DC: Legacy of Cycl⦻ps

Chapter 8: Future boy!?

The sewer system beneath New York City was a labyrinth of tunnels and passageways, dark and damp with the constant drip of water echoing through the space. Cyclops and Beast Boy moved cautiously through the muck, their senses alert for any sign of the criminals they were tasked with apprehending.

Beast Boy: (whispering, his voice echoing) Man, I hate sewers. The smell is just... unbearable.

Cyclops: (smirking) Yeah, it's not exactly a five-star hotel down here. But we've got a job to do.

Beast Boy: (morphing into a rat and scurrying ahead before returning to human form) Still, we've got to find these guys fast. I don't want to spend any more time down here than we have to.

Cyclops: (nodding) Agreed. Any sign of them?

Beast Boy: (shaking his head) Not yet. But I think we're getting close. I can smell something other than the usual sewer stink.

Cyclops: (raising an eyebrow) You can smell them?

Beast Boy: (grinning) One of the perks of being a shapeshifter. Enhanced senses. Though, right now, I wish I couldn't smell anything at all.

Cyclops: (chuckling) I hear you. But let's stay focused. We need to be ready for anything.

Beast Boy: (glancing at Cyclops) So, how're you holding up with the team? Adjusting okay?

Cyclops: (thoughtful) Yeah, it's been good. Different from what I'm used to, but good. Everyone's been really welcoming.

Beast Boy: (nodding) We're a pretty tight-knit group. It takes some getting used to, but once you're in, you're family.

Cyclops: (smiling) I appreciate that. It's good to feel like part of a team.

Their conversation was cut short by a sudden noise up ahead, the sound of voices and shuffling footsteps. Cyclops signaled for Beast Boy to stay quiet, and they crept closer to the source of the sound.

Cyclops: (whispering) There they are. Looks like they're trying to break through that old maintenance door.

Beast Boy: (nodding, transforming into a tiger) Let's take them down.

Cyclops: (activating his visor) On my mark. Ready?

Beast Boy: (growling softly) Ready.

Cyclops: (firmly) Mark!

With precision and coordination, Cyclops fired a controlled optic blast at the ground near the criminals, causing a burst of water and debris to erupt, disorienting them. At the same time, Beast Boy charged forward as a tiger, roaring fiercely.

Criminal 1: (stumbling back) What the—?!

Criminal 2: (panicking) It's the Teen Titans!

Cyclops: (shouting) Surrender now, and we won't have to hurt you!

The criminals, seeing the formidable duo before them, hesitated for a moment before attempting to flee. But Beast Boy was too quick, morphing into a giant eagle and swooping down to cut off their escape route.

Cyclops: (stepping forward, visor glowing) Last chance. Surrender.

The criminals, realizing they were outmatched, reluctantly raised their hands in defeat.

Criminal 1: (grumbling) Alright, alright. We give up.

Criminal 2: (sighing) Just don't blast us again, okay?

Cyclops: (smiling) Good choice.

Beast Boy returned to his human form, a satisfied grin on his face.

Beast Boy: (playfully) Nice job, Cyclops. Not bad for a new guy.

Cyclops: (chuckling) Thanks, Beast Boy. You're not so bad yourself.

They secured the criminals and contacted the rest of the team, ready to escort their captives back to the surface. As they made their way out of the sewer, Beast Boy glanced at Cyclops with a grin.

Beast Boy: (teasing) Next time, let's pick a mission that doesn't involve sewers, okay?

Cyclops: (laughing) Deal.

The criminals were securely tied and ready for transport, but as Cyclops and Beast Boy began to lead them out of the sewer, one of the criminals managed to slip free from his bindings. He pulled out a concealed gun and, before anyone could react, fired a shot straight at Cyclops. The bullet struck Cyclops in the stomach, and he crumpled to the ground, clutching his wound.

Beast Boy: (eyes wide with horror) Cyclops!

Beast Boy started to morph into a bear to apprehend the escaping criminal, but suddenly, a blinding light filled the sewer tunnel. A figure emerged from the light, moving with incredible speed. The newcomer delivered a powerful kick to the criminal, sending him crashing into the wall and disarming him instantly.

