive his enemies, and even the monarch of his own country, but if he deceives his subordinates and his robes, he will lose the meaning of his existence.

Liang Cheng picked up the wine glass in front of him,

lift up slowly,

We are not good men and women. From the perspective of secular evaluation standards, we are actually heinous demons.

We have seen through many things, we can be freer and freer, and we can pursue the feeling we want more freely.

Blood, life, cruelty, violence,

We can enjoy it, we can be free,

But we are still us after all.

The reason why we are still us is because we have character, edges and corners, characteristics, and pursuits, rather than a machine that simply pursues the maximization of benefits.

Otherwise, we can all change our name, what else is needed?

It's like a bubble, its appearance is to float up, and it will explode after surfacing.

Really, speaking of it, isn’t it funny, when we were just ordinary people, we promised him that we would let him choose for himself, whether we want to live a rich and ordinary life or pursue some exciting things.

At that time, we were willing to protect him and let him be a rich man for the rest of his life.


We have regained some strength, though little,

But we began to look forward to Shu in our hearts!

I am ashamed of myself, really I also know that I am not qualified to say such things, I am not clean;

Everyone drank this glass of wine together, and after that, Fan Li's words just now, and the thoughts that moved everyone's minds just now... Forget it all.

Ah Ming raised his wine glass, Xue San raised his wine glass, Feng Siniang raised his wine glass, Fan Li raised his wine glass, Blind Bei also raised his wine glass.

Then, everyone drank it all in one gulp.

The temperature in the gazebo has picked up a bit.

The blind man murmured his lips, then spoke again:

Actually, there is a point. Everyone should be able to understand that if the player's account is cancelled, the mount under his name...

No, can the baby under his name continue to exist?

If things were really that simple, why didn't Sun Monkey just cut off Tang Monk's head and pickle it to take him to Daleiyin Temple when he was learning scriptures?

So, let's stop here.

Next, continue to talk about business.

According to my guess, what we are going to do next can be divided into two categories;

The first category is the development of economic wealth and power, including the establishment of the three hundred cavalry, including their training, their equipment, and the fact that the lord, the very watery Hushang Xiaowei, is in the acre of Hutou City. Three points, how to compete for the right to speak and influence.

The other type is to find a way, at all costs, to enhance the strength of the Lord!

In this world, there is magic, fighting spirit, monks, and warriors. There are too many systems, and they are uniformly divided into nine ranks. What we have to do is to let the master raise the rank step by step!

The second category is the most important.

Because only by improving the strength of the seven people, and holding the strength in your own hands, is the real foundation for future development, without having to borrow too many techniques and combinations.

My fist is hard enough to break the enemy with one punch. This is the most correct development path.

So, what route should I choose for the Lord? Si Niang muttered, The zombie said that the Lord is a bit strong.

Grudge, how is it?

Xue San proposed fighting spirit.

It's still a martial artist. After all, fighting spirit is a little bit to the west. It's a bit difficult to learn. A Ming said.

Yes, we still need to adapt to local conditions. Blind Bei Bei echoed, With our current conditions, it is difficult to really get in touch with the Western power system.

It is said that there are magicians and fighters in Yan State, but the number is very small, and most of them are exchange students in the academy in the capital of Yan State or serve as military officers in places like embassies.

Currently, we don't have the ability to go to the capital of Great Yan to bind the teacher.

Tie teacher? Feng Siniang took a breath, as if she finally understood something, and said, Blind man, you called us here tonight to tie us up for the Lord... no, to ask the Lord for a teacher ?”

Blind Bei let out a huh.

So, it's confirmed? Ah Ming suddenly felt a little speechless. What a fool, this blind man, caused Fan Li's Tie Hanhan to say that sentence, which made everyone so embarrassed at night.

Blind Bei shrugged his shoulders, as if he knew that everyone was complaining about him at this time, but he couldn't help it, because it was him, and he didn't expect anyone to say such a thing.

Yes, this is the reason why I called everyone together tonight, combined with the current conditions and the Lord's own current situation, I think it is very necessary to find a warrior teacher for the Lord.


Blind Bei continued to analyze:

Liang Cheng, although his fighting ability is very strong, but his methods rely more on his own bloodlines of zombies, and the same is true for A Ming. Unless you can perfectly transplant your own bloodlines to the Lord, otherwise, It is impossible for the Lord to take the same path as you, and your direction is not suitable for the Lord.

