Devil’s Advent

Chapter 267

So, this is like the end of a movie in the Once Upon a Time series, it seems to be the sentence that Huang Feihong said after participating in the Lion King competition:

We won the gold medal, but lost the country?

Zheng Fan said while drinking tea.

In front of him, Xue San was grilling meat, Fan Li was helping to pile firewood, and Liang Cheng was sitting on the side watching.

After that battle ended, the Yan army marched eastward again, and never encountered any resistance from the savage king's troops. What they encountered on the road were basically sporadic resistance from the local savage tribes.

Then, news came that Cheng Guoxue Customs had been breached.

The Marquis of Jingnan ordered the army to stop advancing eastward and to station on the spot.

This time the stationing was different from the previous battle to recharge our batteries. This time it was purely because the battle could not be continued.

Xue San handed the half-roasted rabbit to Zheng Fan, saying:

My lord, at first, the Situ family thought they were in awe, but unexpectedly, they are actually a fool.

What's the matter? Fan Li shouted.

Go eat your meat!

Xue San turned his head and continued to say to Zheng Fan:

My lord, in this way, it's really hard to fight this battle. Do we have to return to the imperial court?

I don't know, we have to wait for the Marquis of Jingnan to make up his mind, Cheng, what do you think? Zheng Fan asked.

My lord, this battle probably really can't be fought anymore. If we continue to advance eastward, our soldiers and horses are likely to be intercepted by the barbarian king's heavy troops. We were able to go all the way before because of the barbarian king's key point. He has been placed on the front line of Xueguan, and now, he can completely free up his hands.

Furthermore, it is very dangerous for the army to hang alone on the snowfield. Recently, I found that there are more and more sick soldiers in the army.

Most importantly, we no longer have an exact strategic goal.

Zheng Fan was drinking tea while listening. Since entering the snow, he was really tired of eating meat and needed tea to scrape the greasy in his stomach.

It's not easy to do, it's not easy to do.

Zheng Fan sighed, this was obviously a victory all the way, but it turned out to be like this.

The snowfield is too big, so big that you want to rule and play subjugation of the country and species, and the cost is too heavy for you to bear.

Liang Cheng said:

Unless Emperor Yan is willing to show the courage he had when he went south to conquer the country, mobilize more than 300,000 iron cavalry, and then enter the snowfield, and do not hesitate to fight for two years, can it be possible to completely defeat and pacify the snowfield.

Zheng Fan immediately said: This is unrealistic.

If you attack the Qian State, you can get the population and wealth; if you attack the Jin State, you can get the land.

What can you get by hitting the snow field?

It is also possible. For example, there must be a lot of cattle, sheep and horses seized this time, almost enough to feed Zheng Chengshou and the powerful landlords near Shengle City. A terrible logistical burden, when the time comes, the cattle and sheep seized will not be enough to eat.

Moreover, if that savage king plays guerrilla warfare with you, and keeps the green hills there without worrying about no firewood, and deliberately does not fight you, deliberately avoids you, is it possible that 300,000 cavalry will fight against you on the snowfield? They play a game of cat and mouse?

Facts have proved that the savage king can indeed do such a thing.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the snowfield is really pacified, how can such a vast and desolate area be governed?

Ten or twenty years later, there will inevitably be relapses. It is okay to suppress it, but if it is not suppressed, all the hard work and hard work will be in vain.

At this time, a soldier came over.

Master Zheng, Master Hou called you over.

Zheng Fan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Xue San picked up a freshly roasted pheasant and said:

My lord, take this with you. There are chicken ribs in it. You can make a golden sentence.

The demon kings also worry a lot about the Lord's performance in front of the big shots.

Liang Cheng retorted mercilessly:

How did Yang Xiu die?

Xue San stopped talking.

Zheng Fan signaled to a few subordinates with his eyes, he didn't bother to take any chicken ribs, he put away his armor first, and then came to the handsome tent.

In the handsome tent, Tian Wujing was sitting there alone, reading a book in his hand.

There is a stove next to it, and the soup should be stewing on it, which is quite fragrant.

When Zheng Fan got closer, he realized that Tian Wujing was holding Zheng's Art of War in his hand.

Zheng Chengshou's old face immediately turned red.

Seeing Zheng Fan coming in, Tian Wujing put down the book in his hand and signaled Zheng Fan to sit down.

Zheng Fan sat down, Tian Wujing pointed to the book and said:

The situation on that day was very similar to the 'Empty City Plan' in your book.

When the blind man helped Zheng Fan write a book and establish a composition, he added Sun Tzu's Art of War and the Thirty-Six Strategies.

Lord Hou...


Tian Wujing let out a sigh.

In Zheng Fan's impression, Tian Wujing rarely showed such emotions, he was always like a rock.

The situation is already corrupted. You may not know it. To the savages, to the south of Xueguan, it is equivalent to a flat river. At worst, the savages have already wreaked havoc in less than half of Chengguo.

So fast?

There's nothing wrong with this, the people of Jin have already built their own castles and strongholds on the snowfields since more than a hundred years ago.

Therefore, although Xueguan is a throat that is stuck in the Xueyuan and the land of the Three Jins because of the terrain, in fact, it has long been no longer the fortress for the Jin people to guard against the savages.

It is precisely because of this that the Jin people have no important towns and defenses at all to the south of Xuehaiguan.

