Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 11: Unexpected Meetings

  She washed her hands on the nearby river. 

  But seeing that it won't be enough to take away all the blood and brains sticking to her arms, Tara decided to bathe instead. She then proceeded to remove her clothes, and wadded in the shallow part of the river.

  As she was washing away the blood and brains from her arms, her thoughts wandered back to what happened, just a few moments ago.

  Earlier, Tara motioned the fat mercenary to follow her outside the guild hall. The ugly bastard who was very eager to fuck this beautiful girl, wasted no time and started to follow Tara.

 She then led the ugly bastard to a secluded area in a nearby forest, about a few kilometers away from the guild hall. 

  She then secretly and quietly, expanded her mana for about fifty meters around the area to alert her in case people accidentally stumbled near them.

  Satisfied with the precautionary measures, she finally faced the large ugly merc.

  The ugly bastard licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come. He has been patient up to this point, he can no longer wait, his libido has already reached the point where a simple fucking wouldn't satisfy him anymore, his mind was already thinking of different ways to sate his lust.

  "You really want to fuck me do you?" Tara asked the ugly bastard with a sweet, but at the same time, seductive smile.

  "Oh yes, I will eat you up, sweet cheeks, you will never forget me after I am through with you. I might even keep you around as my toy for the rest of your life" the ugly bastard said as he started to unbuckle his belt as fast as he can. 

  "I am going to mess you up real good" he added as he finally took off his belt and started to unbutton his greasy trousers.

 Tara watched all of this with an amused face. She allowed this stinking moron to dream a little, it's the least she could do after what she plans to do to him.

  Finally, when the ugly bastard has finished undressing everything and now as naked as a newborn babe, Tara started to laugh… a different kind of laugh, her real laugh.

  "Fu fu fu!" She giggled, gone are the innocent eyes she had when she first entered Colibao village, as they are now once again almond shaped and alluringly sinister.

  "Let me tell you one thing about me 'little' man…" she said playfully, looking at the ugly bastards loins. 

  "One of the things I hate the most are perverts like you…"

  She then clenched her fist and gave the fat ugly bastard a very light jab to his bulging belly, so light that one might consider it a mere tap.


  The ugly bastard doubled over in sheer agony, it felt like being punched in the gut by a fully grown mountain troll at full power.

  "Aaargh!!!" He screams in sheer pain, tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

  "Hah… hah… hah..." he gasped for air, but found it hard to breathe, his mind going in multiple directions at once, unable to focus… he clenched his teeth so hard that some of them cracked.

  He tried to gasp for oxygen once more, but his collapsed diaphragm wouldn't take in air, and drool started to come out from the corners of his mouth.

  "Fu fu fu… What's the matter?" Tara teased as she placed her right foot at the back of the ugly bastard's head stepping hard and pressing it flat on the ground.

  "Does it hurt so much? Aww poor you… What happened to the big strong guy from before? Gasp! Are you crying? Aww, a big man cries… should I call your mama?" Tara continued to mock the crying ugly bastard.

  She then crouched low and pulled the fat man's hair so that it faces her, she even let him see a glimpse of her panties, but the fat bastard was in too much pain to notice it.

  Slowly, Tara curled her middle finger and thumb and positioned it directly in front of the man's forehead. She then flashed a condescending sneer to add a little spice to the act.

  "I have much to do on this day, so I can't play with you a little longer, I guess this is goodbye now…" with that, she then softly and gently flicked the man's forehead, causing it to explode with a resounding SPLAT like a watermelon being smashed by a sledge hammer. Blood and brains scattered to the direction of her flick and also all over her arms.

  The thought of mushed brains and blood brought Tara back from her reminiscing, as she remembers that she still has much to do before the day ends. She hurriedly finished her bathing and dried herself using heat control, she then took her clothes and dressed herself.

  Walking back to the guild hall, she came across the fat bastards companions, already too drunk to even notice her, they just wobbled past her, singing some merry songs without a care in the world oblivious to the fate of their friend.

  She did stop however and contemplated if she would kill them also, but ultimately changed her mind.

  Tara entered the guild hall alone, seemingly unharmed and unscathed, Carlos the receptionist notices this.

  "Interesting…" he thought, he has been in this business a long time and he practically knows everyone and their ways. He knows that there is absolutely no chance that she could come back intact, unless she is not what she seems or what she pretends to be.

  "I must keep an eye on this one, she could be a great asset or a huge problem…" he then took his personal book and noted this.

  Tara went over to the quest board as she had planned before she was rudely interrupted by the fat bastard (now dead bastard)

  She went to browse the list of quests, and find them a little too boring for her tastes.

  But one quest caught her attention, and it also seems to have been posted for a couple of years already, yet it seems no one has ever completed this certain quest. She took the flyer and started to read what was written. (Good thing it was written in the common tongue that has been used for thousands of years)


Notice for Class S Adventurers

Request to raid a mysterious cavern

Exterminate monsters lurking and nesting inside the cavern

Danger level SS

Cavern is located at the Aravel Woods Region

Just outside of the borders of the village ruins of the rebel Elves 

Reward is Five Thousand Gold Coin and the Rank of SS (any loot obtained inside the cavern will be subject to ten percent tax for the guild chapter)

In case of demise during job, family or kin will receive remuneration at half normal rate of the adventurers rank


 "This looks exciting!" Tara exclaimed with glee as she took the notice over to Carlos and registered herself for the quest.