Xue San's body skills and some abilities are more about experience and understanding of the use of power, including Si Niang's and my abilities, all rely on some inexplicable opportunities, and they do not have a strong force in themselves. Reproducibility.

Not to mention the Magic Pill, its existence was set up by the master to be like a monkey grandson, the debut is the pinnacle, how to copy it?

Everyone is too special, and it is precisely because they are so special that they are not suitable for Zheng Fan, who is a blank sheet of paper, to copy.

Because, to a large extent, our existence stems from various accidents. How do you copy accidents?

Isn't it good for one of us to be the teacher of the Lord?

The fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders!

And everyone will definitely try their best to teach without reservation, but can it succeed?

Yes. Si Niang replied, Yes, if the Lord imitates our road, it will only narrow the road.

So, since there are so many people in this world and the cultivation system is so rich, it means that every mature cultivation system has been successfully verified by many people. First of all, it has a strong copy sex.

Catch a warrior, right? Xue San said impatiently, Is there a target?

If you're looking for it, you definitely can't find two knives. You can't have the kind that only flickers and sparkles.

Feng Siniang said so.

Liang Cheng nodded, and said: At least, we must catch a real high-ranking warrior, and he must be a genuine ninth-rank warrior.

How strong is a ninth-rank warrior? Feng Siniang looked at the blind man Bei, The man of that woman who gave you ascites,

Isn't it the Xuncheng school captain, how strong is a half-step ninth-rank warrior?

Xue San giggled beside him, and said, Tch, the blind man works in secret, so he must not have been caught raped in bed.

It's not difficult to deal with half-level ninth-rank warriors, but if we face them alone, the risk factor will be very high.

When he said these words, Liang Cheng thought of the sword-wielding old man next to the female general of Zhenbeihou's family on the battlefield.

So, we have to find the target first, and after confirming the target, the six of us have to take action together, and make sure to capture him alive!

Blind Bei revealed his final plan.

Hmm. Fan Li raised his hand.

A Ming glanced at Fan Li, and said angrily, A Li, if it's nonsense, don't say it.

Fan Li thought about it seriously.

It seemed that he was really analyzing whether what he was about to say was bullshit.

Speak, Ali. Blind Bei sighed.

I was in the caravan, and I heard from the barbarians that there is a sacrificial hall in the royal court, and talented barbarian masters can go there to further study and study. There are also military academies and academies in the country of Yan. My lord, can I go to the academy to study? Wouldn't it work better this way?

Xue San yawned when he heard the words, and his lips began to output like a Maxim machine gun:

Yes, the lord first went through the audition, and finally got the qualification to enter the academy from Tianjiao in Hutou City;

Then the good-for-nothing master was squeezed out, suppressed, and looked down upon in the academy. No matter if it was a cat or a dog, whoever came out of it would deliberately run to the master to win a wave of hatred;

Don't ask why, the master is the master, the most unique fireworks in this world.

Then, the lord was bullied in the college, and we were not with the lord, so the lord ran to the back mountain, either slipped and fell into the cave and got the secret book, or met the child elder of Tianshan to teach the exercises, or picked up a ring, There is also an old woman living in the ring;

The grandma asked immediately: 'Please tell me your dream! '

As expected of the Little Mister who talked about half a year in the inn,

After so many words were spoken, Ali was dizzy without any pause.

Xue San picked up the jug, took a few sips directly from the mouth of the jug, then put down the jug, wiped his mouth, and said:

I support the blind man's plan, and this plan is definitely much better than going to some badass college.

Let's catch a ninth-rank martial artist and come back. You can threaten his family or his own life, and let him teach the Lord.

When the master reaches the half-step ninth rank, let's see if our strength has improved. If it has improved, well, the next rhythm will be simple and clear.

When the master reached the ninth rank, there were seven of us, six, damn it, when will that lazy bastard come out, shit!

Let’s not talk about him, let’s continue, when the master reached the ninth rank, our strength also improved, so we went to catch the eighth rank, tortured him, and let him teach the master.

When the master reaches the eighth rank, our strength has improved again, so we will go to catch the seventh rank, then the fifth rank, and the fourth rank...

finished speaking,

With a bang, Xue San slapped the table,


In this world, is there a better way to upgrade than this?

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