
Book 3 Chapter 24: The First Challenge

The Kaijin’s chief Bastien, took the spear he’d just killed the mutated gator with, and tossed it back to his attendant that had initially thrown it to him. It was clear that the spear was meant only for the finishing blow, he’d intended to beat it barehanded first. He wiped his brow of sweat, and leapt up the edge of the pit, grabbing it with his hands then launching his body to land directly in front of me.

Angela and her Ren squaddie flinched, but I remained in place, meeting Bastien’s gaze. There were few people I could look directly in the eye, but he was almost exactly my height, and his muscles made him about two of me wide.

He raised an eyebrow and turned to the patrol that had guided us to him, saying several words in Kaijin to her. She responded briefly, then he turned to me, looking me up and down and smirking.

You’ve come to challenge me?”

I nodded. “Yes.” I gestured to the pit. “Want to hop back in there with me and get this over with? We can do full kit, spears, barehanded, clubs, hell we can take turns throwing gators at each other if you want.”

Bastien and his people’s eyes widened as I spoke and I heard Angela chuckle as I spoke, though I hadn’t been joking.

Bastien himself let out a booming laugh when I finished speaking. “You are bold, challenging me in spite of our clear difference in strength. Luckily for you, I am in a good mood after my exercise.” He moved away, grabbing a small piece of cloth and wiping the sweat from himself. “As you have challenged me, I will decide how we shall measure our strength.”

He looked performatively thoughtful for a moment, and I took a moment to check his class using my Eyes of the Law ability. I was grateful to find that unlike some Kaijin, he was in the system. I’d had a hunch when he’d spoken perfect english, literacy and language was one of the primary purposes of the system after all. His class was Actor. I watched him, seeing his musculature ripple as he gesticulated to everyone, that made about as much sense as it didn’t.

He turned around, to face me. “We shall have a three fold challenge. Strength cannot be measured by only one method after all.”

I cracked my neck and adjusted my hat. “Name them.” three was more than I would’ve preferred, but meeting them head on was likely to be the quickest way through this.

Bastien gestured to the gator. “First, we shall which of has the greatest appetite. All know that one’s appetite is a sign of their strength.”

I looked down at the gator and found myself running my tongue over my sharp teeth. “I could eat.” I responded simply.

“If you defeat me in this way, then we will move onto the next challenge.”

“No best of three?” asked Angela. “He has to beat you at all of them?”

Bastien nodded. “How else will he have truly defeated me?” He turned to the crowd. “Prepare the beast for a feast…” He smiled and looked at me, “We’ll need more than one actually. I’m feeling hungry today.”

It took several hours for the food to be prepared. Two more gators were hunted, butchered, seasoned, and placed on a fire to roast. The Kaijin were very particular about their food, so while I was frustrated by the amount of time everything was taking, I wasn’t surprised. Since I was forced to wait either way, I slept for two hours. It was the first time I’d rested since the attack on the Remnants, and my murder of the Republic’s prophet. I’d been pushing myself hard, and even my enhanced stamina and ability to strengthen myself with radiation wasn’t going to be enough to keep me going forever.

My sleep was dreamless and satisfying, but not long enough. I was awoken by Angela’s pet Ren. My eyes snapped open and I grabbed his hand where he’d nudged me. I released him once I realized it was him. “What’s your name?” I asked as I brought myself to my feet. I had grown tired of referring to him in my mind as different variations of Ren blank, with the blank filled in by whatever term seemed prevalent at the time.

He squeezed his hand, hiding that I’d hurt it by placing it behind himself. “I am Leandros Longblade.” He looked at me expecting more questions.

I just nodded and sat up. I had chosen to nap against a nearby tree. I had little concern that the Kaijin would attack or rob me. They could be tough upon the first meeting, but their hospitality once you were allowed into their territory as a guest was legendary. I still slept with my gun grasped in one hand, but that was a habit at this point. Sometimes I even did it when I was fast asleep on my boat.

