Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 13: The First Dragon

The talk with the Jarl is quick. You don’t just leave a Dragon sitting on your front doorstep after all, even if it hasn’t attacked yet. Of course, thanks to my foreknowledge from the game, I know that the Dragon is Mirmulnir, and he waits for a proper challenge before truly attacking. Given the narrative flow moving around Svanna, he might have continued waiting forever, even though I recalled him not knowing that you were the Dragonborn until you slew him in the game.
That said, we’re hurriedly sent off with Irileth and a detachment of Whiterun Guards to try and fight the Dragon. Interestingly enough, there is one small discrepancy in all of this that takes me by surprise… Aela is with us. And maybe if this was the game, she wouldn’t say anything, but this was still a living, breathing world, for all that it ran on the Last Dragonborn’s time.
And so, when Aela asserts herself as one of the Circle and proclaims that we stop by Jorrvaskr on our way out of the city to get as many Companions as are ready for combat, Irileth doesn’t gainsay her. The Mead Hall IS pretty much on our way out after all, basically barely a little ways out of the way at the end of the day.
As such, as we leave Whiterun behind and head for the Western Watchtower, it’s not just me, Svanna, Irileth, and the Whiterun Guards, but also Aela and the Companions. Not every member of the Circle is at Jorrvaskr when we come calling, but certainly several of the Companions are with us as we see the Dragon high in the distance.
I should have expected as much, that such a thing was a possibility when Svanna and I recruited Aela for our little quest, but I’d honestly been so focused on other things, such as avoiding the Delphine encounter and preparing Svanna’s first round of busted gear for the Dragon Fight, that I hadn’t even considered whether or not the Companions would or could help out. They hadn’t in the game… but this wasn’t a game.
Compartmentalizing that realization was actually pretty easy, thanks to my Thalmor half. That part of me was pretty good at shunting heavy thinking aside and focusing on the task at hand. Almost too good, really, but right now there was a big fuck off dragon to deal with.
As we close in on the Western Watchtower, Mirmulnir begins his attack. Strafing the tower with his flames, the cries of the soldiers already there begin to sound out, and the smell of burning wood and stone and flesh fills the air as does acrid black smoke. With a cry, Irileth takes command of the situation as best as she can.
“Archers! Fire at will! Everyone else, in and out! Quick strikes, and then retreat! Leave no room for the Dragon to counter-attack.”
Heh, this close to the creature… fuck, it was honestly rather terrifying. I almost wished I’d actually just gone Stealth Archer. A glance around shows me that Svanna has vanished. I don’t think she’s just run off like a coward though, I’m pretty sure its those damn boots I gave her. As I’d feared, they work on me as well. With her Stealth increased by a thousand percent, she is effectively unnoticeable.
Unfortunately, I cannot do the same. Well, I could, but I won’t. I already set myself up as some sort of Giga Chad Warrior, and now not only Aela, but half the rest of the Companions were out here with us as well. Even if I wanted to, I wasn’t about to ruin my growing reputation by starting to cast magic all willy nilly. A Rally might have been nice… but no, instead I draw my swords and wade into combat alongside the other melee fighters.
As I do so, as Mirmulnir lets out a roar that sounds something like a laugh and descends to meet us… I see an arrow suddenly sprout out of his side. He whips around at it, but cannot see where it came from, amidst all the other archers firing. Those he can see, those he can detect. But Svanna? Svanna remains effectively invisible. Just the way I’d intended it.
Mirmulnir’s long, serpentine head whips towards me as I speak with more confidence than I actually feel. Rationally, I should be fine. My health is ridiculous, and even in the game, Mirmulnir literally couldn’t be higher than level fifty. Meanwhile, I was nearing level four hundred. In fact, as we’re staring at each other in that brief moment, my Armor Perks trigger, causing me to hop into my menu for a second to get another two levels. Apparently, this moment before battle still counted as me being in combat, heh. Go figure.
As soon as I’m done with that momentary distraction, I run forward. My One-Handed Perks all require me to start fighting, after all… and so I start fighting, getting in close and ignoring Irileth’s words about quick in and out attacks to just begin wailing on Mirmulnir.
