Demonic Kitsune

12. Valkyrie-Blitz Trials III

Letting out a deep sigh as she deactivated her Mana of Fossilization, sweat trickled down Clare's forehead, cheeks, and neck. She was exhausted. But she couldn’t let that hinder her progress in this trial. With that thought, Clare swung the blood off her dark scythe and advanced, leaping through the passage. Quarter-way through, another danger appeared out of nowhere.

The air vibrated with a twish sound that whispered through the moist atmosphere of death and demonic energy. Her ears twitched as her senses tingled with impending danger. Chills crept up her spine. It was the sound of something sharp flying at rapid speed through the dimly lit passage. With her tails tensed, Clare dodged the attack by a hair's breadth.

It was truly close; the sharp object, seemingly an arrow, shot past her. Unexpectedly, the arrow curved, changing trajectory to aim directly at her vital point.

Clare caught partially off guard, quickly recovered. She stirred and emanated her Mana of Fossilization, petrifying the arrow. However, that wasn’t enough. Dark demonic energy trailing from the mysterious arrow swirled around it, utilizing momentum to keep moving even as it turned to stone.

Sensing the arrow's unexpected movement, Clare redirected it with the hilt of her scythe. The impact's aftershock was so powerful that it made her hand tremble.

Demonic energy? Clare frowned, examining the arrow embedded in the brick wall, tendrils of hideous cracks spreading from it.  It was also a titanium arrow, not wood. Typical traps for hunting beasts used wooden arrows, but this was different. Since this was the Demon Clan's Valkyrie-Blitz Trial, they used a rare metal—titanium. A Titanium Demonic Arrow?  Clare applied holy mana to her retinas to grasp its details.

Clare assumed this was a trap aimed at those Arrancars who, having made it past the Demonic Bull, had let their guards down or were injured, thinking they had won. After all, one mustn’t lose their guard after winning a battle—the war still awaits. She sighed, imagining how many elites and non-elites might have died in this sudden trap.

Non-elites weren’t expected to make it past the Demonic Bull in the first place. Even if they somehow did, this trap would be enough to halt their progress. An elite who lowered their guard for just a second after slaying the Demonic Bull would face death before they could even comprehend it.

Even Clare, if she hadn’t subconsciously released her Mana of Fossilization when her instinct tingled, would have lost her arms. If her senses hadn’t caught the unpredictable movement of the arrow, she would have died from being struck at her vital point. Simply put, she was lucky. Her Demonic and Nin body saved her. Otherwise...

“Damn,” Clare cursed. Though she knew luck was a skill in some sense, she hated relying on it. Grateful for her body's benefits but frustrated by its weakness, she vowed not to depend on luck again. She would restore her body to its former glory, so she wouldn’t have to rely on luck.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes narrowed in cold determination, Clare pressed forward to the exit of the passage.

Before long, goosebumps began to rise all over Clare’s body as the air vibrated in every direction. Her bushy tails flinched in caution as multiple swishing sounds tickled her ears. If her instincts were right, Titanium Demonic arrows were flying toward her. By expanding her senses beyond five meters to one-third of the passage, she detected approximately fifteen arrows, which was fifteen times more than usual.

With her instincts and senses peaking, Clare also detected the pattern of the arrow trajectories. It dawned on her, like being struck by lightning. She started running in a zigzag pattern to further understand what she sensed. The arrows were coming from different directions, at different speeds, and in different patterns. They could change their trajectory at the last second due to the demonic energy trailing from them. Hence, it would be impossible for Clare to avoid them just through her senses and instincts even if she uses her Mana of Fossilization as well.

In that case, Clare swung her scythe. If one couldn't dodge fireflies, one might as well catch them. In quick succession, after striking the arrows coming from the front and upward, she spun her body, ignoring the backlash against her hand, and stretched out her empty hand. Imbuing it with holy mana, she caught one of the undodgeable arrows passing right by her chest. Using the momentum at the end of her blade and the recoil of the arrow, she quickly swung the scythe backward to deflect arrows coming from behind. Her grip trembled as blood dripped from her hand. Despite the agonizing pain, her feet moved as her stiffened tails whispered to her about the few arrows in the blind spot behind her neck. She moved to the right and ducked simultaneously.

