Decoding the Ghost Stories in Fantasy

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Revived Like a Dog

The easiest way to distinguish people is by remembering their names.

Everyone in the world receives a name from their parents at birth.

No one is without a name, and unless something extraordinary happens, they will be called by that name until they die.

In that sense, a name is like a unique identification number that represents one's existence.

My name is Woo Seo-ho.

"Hey, 138!"

A man, looking at me with disapproval, called me by the number 138, but my name is Woo Seo-ho.

That fact does not change.


For the record, I am neither a prisoner nor an irredeemable villain who deserves to have his very identity denied.

The reason I obediently wagged my tail like a dog, even when being called a somewhat demeaning number like 138, was simple—

The man in front of me held the power.

"I told you to clean the H-01 isolation room by today. Did you, or did you not?"

"I told you a week ago that an important project was starting today, so I needed it as clean as possible."

"But when I checked the surveillance camera just now, the place was a damn mess."


"You had a whole week, and it's not like this is beyond your abilities, right?"

"Your job is to clean the isolation rooms, so if you mess that up, what the hell are you even doing here?"

"Did I ask you to do something unreasonable?"

"If you can't even clean, why are you here at all?"

The man's name was Kwak Du-pal, a researcher in his mid-30s.

Despite his gentle appearance, he must have been severely harassed by his professors in graduate school because he had developed a prickly and irritable personality.

"I'm sorry, Senior Kwak. I did clean it two days ago, but it must have gotten dirty again. I'll take care of it right away."

Kwak Du-pal always took out his stress on me whenever something went wrong.

Like me, he had been assigned a serial number—[0_1_18]—but I couldn't exactly call him "Eighteen" in a friendly manner.

Not only was he among the highest ranks in the research lab, but he also held my fate in his hands for the April performance review.

"138, I'm watching you. Go clean it right now. You have one hour. Get it spotless before Naram gets here, understood?"

'Your mom.'

I swallowed my roar to protect my precious paycheck.

"Yes, sir."

Eighteen glared at me for a while longer before disappearing down the hallway.

A sigh escaped me.

I had cleaned that room thoroughly just two days ago.

Why was he nitpicking and throwing a fit?

Did he get rejected on a blind date again?

If I were him, instead of yelling at a janitor, I'd be at a dermatology clinic getting hair implants.

"H-01 isolation room, huh…"

What a pain.

Damn it.

The security in this research facility was airtight.

Every area was a classified zone, and no electronic devices not issued by the lab were allowed inside.

On top of that, I had to pass through a thick, vault-like door at every checkpoint.

I placed a tiny computer on the lock sensor out of habit.

A monotonous automated voice rang out.

"Serial number [0_4_138], Woo Seo-ho, verified."

I walked down the stark white corridor until I reached Section H.

The H-01 isolation room was at the far left end.

I approached the thick glass wall and peered inside.

The H-01 isolation room was about 23 square meters.

It was entirely painted white, with no furniture whatsoever.

In the center stood a massive plaster statue.

The statue wore a tunic, similar to what ancient Greeks favored.

It resembled an adult male, with three pairs of massive angel wings on its back.

It looked like a masterpiece sculpted by a famous artist.

Now I could see why Eighteen was making a fuss.

A black rock was lying inside—something I hadn't seen two days ago.


Even if Eighteen was a pain in the ass, I still couldn't find it in me to like him.

Before entering the isolation room, I checked the statue’s data on my tiny computer.

▶ Phantom Species Data [H-I-01]

Access Level: 4

Serial Number: H-I-01

Entity Name: Neck-Snapping Statue

Threat Level: Harmful

▼ Record

H-I-01 was discovered on the evening of May 10, 2033, in Pennsylvania.

According to the first witness, Sergeant James, H-I-01 was found standing amidst 22 corpses, gripping a child’s neck.

Each corpse had a broken neck, all confirmed to be the work of H-I-01.

Special agents secured the entity through proper procedures, and a month later, it was isolated at the Paranormal Research Facility.

Although H-I-01 appears to be inanimate, it is classified as a living organism, just like other entities.

Its skin, resembling plaster, is actually covered in chitin.

Unless specific conditions are met, it remains completely motionless.

It even defecates.

It feeds once every 15 to 30 days, absorbing nutrients from hemoglobin in the blood.

Through feeding, it grows and eventually reproduces via binary fission.

So far, three instances of reproduction have been observed.

All but the original entity have been eliminated following protocol.

The reason H-I-01 snaps human necks remains unclear.

It has no direct relation to its feeding habits but appears to be closely tied to ‘human respiration.’

No instances of it breaking the necks of other animals have been observed.

Under investigation.

Likelihood of discovery: Favorable.

Recorders: [0_1_100] Kang Naram, [0_1_18] Kwak Du-pal.

I read through the holographic text one more time before shutting it off.

I had seen this data dozens of times, but reviewing it again served as a reminder.

One must never grow too comfortable around a monster that can snap a human neck in an instant.

Though I had been cleaning isolation rooms for a year now, any lapse in attention could lead to a rookie mistake.

Even monkeys fall from trees.

Dying hurts.

And dying to H-I-01 would be an excruciating experience—something I preferred to avoid.

Cleaning H-I-01's isolation room was simple.

Anyone could do it as long as they followed two rules.

Rule #1: Do not breathe in the isolation room.

Rule #2: Stick to Rule #1.

Fail to follow them, and you die.

I took a deep breath and held it.

Alright, here goes.

I gathered my cleaning tools.

"Serial number [0_4_138], Woo Seo-ho, verified."

The isolation room door opened.

H-I-01 did not greet me.

Unlike S-O-07, which cheerfully acknowledged my presence when I entered to clean, harmful-class entities were inherently rude—

Or so I concluded.

I swallowed the saliva pooling in my mouth and, wearing rubber gloves, picked up the black rock.

It felt squishy.

According to my kind-hearted senior, Naram, this was H-I-01’s excrement.

Some Phantom Species looked like thick, unreadable books.

Others, like H-I-01, resembled inanimate objects.

But the shocking part?

They were all living beings—just like me.

Perhaps that’s why they were called Phantom Species.

Creatures detached from this world’s logic, their status as humanity’s enemy or ally remained uncertain.

A mere janitor like me couldn't possibly define them.

But maybe, just maybe, people like Eighteen or Naram—brilliant minds from top universities—could uncover their true nature someday.

I tossed the excrement into a plastic bag and diligently scrubbed away the stains on the floor.

Even a maggot has its talents.

Mine was cleaning.

Unlike Eighteen (35, nicotine-stained lungs), my lung capacity was in peak condition.

I efficiently cleaned the room until not a speck of dust remained.

Even Eighteen would have a hard time complaining now.

Just as I was about to leave, someone waved at me from beyond the thick glass wall.

A woman with long, jet-black hair that shimmered like a gemstone.

Shorter than me but with an alluring figure.

Timid yet possessing a shy smile capable of capturing any man’s heart.

My favorite person in this lab—Naram.


She called my name.

Though I couldn’t hear her, my heart pounded.

She looked gorgeous today.

Her squirrel-like lips were so cute that I responded instinctively.

"Phew~ Hello."


The statue moved.

As I exhaled along with my words, the statue’s eyes turned toward me.

Damn. I quickly held my breath again, but the statue’s hand was already in motion.

I hadn’t even greeted it, but at this point, there was no helping it.

I locked eyes with the statue and greeted it.


Looks like I’m dying again today.

H-I-01 was the type to act rather than speak.

With a firm greeting from the plaster statue, my neck snapped.

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