Despite it All

Chapter 194: Chapter 194: The Strongest Duo?! Pt 1


"even the four of us would struggle to survive." 

Naruto's POV (Southern Swamps of Irminsul - Terra (Traveling))


"From what Muri had told me yesterday, it will be necessary to free the Chakra Anchor to escape this place once we recover all of our allies. Furthermore, his clan seemingly is vested in ensuring its safety. We'll deal with this barrier and any foes we may guard it." Sasuke finished for Naruto's summon.

"We of the Okama Clan are quite the Fuijutsu experts; given time, I should be able to create a counter seal and dispel it. Once we do so, we can simply leave the Golems to guard it." Muri explained.

"Assuming time is on our side after, we'll search the entirety of the Western River Plains. With the Taka Clan's flight and eyesight, we should be able to cover major ground. Though we need to be careful about night…" Naruto trailed off as the problem occurred to him.

"That will be no issue." Scanning Eyes chimed in. "We of the Taka clan are somewhat nomadic. We have several nests in areas not even the Crawling Demons can reach. Should our search take us into the night, we will rest at the nearest one."

"So everything is all planned out nicely, then…" Yuno concluded. They rode in silence at that point. Muri seemed cold and snuggled into his neck, and Naruto felt the need to question his summon about something that was bothering him.

"Hey Muri…" Naruto whispered to his friend. As he did, he listened as Sasuke ran through a barrage of scenarios for the upcoming battles. "What Sasuke told us about the Bloodthirster Clan and the Moone Clan? Is that true? An endless war so brutal that casually torturing and eating each other is seen as acceptable?"

Muri's small face poked out at his frowning. 'One thing my friend. I can communicate with you mentally when we're close like this. It's only due to our close bond and my empathic abilities. As for your question, it's not as abnormal as you might think. Things aren't the same all throughout Terra; most of it is owned by the various summoning clans and ruled by the major ones. But here in Irminsul, there is no such structure. The clans are not summoning clans and, as such, lack the influence and access to convergence points that allow them to live outside of Irminsul. Due to such, they are often clashing over territories, supplies, or even access to convergence points or random scrolls. Stopping any chance for true growth or cooperation.'

Naruto frowned; it was odd to mentally communicate. 'With that strain put on them all, working together would seem almost pointless. Do the ruling clans not interfere? Surely with their power and sway they could restore some order?'

'We, the Okama, maintain some level of influence within Irminsul and occasionally manage to buffer peace between clans. But we are not as united we'd like to be. Nearly every clan looks out for themselves, much like all living life does. The general culture of Terra is survival of the fittest, an idea even present within the Okama. While the pure brutality between the two shocked me, it shouldn't have. Irminsul has always been a blot on the world of Terra. These wild lands hold the blood and scars from years of' violence. So much so true peace here may every well be impossible Muri explained sadly, pouting as he rested his chin on Naruto's shoulder.

'It's not right… if we weren't in such a situation, I'd do something about it all.' Naruto thought glumly.

'Such is why the Okama chose you. Peaceful unity of all of Terra is the ultimate goal of the Okama. And we signed you intending for you to aid in that someday. But for now, we cannot afford to worry about this. Besides, we've spent centuries attempting such. I'm not sure you could do anything, my friend…'

'That sort of attitude led to this in the first place.' Naruto complained. 'Don't worry about it; after I save my friends, I'll come back one day and help out.'

'Like I said, it's appreciated, but we're talking about nearly a hundred different clans…' Muri assured.

'I'm a man of my word though. I intend to become Hokage one day, but I won't be the type that ignores the suffering of others. I could never be a leader, let alone Hokage if I did.' Naruto assured Muri, patting his head. 'One day we'll fix this Muri and together make Earth and Terra a better place…' Muri seemed shocked, but Naruto merely offered him a cheeky smile.

"Oh, apparently, Blondie thought of something stupid again." Sasuke joked having caught Naruto smiling.

"Oh fuck you, Sasuke!" Naruto roared indignantly.

"Guys! Below!" Yuno cried out, interrupting the two men before they could argue. The group all started below and noticed gray blurs racing through the river plains with shocking speed. "Are those?"

"My eyes do not lie." Scanning Eyes chimed in. "That is indeed the Ravenous Wolf Clan below us. Seems like a smaller group, perhaps for scouting. Master, should Crushing Talon and I slay and eat them?"

"We must check out the chakra anchor!" Muri disagreed. "We don't have time for this!"

"But Muri, we've been looking for those mutts." Naruto countered. "We can't let them get away!"

"It's not a debate anyway," Sasuke agreed. "We had your word, Muri; we could ensure the fate of the allies before we tended to the welfare of Irminsul." Muri's silence was enough.

"It's decided then," Naruto said with a menacing grin, glad to finally have a tangible lead. "New plan, we follow these mangy mutts and kick this "Master's" ass!"

"Go, team!" Yuno cried as the hawks followed after the wolves, far from detection so high above them.


Hinata's POV (Eastern Forest of Irminsul - Terra (Traveling))


They had left their Antuni Clan allies early the following morning. They had been friendly, and Lee and Sakura had felt guilty about leaving them so soon after the chaotic attack, but they wanted to move quickly. Shino had been particularly insistent, even staying up late to bury the mutilated body of Kurobachi. Something Hinata could not claim to understand but respected the honor of it all the same.

With them all well rested and fed, the trip to the Okama outpost Lee had come from went relatively quickly. The group of four shinobi went relatively unmolested as they traveled and quickly discovered the grouping of tree houses Lee had discussed. The treehouses of Okama seeming to sheen in the wild. If Hinata had not known better she would assume their human homes. It seemed the clans of Terra were all different in unique ways. But before they could enter and reunite with Naruto's allies they realized something…

They were being attacked by a dozen wasps…

"The Okama!" Hinata cried out in shock. She couldn't help but boost her speed with chakra as she raced forward. "They need our help!"

She was caught off guard as Lee was with her with ease. "No one will harm my new friends while I'm here!" He cried. The two did not wait to see if Sakura and Shino were following and instead sprinted up to the nearest tree house. Leaping into the chaotic battle with no fear or hesitation.

Hinata activated her Byakugan as they drew close and gasped in horror at what she saw. She could see nearly the entire outpost within an instant. She noticed several wasps at the edge of her vision carrying off alive and struggling raccoons. She saw several race around as large transformed birds attempting to chase off the speedy wasps. She saw one wasp bite the head off a running raccoon only to be crushed by a giant clay fist controlled by several more.

Two larger and one smaller raccoons fought in tandem to defend a crowd of seemingly defenseless raccoons. The larger ones attempted to swat the foes, while the smaller one skillfully kicked them away. But they were greatly outnumbered and would surely soon be overwhelmed. "Lee there!" Hinata called. Without hesitation Lee listened blitzing toward that particular fight, he jumped forward, landing on his hands, and with absurd skill and strength, launched himself through the air off them.

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