There were more. Her ears twitched at the arrows looming at hip height. Her left foot moved as her body veered away just a second before their trajectory changed again, causing them to strike the opposite wall hard. For the arrows she couldn’t dodge or strike with her scythe, her left foot, coated with holy mana, kicked the ones aiming straight at her ankle, dissipating the demonic energy before it could deal damage.

Though it may have been a lengthy explanation, everything happened in an instant as she leaped through the dimly lit passage. It was something beyond mortal comprehension. Despite signs of fatigue, bruises, and broken bones caused by the strains of abnormal movements on her pre-teen body, Clare pushed through the increasingly risky circumstances without impatience or letting the pain hinder her progress.

Enduring these hardships took a toll on her mental fortitude, but it was tolerable due to her strong demonic physique and traits. Traps like this served as basic training for anyone who had been a senior saint cadet and passed through the Central Holy Church Academy. The only difference was that instead of a pitch-dark passage, it would be an extremely bright, blinding white passage.

Thinking of this made Clare reminisce for a bit before her attention shifted back to her senses. All the hair on her body stood on end as her concentration peaked. Her nine fluffy tails relaxed as everything around her was drowned out. Relying on her gut instinct at 75% and her senses at 95%, Clare no longer had to actively seek or analyze the arrows' trajectories. Instead, she naturally captured their positions and reflexively dodged them, performing somersaults and backflips, before returning to her feet and striking the arrows with chain attacks from her scythe. Clare grinned as she remembered her distant memories of training as a saint cadet and passing the body reflex test when blocking arrows. Sweat dripped down her cheek and delicate neck. The bruises increased, as well as the broken bones and exhaustion, but all the endurance and tolerance were worth it.

Indeed, the Valkyrie trial lived up to its name.

“Aaaah, finally done!” 

Clare exhaled frost as her body warmth peaked. If she were to estimate her remaining energy, her holy mana would be at 20% while her demonic energy was at 36%. It was a great feat for such an amount to remain after so many struggles. Looking back with a hint of holy mana in her retinas, Clare, who had come to a halt, could see an extremely devastated and cracked passage with arrows embedded within it and debris and shrapnel scattered everywhere. But she no longer sensed any demonic energy emanating from the arrows. Even the pieces of the Demonic Bull’s stone head, all that was left of its body, could be seen dimly.

Not only had she survived the Demonic Bull, but also the titanium demonic traps. As her tense body relaxed, she smiled. She had gotten stronger. This half-breed Nin body of hers had become more powerful. The clotted burden in her heart was relieved. And like that, the massive door that had been tightly shut began to open. Taking a deep breath, she began to move slowly.

It was a titanium-made door fused with demonic energy with schematic detector arrays, just the opposite of the passageway Clare had used. If she had died in any of the trials, that door would never have opened. That is exactly how the Valkyrie Blitz Trial was set up. In any case, Clare was still alive and breathing. She had also measured everything she intended to test about the stats of her body and what she needed to improve.

She was able to check the progress of her holy mana and demonic energy levels, both when she went all out and when she did not. She also tested how her body could handle converting her past sword skills into high-level scythe techniques, as well as her body's reflexes before they became strained or damaged. Additionally, she gauged how flexible she needed to be to perform as she did. Even with the overall progress of the Mithril Body and Soul Reinforcement, Mithril Physique Circulation, and Superiorization of True Deviation, she created, she needed to grow in proficiency. She also noted the progress of the derivative version—Mana of Fossilization.

The only unaccomplished aspect was the utilization of the ancient text from her past. Her current body was still usable, albeit barely compatible, which was a good thing.


Letting out another full breath of fatigue, her bushy tails fluttered with stress as Clare smeared the blood of the dead Demonic Bull on her scythe and her robes. She dabbed the blood on the torn regions of her robes, reasoning that it would be a good idea to make it appear as though she had an extremely difficult struggle, just in case the results were too unusual. 

It didn’t take long for the gate to fully open. As Clare stepped out, the chilly breeze felt entirely different from the one intertwined with Death and Demonic energy in the passage; it was full of life and harmony. Clare blinked to adjust to the blinding light, revealing a spacious grass field called "Erebus Hell Grass Field."

