Death of an Arrogant Prick; I Reincarnated as a Skeleton?

Chapter 24: A mythical bone?


{You have come into contact with a mythical tool: Bone of Magedon, the Doom Knight!}

{WARNING! You have broken the enchantment of light!}





In total silence, Clinton paid attention to the notification that just superimposed with his vision through his miserable undead system.


‘A mythical bone?’

Clinton finally raised the bone that he just picked up to look at it.

It was the bone of the hand of a skeleton just like himself.

He was surprised. ‘This guy, was he an undead skeleton just like me?’

‘His name says he’s a Doom Knight, what the hell is that?’

He was also curious. ‘Mythical, what does that mean? Is there a ranking for monsters and creatures in this dungeon?’

And then he hit his head. ‘F*ck! I should have thought of this before now’.

‘In games, there’s a ranking for most things including the power of monsters and creatures. I should have known that a similar setting would be used in this world. F*ck, I’m so slow’. He lamented.

Holding this bone at this moment, Clinton didn’t feel like he was holding a mere bone at all because even with his level 5 strength, he still strained to keep the sheer dormant weight of the bone lifted.

‘Damn, how heavy is this thing in its full assembled form?’

There was nothing special about the bone, he didn’t feel any unusual fluctuations or anything from it, but it was very heavy.

Despite all this though, Clinton dared not underestimate it. Afterall, his system designated it as a mythical tool, that must mean something great right?

Clinton was determined to turn this into his first weapon.

And right at this moment was where his smarts came to the fore again. ‘If I take this bone like this back to the decaying forest, how on earth do I intend to sharpen and shape it into the specific weapon that I want?’

‘I don’t have any craftsman tools to work it’.

‘And I doubt the decaying wood in the forest has what it takes to create a dent in this bone, which means…’

Clinton looked into the hill of bones before him and in no time, he spotted another bony hand that looked exactly like the one that he currently held.

He didn’t hesitate as he dipped his hand in to pick the bone.


{You have come into contact with a mythical tool: Bone of Magedon, the Doom Knight!}

{WARNING! You have broken the enchantment of light!}


The first time, Clinton may have ignored it but not this time.

‘Enchantment of light? What the heck is that?’

Clinton still didn’t forget about the fact that it was when the Holy Knights detected that he was still alive and moving that attracted them to the corridor.

He looked at the hill of bones again. ‘Are all these bones under some form of enchantment?’

‘And picking them up, does it alert the Holy Knights?’

Immediately, he felt imaginary cold sweat gather in his forehead.

He no longer hesitated though.

He was already here and he would get what he came here for.

Keeping the first 2 bones that he picked at a safe corner behind him, Clinton went on a raid on this storage of bones.


{You have come into contact with a rare tool: Femur of a Lich!}


{You have come into contact with a rare tool…}

{You have come into contact with an uncommon tool…}

{You have come into contact with an elite tool: Drahma’s Finger!}

{WARNING! You have broken the enchantment of light!}


From the cautious look that was previously on his face, continuing on his raid through this hill of bones, a maniacal look of excitement soon crept into Clinton’s skeleton face.

It was the look of a tailor who just got his hand on top tier materials.

It was the look of an artist who got his hand on the best drawing tools.

It was the look of a craftsman who got his hand on the best crafting tools.

Clinton was not sure but using the decaying wood of the decaying forest as the standard, he could tell that every single bone that he picked up from this hill could create a weapon far stronger than anything he currently had access to.

The only thing that would theoretically hold back their power would be the skill of the craftsman working on them which would be him.

Clinton didn’t care though; he could tell that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity that he likely wouldn’t get again.

And then, it happened.


A loud clicking sound reverberated the next moment as the runes on the majestic door at the other end of this corridor suddenly started glowing with power.

Clinton felt his heart skip a beat as soon as he noticed.

He hesitated, his gaze rapidly alternating between the hill of bones, the majestic gate, and the dark embrace of the decaying forest behind him.

In the end, greed won.

Clinton pushed his free hand into the pile of bones again.

At this moment, he really wished that he had a bag with which he could carry all his spoils from this raid.

The moment that his free skeleton hand dipped into the pile of bones again though, Clinton froze because of the sensation that was sent back to his soul through his bones and also because of the notification of his system.


{You have come into contact with a god relic: Tail Bone of the Winter Dragon, Syrax the Dread!}

{WARNING! You have broken the enchantment of light!}


‘Huh?’ Clinton stared in confusion. ‘A god relic?’

Right at that moment, the majestic door was finally pushed open forcefully as a mighty contingent of strange warriors rushed into this corridor.

Clinton raised his skeleton head and through the tiny hole in his mask, he could still see despite the bright light illuminating this corridor.

What he saw though made his heart shudder.

Out of fear, dread, relief, and also excitement.

‘I-is that a human?!!!’

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