He, of course, responds by breathing Fire directly into my face. As I burn, I just laugh, because the thing is… I’m getting Level Ups even faster, with how he’s now supercharging my Armor Skill Ups. His Fire Breath ultimately tickles as I swing madly, but any time I lose more than a hundred points of health, I just go into my menu and level up again, resetting my hit points, my magicka, and my stamina once more.
By the time I’ve lost another hundred health, well, surprise, surprise, I have more level ups just waiting for me after I prestige the Heavy and Light Armor skills once more.
In the midst of this insane fight, if it can even be called a fight, I bare my teeth at Mirmulnir at one point when his fire breath abates, and he looks at me in what I can only describe as draconic surprise.
His nostrils flare at that, and I have his full undivided attention as my blades cut into his sides. All around us, the others shout and strike at him as well, but I’ll give the dragon this… he’s a beefy, BEEFY boy. To be fair, I hadn’t bothered making any one-hit kill weapons yet. I’d already gone over why I wasn’t going to give anyone else a weapon that could do a million damage in one hit, but I also hadn’t done so for myself, mostly because I’d known I was already effectively invincible, and I was more concerned about securing Svanna’s life as well as soon as possible.
All the while that we’re fighting, arrows from nowhere continue to pepper Mirmulnir. Svanna, wherever she is, continues to strike at him. Which is good… she’ll be eating his soul, soon enough. Obviously, I didn’t have an indicator of a health bar on the dragon, the world continued to be a real world while I and the things I made seemed to be the only things in it that operated on Gamer Logic. But I could tell, as the battle continued, that Mirmulnir was getting more and more harried.
He was going to die here, and as he claws at me and I respond by cutting into him even more with my simple swords, I can tell he realizes it. Which of course, makes his next action kind of a dick move. Lunging forward, the Dragon tries to take me with him by closing his entire jaw around my midsection, roaring as he sinks his teeth into my body.
My eyes widen in surprise as I’m bodily lifted off the ground, and for a moment, my life flashes before my eyes… or rather, it would if I wasn’t so busy hopping in and out of my menu, constantly leveling up as his huge dragon fangs penetrating my body did a lot more damage than I was expecting them to. I never got below half health, but it was still a little terrifying.
With me in his jaws, Mirmulnir went to rise up into the air, and THAT scared me, because fucking heights were terrifying and FUCK Skyrim ragdoll physics bullshit. But before he could do more than beat his wings and begin to push away from the earth, his head jerked once and then twice, and suddenly he was releasing me to tumble out of his jaws and back to the ground.
“Dovahkiin? NO!!!”
As I come up to my feet, blades at the ready, I’m treated to a truly spectacular sight. Two arrows protrude from Mirmulnir’s eye sockets, and as he collapses in a heap, more fly true right into them. Turning, I watch as Svanna walks up, no longer trying to hide, simply drawing arrow after arrow and firing them with pinpoint accuracy into the Dragon’s eyes until both are littered with what looks to be ten apiece.
She stops at my side, and finally lowers her bow… only for Mirmulnir to begin flaking into pieces, his flesh immediately turning into soul energy as the presence of the Last Dragonborn in his defeat means that rather than a temporary death… he is absorbed by the lithe young Nord standing next to me. I catch Svanna, as she gasps and nearly stumbles back, looking like she took a punch to the gut as Mirmulnir’s soul flows into her.
In front of Irileth, Whiterun’s Guards, and the Companions alike, Svanna absorbs her very first Dragon Soul, and finally becomes the Last Dragonborn in truth and in the eyes of her people. Big moment to be sure, and the reactions are everything I could have hoped for.
“… Dragonborn…”
“She’s the Dragonborn…”
“Can’t believe it!”
“If she’s the Dragonborn, she should be able to shout, right? Oi, can you? Have you tried?”
Straightening to my full height, I direct a withering glare at that Whiterun guard, completely ready to tear him a new one with the weight of my Speech Perks and Illusion Auras behind me. But before I can say anything, Svanna straightens up beside me… and Speaks at the Guard.