The sun shone brightly in the nebula sky stretching across the horizon. A dense crimson forest packed with giant trees and lush vegetation brimmed with life and luster. The trees were so massive that, even though it was noon, the surroundings were cool and dark under the thick canopy. The air was damp with moisture, and every stump was covered in moss. Demonic midges and gnats waged an ugly battle over grubs while caterpillars strolled steadily without disturbance.

It was eerily beautiful and suffocatingly magnificent. The gentle breeze fluttered everything in its path, making a soft swishing sound like rustling leaves. It was a grand scenery. A mysterious smile spread across Clare's face, and an intense look filled her eyes as she melded into the picturesque scene. The thick sweat that had been dripping from her face had all but disappeared, showcasing how cool this place was.

Calmly, Clare looked around and began to spot little Arrancars who had completed their trials before her under many lofty trees. There were about fifteen people. Some were seriously injured and overly exhausted, while others were just chilling and unharmed. 

Among the latter was Noir.

Noir, donned in a dark robe with a bit of white and purple lining, had strips of the robe below her shoulders, exposing her pale, tender skin. It fit her nicely and elegantly, with her long ponytail and a few bangs over her forehead. Her overall disposition and composure indicated she hadn’t been in a fight at all. Only her steel broadsword, dripping with Demonic blood, hinted otherwise.

Did she slay it with a single blow? Clare wondered, eyeing the blade. If so, it indicated that Noir was concealing more power than she had assumed. Clare could have slain the Demonic Bull with a single strike if she hadn't wanted to disguise her true strength and test her body's full potential. This was only possible because of Clare's unique Half-breed body, her previous life's memories, and her ultimate goal.

For Noir, it was different. She was neither a transmigrator, reincarnator, nor regressor, according to Clare's observations since arriving in the Demon Clan. Noir had already outperformed any child her age in talent and intelligence. Her strength had likely reached the “second chain” or perhaps a bit more—maybe a pseudo.

In any case, it had nothing to do with her; it wasn’t Clare’s business. Old adults don’t mingle with brats. Letting out a sigh, she proceeded on… at least that was supposed to happen, but Noir found her and waved with a creepy-looking smile. Clare's instinct told her to ignore this weird demonic girl quickly, and she couldn't help but relate more.

Ignoring the fact that GIMEL ignored her, Noir’s eerie-looking smile broadened. She shouted as though she expected this much from her "loving toy”—.

"GIMEL, it must have been a fierce battle!"

Noir's comment was based on the amount of blood from the Demonic Bull splattered around Clare’s torn robes.

“It’s not as simple for others as it is for you,” Clare said coldly, her words audible despite the breeze.

“You mean those Demonic Arrows? That’s true. I almost died as well.” Noir nodded with her eyes closed.

‘What a sham!’ Clare knew Noir was lying but paid no more attention to her. Instead, she focused on a nearby tree stump the height of a two-year-old. Sitting down in a lotus position, Clare adjusted her breath to appear as if the battle had been tough while looking around.

Demonic energy burned as a schematic detector array lit up sequentially within the titanium door. Then, it creaked open before closing shut again.

Her senses, unlike what they seemed to others, were steady and full of tranquility. She noticed some little Arrancars trudging out of the gate. Clare didn’t focus on them, however. Instead, she focused on those who had come out ahead of her, whom she thought were weaker than her.

How did they get here before she did? It seemed impossible for those weaker than her to fight a Demonic Bull and withstand a barrage of demonic arrows. Clare had done it, but it made no sense for less powerful Arrancars to finish faster.

She had expected such a circumstance, and the reasoning behind it seemed plausible to her.

Perhaps not all the trials were done fairly. Clare suspected that was the case but couldn't be certain until the real trial took place. As she reached the finished area for the little Arrancars and checked the results, her suspicion grew stronger.

Again, demonic energy burned as the schematic detector array lit up. The titanium door creaked open, and a familiar shout resonated.

“Wow, I fucking did it!”

It was the voice of SOATH like an idiot, cheering as she walked out of her trial, wiping blood from her lips. Her greenish-dark robes were normal with only minor bruises and a few piercing wounds, seemingly from demonic arrows. To Clare, SOATH’s abilities weren’t awful, nor was her appearance bad; in fact, it was quite good for someone less powerful.