Beast Boy: (stunned) Who are you?

The person, a young man with a determined expression and a hint of familiarity in his features, turned to Beast Boy urgently.

Person: No time for chatting. Get Cyclops to a hospital, now!

Beast Boy hesitated for a split second before nodding, his focus shifting back to his injured teammate.

Beast Boy: (morphing into a cheetah and gently lifting Cyclops) On it!

The Person watched as Beast Boy raced off with Cyclops. Then, the figure called out after him.

Person: Tell the doctors not to remove his visor! His identity must remain secret, or it will destroy his life!

Beast Boy, now a few paces away, skidded to a halt and turned his head back towards the mysterious figure.

Beast Boy: (shouting) Who are you?

The figure's eyes softened slightly, a mixture of urgency and sorrow in his expression.

Person: I'm his son. From the future.

Beast Boy: (eyes widening in shock) Really?

The figure gave a firm nod.

Person: Yes, really. Now go, hurry!

Beast Boy, filled with a renewed sense of urgency, sprinted towards the exit, Cyclops still in his grasp. As he reached the surface and transformed back into his human form, he flagged down a cab and directed the driver to the nearest hospital.

At the hospital, Beast Boy burst through the emergency room doors, still carrying Cyclops.

Beast Boy: (shouting) Help! My friend's been shot!

Doctors and nurses rushed over, immediately taking Cyclops from Beast Boy and placing him on a gurney.

Doctor: We need to remove his—

Beast Boy: (interrupting) No! Don't take off his visor. It's vital to keep his identity secret. Please, you have to trust me.

The medical staff, seeing the desperation in Beast Boy's eyes, reluctantly nodded and wheeled Cyclops into surgery with his visor still on. Beast Boy slumped into a chair, his mind racing with the encounter he just had.

Beast Boy: (to himself) His son from the future... This just keeps getting crazier.

On the rooftop of the hospital, the Titans gathered anxiously, their faces etched with concern as they awaited news of Cyclops's condition. Beast Boy stood at the forefront, his expression grave as he recounted the events that led to Cyclops's injury, including the appearance of the mysterious figure claiming to be Cyclops's son from the future.

Beast Boy: And then, just as I was about to apprehend the criminal, this guy appeared out of nowhere and took down the shooter. He says he's Cyclops's son from the future.

As Beast Boy finished his explanation, the Titans exchanged bewildered glances, trying to process the incredible revelation.

Robin: (eyes widening in realization) Wait... did you say he's Cyclops's son from the future?

Beast Boy: (nodding) Yeah, that's what he said.

Suddenly, a shimmering light appeared on the rooftop, and from within it emerged a teenage boy who bore a striking resemblance to Cyclops.

Person: (approaching the group) Hey, sorry for the dramatic entrance. I'm Ethan Summer, Cyclops's son from the future.

Robin's eyes lit up with excitement, and he couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

Robin: (excitedly) Yes! I have a nephew!

The other Titans turned to Robin, their expressions a mixture of confusion and surprise.

Starfire: (curiously) Nephew? What do you mean, Robin?

Ethan stepped forward, offering a small smile as he explained.

Ethan: Well, you see, Robin and my dad, Cyclops, were childhood friends before they got separated. So technically, Robin is my uncle.

The Titans exchanged surprised glances, processing this new information.

Beast Boy: (musing) That... actually makes sense.

Starfire: (nodding) It is a small world indeed.

Raven remained silent, her expression unreadable as she absorbed the unexpected family connection.

As the Titans continued to discuss Ethan's arrival, Starfire couldn't help but notice a detail about him.

Starfire: (pointing) Ethan, your hair... it has a little bit of white in it.

Ethan's smile faded slightly as he nodded, his gaze growing distant.

Ethan: Yeah, my mother was African. It's a long story.

Robin, sensing the gravity of the situation, stepped forward, his voice filled with concern.

Robin: Ethan, you mentioned something about danger in the future. What's going to happen?