I followed my nose toward the scent of cooking meat. My mouth watered, as I approached, and the inside of my nose burned from the heavy spices in which the meat had been cooked. The Kaijin I passed by would point, mutter at one another in Kaijin, and laugh. It didn’t feel like it was because they weren’t used to seeing a deadman, their leader was one after all, it was because they thought I was going to lose. That bothered me more than I expected.

I reached an area of swamp that had been cleared. There was a massive table in the center of it, covered in gator meat, with large pitchers of water on either side. I also noticed smaller tables and small fires arrayed all around it. It seemed that a few more of Angela’s men had joined her, as I saw several of them eating, talking, or finding a good place to sit and watch the upcoming contest. Angela herself approached me as I began walking toward one end of the table.

“I was expecting to just watch you slug it out with this guy. You sure you can with this? You’re…well, as skinny as a radcat…that starved to death.”

I stopped to look at her. “The Khan put you in charge of motivating people?” I asked.

“Those idiots just care about pride and pussy, easy to get them moving. You’ve got half a brain from what I’ve seen though. I just want to know if I’m going to bring you back with good news for the Khan or bad news.”

I went to take my seat at one end of the table, feeling drool start to pool in my mouth as I looked at the food. I looked over to Angela. “Good news.”

She nodded, and went to take a seat and get a plate of her own. I noticed Leandros, red in the face, pouring water down his throat as quickly as possible while some Kaijin around him laughed and one patted him on the back.

Bastien entered the clearing, leaping down from a nearby tree-hut. He remained shirtless, wearing only a pair of thick shorts and a necklace of gator teeth that ended in a small skull hanging against his chest. He moved over to the side of the table opposite me, and sat down. He spoke Kaijin, in the cadence of a speech, as he did so and the crowd laughed and cheered in equal measure.

I cut him off. “Rules?” I asked, flexing my fingers.

He chuckled, clearly confident. “We eat, if we break for more than a sip of water, we lose. You may choose a judge, and I shall as well.”

I looked over to Leandros, who was starting to cool down, and pointed. “You, you’re my judge.”

He drank another cup of water, then nodded. “I shall perform this duty with honor.” He went to stand at the center of the table, and the Chief’s choice stood opposite.

Bastien lifted a large steak with his hand, and I did the same. “Let’s begin!” He opened his mouth revealing an impressive set of teeth, but not as sharp or long as my own, and bit down.

I did the same. The meat was rich and flavorful. The spices were heavy, and I wasn’t sure if that was a strategic choice to try and make the food too hot for me to handle, or simply the way they preferred to eat. Either way, it didn’t matter. After the bite I’d had of the First, a spicy meal wasn’t enough to deter me.

We tore into the meat with furor, the sounds of our eating more akin to wild beasts tearing apart prey than civilized people enjoying a prepared meal. I’d’ve preferred to eat the meat raw, but it didn’t matter. It could taste like bile and I’d still have had a job to do.

We made it through several pounds of meat without slowing, and at one point I looked up to make eye contact with Bastien, and I saw surprise on his face. He had clearly expected an easy victory. He redoubled his efforts, and I did the same. I ran out of food within reach, and stood up, walking next to the table and tearing into the meat as I moved. The Chief started to do the same and we began closing in on one another. We moved by inches, each pound of meat bringing us closer to one another until we were close enough to be hit by one another’s spittle. In the end we both reached for a final steak at the same time. We both tore at it, and it broke in half, with perhaps a sliver more of meat on my end. I shoved it into my mouth and forced it down.

Bastien, who’d clearly slowed, chewed his portion carefully then swallowed. We both looked at the table. It was clear, but for the stains left behind where the meat had been. We looked at the judges.

Leandros looked a little pale, and green. Clearly the sight of us eating hadn’t sat well with him, particularly not with the combination of the food he’d had trouble with earlier. He pointed at me. “Donovan ate more. I believe him to be the winner.”

Bastien looked to the judge he’d selected.

She looked apologetic, then pointed to me as well.

The Kaijin booed and cursed in their muddy tongue, but the Horde members let out a roaring cheer that nearly overtook them in spite of their smaller number.

Leandros looked at me. “Do you consider my duty fulfilled?”

I nodded.

He gave a slight bow, took a few steps away, and vomited into a bush.

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