DC: Legacy of Cycl⦻ps



The circus grounds were buzzing with activity. Colorful tents, the scent of popcorn, and the sounds of laughter and excitement filled the air. A group of children played near the edge of the main tent, their laughter echoing through the grounds.

Among them were two seven-year-olds: Richard John Grayson, a lithe boy with a mop of dark hair and bright eyes, and Zack Summers, a kid with a shock of magenta hair and a mischievous grin. They were running around, chasing each other in a game of tag.

Zack: (laughing) You'll never catch me, Dick!

Richard: Oh yeah? Just watch!

As Richard lunged forward to tag Zack, his parents, John and Mary Grayson, emerged from the nearby trailer. Both were dressed in their acrobat costumes, preparing for their performance later that evening.

Mary: (calling out) Richard! Zack! Be careful, you two! No running too close to the tent poles!

John: And no climbing anything! We don't need any broken bones before the show!

The boys skidded to a halt, looking up at the Graysons with guilty smiles.

Richard: (sheepishly) Sorry, Mom. Sorry, Dad.

Zack: We'll be careful!

Mary shook her head with a fond smile while John chuckled.

Mary: (softening) Just remember, the circus can be a dangerous place if you're not careful.

John: (winking) And save some energy for the show tonight. We might need a couple of extra hands to help out.

The boys nodded enthusiastically, their eyes shining with excitement.

Richard: We will! Promise!

As soon as John and Mary turned their backs, Richard and Zack resumed their play, albeit a bit more cautiously. They ducked behind a stack of crates, trying to stifle their laughter.

Zack: (whispering) Think they saw us?

Richard: (grinning) Nah, we're in the clear. Just don't knock anything over.

Zack: (pointing) Hey, look! There's a rope over there. Wanna climb?

Richard glanced over at the rope hanging from a high beam, his eyes lighting up with the thrill of a challenge. He then remembered his parents' warning and shook his head.

Richard: Better not. My parents will ground me for life if they catch us.

Zack sighed but nodded in agreement.

Zack: (reluctantly) Yeah, you're right. Maybe next time.

Just then, the ringmaster's voice boomed through the tent, announcing the upcoming performance. The boys exchanged excited looks and started making their way toward the main tent, their earlier game of tag forgotten.

As they walked, Richard turned to Zack.

Richard: You know, someday we're going to be the stars of this circus. Just you wait and see.

Zack: (grinning) I bet we will. And when we are, I'll still be faster than you.

Richard laughed, nudging his friend playfully.

Richard: In your dreams, Summers. In your dreams.

Zack: So, Dick, who's your favorite superhero?

Richard paused for a moment, contemplating the question. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he thought of his answer.

Richard: Superman! Definitely Superman. I mean, who wouldn't want to fly and have super strength?

Zack's face lit up with a grin of recognition.

Zack: No way! Same here! He's the best!

Richard chuckled, nudging Zack with his elbow.

Richard: Great minds think alike, huh?

Zack nodded enthusiastically, his teal eyes shining with admiration.

Zack: Yeah, Superman's the coolest. I wish I could be like him someday.

Richard smiled, feeling a kinship with his friend as they shared their admiration for the iconic superhero.

Richard: Me too, Zack. Me too.

In the bustling chaos of the circus grounds, Amanda Waller, a woman of authority and power, made her way through the crowds with purpose. Her sharp gaze scanned the area until it landed on a familiar shock of magenta hair.

Amanda: (calling out) Zack! It's time to go home!

Zack turned around, his face lighting up as he spotted his adopted mother approaching.

Zack: (excitedly) Mom!

He quickly made his way over to her, leaving Richard behind. Amanda enveloped Zack in a warm embrace before pulling away to look at him with a stern expression.

Amanda: It's getting late, Zack. We need to get going.

Zack nodded, his enthusiasm tempered by the reality of leaving his friend behind.

Zack: Okay, Mom. But can I say goodbye to Richard first?

Amanda sighed, understanding the bond between the two boys.

Amanda: Make it quick.

Zack dashed back to where Richard stood, a bittersweet smile on his face.

Zack: Hey, Richard.

Richard turned to face his friend, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Richard: Hey, Zack. You heading out?

Zack nodded, kicking at the dirt beneath his feet.

Zack: Yeah, Mom says it's time to go.

Richard's shoulders slumped slightly, but he forced a smile for Zack's sake.

Richard: Well, it's not goodbye, right? I'll see you tomorrow?

Zack returned the smile, his teal eyes shining with affection.

Zack: Definitely. You better be ready for our next adventure.

Richard chuckled, ruffling Zack's hair affectionately.

Richard: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

As Zack and Amanda began to walk away, Richard called out one last time.

Richard: Take care, Zack!

Zack waved back, a lump forming in his throat as he watched his friend disappear into the crowd. But even as he left Richard behind, Zack knew that their friendship would endure, no matter the distance between them.

-Current Year 2002-

The Teen Titans are gathered around a large, circular table. Robin, the leader, stands at the head of the table, his face stern. The other members, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Wonder Girl (Donna Troy), and Kid Flash (Wally West), are seated, each wearing expressions of concern and curiosity.

Robin: Alright, team. We need to decide whether Cyclops should join us. Let's hear your thoughts.

Raven, looking composed, raises her hand slightly.

