Devil’s Advent

Chapter 28 Return to the city!


fell down,

There is not too much words, no preparation, no foreplay, straight to the point, but extremely smooth.

The woman fell to the ground. As a member of Wang Ting's barbarian priest, she did not expect that her ending would be so inexplicable.

The caravan guard beside him was also stunned, as if everything that happened in front of him was simply incomprehensible.


Fan Li is an honest person,

Is a kind man,

He doesn't like people around him to worry,


He likes to help others solve their troubles and doubts.

But he also felt that he was stupid, at least, during the half year in the inn, Siniang and Xue San laughed at him for being stupid.

Therefore, he doesn't intend to help people solve troubles. He knows that he has no such ability, but if he solves the troubled people, the troubles are also solved, right?

As a result, there was an extra corpse on the ground.


Fan Li sat on the mound,

He took out a large handful of shallots from his pocket.

In the past few days, he ate a lot of sand onions every day, and exchanged all the money he had in the caravan for sand onions. This thing is not difficult to find in the grasslands and Gobi.

Add some salt, add some yogurt, marinate it, eat it in your mouth, it is astringent and spicy, and it is full of breath.

The caravan guard who just died has always been very dissatisfied with this, because he and Fan Li slept in a tent at night. If you know that the name of the sand onion in later generations is Mongolian leek, you know that it tastes too much How big is it.

But after eating a handful of shallots that day, Fan Li suddenly felt that his strength had increased!

Just like a beast instinctively looking for some trace elements to supplement itself, Fan Li took it for granted that it was Sha Onion that restored his strength.

So, he eats, eats every day, eats when he has nothing to do, eats while riding a horse, eats while walking, and sleeps with his mouth still wrapped.

eating and eating,

After eating the sandstorm finally subsided,

eating and eating,

When I saw three horses appeared in front of me,

The distance is a bit far, I can't see clearly,

But one of the horses,

That small stubborn figure made Fan Li instantly recognize the identity of that person.

Fan Li smiled, still simple and honest.

He waved the sand onion in his hand,

He decides,

Share this magical food that can restore strength with your friends!


So, you recognized Xue San's dagger?

Yes, my lord, I recognize him. He has been grinding in the yard for half a year.

That woman, was you chopped?

Cut it.

Fan Li made a gesture of chopping wood with his bare hands, which was unpretentious.

Zheng Fan nodded, and handed the water bag in his hand to Fan Li. Fan Li took the water bag with a smile and drank several gulps.

The things in this world are so strange, as if there are really countless threads that connect a person and a thing together.

To sum it up, it may be one sentence: Fate is indescribable.

Fan Li obeyed Blind Bei's arrangement and followed the barbarian caravan to the desert to find out information, in order to leave a retreat for the inn.

If it doesn't work, the big guy can really retreat to the desert to open a new Longmen Inn, and Feng Siniang will switch to selling human flesh buns.

Who would have imagined that the caravan was actually a spy team of the barbarian royal court. The caravan was just a disguise, and in essence, it was for the royal court to collect information.

Perhaps, the person in charge who recruited Fan Li was too low-ranked and didn't know the inside story, or the caravan thought that Fan Li was strong and foolishly able to ride a horse, so it was a good deal to recruit Fan Li as a strong man.

Anyway, take him with you.

Then, by a very coincidence, the white-robed woman who had just escaped from the three of them ran into Fan Li's support team by accident.

The dagger that Xue San stuck in the woman's back became the best mark again.

From Fan Li's point of view, since he was inserted by his partner,

That must be the enemy.

If the partner didn't stab her to death, then he had to be hacked to death by her, of course!

The matter was settled like this.

However, both dolls survived, and Fan Li did not kill him.

Under Zheng Fan's order, Xue San took the two dolls to a nearby herdsman's house, gave the two dolls to the herdsman directly, and left a little money and two horses at the same time.

In fact, the safest way is to kill the grass and roots, but Zheng Fan couldn't make up his mind.

Well, if decades later,

A generation of arrogant desert overlords who have nothing to do, Khan who shoots eagles, grows up and rushes to him with thousands of troops to seek revenge.

Then just kneel on your own knees, there is nothing unwilling.

Three people go out,

when you go back,

became four people.

Because of the delay on the road, when the four of them returned to the outside of Hutou City, the moon and stars were already thin.

Hutou City will close its gates at night, especially when the suspicion of the war has not completely dissipated, but fortunately, this time when he went out, Zheng Fan got himself an official.

Even if this official status is worse than Sun Dasheng's Bi Mawen, after all, Bi Mawen at least has horses, and Zheng Fan doesn't even have horses.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, they called the door, and a hanging basket was lowered from above, and Zheng Fan was hoisted up.

Holding the letterhead and the letter of commission stamped by the female general of Zhenbeihou's family in his hand, Zheng Fan first met with the envoy commander who guarded the city gate, then goodbye commander Shi, and then the centurion commander. Then came the patrolling captain named Wang Li,

Everyone read his letterhead and letter of appointment, and then looked at Zheng Fan again with a strange look.

at last,

Zheng Fan was like a finished product on an assembly line, being sent back all the way through the hands, and finally, he came to a lobby.

At the head of the hall was a man with a big belly. Zheng Fan remembered that when he was sitting behind Blind North's stall that day, he watched him ride a strange beast and lead a group of cavalry across the street. horse.

Zheng Fan still remembered his official name, which was recruiting envoys, not recruiting people to beat him;

It is probably similar to the commander-in-chief of public security in an area, who is responsible for arresting bandits and cracking down on bandits.

Blind Bei once said to Zheng Fan that the official positions of the Yan Kingdom are somewhat complicated, and there is no way to fully fit them into a certain ancient dynasty.

