Demonic Kitsune

21: Grand Feast

At the speech of Mei Tai—the Dean and overseer of the Institute of the Arrancars—Clare’s ears twitched, and her tails tensed up in caution of the unfamiliar vibration in the air. She instinctively felt the will of something wrapping the space around her. 

At least that was what it seemed to her.

With the grand hall filled with young Arrancars, each one eager and tense, their eyes fixed on Mei Tai, the air began to vibrate. The atmosphere crackled with an unspoken energy, a sense of imminent danger lurking just beneath the surface. Without warning, a hideous skull with four horns materialized within a crimson pentagram. Shadows of fire emerged from its eye sockets, spreading like wildfire. Gasps and cries of alarm echoed through the hall as the Arrancars recoiled in shock.

A blinding crimson light trailed from the skull, illuminating an array formation at their feet. Panic set in as the light intensified, casting eerie shadows and blinding their gaze. Shielding their faces, their instincts screamed that something was terribly wrong. Was this another trial? Or a test from the Dean? Confusion clouded their minds.

“What array is this?” one pre-adult asked, eyes wide with fear.

“It seems to emit from the Dean,” another replied, voice trembling.

“Could it be some kind of trial?” a third speculated, trying to mask their uncertainty.

“I don’t know. Let’s escape,” another murmured, desperation in their words.

The young Arrancars—except Clare, SETH, and two others who stood resolute—tried to leap away, coating demonic energy into their calves. The inscriptions sprayed towards the grand stage, trapping them further. Mei Tai sneered, clearly pleased with the motionless four, and flicked her fingers with chilling nonchalance.

The crimson light swallowed everything, and silence fell over the hall. The world around Clare turned black and murky. She felt as if she were floating in the air, her senses in a flurry. It was one of those feelings she’d had when she transmigrated into this world for the first time. Or at least that was what it seemed. What was this sensation? It was as if she was being separated from the world. 

Contrary to her premonition, her feelings returned, her senses regained, and her sight began to clear.

The blackness separated, and another world of completely different colors appeared. The air turned familiar. The sky was a bright reddish-yellow, an oddly appreciative sight for those who had been in Seclusion Training for four and a half years. 

As the breeze fluttered everything in its path, Clare slowly emerged. In front of her, a great familiar forest spanned the horizon. Under her feet was the “Yulin Platform,” a tiled platform of hard bricks.

The sun shone, tickling her skin and highlighting her vibrant nine-tails and fluffy ears. Almost immediately, SETH and the other four young Arrancars appeared, amazed by the shift in space that had just occurred with a click of the Dean’s fingers and a “Transportation Array Formation.”

Before long, more young Arrancars started appearing around her.

“Where is this?” Some of the young Arrancars were quickly puzzled by this strange place, quite different from the platform they originated from.

“Is this the Institute?” Some had doubts until they fully grasped the situation.

“How did we cover such a distance in a matter of seconds?” Some had questions, but even if the instructors appeared, no one would explain what had happened.

“So, that array was actually a Transportation Array,” some started deducing based on what they had seen and experienced.

“So, this is the Yulin Platform? It’s quite different from the other platforms,” some were glad they got to see the platform they had heard so much about, but unfortunately, only a few were alive to witness it.

Eventually, approximately one hundred and one young Arrancars fully emerged. Transporting a group of young Arrancars, a few hundred at most, via a Transportation Array Formation from the mountain quite separate from the surrounding peaks where the Institute resides to the Yulin Platform wasn’t an easy feat, but not to a Fourth Chain Arrancar or, in other words, a “pseudo-Restrained Chain.” If any instructor of lower rank tried this, not only would the energy consumption be huge for activating the formation, but actually transporting that many young Arrancars such a distance would take a toll on both one’s mental fortitude and might lead to the formation’s deactivation or destruction.

Among the chatter, Clare seemed deep in thought as a particular word from Mei Tai’s speech before they vanished via the Transportation Array caught her attention: ‘Arrancar Viking.’

She recalled just how few Arrancar Vikings there were in relation to the entirety of the Demon Clan. Among the two hundred and fifty thousand members of the Demon Clan, only about three thousand were recognized as Arrancar. The young male and female Arrancars from the Institute, who had just finished their Seclusion Training, were now officially part of those three thousand Vikings within the Clan.

