Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 17: The Aftermath

  They walked side by side on the road leading to the western part of the town of Triplance. The ground that serves as the main road was pounded flat and hard  to smoothen the passage of carriage wheels, as well as carts that carry the goods that will be sold to the nearby market at the town plaza. It was a busy day, as peddlers and local merchants started to head towards the market to open their shops to anxious buyers.

  It was already near midday when Tara and Silma arrived in town. The girls decided to have breakfast first at a local bakery that was managed by a middle aged woman.

 "What would it be? The freshest bread we have is our famous star bread, it's still hot and very delicious, even the smell would say so." Said the manager as she led the two girls to a vacant table just near the door of the bakery.

 "Hmmm… It smells good!" Tara agreed,  "But of course, you smell a whole lot better Silma!" Tara teased the elf as she poked her side playfully.

  "Kyaa! Tara, stop doing that!" Protested a startled Silma, who also started to poke back.

  "Ohoo... it seems that you have the guts to fight back now huh?" Tara was very happy that Silma had started to warm up to her, she tried to push her luck by 'accidentally' grabbing the elf's boobs.

  The manager looked at the two girls with a dumbfounded expression as she set the tray filled with the freshly baked bread.

  "Ehem… Is there anything you ladies want? Like a mug of hot cocoa perhaps? We do serve the best cocoa here in town after all…" 

  "Yes, I would love a hot cocoa!" Silma exclaimed with a very cute smile.

  Seeing the elf smiled like that caused Tara a severe nosebleed, she thanked her luck silently for such a wonderful sight, as she discreetly wiped the blood from her nose.

  "Are you okay Tara?" The elf asked as she noticed the angel wiping something.

  Tara just gave her a thumbs up to assure her that everything is fine.


  After they finished their bread and cocoa, the pair then paid the manager and thanked her for a wonderful meal. They once again started to head west. They were taking things easy for now, after all it's not always this safe and peaceful. Even the elf feels at ease in this laidback town. Silma was happily chatting to Tara about her past experience when visiting towns with her sister, Tara then noticed a look of grief flashed Silma's face, it was a split second, but the angel noticed it nonetheless, Tara took note of this revelation, but she kept it to herself.

 They passed by an Orange farm. The sweet scent of citrus that greeted them as they walked through was too much for both girls. It was a good thing that there were people harvesting the fruits today, and as they walked nearer, Tara gave them a smile, drawing cheers of approval from the men.

 "A gift for the beautiful ladies!" Said the supervisor of the harvesting party, as he handed the girls a small bag filled with fresh oranges. They happily accepted the gift and thanked the supervisor for his kindness.

 The girls then found a bench near the orange grove, took a seat and started to peel the oranges. Tara took a segment of the orange she peeled and hand-fed it to Silma, making the elf more anxious. When they finally had their fill of oranges, they once more proceeded west.

  "I wish everyday would be like this, no hassle, no danger." Said the elf feeling very lively and high spirited.

  Tara just stayed silent giving the elf a sideway glance. She then once again looked down on her finger where the cursed ring is stuck. She already inquired the guild about how to remove it, she used one of her privilege credits she earned for clearing the cavern quest in asking information on how to remove curses from items. She was already defeated by Sinante when cursed rings became a thing. The mages, having seen how primordials caused havoc during the Godsbane war have been creating cursed rings to somehow repel them, especially now that the Bluewing has passed away and their High Balekon won't be around anymore to protect humankind.

 "How ingeniously simple…" Tara thought, marveling at the wisdom of the mages of old.

  "Only way to remove a curse ring is to have it removed by a primordial of the same species… Knowing that as the class of primordial is higher, the less we are inclined to cooperate, due to our inherent nature of not wanting any rivals to be the strongest…" A sigh escaped the angel's lips, she thinks that it's an annoying affair to have to find another angel and force them to remove the ring at this age and place.

 "I may not be able to use my mana, but I still have my strength and speed, and that is more than enough to make any other angel submit to my will." 

 "Is something bothering you Tara? You kinda seem off…"

 "I'm okay baby girl, I just have a lot on my mind lately… nothing to worry about." Tara assures her elven companion.

  They continued on towards their destination, when all of a sudden, Silma noticed that the people started to run towards the school at the town's center.

  "Hey! What's going on? What's with all the commotion?" Tara asked a girl that she was able to stop from running.

  "There has been an attack at the school, big sis. They said that a winged man attacked the new governor." The girl explained.

  Tara pressed the girl for more information.

  "A winged man you say? Like bird wings, feathered?"

   "Nay big sis, they said it was bat-wings" the girl said as she raised her arm to imitate what she thinks a bat wing looks like.

  Suddenly, Silma became livid, her body was shaking, she knew only one man with bat-wings, Lord Randal's familiar. Her eyes suddenly has a blank horrified stare, as memories of her friend's bloody death and her cousin Allana's rape came rushing back to her memories like a tidal wave.

  Tara observed the elf carefully, she has a suspicion that Silma knows this winged man, and they must have shared a very dreadful past. She decided not to press her friend about it, in time Silma will tell her everything, when she is ready to open up. Right now, all she can do is to give her friend all the support that she needs. 