And in the lower position, there is an official with white hair and beard. Not surprisingly, he should be the real head of Hutou City. He can be called the county magistrate. Of course, foreign businessmen like to call him the city lord.

Obviously, the recruiter surpassed the county magistrate in terms of rank.

The envoy read the letterhead and the letter of appointment, and then said to Zheng Fan who was standing below:

Tell me about the war.

What follows is Zheng Fan's narration. Except for concealing himself and Liang Cheng Xuesan's prediction in advance, the rest is basically not embellished.

After the narration, the envoy nodded and said:

Lieutenant Zheng, from now on you will be under the control of this official. I hope that you can do things well, live up to the expectations of the Holy Majesty, live up to the support of the Zhenbei Houfu, and hope that you will also live up to my high expectations.

This is the talk of the scene, Zheng Fan nodded immediately.

Okay, Captain Zheng has worked hard all the way, let's go home and rest first, you are allowed a ten-day vacation, and you can come to the yamen for some shifts in ten days.

Zheng Fan responded, turned around and left.

After Zheng Fan left the lobby,

The county magistrate looked at the envoy with some anxiety, cupped his hands and said:

My lord, why did the Zhenbeihou Mansion do this?

Why? It's just sending a beggar casually. Who can say that he is so lucky that he can kill a bandit chieftain as a peasant?

Then...then us?

We don't need to do anything, just watch it like this. Right now, Zhenbeihou himself is in the capital. It is said that the eldest daughter of Zhenbeihou is in charge of all matters in the Zhenbeihou's mansion.

My lord, are you saying that this battle was initiated by a woman?

You said it, but I didn't say anything. Hehe, in short, the relationship between the imperial court and the Marquis of Zhenbei is too delicate now, let's wait and see what happens.

The grain, grass, military equipment and horses...

What do you care about this? She obviously threw a rotten taro over here, why should we follow it like a sweet pastry? What's the matter with you, before the matter in the capital is settled, we'd better do everything Don't do it, stay the same for all changes.

It's what your lord said, it's what your lord said.

Zheng Fan, the Zheng family, are you a big family in Hutou City?

That's not true. It seems that they entered the city when the city re-accepted the household registration of refugees half a year ago. They opened an inn in the city. Their wine tastes good.

That's right, that's enough, we're here. Now that the battle is over and we've won, the city ban should be lifted tomorrow. It's too late.

Yes, the officer will give you an order.

Well, no.

The county magistrate walked out of the lobby after saluting.

In the lobby, only the fat recruiter and his followers were left.

Zhao Zhao made his obese body lean back on the chair, reached out and rubbed his forehead, and said:

Tell me, Master Hou and Miss, can they survive this hurdle?

The entourage was helping to pour the tea. Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment and said:

Hou Ye is an auspicious person with his own heavenly face.

I don't like to hear this kind of nonsense, that's all, have you written the memorial to impeach Zhenbeihou's family for corruption and power?

Ready, but, Ah Lang, do you really want to send this memorial?

What else can I do if I don't send it off? If Master Hou is fine, everything will be fine. If something happens to Master Hou, I, the vanguard of the northern Hou, might be able to help Master Hou and Miss to make things right.

Alang has a heart.

It's all life, it's all life, I owe Lord Hou and Miss.

Then the one named Zheng Fan just now, Colonel Zheng, is Alang really going to leave it alone?

Care? Forget it, I was just a commoner a few days ago, even if I give him food and equipment now, he dares to raise the flag against me when Lord Hou really has something to do?

He has the guts?


Let him go. Miss didn't mention any arrangements for him in her letter.

However, Ah Lang, since he was promoted by the young lady, after all, he has been stamped with the mark of the Zhenbeihou Mansion.

Okay, if he has the ability, if he can pull up the human horse equipment, I will recognize his ability, hahaha...


The city gate opened, and at the gate, Zheng Fan met with Xue San, Liang Cheng and Fan Li who came in from behind, and then the four of them led their horses and walked along the street together.

There is no curfew in Hutou City, even if the suspicion of war is shrouded in the current period, there is still no curfew, but there are indeed many more soldiers patrolling the streets.

It's not suitable to ride a horse in the city at night, after all, what Zheng Fan is riding on is not that kind of Pixiu variant.

When you get home, take a bath and relax your muscles and bones first. Zheng Fan stretched while talking.

He doesn't have much concept of being an official now. In fact, the recruitment envoy and the county magistrate are not very enthusiastic about him, which also means that his job, um... that's it. .

However, it doesn't matter anymore. After going out for a run, I have seen the fighting on the battlefield, and I have personally committed suicide. This feeling is more like a transformation.

My lord, Si Niang is good at massage, you can ask him to make you a set of essential oil SPA.

Xue San suggested kindly from the side.

When Zheng Fan heard this, an image immediately appeared in his mind...

However, Zheng Fan still shook his head. It is impossible for you to say that you are not attracted to Siniang. No normal male animal can be uninterested in a woman like Siniang.

You are my friends and my family in this world.

With the help of the bright moon, Zheng Fan didn't feel hypocritical and sensational any more, and just said what was in his heart,

I never regarded you as my men, never.

After all, I dare not, for fear of being cut.

Well, no, my lord, Si Niang used to open a conference hall in Shanghai before, and even specially trained the technicians under her. Her own skills must be the most...

Needless to say, this is showing disrespect to Si Niang. In her heart, there should be a man who belongs to her.

A woman with taste, a woman with a story, and a mature woman basically have a catalyst called man. However, it is only responsible for catalyzing the reaction. After the reaction is over, the catalyst can be thrown away. into the reaction.

At this time, Fan Li, who was leading the horse at the end, suddenly shouted:

Master, Si Niang is still a virgin.

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