There’s power behind the syllable that explodes from her lips, and the guard is sent tumbling, albeit no worse for wear as he quickly gets up. The others all look startled, before another laughs.
“That was Shouting, what you just did! You really are the Dragonborn then!”
I just raise an eyebrow and scoff.
“I said as much, didn’t I? Honestly, you Nords are such a superstitious lot, you’d think you’d be more willing to believe what’s right in front of your eyes…”
Before my contentious words can start any fights, Irileth interjects.
“Enough. That was the hairiest fight I’ve ever been in, and I’ve been in more than a few. Still, never seen anything like what you two just did. You fought the dragon head-on like it was nothing, and you… you were firing the entire time, but I never saw one ounce of you until the very end.”
Looking between the two of us, Irileth’s eyes show nothing but respect. Well, not quite nothing. There’s also a smidge of desire as well, though her professionalism keeps any lust she might be experiencing well at bay, the Dunmer Housecarl giving us both a nod.
“You need to return to the Jarl right away. He will want to know what happened here.”
I incline my head and Svanna just shrugs. As we turn to head back to Whiterun, Aela and the Companions follow after us. Aela looks at us… well, not quite in a new light, because I’d already been working quite hard to make her in awe of us both, but there’s definitely even more respect and awe then there was before. She’s also surreptitiously rubbing her thighs together in a way I’m sure everyone else misses, but I notice. Heh, if she’s as aroused as I think, the other members of the Circle who are here can probably smell her neediness as well.
“That was…”

Svanna shoots Aela a glare that immediately shuts the older Nord woman up, and Aela blushes and ducks her head… before stepping closer and murmuring under her breath.
“I-I apologize… for how I spoke to both of you and treated your companion at first. I know better now.”
The apology, while late, does seem to lift Svanna’s spirits and she gives the Huntress a smirk before quickly taking my hand in her own. Apparently, my little Dragonborn had discovered a love for handholding. The action garners a few looks from the others, some of the Companions seemingly even disgusted that the Last Dragonborn was cavorting with a Mer such as myself. I make sure to make eye contact with those in particular, giving them all wicked smirks.
Of course, we’re not even halfway back to Whiterun before it happens. Luckily, I’m expecting it, or I would have damn near jumped out of my skin.
The Greybeards shout echoes down from atop the mountain, likely reaching every part of the province. Certainly, it reaches us down here within a few leagues of the mountain’s base. The Companions all flinch, and Svanna staggers as I once again take hold of her to keep her on her feet. She probably would have been fine without me, but she clings to me all the same, taking comfort in my hold.
“That was… that was the Greybeards!”
“Had to have been!”
I just raise an eyebrow as the Companions finally start speculating in the same way the Whiterun Guards had been doing earlier, the Greybeards’ Call making it impossible for even the most skeptical of them to stay silent any longer. Still, we make our way back to Whiterun all the same, passing two Alik’r Warriors arguing with a Whiterun Guard at the gate as we head inside.
While most of the Companions leave us when we pass by Jorrvaskr on our way back to Dragonsreach, I notice Aela stays with us, following after us like the good little pup she’s become. I give her a knowing smile and enjoy the way the strong Nord woman blushes and averts her gaze.
We’re allowed to see the Jarl quickly enough, of course. Proventus even looks relieved to lay eyes on us.
“Good, you’re finally here. The Jarl’s been waiting for you.”
Behind him, Balgruuf is talking with Hrongar about the Greybeards’ shout. As we walk up, he focuses sharply on me and Svanna.
“What happened at the watchtower? What happened with the dragon?”
Shrugging, I grin a rather carefree grin.
“Watchtower is in ruins, unfortunately… but hey, on the plus side, the dragon is dead.”
Jarl Balgruuf lets out a sigh of relief at that.
“I knew I could count on Irileth.”
I raise an eyebrow, but amusingly enough, Aela is the one who gets offended on our behalf. Oh, how quickly the Huntress’ tune has changed.
“Your Housecarl comported herself well in the battle, but it was these two who carried the day. Vayral focused the dragon’s attention solely on himself and likely kept casualties far lower than they should have been against such a creature. Meanwhile, Svanna IS the Last Dragonborn. I watched her absorb the dragon’s soul after it’s defeat with mine own two eyes.”
