Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 23: The Battle Under The Rain

  "Lyn, you have to get up! We need to escape while we can." Chitose said as she helped Lyn stand up to her feet.

  Just moments ago, she pulled a very curious ring from a strange girl, who like her has gold eyes. She was surprised when the moment the ring left the girls finger, she hastily grabbed it back and crushed it with her bare hand, turning it to dust. Saying at the same time that it will never cause anymore harm.  

  "What kind of harm?" Thought Chitose as she held Lyn's hand, offering moral support to her friend.

  "Wait, Chi…" Lyn said between gritted teeth, as she tried her best to keep her anger and despair in check. The death of her father has clearly shaken the young girl to her core that all she can think of at the moment was to get revenge.

  "I should be the one saying that to you… your ankle is not even fully healed yet, and you're the one who is actually telling me to stand up." Lyn quietly said, looking directly at her friend's gold eyes.

  "But we are not escaping… I will go to the front of the mansion. I know that the girl you help is strong because when you took away the ring, I saw your body tremble… it was the same when that monster first came. I don't know why, but I think you can sense how powerful a person's mana is…" Lyn stated matter of factly, catching Chitose off guard on how accurate her friend's observations were.

  "You are right… somehow, I can feel mana now. And yes, that girl is indeed powerful, far more powerful than that monster that attacked us… okay then, let us head towards the front."

  The girls doubled back towards the mansion's front, Lyn gently supporting Chitose, as the latter's ankle was still sore.


  Outside the mansion, Declan was frozen stiff with surprise and awe at the sight of another angel. The strength of the grip was something he has never experienced before.

  Tara finally let go of Declan's wrist. The mark of her hand was clearly visible, burning through the black claw in an angry red like fire from the depths of hell itself.

  "Who are you?" Declan asked, as he rubbed his wrist to get the circulation back to his claw. Beads of sweat trickling down from his forehead from anxiety despite the cold weather, mixing with the falling rain.

 "A dead man doesn't need to know the name of the one who is going to end him." Tara said with a tone so calm that Declan's face turned utterly pale with fear. It was not even a threat… but a statement of fact.

  The bat winged angel suddenly, in a blink of an eye, attacked Tara, hoping to catch her by surprise. Black claws reaching out towards Tara's breast, aiming for her heart.

  "I got you now cocky bitch!" Declan thought, as he still has the element of surprise. His claws are inches away from carving out his opponent's heart. 

  "Speed always beats power!" He thought to himself... and his speed is something he has always relied upon and never failed him.

  Or so he thought.

  Declan's claw hit nothing but air. His opponent was just in front of him, but suddenly disappeared.

  "How?" Shocked and confused, Declan quickly pivoted towards the right, not taking any chances. His mind was racing, he can't see where his enemy's whereabouts is.

  "Argh!" Screamed the bat winged angel as he felt a strong blow hit his left shoulder. Tears formed from his eyes from the pain.

  "Fuck! Feels like the Balekon's punch… but a hundred times stronger." Screamed his mind, as he grits his teeth from the pain.

  To Tara's eyes, Declan's movement was like a snail. His pathetic attempt to catch her off guard was never going to work. She just simply moved out of the way as those horrible claws closed in on her, then tapped Declan's shoulder lightly.

  "Oh sorry, did my tap hurt you?" Tara mocked the bat winged angel. Her almond eyes looked at her opponent with clear disgust.

  "SHUT UP BITCH!!!" He screamed as he once again started to attack.

  Planting both of his feet wide apart and keeping his balance in check, Declan twisted his body, tensing his well toned muscles as he prepared to unleash a punch with all of his strength. His right arm shoots toward Tara's face, channelling all of his strength and weight, concentrating all of it to his right fist.

  His punch was so fast and forceful that it actually created a vacuum around his fist, causing the very air itself to displace.

  "RAAAAAHHH!" Screamed the Black Death on the top of his lungs, his face so contorted, that any semblance of his handsomeness was gone as his fist gained momentum, faster and faster his tightly clenched fist go, nearer and nearer to his enemy's beautiful face.


 The force of the impact caused the very ground to shake, forming a spectacular crater about five meters around the two combatants.

   The air around them sent shockwaves of sound, reverberating around the rain drenched field, so strong that it created a bubble of dry air where even the heavy rain cannot penetrate. The tall trees that served as sentinels around the Holden manor bent, unable to withstand such force. The bodies of both Mr. Holden and Ars were blasted straight towards the manor's huge double doors.

