Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 9: The Companions

“Hm, while it’s good to see you again, the invitation was only for you. The Companions don’t accept mages within our ranks.”
Almost immediately after entering Jorrvaskr, we run into Aela the Huntress again, much to my barely contained amusement, as Svanna positively bristles at Aela’s remark. This time around, the older red head notices Svanna’s contempt and anger on my behalf, no doubt because we’ve become MUCH closer in the past two days then we were during our first meeting with the other Nord.
She raises an eyebrow at Svanna but doesn’t otherwise comment on her glare. Instead, she looks to me and sniffs haughtily.
“You did say you were a mage, right? Why are you wearing that armor?”
Grinning, I just shrug my shoulders.
“You and yours inspired me, my dear. Magic has its place, don’t get me wrong… but I see no reason not to expand my skillset. Unless its not mages you don’t accept, but Altmer in general…”
Heh, admittedly, the subtle accusation of racism might have had more of an effect back in my human half’s old world. Here in the fantasy world of Tamriel, racism wasn’t so taboo. You weren’t going to get cancelled just because you professed to not liking a certain race. Broad generalizations, stereotyping, and discrimination were the name of the day.
Still, Aela DOES bristle at the accusation, tossing her hair somewhat contemptuously as she crosses her arms over her chest defensively.
“Go speak to Kodlak. You two aren’t worth my time.”
As she stomps away, I look to Svanna with a raised brow. She, meanwhile, is glaring venomous daggers into Aela’s back. If looks could kill, heh…
Still, it was a little surprising that my auras hadn’t seemed to have much of an effect on Aela. It was eye-opening, really. Although, Uthgerd was sort of the same way, until I’d put her in her place, wasn’t she? It was entirely possible that Aela was just hiding her true reactions for the time being. Either way, I’d have to be careful. I had no intentions of getting set upon by an Enraged Werewolf. Even if I might have more than enough health to survive it, even if I had several bullshit perks that should let me put her down… I wouldn’t want to risk Svanna. Nor would I want to lose out on the chance to put a collar on that particular doggy’s neck.
Gesturing with my head, I lead the way and Svanna follows. We get some odd looks, but eventually we find Kodlak Whitemane. Has to be him, he’s the oldest fucker we’ve come across who’s still wearing armor. Heh, Kodlak Whitemane… aged and wizened, or more accurately, too old to adventure anymore. The Harbinger of the Companions has his best days behind him, and now all he’s got left to hold onto is regrets.
Regrets such as his hatred for his lycanthropic curse. Despite him and the rest of the Circle all being werewolves, Kodlak doesn’t want to stay one. He wants to be cured… he wants to go to the Nord afterlife when he dies, instead of Hircine’s. I… actually wouldn’t mind helping him. Not for his sake, I don’t give two fucks about him, but if I could force the cure onto Aela, she would be a lot easier to handle. And frankly, there’s nothing all that sexy about Skyrim Werewolves. They’re big, hulking monstrosities without a single iota of sex appeal.
At the same time, did I really want to waste all that time completing the Companion Questline just to be able to cure Aela of her curse? Was it really worth it, when I could likely dominate and tame her as she was, and just make sure she didn’t transform through other means like Illusion Magic? Hm, it was a tough call, really.
“Ah, you, young lady, match the description of an Archer that Aela said took down a Giant on the outskirts of the city. She was quite hopeful that you would join us. Well met. And you… hm, you seem both comfortable in that armor, and not. New to martial combat, but not combat in general, I suppose?”
I blink and raise my estimation of Kodlak up at least one notch, even as I also raise an eyebrow.
“Quite right, Harbinger. I am Vayral and this is Svanna. We both wished to inquire about joining the Companions. Your people impressed us during that Giant Encounter.”
Kodlak raises his own brow at that, seemingly assessing me and Svanna for a second. I just smile benignly, waiting to see what would happen. Hm, was I fucking with things by talking for Svanna? So far, I’d done so with the other scripted events, and everything had been fine…
“… Very well. Vilkas! Take these two out to the courtyard and have a look at them. See if they’re Companion Material.”
Stopped on his way past the three of us by Kodlak calling out to him, Vilkas looks us up and down and grunts before turning and continuing on his way. His intentions for us to follow him clear, Svanna and I both do so. This was all seeming relatively normal, at least for the time being…
… Except, when we got outside, Aela was already there in the training yard as well, and I didn’t remember that happening in the game. Having her bow drawn on a target a few dozen paces away, she pauses at our exit from the Mead Hall, glancing over at us with narrowed eyes. Huh… was she out here because our encounter with her left her needing to blow off steam… or ‘blow off steam’?
I give her a broad smile just to be polite, even as Vilkas makes his way over to the weapons rack nearby.
“Vilkas! Kodlak tell you to test them?”