However, her abilities paled compared to the Demonic Bull that Clare confronted. There could only be one conclusion: either she learned new talents or didn’t encounter the same types of demonic trials. Clare, finishing her thoughts, closed her stunning emerald eyes. There was no reason to ponder it any longer. 

After all, she had passed the Valkyrie-Blitz Trials, and that was all that mattered. 

As Clare closed her eyes, SOATH picked up on GIMEL’s presence. She shut her mouth, gritted her teeth, and glared fiercely at Clare from a distance. Feeling the intense stare, Clare opened her eyes slightly to see SOATH glaring at her. In response, she frowned, then sneered.

Seeing this, SOATH sighed and withdrew her gaze. Clare pleased with her patience—a patient dog gets the fattest bone—paid no further attention. She was aware of SOATH's hostility and had intended to provoke her into showing it openly. However, it seemed SOATH managed to control herself.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter if she controlled herself today; what about next time?’

Clare sighed, confident she could toy with SOATH anytime. She hadn't killed her, hoping SOATH would commit another sin, which she hadn't. With that thought, Clare closed her eyes again and focused on more pressing matters.

In the depths of her mind, Clare recalled her encounter with the Demonic Bull and the Demonic Titanium arrows. These were unpredictable to dodge and hard to strike without demonic energy coating her feet or hands, even with the Derived Method of Mana Fossilization. The recoil from her scythe alone was enough to blur her mind for a second.

Although the technique produced good results, there were many flaws. It quickly exhausted her Holy Mana and Demonic energy reserves. Clare wondered if her body was insufficient or if it was a matter of efficiency. Either way, Clare knew she needed more training to improve.

Various techniques and their schematic details came to mind as Clare thought about how to improve the Mana Fossilization technique. She collected bits of information from those with similar fundamentals to enhance her technique. However, no matter how many calculations she made, she was still stumped.

Although the Blanket of Petrification produced good results when her concentration peaked, it was too disastrous for anything she aimed at. The technique drained her mental fortitude and energy reserves, making it difficult for her to use it effectively. At least, that’s what Clare assumed theoretically. It could be far worse in practice, considering her current body progression.

However, she knew how to solve the problem.

‘If I continue to improve this Demonic Nin's body knack with Mithril Body and Soul Reinforcement, as well as Mithril Physique Circulation and Superiorization of the True Deviation, I can guarantee a positive effect.’

With all the achievements she had made in her previous life and the knowledge she collected as the Heavenly Saintess of the Central Holy Church, Clare was certain she could break through all her past limits. Her conviction was unwavering, especially when it came to her revenge.

Demonic energy surged as a schematic detector array lit up within the titanium door. It creaked open before closing shut again. Unlike before, when the demonic energy would trail back to its initial center, this time it dimmed until it vanished. From the door, little Arrancars trudged out. Some were unharmed, while others crawled on two feet, bleeding and crying for help. Some Arrancars ignored them, while others showed an urge to murder the weak and put them out of their misery.

But that wasn’t Clare’s concern. She clicked her tongue as her tails whispered how these little masochists were growing more deadly by the day, warning Clare to be more careful. Representing her foxy side, her tails sensed these dangers via instincts.

Clare tallied the number of little Arrancars who had survived—around fifty. Remembering the Clan’s ideology, which the senior instructor had emphasized multiple times, Clare reflected: Those who can’t endure, can’t keep up, nor grow and survive. Only those who live can be strong, and the strong reign supreme…

‘...and those who reign supreme persist and flower their strength in the ways of the demons, becoming unbreakable titan pillars.’

Clare completed the ideology inwardly. The other little Arrancars looked around nervously. As a cool breeze swept through the forest, Clare’s ears twitched, and her tails curled in anticipation of the familiar tremble in the air.

Contrary to her instinct, a familiar overwhelming presence accompanied by other demonic presences emerged elegantly from a ripple in space in front of all the little Arrancars, who gathered around, signaling that the trials were officially over.

The senior instructor, Edgar Le Nigel, dressed in platinum robes, stepped forward and spoke.

“Well done. Everyone here has done a fantastic job surviving the Valkyrie-Blitz Trials.”

It's back guys. Worray!!!.

Ahem. I have written two advanced chapters in my Patreon. Congrats to me. Regardless of my busy working schedule (Fuck you department manager, phew) I did it, more chapters coming in next week before my next update on scribblehub.

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