  Silma, who was still steadily healing from her wounds, thanks to the Minotaur's natural fast healing was also blasted towards the trees. But with her elven agility, she was able to position her body in an angle that would cause her the least harm.

  "He he… HAHAHAHA!" Laughed Declan, his face looked completely like a crazed maniac, his eyes so wide that his golden orbs looked like golden dots, he continued laughing hysterically, unable to contain his emotions. He knew that his punch connected, and it connected hard and true.

  Declan felt his right hand's bone cracked. He didn't mind the pain, he did not feel the pain, his adrenaline was pumping so hard that all he felt was elation and triumph.

  "HAHAHAHAHA! WHAT NOW BIT…" Declan was laughing but suddenly choked on his own words when he finally saw the truth of it all. His eyes once again widened, but this time it's because of terror.

  Tara's forefinger was at the center of Declan's fist, completely absorbing the force of the blow, damaging Declan's hand at the same time. The Tara yawned amidst the falling rain, unimpressed with her opponent's attack.

  "Was that pathetic excuse of an attack supposed to hurt me?" Tara once again mocking Declan. 

  The bat winged angel, unable to find any strength to speak, he was completely paralyzed with shock and fear, his mouth agape and wide open in disbelief. He felt a warm stream of water running down his legs. So frightening was his opponent that he managed to embarrassingly wet himself.

  "Oho! Did you just pee little boy?" Tara laughed, insulting Declan on purpose. In her mind, she will make the bat winged angel suffer horribly for hurting Silma, not just physically but mentally as well.

  "What's the matter tough guy, are you going to cry running home to your mommy?" Tara continued. Her eyes however were burning bright gold, both beautiful and terrible to behold, failing to keep her anger in check.

  "RAAAAH SHUDDDAP!" Declan snapped back, his fear was replaced with an overwhelming anger for the insults thrown at him.

  "I WILL NOT BE MOCKED!!!" He shouted towards Tara as he unleashed a barrage of kicks too fast for the naked eyes to see.

  Tara deftly dodged every one of this, with a grace of a dancer, side stepping to the right and left with ease, laughing all the while. Not a single kick found its mark, all that Declan hit was air, not even managing to connect to a single strand of hair from the female angel's pink locks.

  Declan threw a spinning kick, Tara easily avoided it by side stepping, then she continued her turn, placing her just behind Declan. She grabbed the nape of the black winged angel and forcefully slammed him to the ground face first, causing Declan to lose consciousness for a couple of seconds.

  Not yet satisfied, Tara tore out Declan's wings with little effort, making it look like she was tearing out a piece of paper.

  "AAAAAHHHHRG!!!" Shrieked the male angel from the terrible pain that he has not felt before in his entire existence. His back was a bloody wreck, wingless and dripping with angelic blood.

 "Disgusting…"Tara said aloud as she casually tossed aside the torn wings like it was rotten meat. She then walked calmly and crouched low, to face her kneeling and clearly beaten opponent. Tara looked straight at Declan's gold eyes, peeking through his soul.

  "No more… please, stop… no more…" Declan pleaded crying. He knows he can't win this fight, not in a million years. His whole body is a bloody mess of broken bones and blood.

  "I beg you… please… no more…" The Black Death pleaded, crawling and grovelling towards Tara's feet holding it, kissing it like a dog.

  "You asked me earlier what my name is… very well, I will grant you this one request before I finish you off…" Tara calmly said with gold eyes cold as winter.

  "My name is Tarmora"

 Declan's eyes widened when he heard the dreaded name, the name that strikes terror in both primordials and humans alike. He knows that name very well. He now realised how futile his chances are, there is no way he can win, there is no way he can survive the wrath of the legendary Destruction Angel, the most powerful primordial to ever walk this earth. With tears in his eyes, he swallowed his pride.

  "Please mighty one… I beg you, please show mercy to AAAHHHH…" Declan suddenly felt a sharp pain at his bloodied back, he looked down on his chest and saw a sword made of water. His gold eyes started to dim, losing its light and the dark finally took the Black Death at its cold embrace.

 "THAT IS FOR MY FATHER YOU BASTARD!" Lyn screamed as she pulled out her water blade out of Declan's lifeless body.

  The rain finally stopped falling.

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