Clare briefly considered that this was just one of the reasons for the Institute of Arrancars. The senior instructors of the Institute were Arrancar Knights and Generals, and Mei Tai, the Dean, was a Grand Rook—a great boon for the Demon Clan.

Soon, the chatter died down as all the senior instructors, including Edgar Le Nigel, the Dean, and Assistant Dean, appeared on the grand stage. The young Arrancars, including Clare, paid attention, awaiting what was next. Meanwhile, Mei Tai, her hair fluttering steadily in the air, scanned the surroundings and the young Arrancars briefly, quite proud that none of them had the urge to vomit or felt dizziness after being unexpectedly transported through a high-tier Transportation Array. All the training they had experienced until now had been carved deep into their very bones, marking their souls as well.

“...From the unexpected spatial transport just now, there seem to be a few who are good enough to be called 'Arrancar Knights and Generals,' but you all must be tired from exiting your Seclusion Training,” Mei Tai said, smiling widely as she looked at four young Arrancars among the one hundred and one present. They were the first four to arrive from their Seclusion Training: SETH, CHETH, DALETH, and lastly GIMEL.

Producing even a single Arrancar Knight and General would be an amazing blessing, but Mei Tai had four of those ranks among her students. “And since just taking a rest as usual would be cliche, I’ve personally given you a prize. So, just for today, in the Institute’s dining hall, you all can eat proper meals and enjoy yourselves as much as you’d like, without needing a badge.”

When she stirred and aroused her demonic energy lightly, tendrils of dark-reddish energy combusted through the platform. They reached the far side of the Yulin Platform—where a fortress stood—and burst open the grand double doors. Concurrently, a greasy, aromatic smell waltzed out of the grand double doors of the fortress-sized dining hall, emanating into the air toward the platform as if attracted to the demonic energy that stimulated it. 

The young Arrancars turned their heads toward the source of the smell in unison. They narrowed their gazes further into the magnificently made, considerably lengthy, and tall dining hall. They saw beautiful female instructors of different skin hues, mostly two-horned demons in pink aprons, carrying multiple bright and beautiful, enticing dishes. 

These dishes were enough to make even the outer gods drool in satisfaction. Just as the Dean had said, no instructors were giving out "Dining Hall Entry Pass Badges" for entry, making the young Arrancars gulp.

Seeing the starving reactions of the young Arrancars, who had been eating only rice balls and meatballs for four and a half years in seclusion training, Mei Tai sighed in relief. “Go on and enjoy yourselves. You’ll need the food and rest to prepare for the last trial of the Valkyrie-Blitz on this platform tomorrow.”

Mei Tai turned her head and smiled as the young Arrancars, including Clare, walked into the dining hall. Inside, the space was magnificently made with minimal decor and no windows, yet it didn’t feel out of place or interrupt the comfort of having a meal. 

The young Arrancars sat on luxurious chairs around a gigantic, well-polished table in the center of the room as the food was completely placed on the table. Mei Tai emphasized that it was the final trial of Valkyrie-Blitz for them, but Clare picked up on the clause at the end that left more thoughts to be desired. Inside the Institute, that is. Hmm, she could dwell on those thoughts later.

“It seems I don’t need to say anymore, so enjoy yourself.”

At the end of the Dean’s speech, the others, including Edgar Le Nigel, walked out of the dining hall. The young Arrancars looked at the sparkling food spread gloriously across the table with puzzled eyes. 

There were mountains of food, with no dish too plain to be called an absolute delicacy. It was a beautiful scene of wonderful and enticing dishes and meats that the young Arrancars had never known in their lives, especially since they started their lives in the Institute of Arrancars. 

Except for Clare, who had seen and feasted on much more in her first world and a bit more as a Heavenly Saintess. At least, that was in the past. Currently, not so much.

Aside from the basic nutritional supplements, these young Arrancars had never eaten any dishes that could seriously fill their stomachs. As a result, natural hesitation arose within the young Arrancars. But four individuals moved among the hesitating one hundred and one young Arrancars. 

The first was CHETH.

Despite having just a horn protruding from his reddish forehead and a well-balanced yet tall physique, a bit not fit for his age, he moved slowly, packed a huge amount of food onto a plate, and headed to an empty luxurious chair around a mini, well-polished table in the corner of the hall to feast by himself.

Next was DALETH. 