The Jarl and his court are all taken aback by Aela’s vehemence, but I can’t help but be pleased. In the game, they just sort of believe you, but now I realize… having a respected Companion delivering the news makes our words all but irrefutable in the eyes of the Jarl’s court. Chuckling, I shrug my shoulders.
“I did tell you all. Svanna is the Dragonborn. She absorbed the dragon’s power and soul. She even showed off her ability to Shout soon after the battle.”
Looking between all three of us for a moment, Balgruuf finally turns his gaze towards Svanna.
“So, it’s true then. The Greybeards have summoned you.”
Svanna’s brow furrows, and though she doesn’t speak Balgruuf clearly realizes she has no idea what he’s talking about.
“They are Masters of the Way of the Voice. They live in seclusion high on the slopes of the Throat of the World. You, the Dragonborn, are uniquely gifted in the Voice, the ability to focus your vital essence into a Thu’um, or Shout. If you truly are the Dragonborn… they can teach you how to use your gift.”
Svanna gives me a questioning look at that, one I immediately comprehend from our time together. She’s asking if that’s really where we’re going next, in the way one asks without expectation or any true desire one way or the other. I give her a smile and take her hand in mine, giving it a squeeze of my hand as I ever so slightly shake my head.
The byplay goes unnoticed by pretty much all save for perhaps Aela, as the Jarl and the men advising him have already begun talking again.
“That was the voice of the Greybeards, summoning the girl to High Hrothgar! This hasn’t happened in centuries at least!”
“Hrongar, calm yourself. Really, are we absolutely sure this Nord nonsense pertains to our friend here? She can’t REALLY be this… ‘Dragonborn’, can she?”
That, of course, starts a whole fight between the two men that Balgruuf has to shut down. Once he’s done so, he clears his throat and looks back to us.
“You’ve both done a great deed for me and my city. And yet, by the Companion’s own words, I know not who deserves the greater reward. You seem close. Mayhap you can decide amongst yourselves… which of you should I name Thane of Whiterun?”
I raise BOTH eyebrows at that. Not only was that decidedly not in the script, but it would also mean making an Altmer of all things the Thane of a Hold. That was… pretty big. And yet, before I can even consider Balgruuf’s words, Svanna speaks up, quietly, but also clearly and concisely.
“Vayral. He should be Thane.”
Balgruuf lifts his brow, but in the end inclines his head.
“So has the Dragonborn spoken. Very well then. On this day, I name you Thane Vayral of Whiterun. Tis the greatest honor that’s within my power to grant. As well, I assign you Lydia as your personal Housecarl, and you are both entitled to one weapon from my armor. I’ll be sure to notify my guards of your new titles… wouldn’t want them thinking EITHER of you are part of the common rabble, now, would we? We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Vayral. And thank you again for your service, Dragonborn.”
He nods to both of us, and like that it’s done. Although, as we turn to leave, I find myself face to face with a certain infamous Nord woman. Lydia’s feelings regarding my appointment or her new role don’t show on her face. The dark-haired Nord is as beautiful as every other woman in this world, even as she gives me a salute and bows her head.
“My Thane. I am sworn to carry your burdens.”
I can’t help but grin a little bit, cocking my head to the side. How… enticing.
“Very well, come with us. We’ll discuss exactly what you’ll be doing under me in due time, I imagine.”
Lydia just nods and follows me, Svanna, and Aela out of Dragonsreach. However, we’ve barely made it out the front of the castle, before Aela stops us. Mindful of Lydia’s presence, the Huntress’ face is only lightly flushed as she looks between me and Svanna.
“I would like it if we could meet up later this evening so I could apologize fully for the offense I caused you both when we first met. I realize now that I have MUCH to make up for.”

The meaning in her words is not lost on either of us… and the toothy grin on Svanna’s face is, in turn, not lost on Aela. As the wolf shivers before the dragon, I just chuckle and nod my head amicably.
“It would be our pleasure. We’ll see you tonight.”


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