Demon Lord: Erotic Adventure in Another World

Chapter 459: A Strange Union

Alan's eyes narrowed while watching the approaching group from the south. A ragtag bunch of various races and nations, an alliance built because of only one reason. "Ryuji... this is what you created for our kingdom, our cause." His voice filled with a sense of passion and affection for what his brother had achieved. "Prepare to greet our allies, we have no time to waste!" The atmosphere around the citadel transformed after Asmodeus sent most of his troops to the northwest, although Alan didn't know what his brother discovered there. It was a burden off his shoulders that the knights no longer clashed with his brother's knights out of jealousy and racism. "Yes, Your Grace!" "Hurry, prepare to receive the guests!" A group of knights nervously jogged off the wall and headed towards the gates, worried about upsetting their leader once again. "..." Alan's gaze drifted to the strange woman with black ears leading a group of fox-like women, all wielding spears and leather armour. "The beast empire sent quite a lot of troops." Her presence carried a sense of aura like charismatic leaders often did. "Hmm..." Alan's eyes focused on another figure riding a white horse in a black dress and an obsidian tiara with a red gemstone within, her long blonde hair and pointed ears... reminded him of the elf which followed Ryuji around. 'The elves actually sent a force this large, how amazing.' He couldn't help but take a deep breath, to swallow this shock... When the humans sought aid from the elves in the past because of minor clashes, they refused, and eventually, rumours of them joining the demons started to flow. "However, they've sent one of their princesses. This is a clear message, but who do I have to thank for that..." Alan gazed across their units, where he noticed a familiar face. Some might even call the old man with greying hair his nemesis... Duke Qwass, someone who served as Alan's rival and counterpart for most of his adulthood. 'Has he really changed, and turned a new leaf... my brother?' This time Alan thought of the king of Grigor and shook his head. "Let me see for my own eyes." "OPEN THE GATES!" The gates slowly opened and revealed the group to be around 5000 men strong, which was a significant amount considering that the three nations hadn't worked together for decades, maybe longer... Alan quickly descended the wall and prepared to greet the incoming armies. Although, he wished to hold a banquet and enjoy a moment of relaxation for the newcomers. However, the enemy was already upon them. A man with a dark face and blue eyes stood behind Alan, someone who helped with his tasks in silence, never seeking credit. "Have the scouts doubled their observation? I want to know when their army dares to use the lavatory!" Alan whispered to his trusted aide. "Yes, Your Grace." With that said, the dark-faced man vanished into the crowd and headed to the north. Meanwhile, Alan brushed himself off and stepped into the courtyard, preparing to greet his future allies. After, some time passed. "We should set up camp here. The elves can't continue any longer without proper rest," Duke Qwass suggested to Juliet as they approached the gates, because she wanted to help the man who saved her empire. Juliet wanted to rush and avoid making them wait any longer. "Very well." "What do you think, Princess?" She asked the woman beside her, a young elf, who looked pristine with blonde hair, dressed in armour that glimmered with a silver light. "Of course, Princess Juliet. However, we would prefer to meet with Asmodeus, my brother-in-law, as soon as possible. This suggestion is acceptable. I don't know about you, but my people can fight without resting if we need to," she announced in a cold tone while gazing back at the uniformed elven knights, all with pristine armour, bows and beautiful visages. Juliet could only admire the sight before her while thinking of the man who made it all possible... "Asmodeus, I have heard he moved further north, alone. That man is always doing things others do not dare..." She said in an endearing manner as she thought of his face. 'I wonder if he intended to bring us together... or this was just part of his natural charm.' "I can't wait to meet him again." "Our Prince is a talented man. Otherwise, my sister wouldn't have grown so much beside him." Ar'Orina chuckled, her mind going back to the first time she met Asmodeus. She underestimated him and ended up going home without her knights... 'Although I hated him at the time, when my sister came back to help us... I couldn't help but feel envious.' "However, the real question is. Can you fight, alongside the humans?" This time, Orina asked Juliet a question with a slightly mocking tone. "Haa..." Juliet didn't answer quickly because she understood the meaning behind the question. While travelling to the north, her troops received quite a lot of hassle and racism from the small villages and towns of Grigor, but most of this was because of greedy lords and small-level nobles who didn't know that Grigor had signed a treaty with the Beast Empire. "The human empire has been our enemy for as long as anyone can remember. However, thanks to our new Emperor, we have decided to give them a chance and accept them." "So, it's all because of brother-in-law, as I thought..." Orina's lips curled into a strange smile, while Juliet couldn't help but want to slap her face, because it was obnoxious. "Do you want to sleep with your brother?" "Ack?!" Orina almost choked on air after she heard such an absurd suggestion. "How can you even suggest such a thing!" The pink cheeks of Ar'Orina gave off her honest feelings, which made the Beastkin curl her lips into a smile. "I guess it won't be so bad with someone like you around." "Tsk..." The two women seemed to come to some kind of agreement even though their troops were ready to fight each other, especially the elven knights and Lycan Warriors who had fought in many wars against one another. "Welcome, oh, valiant allies and friends from another land!" A male dressed in gaudy clothes offered a pleasant smile and waved at the approaching force. Although the man seemed friendly, the atmosphere surrounding his body was on a completely different level compared to the people behind him. The humans looked at the elves with lust and desire, while the muscular females of the beastkin seemed to intimidate them a little. Yet... despite the worries of the two groups, it felt that things might just work. "We have prepared a barracks for you all to rest, though it is modest, I hope it is enough. We are grateful for you all coming, however, I'm sure you already know what you're getting into." The greeting knight helped to calm the mood and brought positive feelings to the table, as the scent of wine, meat and sizzling vegetables filled the air. Tonight would be the first meeting between the future leaders of each race. "Well, it seems that things might just work out," Alan said in a low voice while staring at the approaching force. "Do you think that we can win?" The question came from another of his new aides, someone who was falsely locked after a noble asked to take his sister as a mistress. Raul didn't accept this and sent her to the south with a family member. But because he wouldn't allow a local lord to kidnap his sister. The noble lord created false crimes and locked the talented young mind in jail for six years. "I believe it depends on people like you, Raul. No matter how hard we fight, it all comes down to this." Alan touched Raul's chest, where his heart beat with a deep thud. "If we do not lose hope and keep our faith... I believe we can win." 'That's right... if Ryuji survives to the end, we will win.' Unlike his words, Alan didn't tell them that his source of belief and faith wasn't some god above, but the annoying little friend of his who defied all odds. Alan turned away while gazing at the darkness in the north. A hellish landscape, with dark mountains, broken lands and hordes of monsters that thrived in such a horrible place with black clouds of purple lightning and fog that blocked visibility... "Without you, there is no future, Ryuji."

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