Devil’s Advent

Chapter 3 Lord, are you awake?



Zheng Fan thought that he should have died.

However, the moist, warm, long-lost warmth slowly drifted away from her body.

At first, this feeling was only faint and slight, and it was difficult to capture, but gradually, the sensory stimulation became clearer and clearer.

Is this what it feels like to die?


It's not that unacceptable;


And a little more comfortable.

The input of the nerves is like a dry canal being reintroduced into running water. From moistening the cracked land to wetting and finally to storing water, this is a gradual process.

With all this unfolding, Zheng Fan's perception of the outside world became more and more sensitive.

He could feel his hands, his feet, and the warm liquid dripping from his chest.

A strange idea began to emerge from his consciousness,

Zheng Fan began to doubt,


really dead?

No one knows what happens after a person dies. Even though the friends in the studio created many horror stories about ghosts, they were just imaginations after all.

In the final analysis, dead people cannot write a few hundred words of experience like elementary school students and pass it back.

Zheng Fan began to try to do something, the first thing he did was to open his eyes.

At this time, he felt like he was in Yugong Yishan. On the one hand, the perception of various parts of the body was recovering rapidly, and on the other hand, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it.

It seemed that he had fallen into a state of being pressed by ghosts, and wanted to resist, but he could only struggle in vain.


The sound came,

Then came a splash of heat.

Under this stimulus, Zheng Fan finally opened his eyes.

The line of sight was blurred at first, and a little light could be perceived, but it could not be imaged.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow struck, and he began to wipe his face continuously while blocking his sight again and again.

Like a person who has just woken up, washing his face with a hot towel can indeed give him a period of refreshment.

Zheng Fan's sight became clearer and clearer.

First, what he saw was a face, the face of a girl about fourteen or fifteen years old.

The girl was wearing a plain long dress, holding a copper washbasin in one hand and a towel in the other, looking at herself anxiously.


Did he wake up just now when this girl accidentally splashed a basin of hot water?

And the warmth and comfort I felt earlier was because she was wiping her body?

The girl was terrified, because her negligence poured a pot of hot water on the nobleman, and this nobleman was whom her mother urged her to take good care of.

In the past six months, her job has been to serve him, even though he has been in a coma and has not woken up, but she did not dare to slack off in the slightest. The most obvious evidence is that this man has been bedridden for half a year, and he doesn't even have a bed sore on his body.

Only those who have really taken care of bedridden patients know how much effort it means to have no bedsores on the patient's body.

But the girl didn't complain at all, and was very grateful for the job.

In other words, this man is her fate. If something goes wrong with her, according to her mother's temperament, she may be kicked directly into the red tent in the fence to receive those smelly guests .

Mother's temper is not good, and it is very bad.

If I let my mother know about my mistake and found that the bed is wet, I...

The girl's absence didn't last too long, because she suddenly discovered that the man's eyes had opened!

The girl blinked,

Zheng Fan blinked,

4.5 seconds of silence,


The girl let out a scream,

This call made Zheng Fan, who had just woken up, twitched his head, and was almost fainted by being called again. It's really a pity that this girl doesn't practice soprano.

Mom, he's awake, he's awake!!!

The girl turned around and ran out of the room while shouting loudly.

In the room, it was finally quiet, only Zheng Fan was left alone.

Zheng Fan tried to move his hands and feet. At first, he felt a little numb, but he quickly found a support point, got up from the bed with some difficulty, and got out of the bed with his hands supporting the bed.

His legs were a little soft, but fortunately he had prepared in advance and kept his balance so he didn't fall directly to the ground.

After panting for a while like this, Zheng Fan released his hands again, allowing himself to stand completely on the ground, but his back was slightly bent, his center of gravity squatted down slightly, and he was still maintaining stability with some care.

The whole process was a bit like a newborn baby learning to walk again. His body seemed a little too weak, and he was already dripping with sweat.

It was only now that Zheng Fan had the heart to look at the room. The wooden structure was a bit old, and the furnishings in the room were also very retro. There was a dressing table in the corner with a bronze mirror on it.

This is me...

According to the layout of the room I am in now, if the absurd possibility of being sent to the Hengdian Affiliated Hospital is excluded,

This is myself,

Crossed over?

As a creator, Zheng Fan is naturally no stranger to the word traversal, but he really didn't expect it to happen to him.

Some stumbled and moved to the dressing table, looking at the bronze mirror.

Almost no one has never heard of the bronze mirror, but there should not be many who have actually seen and used it with their own eyes. After all, it has been eliminated for many years, but when Zheng Fan stood in front of the mirror, he was also caught by the bronze mirror. The effect was a little surprising.

Although it is definitely not comparable to the glass mirrors of later generations, the effect is much better than what I imagined.

Zheng Fan stretched out his hand to touch his face while looking at the mirror, the one in the mirror was his own face, um, it looks like it wasn't soul wear...

Moreover, the face in the mirror is somewhat different from when I died. Before I was euthanized, I was skinny due to the torture of the disease, but now, it seems that there is some more flesh on the face, although it is still a little thin And pale, but already within the acceptable level of normal people.

Lowering his head, Zheng Qiang noticed that he was naked, not just without a shirt.

It's just that when I woke up earlier, I really didn't notice this for a while.

Once people have no clothes on them, they tend to feel insecure, especially in this strange environment, this anxiety will be more intense.

Now that I think about it, that girl was just wiping herself?

What Zheng Fan didn't know was that for the past six months, that girl would help him wipe his body almost every day.

It was the girl who accidentally splashed a basin of water on her face.

On the right side of the dressing table, there is a chair with a set of clothes on it.

This suit is very familiar. It is a sweater. The main color is black, with a little dark red mixed in it. At the same time, there are a pair of boots under the chair.

These are the clothes that Zheng Fan wore when he committed suicide. He likes this style of clothes. He has designed and ordered many sets by himself, because he feels that sweaters can bring him a sense of security, especially when he wears the sweaters. When the hat is down to cover most of your face, it can give you the peace you need.

With some difficulty putting on his clothes and boots, Zheng Fan was so tired that he could only sit on a chair and lean against the dresser, gasping for breath. His body was indeed too weak after waking up, but no matter what, it was better than when he committed suicide. The sick body has already healed too much. At the very least, this body should be able to recover a lot after resting and recuperating for a period of time.

At this moment, Zheng Fan suddenly noticed a figure appearing at the door, and he immediately looked up while still panting.

for a while,

Zheng Fan felt as if he was being shocked by an electric shock.

At the door of the room, there was a woman standing in her mid-thirties. She was wearing a long blue dress and a phoenix hairpin. Her lips were red and her eyes were natural. This is a **** At the age of *, and this woman has an elegant temperament and a just right plump figure.

Of course, no matter how good-looking this woman is or how coquettish her physique is, it is not the point, and it is not enough to surprise Zheng Fan like this. What really shocked Zheng Fan is that,


Meet this woman!


He once drew this woman with his own hands!

Feng... Sister Feng?

Zheng Fan felt that he was dreaming. Could it be that once a person dies, he will enter an endless dream?

From this point of view, it seems that death is no longer a terrible thing, but a relief to pursue freedom.

The woman looked at Zheng Fan standing in front of her,

The mouth is slightly opened, and there is a sparkle in the eyes. For a moment, the red lips are slightly parted, which means she is laughing, and the tears are dripping down, which means she is crying.

in the end,

The woman simply put her hands in front of her lower abdomen, bent her knees,


Master, you are finally awake!

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