Ethan's expression turned solemn as he recounted the grim fate that awaited Earth.

Ethan: Darkseid will conquer the Earth. Most of the heroes will fall in battle, including my father. My mother and I went into hiding, thanks to my dad's sacrifice. But fifteen years later after i born, she managed to create a Time Travel Device, which is why I'm here.

The Titans listened in stunned silence, the weight of Ethan's words sinking in.

Beast Boy: (whispering) That's... intense.

Robin: (grimly) What happened to the other heroes?

Ethan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult truth.

Ethan: They died fighting. But their sacrifices weren't in vain. They bought us time to try and change the future.

The Titans exchanged somber glances, their thoughts filled with the gravity of the situation and the daunting task that lay ahead.

As the rest of the Teen Titans hurried into the hospital, Robin lingered behind, his curiosity piqued by Ethan's mention of his mother. He turned to his nephew with a thoughtful expression.

Robin: (tentatively) Ethan, do you have a photo of your mother?

Ethan's expression softened, and he nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a worn photograph. He handed it to Robin, who took it gently, his eyes widening in surprise as he studied the image.

Robin: (impressed) She looks... intense.

The photo depicted a woman with dark skin and a striking mohawk, her features exuding strength and resilience.

Ethan: (proudly) That's my mom. Ororo Munroe.

Robin's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Robin: Ororo Munroe? How... how did your dad end up with someone like her and also her skin is black?

Ethan's demeanor suddenly shifted, his eyes narrowing with a hint of warning as he pointed a gun at Robin.

Ethan: (warningly) Don't you dare talk about her like that.

Robin's heart skipped a beat as he raised his hands in surrender, realizing he had struck a nerve.

Robin: (quickly) Sorry, I didn't mean—

Ethan: (interrupting) She's not just someone. She's my mother, and she's one of the strongest people I know. Show some respect.

Robin's expression softened, understanding the gravity of Ethan's words.

Robin: (apologetically) You're right. I'm sorry, Ethan. I didn't mean to offend you or your mother.

Ethan lowered the gun, his tense posture relaxing slightly.

Ethan: (softening) It's okay. Just... be mindful of what you say.

Robin nodded solemnly, returning the photograph to Ethan.

Robin: (earnestly) I will. And for what it's worth, I'm glad you're here. Both of you.

Ethan's expression softened, a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Ethan: (sincerely) Thanks, Uncle Robin.

Wth a silent understanding between them, Robin and Ethan rejoined the rest of the Teen Titans.

In the hospital room, Cyclops lay in the bed, his visor still firmly in place, concealing his identity. The room was filled with the hushed murmurs of the medical staff as they tended to him, checking his vital signs and monitoring his condition.

Cyclops: (weakened but alert) How long have I been out?

The nurse glanced up from her clipboard, offering a gentle smile.

Nurse: You've been unconscious for a few hours. But you're stable now.

Cyclops nodded, his thoughts drifting to the events that led to his injury. As he pondered, the door to his room creaked open, and his teammates filed in, their faces etched with concern.

Robin: (approaching the bed) Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?

Cyclops managed a weak smile, grateful for the support of his friends.

Cyclops: (hoarsely) I've been better, but I'll survive.

Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg gathered around the bed, their expressions a mix of relief and worry.

Beast Boy: (sympathetically) Dude, that was a close call. We were all worried sick about you.

Starfire: (placing a comforting hand on his shoulder) We are so glad you are okay, Cyclops.

Cyclops: (grateful) Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.

As the Titans exchanged concerned glances, a figure lingered in the doorway, watching silently. Cyclops noticed the newcomer and furrowed his brow in confusion.

Cyclops: (curiously) Who's that?

The Titans turned to see Ethan standing in the doorway, his expression a mix of uncertainty and concern.

Robin: (stepping forward) Oh, that's Ethan. He's... a friend.

Cyclops studied Ethan for a moment, his instincts tingling with a sense of familiarity.

Cyclops: (thoughtfully) Ethan... why does that name sound familiar oh yea my classmate name also Ethan?

