Death March — Fixed

Vol 6 – Chapter 3 – Enchanting Is Easier Than It Seems

Tek here, there are a lot of Role-Playing Games where you can learn all kinds of production skills and can create a lot of things nowadays--however, if you fail, the materials disappear.

The evening of the same day I practiced with Liza, the ‘guest’ has come relatively close as I expected--so I carefully get off the sheet we use as a bed, and out of the wagon, walking over to where Mia and Tama are on night watch.

“Change?” Tama looks up at me, tilting her head.

“To early.” Mia denies with a shake of her head, causing her long hair to sway.

“The change is still a bit later.” I smile and then sit down near them.

I ask Tama to try and teach me how she uses the skill Enemy Search.

“Nyu?” She folds her short arms while looking troubled, a cute look.


“Lots of sound, different sound.”

“Same view, different colour.”

“Nice smell, normal smell, bad smell.”

“Lots of sameness, lots of differences.”

“Understand?” On the last question she looks imploringly at me, and I can’t help but reach over and stroke her head, causing her to smile happily.

It’s the most I have heard her speak in one sitting, and it took her almost five minutes of struggling.

I think that the point is to figure out the finer differences from numerous sources of information, using your five senses to their maximum potential or something link that.

“I’ll go inside the forest for a bit, to try it out. If anything happens, I will raise my voice, if you hear it then wake up Liza for help.” I tell the two as I stand up and make my way into the forest.

I’m borrowing Liza’s spear since I intend to acquire the Heavy Blow skill when I come into contact with the enemy--I remembered to ask for permission before she went to sleep.

She replied with, “Master doesn’t need to ask, all I am and all I have belongs to master, to use as he wishes.”

Which resulted in a strange look from Lulu and quiet giggling from Arisa, as well a contemplative look from Nana, who seemed to be trying to learn from everyone around her.

While I told Tama and Mia that I would only go for a bit, my target is actually three kilometers away, and several hundred meters away from the enemy’s location.

Well, at the speed I can move, it’s only a few minutes away, so ‘a bit’ is accurate.

The way to learn this skill seems to be using normal sensory inputs, so I turn off all the indicators in my Heads-Up-Display. Next, I relax my body, trying to make my senses sharpen--while thinking about Tama’s words.

I try to extend my focus, half-closing my eyes.

Moonlight shines through the shade created by the leafy ceiling above me, ivy and bushes are outlined by the contrast between the silver light and dark shadows. I can see the silhouettes of the sleeping birds on the branches, and the reflective eyes of small animals dashing from shadow to shadow--I manage to catch a glimpse of a black shadow from the gap between the trees far away.

I listen carefully.

Lots of sounds wash over me.

The sound of tree leaves softly fluttering in the gently night breeze, of grass being stepped on by small animals. Insects making differing sounds--the sound of claws of something impacting the dirt ground.

I try to imagine every inch of my body dispersing and uniting with the nature around me.

The smell of grass, the smell of damp soil, the faint smell of water--a different kind of creature’s smell, like paint dripped into a pool.

My senses unite, and quietly become serene--

Without even noticing, my body moved, matching a sudden change in the flow of the once serene atmosphere. I seem to have avoided something that suddenly ambushed me from a blind spot.

After avoiding it, I narrow my consciousness, focusing on the culprit; a large black panther has landed a small distance away from me. It seems not to think much of the failed surprise attack, gracefully turning towards me.

I make so only the log appeared, in the corner of my vision.


>>Skill: Enemy Search Acquired.

>>Skill: Danger Sense Acquired.

>>Skill: Space Grasp Acquired.

>>Skill: Mind’s Eye Acquired.


I quickly apply Skill Points to and activate the abundance of new Skills.

While I was doing this, the black panther attacked me over and over again--however, since I can see it, avoiding it isn’t a problem.

I also know that there’s another one up on the tree, this knowledge seems to be thanks to the Enemy Search skill.

Is it aiming for when I become tired?

It’s difficult to use a spear for close combat inside the woods, but I managed to figure out the correct angles, thanks to the Space Grasp Skill, freely moving as I imagine.

I prepare the Heavy Blow stance that I practiced with Liza this evening, and attack with a Heavy Blow thrusting at one of the animals’ head. The quiet blow goes straight through the black panther’s head without resistance.


>>Skill: Thrusting Acquired.

>>Skill: Heavy Blow Acquired.

>>Skill: Penetration Acquired.


With one of my Parallel Minds focusing on activating and leveling up the Skills, I focus on the battle with the other.

Matching the timing of my attack, the panther in the tree assaults me--and my body moves, evading the attack as though I could see it. And prepare to attack the panther that has just landed.

Since Liza seems to have used Magic when she demonstrated Heavy Blow, I decide to try to put Magic Power into the spear--which let’s out a trace of red light in return.

Quite beautiful.

The spear pierces through the panther while drawing a red line of light--immediately after the light appears, I rotate my wrist in reverse, converging the spear tip on the panther--the panther’s upper half and the tree behind it burst into small pieces.

It’s good that I did this away from the camp--I had almost disturbed everyone’s sleep.


>>Skill: Magic Edge Acquired.

>>Skill: Spiral Spear Attack Acquired.