  Carlos looked at the flyer, then looked at Tara in a confused manner. Then after doing this three more times, he finally spoke in a calm manner.

  "You, girl… Do you have a death wish of something?" His voice is starting to rise now "Are you daft?! YOU JUST GOT ACCEPTED AS A NOVICE AND YOU WANT THIS SHIT?!" Losing all of his cool, Carlos was practically yelling.  The surprised adventurers that are still inside the guild hall were shocked to see the 'cool' Carlos lost his composure. He must have liked the new recruit a lot.

  Tara just smiled sweetly, she understands why the receptionist is doing this, she is not dense, and she is aware of how she looks, men tends to be either protective of her or wants to fuck her. Carlos is the former though. 

  Too bad for Carlos though, since she is not interested in men at all, never was and never will, Tara likes girls, she likes cute girls a lot. Although she does enjoy teasing men knowing that they won't get anything out of it.

  "But I want this quest, and the rules of the guild allows me to choose this, I know because I listened to your explanation attentively."

  That statement has taken the receptionist aback, she was right, he remembers how eagerly he explained everything and how Tara was listening to him sincerely, which made him like this girl to begin with, because she was the only one who ever took his explanation seriously.

  The receptionist, defeated, finally stamped the flyer and Tara's guild record to make the quest official and binding.

  Carlos then hands Tara a pouch of coins containing 30 gold pieces as her per diem for this quest. He also handed her a detailed map for the region, and produced a decent looking knapsack.

  "The per diem will be deducted from your earnings once you completed your quest. The map is a standard issue for novice adventurers and also this knapsack containing a simple tent and sleeping bag, courtesy of Fineline Enterprises… ehem… For your adventuring needs, Fineline Enterprises is the place to be… errhm…"

  Tara stares at Carlos, surprised at the unexpected plug-in.

  "Also…" the receptionist continued, like nothing happened "I would advise that you first buy some hard food that won't spoil for your journey, weapons and armors are also essential if you want to stay alive on your quest, Holden Arms and Armors sell excellent sets at an affordable price… *cough*…" 

  Tara once again stares suspiciously at Carlos for the obvious plug-in.

  Finally, Tara smiled at the receptionist, causing him to close his eyes from embarrassment.

  "Thank you very much!" Said Tara as she left the guild hall to begin her first ever quest.

    "First stop, Holden Arms and Armor!"


  Two days on the road, and sleeping on the ground gave a sense of adventure and exhilaration that the angel Tarmora has been yearning for, after she was summoned back from being dead for five hundred years.

  A nature lover at heart, this is like a dream come true for her, even angels have dreams too, and hers is a simple dream of being at one with the natural world.

  She looked at the equipment she bought, a steel sword (the cheapest one) , a simple tooled leather armor, leather bracers and greaves that is serviceable at best. She doesn't really need this equipment, but since she wishes to be inconspicuous, she has to look the part of a novice adventurer. 

   After four days on the road with no bad incidents happening, she finally arrived at the Aravel region cavern. The cavern was partially covered by a thicket of trees. It's a little hard to spot because its opening is in an awkward angle that if you look at the front, all you would see is a rock, and some thick foliage and undergrowth.

   Tara began to expand her mana for about fifty meters around the area, to sense if there are lurkers nearby.

 Surprisingly, she felt a presence, too faint to determine, it was an aggressive presence, so she stayed on alert and acted oblivious to her surroundings, hoping to lure the lurker in a false sense of security. Besides, what can it do, stab her in the back? "Like that's gonna work…" she thought.


 "Gold eyes… she has gold eyes, like him!"

 "She is an enemy"

 "Why is she here? Perhaps she is also after the rumoured artifact inside…"

 "She is very pretty…"

 "I have to kill her"

 Slowly and silently, the unknown lurker approaches Tara from behind, it slowly knocks an arrow on its bow, still slowly and silently draws the bow and aims at Tara's back.

  Tara of course was aware of all of this, when she finally sensed the lurker behind her a just a few meters away, she finally made her move.

  Faster than a blink of an eye, Tara was already holding the lurkers arm. To her surprise, what she saw was no monster, but a beautiful elf maid. Tara flustered, quickly let go of the elf's arm and apologized.

  "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you anywhere? How are you feeling? I shouldn't have done that, I feel so stupid and so bad! Please forgive me!"

  The elf Silma can only look with a dumb expression. She is different from the other one. She cannot feel the chilling dread that she felt when the other one appeared. But the eyes are the same.

   "Who are you?" Silma asked the golden eyed beauty who is still frantically bowing and apologizing to her.

   "Oh, my name is Tarmora, but you can call me Tara!"

  "I see… My name is Silma… What are you doing here Tara? This place is dangerous."

   "I am here on an official quest by the adventurers guild. I am to clear the cavern and claim my reward." Tara proclaimed proudly.

 "That makes sense," Silma agreed. She then had this strange feeling of ease, that somehow, she can trust Tara. She liked that feeling, she hasn't felt that kind of serenity ever since her sister died. She faced Tara and smiled, to her surprise, Tara suddenly blushed heavily. She thought that was kind of cute. Besides, those gold eyes are so innocent and pure; nowhere near the eyes of the other one.

 Silma decided that she will accompany Tara and stay with her for a while until she knows more about her, she has a feeling that Tara might be as strong as the other one, she already knows first hand that she is as fast as that man at least.

  "So Tara, want to head inside the cavern together?"

 "Absolutely!" Tara responded with pure delight.

 Together, the two of them finally entered the darkness of the cavern...



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