Robin hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Before he could answer, Ethan stepped forward, a determined look in his eyes.

Ethan: (stepping into the room) Cyclops, I need to talk to you. It's important.

Cyclops regarded Ethan with a mixture of curiosity and caution, his senses on high alert.

Cyclops: (guarded) About what?

Ethan glanced around at the other Titans, then back at Cyclops, his expression serious.

Ethan: Steppenwolf is coming. He's a powerful warrior from Apokolips, a high-ranking member of Darkseid's elite forces.

Cyclops furrowed his brow in confusion.

Cyclops: Steppenwolf? Who's that?

Robin stepped forward, his expression grave as he offered an explanation.

Robin: Steppenwolf is no joke, Cyclops. He's been a thorn in the side of the Justice League for years. They fought him and defeated him in Russia two years ago.

Cyclops's eyes widened in realization.

Cyclops: I remember now. That was all over the news.

Ethan nodded, his expression grim.

Ethan: That's right. But Steppenwolf isn't finished. He's coming back, and this time, he's after something even more dangerous.

Cyclops's curiosity piqued.

Cyclops: What is he after?

Ethan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the revelation.

Ethan: The Mother Boxes.

Cyclops's eyes narrowed in concern.

Cyclops: Mother Boxes?

Robin stepped in once again, his voice filled with urgency.

Robin: They're ancient, powerful artifacts with the ability to manipulate reality. Steppenwolf wants to use them to open a portal and bring Darkseid to Earth.

Cyclops's mind raced as he processed the gravity of the situation.

Cyclops: And if he succeeds...?

Ethan's voice was grim as he delivered the harsh truth.

Ethan: Darkseid will conquer Earth.

The room fell silent, the weight of Ethan's words hanging heavy in the air.

Cyclops: (determined) We can't let that happen.

Wonder Girl nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination.

Wonder Girl: Agreed. We need to stop Steppenwolf and prevent him from releasing the Mother Boxes.

Ethan glanced at the clock, his expression tense.

Ethan: And we don't have much time. Steppenwolf will be here in 24 HOURS.

Cyclops's heart sank at the urgency of their situation, but his resolve only grew stronger.

Cyclops: Then we'll make every second count. We won't let Darkseid set foot on Earth. Not on our wat- agh my back! I mean Watch!

With urgency fueling their every move, Robin swiftly issued orders to the Titans and Ethan, his voice commanding and decisive.

Robin: Titans and Ethan, we need to move. Now.

The Titans and Ethan nodded in unison, ready to spring into action. Without a moment's hesitation, Starfire swooped in, effortlessly lifting Cyclops into her arms like a princess, her strength belying her gentle demeanor.

Cyclops: Wow im a princess now?

Starfire: Yea baby and now let's fly Cyclops. We shall depart swiftly.

Cyclops couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected turn of events, grateful for Starfire's unwavering support.

Cyclops: Thanks, Starfire. Let's go.

As they made their way out of the hospital, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed behind them. Turning back, they saw a disgruntled doctor, his face flushed with anger, shouting after them.

Doctor: Hey! You can't leave without paying the bill!

Robin's jaw clenched with determination as he stepped forward, his gaze meeting the doctor's with unwavering resolve.

Robin: Take it out of this.

With a swift motion, Robin tossed a wad of cash towards the doctor, the bills fluttering through the air before landing squarely on the doctor's face. The doctor sputtered in surprise, momentarily taken aback by Robin's boldness.

Doctor: Hey, wait—!

But before the doctor could protest further, the Titans and Ethan had already disappeared from sight, their mission clear and their resolve unshakeable. With their sights set on stopping Steppenwolf and preventing Darkseid's conquest, they raced against the clock, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.































In the desolate future where Darkseid's grip on Earth was unrelenting, Cyclops with the power of Phoenix Force stood alongside his wife Ororo, his arm wrapped protectively around her as she clutched her swollen abdomen. The once vibrant world now lay in ruins, consumed by the darkness of Darkseid's tyranny.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops: (urgent) Ororo, you need to go. It's not safe here.