“I’ll take the girl. She’s an Archer, so she’s more my speed anyways. You can handle the Mer.”
And like that, Svanna and I are split up. I give her an encouraging smile as she glances my way before reluctantly moving over to Aela. Even as Vilkas and I end up across from each other, I hear what Aela says to Svanna.
“Let’s see how your shooting is without magic to back it up. A little contest, three shots each, closest to the bullseye wins.”
“… Alright.”
Svanna’s quiet acceptance of the challenge seems to annoy Aela if nothing else. Meanwhile, Vilkas raises his shield at me and grins as I hold two swords aloft, dual-wielding.
“You’re new to swords, aren’t you? Better to use just one and a shield, or one with both hands. You probably don’t have enough strength to swing those swords properly in each hand.”
Shrugging, I twirl the blades almost effortlessly in my hands. Not only was my One-Handed Skill at One Hundred, but I’d also gone ahead and dumped a point in every Perk I thought would help me here. Mostly the sword-related perks, but also any others that sounded useful. Of course, I hadn’t gotten the chance to max out Wandering Warrior at all, nor would I be using Unleash the Beast in this light spar… but I knew I wouldn’t need either.
Ravage, a Two Point Perk that increased the speed of my dual-wielding attacks by thirty five percent, would do my talking for me. Man O’War, meanwhile, would only make me stronger as time went on. And Overrun… Overrun only seemed fitting to start things off with.
When it becomes obvious, I’m not going to take his advice, Vilkas just snorts, unbothered as he gestures for me to come at me.
“Come on then. Let’s see what you can do.”
I don’t hesitate, bursting into motion a moment later. Its too bad that Vilkas wasn’t part of the Giant Encounter, because this would be even funnier, seeing what he thought to be a mage just sprint at him at a charging pace, and come in with a perfectly executed set of sword strikes that knock him back and off balance. But alas, he’s only just met me. Aela though…
Her shout of surprise and alarm as I not only demolish Vilkas’ defenses in three blows, but then knock him off his feet completely with the fourth blow and the Into the Dust Perk, makes me grin as I look over at her and give her a wink. She looks half-ready to attack me, her bow already drawn and ready to fire in the midst of her and Svanna’s challenge, but the lithe Dragonborn steps in between us, a stormy glare on her cute young face that stymies Aela for a second.
And a second is really all I need, to turn back to Vilkas and offer the downed warrior a hand. Its honestly exhilarating, knowing this man is a werewolf and that I still took him out in four easy blows. Of course, I was holding back. I could have cut into his armor and even his body as soon as I’d knocked his shield out of the way, but I wasn’t trying to kill him, just beat him. And I’d done that last bit, that much was for certain.
As Vilkas takes my hand and lets me help him to his feet, his face twists into multiple different emotions at once. There’s surprise and a reluctantly impressed spark in his eyes, but also anger. He’s definitely not used to being beaten so easily. He glares at me in suspicion, seeming to take me in, and I wait for the accusation. However, it doesn’t quite come in the form I’m expecting. Indeed, rather than accusing me of cheating with magic, he shakes himself after a moment and apparently comes to another conclusion.
“You were hiding your true skills. Hmph, for not even Kodlak to realize what sort of warrior you are… tch, well met, I suppose. Still, there’s no point in me testing you when you have skills like that.”
“Vilkas, what are you saying?”
Aela’s demand comes from off to the side, as she and Svanna make their way over. I glance over at their targets and honestly… its way too close to call, at least for me. Though Svanna doesn’t seem happy, so maybe she feels like she lost? Either way, she’d definitely made some really good shots near the center of the bullseye. But then, so had Aela.
Looking at his fellow werewolf, Vilkas just shrugs.
“The Mer is fast… incredibly fast. I was caught off guard, but that doesn’t change the fact that he took me off my feet in one exchange. Embarrassing, to say the least.”
Aela frowns, narrowing her eyes and looking over at me. Is that a quiet growl I hear in the back of her throat? Giving her a benign smile does the trick. She tenses up and then sneers, before marching over to the weapons rack.
“You and me, right now Altmer.”
As she grabs up a pair of swords of her own, I incline my head to the side.
“Sure… though I do have a name. Vayral. If we’re going to be comrades, please use it.”
Scoffing, Aela swings her blades a few times, testing them as she comes back around to face me.
“If we are to be comrades or not remains to be seen.”
Vilkas, despite being hot-tempered from my memories of the game, actually groans at Aela’s words.
But she just ignores him, choosing to face off with me instead. I lift my own blades, ready and willing to show her what I can really do.
“Fight to Surrender, then?”
Aela bares her teeth in a snarl of a grin.
“Fine by me.”