For hundreds of years, Jin people have been oppressing wild people and bullying them. After the Situ family established their status as the largest clan in the eastern part of the Jin Kingdom, they continued to develop externally.

Jin Kingdom and Xueyuan are naturally blocked by the Tianduan Mountain Range. The road from Shengle City to Xueyuan is actually a better way to cross the Tianduan Mountain Range. Otherwise, there will be no commercial routes here. On the east side, there is a smooth road that directly connects Xueyuan and Jin Kingdom. The pass on this smooth road is Xueguan.

However, because the front line was pushed to the snow field early, the Snow Customs has a good geography, but strategically, it has not been taken seriously for almost a hundred years.

The series of failures of Chengguo this time almost ruined the cities and strongholds on the snow field outside the pass, and then he realized the importance of the Snow Customs. It's really smooth.

As you said before, you want to take an errand to suppress the savages in Shengle City. I'm afraid it won't work. The situation in Chengguo may be more serious than imagined. It's hard to say whether you can stand it or not.

If the Situ family did not stand up, half of the land of the Jin Dynasty would be reduced to the pastures of the savages, and the savages would also master Jin people's craftsmen and other technologies, and their warriors could also put on armor, and they would no longer be like this. The opponent he faced was so fragile.

This is a major event, the end will know the severity.

In the past, the savages were just a small problem, and it was enough to beat them from time to time, but Zheng Fan could take on this job.

But right now, the savages are likely to flood into a serious problem, and it is impossible for the Yan Kingdom court to let Zheng Fan deal with it, and it will definitely arrange a general.

Now Chengguo has not been destroyed, and the situation has not completely collapsed, so the court is likely to let Li Bao's troops move to the front line of Xinsu City.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, it is impossible to ask Jingnanhou to go to the front line of the town in person.

The savage king is indeed a character. This time, it can be said that he did not send enough troops. It can also be said that the savage king got what he wanted at the lowest price.

Don't worry, Marquis, it really doesn't work. In the future, we will fight from the border of Situ's house and take Xuehaiguan back.

This is something the court will consider. However, in the final analysis, it is not a bad thing. Faced with such a situation, the Situ family may choose to ask His Majesty for an attachment.

Internal attachment means that the whole country will vote, submit to you, and surrender to the throne.

Because in this battle, Yan State did not take advantage of the fire to loot, and secondly sent troops to help you, which can be described as full marks in terms of favor and morality;

The second is that the internal strife in Chu State is not mentioned at the moment. Even if there is no internal strife in Chu State, the Situ family and Chu State have been fighting intermittently for decades, so it is impossible to ask Chu State for help.

As for the Qian State, let alone the combat effectiveness of the Qian State army, even if the Situ family is willing to invite, the Qian State is willing to send troops. Believe it or not, as soon as your army leaves the territory of the Qian State, the iron cavalry of the Yan State will come to take the head soon?

Therefore, the Situ family can only choose to attach Dayan.

Calculated in this way, the benefit of the Yan Kingdom this time is still very large. Of course, the premise is that the Situ family cannot be taken away by another wave, otherwise the Yan Kingdom, which has just ended the Three Kingdoms War, will go to clean up the mess of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. .

Master Hou, I really can't figure it out, how could the Situ family be so stupid?

There is an internal cause here. The specific situation will have to wait for the military report over there in the future. However, Ben Hou speculates that it should be Situ Lei who killed his father and seized the throne, which led to a division within the Situ family. Although the third son is not the son of the eldest son, he is the best one, and is also recognized as the future successor of the Situ family.

His two elder brothers were kicked away by him early on, and they were nicknamed, guarding the snowy field, in case of border troubles, and guarding the border for the family.

So, here...

It's not sure yet, let's see if there will be news that Situ Lei's two brothers died in battle. However, in the earliest investigation of the savage king by the Secret Service, there was speculation that the savage king and the Situ family The eldest son and the second son have a very close relationship, in front of them, he claims to be a righteous grandson, calling them two grandpas and second grandpas, and they also have close business contacts with those two sons.

If this is the case, then the Situ family's defeat is not unjust. Of course, you can't blame Situ Lei for destroying the Great Wall, because no one could have predicted before that the savages would become popular again. Originally, his two elder brothers were just Tossed out and distributed away from the political center.

What's more, even the savage king can really let go of his arrogance and recognize Situ Lei's two elder brothers as his grandfather, which is more licking than recognizing him as a foster son.

But this is also a lick.

Tian Wujing pointed to the pot on the small stove beside him, and said:

Let's not talk about this, have some chicken soup?

Master Hou's chicken soup, the general will still drink it.


When Zheng Fan was about to get up to serve it, Tian Wujing raised his hand to signal Zheng Fan to sit down, and he picked up the pot with his own hands and put it on the table, took two more bowls, and started filling the soup.

When serving the soup, Tian Wujing scooped out a chicken rib, put it into Zheng Fan's bowl, and asked at the same time:

Chicken ribs, do you like to eat?


Regardless of the heat, Zheng Fan directly reached out to pick up the chicken rib and gnawed it with his teeth, making it crunchy.

Tian Wujing shook his head and said:

It's just chicken ribs, there's no meat and no taste.

Master Hou, I've eaten too much meat these days, so I want to eat something tasteless, I like it!


Both of them picked up their bowls and drank the soup slowly.

After drinking all,

The Marquis of Jingnan gently put the bowl on the table,


Withdraw troops tomorrow.

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