Ororo's eyes mirrored Cyclops's concern as she held onto her belly, a fierce determination burning within her.

Ororo: (resolute) I won't leave without you, Zack.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops pressed a tender kiss to Ororo's lips, his gaze filled with love and determination.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops: (softly) I love you, Ororo. But you can't stay here. It's too dangerous.

With a heavy heart, Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops tore himself away from his family, knowing that their only chance of survival lay in hiding from Darkseid's relentless forces. As he rushed towards Darkseid's stronghold, Ororo reached out to him, her voice filled with worry.

Ororo: (desperate) Zack, be careful. Please.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops nodded solemnly, his resolve unwavering as he prepared to confront the source of Earth's suffering. With a final glance at his wife and their unborn child, he sprinted towards the looming fortress, his heart pounding with determination.

Meanwhile, Ororo attempted to summon her powers, her hands crackling with energy. But the weight of her pregnancy slowed her movements, her abilities dulled by the life growing within her.

Ororo: (frustrated) I can't... I can't use my powers.

Darkseid, his towering figure hovering ominously above them, watched with cold amusement as Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops approached, his fiery aura ablaze with determination. With a sinister smile, Darkseid prepared to strike.

Darkseid: (mocking) So, the last hero on earth has arrive and dares to challenge me.

But before Darkseid could unleash his full might, Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops surged forward, his fiery energy intensifying with each step. With a primal roar, he slammed into Darkseid, sending the tyrant crashing to the ground with a thunderous impact.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops: (fierce) Earth will never be yours, Darkseid. Not while I still draw breath.

Darkseid: (menacingly) You dare to challenge me? You are but a mere mortal in the presence of a god.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops stood his ground, his fiery aura pulsating with defiance as he faced down the tyrant who threatened his world.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops: (steadfast) I may be mortal, Darkseid, but I fight for the freedom of Earth. And I will not let you conquer it.

With a roar that echoed through the barren landscape, Darkseid lunged forward, his colossal strength propelling him towards Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops with terrifying speed. He unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, each strike carrying the weight of his monstrous power.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops staggered under the force of Darkseid's assault, his enhanced abilities pushed to their limits as he struggled to hold his ground. But as Darkseid prepared to deliver the final blow, Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops summoned every ounce of his strength and unleashed a torrent of searing flames.


The flames engulfed Darkseid, searing his dark armor and momentarily halting his advance. With a defiant roar, Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops pressed his advantage, striking back with all the fury of a raging inferno.

The explosion rocked the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air as the two titans clashed with unmatched ferocity. Darkseid sneered, his gaze filled with contempt as he emerged from the smoke, seemingly unfazed by the onslaught.

Darkseid: (mocking) Is that all you've got, mortal? Your flames are but sparks against the might of Apokolips.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops: (ferocious) This ends now, Darkseid.

But before Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops could unleash his devastating attack, Darkseid's dark energy surged around him, enveloping him in an ominous aura. With a sinister grin, Darkseid vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the echo of his mocking laughter.

Darkseid: (taunting) You think you can defeat me, mortal? You are nothing compared to the might of Apokolips.

But in a sudden flash of movement, Darkseid vanished from sight, his form flickering into existence behind Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops with supernatural speed. Before Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops could react, Darkseid's iron grip closed around his neck with lethal force.

Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops gasped in shock and pain as Darkseid's vice-like grip tightened, crushing the life from him. With a sickening snap, Darkseid twisted Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops's neck, ending his life in an instant.

Darkseid: The Dream is Over.

The battlefield fell silent as Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, his fiery aura extinguished by the darkness of Darkseid's malevolence.

Darkseid loomed over his fallen adversary, a cruel smirk played across his lips, his victory absolute.

Darkseid: (coldly) Pathetic mortal. You never stood a chance against me.

With a contemptuous flick of his hand, Darkseid cast aside Phoenix Enhanced Cyclops's lifeless body, leaving behind only the echoes of his triumph and the desolation of a world plunged into darkness.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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