Good, I wouldn’t have wanted it to be something like first blood or first three hits or anything like that. As Aela moves in, I do the same… and we begin fighting. There’s something to be said about all my perks, and my One Hundred One-Handed Skill. Even my Thalmor half is a little astounded by how GOOD I am with the blades in my hands all of the sudden.
Aela is good too, don’t get me wrong… but she’s not broken Gamer bullshit good. I find myself blocking some of her strikes on my blades, turning her own blades away as we dance around one another. Unable to help myself, I try for a humiliating first hit, turning my blade so its on its flat at the last second. Unfortunately, the slight turn slows me down enough that Aela manages to block the strike right before the flat of the blade can impact with her buttocks.
We both stop for a moment, straining against one another’s strength as her eyes widen. Its obvious she could tell what I was about to do. I just flash her another smile, but this one is NOT benign or nice. It’s a grin, and a wicked one at that.
Nostrils flaring, Aela the Huntress whirls away from me, only to come right back in, using her momentum to fight with all of her ferocity. She might not be a werewolf currently, but I’m pretty sure werewolves get some kind of enhancements in their normal forms, because she’s definitely fast… very fast.
And yet, I’m still faster. And I’m getting faster the longer the fight goes on. Thanks to the Man O’War perk in the Ordinator One-Armed Tree, I gain one percent extra attack speed for twenty seconds with every single attack. The effect definitely stacks, as I get faster and faster and faster. The next time I go for that strike to Aela’s buttocks, she can’t stop me, even though she sees it coming.
The sharp cry that spills from Aela’s lips as she stumbles forward and falls to a knee is like music to my ears, and a glance over lets me know that Svanna is grinning from ear to ear, the young Dragonborn showing more emotion and excitement then almost any moment before now… save for when I was buried inside of her to the hilt.
She licks her lips when she sees me looking her way. Meanwhile, Vilkas is frowning, but also not stopping anything.
Aela, for her part, whips back around, getting to her feet with a snarl as she growls much deeper this time.
Vilkas’ barked warning reminds me that the woman in front of me, sexy as fuck as she is and definitely deserving of a humbling… is still a man-eating werewolf. Hm, it wouldn’t do to piss her off SO much that she suddenly transformed. So, backing up a bit, I lift my blades as I retake my combat stance.
“Shall we continue, Huntress?”
Nostrils flaring, Aela just nods, glaring daggers at me as she comes in again. As our fight is rejoined and my speed begins to overwhelm her once more, I don’t go for another love tap to her delectable, no doubt incredibly firm ass. Instead… I just beat her. Soundly. Small cuts along her limbs to let her know I could have taken them off entirely if I truly wanted to. A few locks of hair cut from her head, to show her she really couldn’t protect even her neck from my blades, if I chose to sink them into her.
Finally, I kick her in the back of her knee, sending her to the ground once more… and crossing my blades along her neck, forcing her chin up and making her go absolutely still.
“My win, I’d say.”
“Aye. His win.”
Aela scowls at Vilkas’ verdict, but her eyes dip down, making it clear she knows we’re both right. Grinning now, I pull my blades back and sheathe them, offering her my hand just as I did with Vilkas. Of course, I’m not remotely surprised when she knocks my hand away and gets up under her own power, stomping back into the Mead Hall without a single backwards glance.
Its awkward for a moment, with just me, Svanna, and Vilkas left out in the yard. Looking after his departed comrade, Vilkas’ nostrils flare for a moment before he sighs.
“… Take my sword to Eorlund Gray-Mane at the Skyforge. He’ll know what to do.”
Its clear from the way Vilkas stares at me as he hands me his sword that he fully expects me to raise a fuss. When I don’t, I know I surprise him… and Svanna too. But hey, this is exactly what I expect to happen. As if reacting to my outrage anyways, despite the complete lack of it, Vilkas goes on to explain.
“If you are to be a Companion, you must show you can follow the orders of your superiors no matter how capable you are.”
Smiling, I just nod my head amicably.
“Of course, sir.”
I don’t mean one iota of it, but as previously mentioned, I am an exceptional liar. Vilkas just stares at me blankly for a moment, before deciding to give me one last piece of advice.”
“… Aela is of The Circle. You would do well to avoid antagonizing her going forward.”
And then he too walks back into Jorrvaskr, leaving me and Svanna alone. Grinning at the lithe Dragonborn, I nod my head towards the direction of the Skyforge.
“Shall we?”
We barely get away from the Companion’s Mead Hall and out of sight before Svanna jumps me, pushing me up against a wall with the impact of her body against mine as she kisses me heatedly and clings to me like a spider monkey. Chuckling into the horny little dragon’s lips, I carefully set Vilkas’ sword aside against the wall, and occupy my hands with something far more important… my lustful Dragonborn Accomplice’s shapely ass.


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