  Tara, gently hugged the elf in a very caring embrace as an angel only could give. She then gently patted the elf's head.

  "There, there baby girl… you do not need to be afraid, I am with you. You can use me as your support." Tara reassuringly told her friend.

 Finally, after holding it for so long, since that tragic night, Silma cried at Tara's bossom, she let it all out under the warm loving embrace of an angel.



 "Dad! Are you okay?!" Tusk cried as he ran towards his Lord father Arsenon Regnum. 

 "I'm okay my son, there is no need to worry." Ars told his boy as he wiped the dirt and dust that Declan threw at his eye. The Balekon would have destroyed the angel then and there if he wasn't distracted by his son. He doesn't have any regrets though, since his main priority is to protect everyone in the school, and it seems that he has accomplished just that.

  "Tusk, is everyone in the building safe?" Lord Regnum asked his son.

  "Yes, as far as I know, I think everyone made it… The girl's, my classmates were able to get everyone out of the building safely. I myself have led the lower years out of the building into the school grounds at the back." Tusk reported like a true soldier.

  "Very good then!" The Red Lightning said with relief "Let's check the teachers too, if any was hurt." Lord Regnum added as he started to walk towards the building to see if the teachers and the Headmaster are safe and sound.

  Miss Anne was the first person that the father and son duo met when they entered the school building. Tusk was very relieved to see that his homeroom adviser was unscathed.

  "Let me help you in assisting the students and other faculty members that might be hurt by this attack. Miss Anne offered to Lord Regnum.

  "Yes, that would be very wonderful Miss Anne." Lord Regnum politely thanked the teacher's offer to help with a slight bow.

  The teacher couldn't help but admire this strong handsome man. He was a noble but he doesn't act like a snub like most noblemen. Miss Anne felt her cheeks heating up as her gaze were locked at the great Lords piercing dark eyes.

  Tusk just shook his head in disbelief, it looks like his teacher has just become one of the many fans of his dad.

 "Oh brother…" he silently sighed, rolling his eyes.


 On the second floor, the three girls were also sorting everything that transpired. Lyn's eyes were glistening with admiration from what she saw Chitose did in defeating the green slime.

  Claire was still supporting Chitose with her shoulders since the latter seems to have injured her ankle earlier.

 "Chitose, are you hurt anywhere else?" Claire inquired.

 "No, I don't think so, it's just my ankle...aahh…" Chi cried as she felt a sudden stabbing pain at her injured ankle. "I hope I am not burdening you Claire…" 

 "Hah! Don't be silly, compared to how you weigh before, you practically feel like a feather to me." Claire told her friend with a smile.

  "Bong… he…" Lyn started to cry for the loss of their classmate and friend Bong, who was a casualty of the green slime attack.

 Claire and Chitose also started to tear up too. Everyone liked Bong, he was quiet but hilariously funny when he was fired up.

  "How are we going to tell the others about this?" Asked Lyn.

  "No, before all of that… the two of you owe me an explanation… about Chitose's powers, and… that kiss..." Claire stated matter of factly.

  Lyn and Chitose looked at each other, completely taken unawares. Both don't even know how to begin the long explanation to Claire.


  "Allow me to explain, regarding Chitose's abilities!" Hunai made herself visible, this time to Claire and Lyn.

  "Ww-what is THAT THING?!" A shocked Claire yelled, she then let go of Chitose, and picked up a piece of broken wood and started to whack the sprite mid air.

  "YAAAAH! DIE FIEND!" Claire shouted as she chased Hunai around the corridor.

  "Claire wait!!!" Lyn was running after Claire, trying to stop her girlfriend from smashing Hunai with the broken wood.

  Lyn hugged Claire from behind, stopping her from chasing the sprite. She then buries her face at Claire's soft back. She can smell Claire's fragrant hair, the scent of her body, she can feel Claire's heartbeat beating fast. She felt terrible for what she did to both Chitose and Claire. She was selfish, she was the worst. She cried as she hugged Claire all the more tightly from behind.

  "I'm so sorry… I am such a terrible person… I am so sorry Claire…"

 Claire just stood still, allowing Lyn to cry behind her back, she felt her warm tears as it seeped through the school uniform into her skin. She tried to stop her tears from falling, in the end she collected herself and told Lyn what she felt at that very moment.

 "Lyn… I love you…but... you broke my heart…"

  Claire then tried to pry herself out of Lyn's tight embrace, but Lyn hugged her all the more tightly.

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" Lyn was weeping as she repeatedly asked Claire's forgiveness for the betrayal that she did behind her back.

  Claire struggled harder against Lyn's embrace, when she finally pried herself free, she then turned around and faced her girlfriend, and with tears finally flowing from her eyes, she slapped Lyn across the face. Claire then once again turned her back to her friends and ran away.

  Lyn holding her cheek silently watched Claire run away from her, she felt a deep pain and sadness… and dread… 

Author's Note:

I am a new writer, I know that there are a lot of mistakes I made... But for those readers that stuck around for this journey, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

I hope that you will continue to support me as we travel this wonderful world together and discover the secrets behind the Godsbane war and our protagonists.

Sincerely, bugi ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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