He had the only arrow-like tail among the Arrancars and two horns at both sides of his head. His slim, detailed, whitish-snow physique approached quickly like falling snow. He went to another empty luxurious chair around a mini, well-polished table in a far corner with some food. His cobalt eyes moved snarkily like a rabid animal, wary of anyone who might try to attack him for his food.

Next up was SETH, Noir. 

As elegantly as a peacock mantis shrimp, she scanned the table for what suited her best and settled down in the opposite direction, hoping to keep an eye on her plaything or anything aiming for her. 

With a mask of indifference and calmness, she kept her dignified appearance and started to taste the various kinds of food she picked for herself.

The last of the four to move was GIMEL, Clare. 

A familiar chill ran through her veins, her ears shivering as her bushy tails stiffened up in anxiety. Clare turned to the direction her foxy side just alerted her to. It was the direction of Noir. Clare narrowed her gaze at Noir's gestures.

Noir’s swift gestures meant, “Relax cutie, the food isn’t poisonous. Just tested it.” 

Clare tsk'ed her tongue, implying she already knew that fact. While SETH, on the other hand, sighed with a faint smile, implying she knew GIMEL knew; she just told her in case. 

Ignoring her, Clare packed only a few different foods from the grand table. It was a fairly average amount, similar to what the young Arrancars had been receiving before this. She returned to the complete opposite side from the other three elites and started to feast on the food. 

Clare began to eat the small amount of food elegantly. She chewed slowly, taking little bites. She avoided drinking too much water so she could enjoy more of the food. The way Clare ate drew attention, as if she were someone of nobility in her past life, at least for a few minutes. 

Snapping out of it, the puzzled and hesitant young Arrancars noticed the situation and moved with excitement on their faces.

“Since the elites are eating, don’t blame me for enjoying myself,” one of the young Arrancars said, breaking the silence with a grin.

“Me too,” another added eagerly, eyes wide with anticipation.

“I need to eat to grow taller,” a third chimed in, determination clear in their voice.

“Right, let’s eat!” someone else exclaimed, raising a fist in the air.

It became a chaotic yet enjoyable feast, enough to go around for everyone.


As the chilly breeze of the late morning fluttered and billowed everything in its path, Mei Tai, who was strolling outside, had a conversation with the Senior Instructor in charge of the “Yunhai Platform” at the Institute of Arrancars.

“Now that you’ve seen it with your own eyes, did you still doubt that the Half-breed Nin, GIMEL, has changed? How can anyone look down on her and think she was once one of the less talented young Arrancars?” Mei Tai asked, a sense of hidden pride in her voice.

“Yes, I was indeed surprised to see it. I was even more shocked to see how much she had grown in the last four and a half years. I didn’t expect her to reach the level of an Arrancar Viking,” the Senior Instructor replied.

A smile curled up the cherry-red lips of Mei Tai before she shook her head, implying the Senior Instructor was still missing something only she saw.

“No, she’s not just an Arrancar Viking, like the other three. That Nin... she is already above the level of CHETH, DALETH, and SETH.”

The faces of the instructors listening to Mei Tai, including the Senior Instructor of the Yunhai Platform, hardened. The Assistant Dean and Edgar Le Nigel nodded slightly in pride. The Senior Instructor of the Yulin Platform, in particular, looked especially pleased, practically sparkling with satisfaction.

Perhaps that was why Mei Tai asked the Senior Instructor in charge of CHETH and DALETH’s growth after seeing another young Arrancar, especially a Half-breed that was a “dragon instead of a lizard.”

“What? Are you saying she’s really stronger than ‘her’? GIMEL is stronger than SETH?” one instructor asked.

Mei Tai replied with a shrug. “Of course. But one thing is for sure...” Her words trailed off as she stopped walking and glanced back at the group of instructors following her.

Earlier, among the young Arrancars who were eagerly scooping up their food, Mei Tai had quietly observed GIMEL’s strength and expression behind a mask of indifference.

“... That Nin is a Demonic Kitsune,” Mei Tai completed her thought.


Who would believe that a mysterious Half-breed Nin, first found as an outcast in the “Bottom Forest of the Demon Clan” and sent to the Institute of Arrancars to die a hideous death, would not only survive but become stronger than any Full-breed young Arrancar? 

As Mei Tai believes in Special Tea Edition, from the infamous ‘Demonic Alchemist Bashai Zen’ she also believes deep in her heart GIMEL would bring a great wave of change within the Demon Clan.