I didn’t think that there would be other techniques that could make red light appear like Liza’s--but I’ve acquired some useful-looking skills, so it’s probably for the best.

Of course I level up and activate these skills.


Since I’m currently in a space that seems to be suitable for extra practice, I decide to experiment with Magic Edge--and I soon learn that the light seems to differ depending on how much Magic Power I put into it.


I try putting in 1 MP - Subtle lines of indeterminate colour appear on the spear.


I try putting in 10 MP - Clear red lines appear.


I try putting in 50 MP - Strong lines of red light appear and wend around the spear, it can also be used for illumination.


I try putting in 200 MP - Bright lines of red light wind around the spear, from shaft to tip, the atmosphere around the me begins to pulse--This is bad, the spear is beginning to vibrate strangely.


I’m suddenly struck with the feeling that if I leave it like this, the spear will explode.

An image of Liza’s sorrowful face flashes through my mind.

This is bad.

Oh, that’s right--if there’s too much Magic Power, why can’t I just absorb it?

The moment that the thought appeared, I extract the Magic Power in the spear by imagining a black hole inside me, sucking out the Magic Power through my hands; not a complex thought, but I was slightly panicking and acted quickly.

Ahh, good, the vibration has stopped.

Phew--that was close--

Let’s experiment with something less important to my companions next time, something like one of the black metal spears in my storage.

Even though I’ve absorbed the Magic, Liza’s spear retains its red light, or rather, it’s become a pattern branded into the Giant Cricket Leg that made up the shaft of the spear. Well, I don’t think I can do much more than this--if Liza doesn’t like the changes, all I can do is apologize to her when morning comes.

I hope that it isn’t weakened.

Looking at it with the Heads-Up-Display, the spear’s name has become: ‘Darkhunter’s Spear’--if I’m not mistaken, it used to be ‘Black Spear of the Cricket’.

Unfortunately, I don’t remember its exact offensive power from before--but even without it, I can tell that the spear has been massively strengthened. I do remember that it was already a bit stronger than the Black Steal Spear before, but now it’s easily three times that; while it obviously doesn’t come near the Dragon Spear in my storage, it seems to be around as strong as most of the other Magic Spears.

So, this is what this world has for weapon enhancing/weapon reinforcement, I guess.

Although, it seems that it was probably just a single step away from failure, judging by my instinctual feeling. If it failed, it’s easy to imagine that in the best case, Liza’s spear would have broken--if I was unlucky, it may have exploded with the force of 200MP, possibly endangering the girls three kilometers away.

Oh, I’ve gained several skills.


>>Skill: Magic Manipulation Acquired.


But, I’ve been putting Magic Power into Magic Tools and Nana up to now--I guess that I have not only to insert the MP, but also to absorb it.


>>Skill: Magic Bestowal Acquired.

>>Skill: Weapon Reinforcement Acquired.


In addition, I got a title.


>>Title: Magic Spear Blacksmith Acquired.


Since they look useful I invest in and improve the skills.


When I try putting Magic Power into an ordinary dagger, I find out that it’s different.

In the case of Liza’s spear, it felt like I was pouring water into a shallow plate, while with this dagger, it’s like pouring water into a strainer.

Magic Power that has been inserted feels like it immediately escaping.

Neither does it shine with a red light.

This time, I take out the leg of a Flying Ant, and try putting Magic Power into it. It’s better than the dagger earlier, but it feels like a clogged pipe with the water draining--the Magic Power feels like it is first stuck, then drained--it’s a weird, and slightly irritating feeling.

Should I try forcibly inserting the Magic Power?

When I try doing that, it suddenly burst, scattering shards all over the place--I guess that Liza’s spear was also close to doing this, but it would have exploded with possibly 20x times the force--instead of a soft pop, like a party popper, it would be like fireworks; or greater.

I test again with a new Flying Ant’s leg--so it really does explode after I pour in 10 MP.

Is Liza’s spear special, or is it because of a difference in material?

I decided to try with a material that looks much tougher.

Taking out a random Dragon tooth, I try it.

Well, although it’s just a tooth, it’s over thirty centimeters in length.

When I put Magic Power into it, it is similar to the Flying Ant’s leg; but the major difference is in its Magic endurance, since its still fine even after receiving 500MP, but I stop there because a single, tiny, crack appears in the tooth.

Since I will feel bad for Tama and Mia if I go back too late, I decide that I have done enough for this evening, though I will do more at a later date. Without forgetting to re-enable the displays in my Heads-Up-Display, I go back.

The angelic figures of sleeping Tama and Mia greet me when I get back, Tama’s ears and nose twitch when I leave the perimeter of trees--like she can feel me there, even when asleep; she wakes up when I take one step closer. But when she realizes that I was the one who approached the camp, she just sprawls back onto the ground, no longer sleeping.


I walk to the two on watch, sitting down and laying Liza’s spear on the ground by my side. Tama sleepily crawls over to me and curls up next to me, her head on my lap--she falls asleep there, curled into a little ball, like a cat in a box.

It’s strangely soothing, the cuteness of Tama.

Mia is just laying on her side, fast asleep; though she was on her back when I arrived, she turned and faced me in her sleep when I sat down.

I decide to do the watch duty in place of the two, until morning.

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