The day of rest went by rather quickly

The young Arrancars enjoyed their break at first, but as it ended, they couldn’t erase their nervous expressions of what was next to come. This was because of the parting words that Mei Tai, the Dean of the Institute, had given them all.

"After a day's rest, there will still be the third and final trial of the Valkyrie-Blitz Trial within the Platform," she had announced.

It was hard to imagine what this trial would be like since the previous trials had all been different. Besides, one day's rest hardly felt sufficient. However, some Arrancars appeared unfazed. Among them were GIMEL, SETH, CHETH, and DALETH. Confident in their abilities, they were ready to face whatever was next. They ate moderately, preparing for the trial by ensuring they didn’t overindulge.

Meanwhile, Clare sat on the Yulin Platform, which was bathed in the noon sun. Her skin vibrated with energy as tendrils of power stirred around her. She began to meditate, checking her energy circulation.

Closing her eyes, Clare pushed her spiritual awareness deep into her sea of consciousness, arousing her Asura energy. She felt the forces of Asura energy, merged from three different sources, surging and writhing with unparalleled strength compared to before the Seclusion Training. 

Clare didn't know what kind of trial awaited her, but she hoped to get through it with her alloy steel bracers on. She preferred not to show her full strength unless absolutely necessary, believing it was always beneficial to hide one's true power until it truly mattered.

If an unavoidable situation arose, Clare would only display her full strength if her life was in actual danger or if there were no witnesses. Once she understood the trial, she could decide then.

After circulating the Asura Energy through every nook and cranny of her body, her heartbeat became more stable, her breathing normal, and her senses more serene and steady. Warmth and frost escaped Clare’s mouth as a sensation of harmony and tranquillity welled up in her heart. It was a familiar feeling of a stable, unwavering force within her.

Soon, her drifting mind gathered into one. A cool breeze blew across her relaxed nine fluffy tails, tickling her skin, calming her mind and soul, and soothing her sweaty flesh under her robe. The Asura energy pulsing through her veins stopped moving, and Clare cracked her eyes open to a slit.

She then examined the strength of the other two individuals who had arrived first. She wasn’t familiar with them, but she knew them as CHETH and DALETH. They were said to be top elites within their respective platforms of the Institute of Arrancars. The young Arrancars often talked about the strongest individuals on their platforms, and Clare could confirm that the rumors of their strength were not exaggerated. However, that didn’t mean the three of them had similar levels of strength.

‘CHETH is just a half-step above DALETH in terms of strength,’ Clare determined. She believed she could defeat DALETH with all of her braces on by using basic scythe techniques. She would likely win confidently as long as her strength was balanced and her scythe-manship was properly utilized.

But the situation with CHETH and SETH was different. Clare wasn’t sure if she could defeat either without taking off one of her braces. She could definitely handle them if she removed two or three braces, but she was unsure of the outcome if she kept them on. Clare clicked her tongue, annoyed by the thought. 

… after all, how could an ancient Heavenly Saintess with vast experience and ambition be compared to kids with little experience?

Yet, Clare recalled the saying: “Underestimation of all kinds leads to death.”

In other words, she mustn’t underestimate the elites, even if she was light years ahead of them. She should think she wasn’t strong enough yet. Overestimation was better than underestimation. If she couldn’t defeat all of them with her braces on, she wasn’t strong enough to get her revenge now or in the near future.

It wasn’t that she lacked effort. She just lacked the time to train properly and surpass her current limits. That was what Clare thought as she recalled the words of the saintess, saints, and her best friends, even the leading Archbishop who drank with her on her last day as the Heavenly Saintess.

“Don’t blame yourself for the lack of effort and power in saving everyone who called for your help. As long as you don’t carry the burden alone and commit yourself diligently to surpass your limits, you will always be able to seek the results you wish for.”

Clare gritted her teeth inwardly as sadness crept into her heart. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Why did they all betray her for trivial reasons? Why?! No one, not even she, could answer that. Both her demon and foxy sides were speechless. However, her sadness was quickly replaced with fearsome and murderous intent. She quickly recalled her goal of killing all those who sinned against her.

‘Regardless of our past, they won’t respawn this time.’

Clare’s emerald eyes emitted a fierce glow as the sun veered out from the clouds and shone brighter.

It was time to start the last trial of the Valkyrie-Blitz Trial.

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