Raven: He's powerful and seems capable. We could use someone like him.

Beast Boy leans forward, grinning.

Beast Boy: Yeah, and anyone who can take on a succubus in Hell has to be cool, right?

Cyborg crosses his arms, looking thoughtful.

Cyborg: True, but we need to consider how he works in a team. Solo heroes sometimes have a hard time adapting.

Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, nods in agreement.

Wonder Girl: Plus, he had a fight with Robin. We need to make sure there are no hard feelings.

Kid Flash, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed demeanor, chimes in.

Kid Flash: He did seem a bit intense, but anyone who can handle that much power deserves a chance.

Robin looks around the table, taking in everyone's opinions.

Robin: Alright, let's vote. Those in favor of letting Cyclops join, raise your hand.

Raven, Beast Boy, and Kid Flash raise their hands. Wonder Girl hesitates but then raises hers. Cyborg keeps his arms crossed, not raising his hand.

Robin sighs, looking at Cyborg.

Robin: Looks like the majority wants to give him a chance. Cyborg, any final thoughts?

Cyborg uncrosses his arms, nodding reluctantly.

Cyborg: Fine. But if he steps out of line, it's on us to handle it.

Robin stands, looking determined.

Robin: Then it's settled. I'll inform Cyclops of our decision. Welcome to the team.

The team members disperse, some looking thoughtful, others excited, as they prepare to welcome their new member.


The bank is dimly lit with shadows creeping across the walls. Cheetah, sleek and silent, is cracking open a vault, her ears twitching at the faintest sounds.

Cheetah, clad in her sleek, stealthy attire, is carefully cracking a safe, whispering to herself.

Cheetah: Cyclops won't show up. This score is mine.

She pauses for a moment, feeling a chill run down her spine. Her ears twitch, and she slowly turns her head, sensing something behind her.

In the shadowy corner of the bank, There was a glowing red line appear. Cyclops, in his new classic blue suit, steps forward, his visor glinting menacingly.

Cyclops: Revenge time, bitch.

Cyclops raises his hand to his visor, releasing a small but powerful optic blast that hits the bank's alarm system, setting off a loud blaring noise.

Cheetah, startled, bares her fangs and hisses, her eyes wide with fury and surprise.

Cheetah: You!

The sound of approaching police sirens can be heard in the distance, getting louder as they near the bank.

Cyclops stands firm, his stance confident, as the bank is flooded with red and blue flashing lights from the approaching police cars.

Cyclops: Looks like your heist is over.

Cheetah snarls, preparing to lunge at Cyclops in a desperate attempt to escape before the cops arrive.

Cheetah: I'll tear you apart!

Cyclops stands confidently, pulling out a small timer out of nowhere. He sets it for one minute and places it on the ground between him and Cheetah, a smirk playing on his lips.

Cyclops: Let's dance for one minute, shall we?

Cheetah, her eyes narrowing with determination, flexes her claws and crouches low, ready to spring.

Cheetah: Oh, is that so?

Cheetah bursts forward with incredible speed, her claws slashing through the air towards Cyclops.

Cyclops sidesteps her attack gracefully, his visor glowing with charged energy.

Cyclops: Too slow.

Cheetah snarls and spins around, swiping at Cyclops again. This time, he ducks under her attack and counters with a quick punch to her side.

Cheetah stumbles back, clutching her side, but quickly recovers and lunges again, her movements a blur of fury and precision.

Cyclops fires a controlled optic blast, forcing Cheetah to leap sideways to avoid the beam.

The timer on the ground ticks down, showing only 30 seconds remaining. Cyclops glances at it briefly, then refocuses on Cheetah, who is already launching another attack.

Cyclops catches her wrist mid-swipe, twisting her arm and using her momentum to throw her off balance.

Cheetah lands on her feet, skidding to a stop and glaring at Cyclops, her breath heavy with exertion.

The timer ticks down to the last 10 seconds. Cyclops and Cheetah lock eyes, both preparing for one final clash before the minute is up.

With a roar, Cheetah charges at Cyclops one last time. He braces himself, his optic blast ready to fire.

The timer hits zero just as the police sirens grow louder outside. Cyclops fires his optic blast, catching Cheetah off guard and sending her flying backwards.

Cheetah crashes into a wall, slumping to the ground, dazed. Cyclops stands tall, the alarm still blaring, as the sound of police cars screeching to a halt fills the air.

Cyclops: Time's up.

The police swarm the scene, their flashlights cutting through the darkness of the bank's interior. Cheetah lies subdued on the ground, surrounded by officers who are in the process of handcuffing her.

Captain Stacy, a seasoned officer with a stern yet appreciative expression, approaches Cyclops, who stands nearby, his arms crossed casually.

Captain Stacy: (gruffly) Thanks for stopping her. We'll take it from here.

Cyclops nods in acknowledgment, his gaze steady as he meets Captain Stacy's eyes.

Cyclops: No problem. That's what I'm here for.

Captain Stacy gestures towards Cyclops's suit, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Captain Stacy: How's that new suit from Stan Lee treating you?

Cyclops shrugs casually, a small smirk playing on his lips as he replies.

Cyclops: Fine. Perfect, actually.

Captain Stacy nods approvingly, his expression one of respect for the young hero standing before him.

Captain Stacy: Good to hear. Keep up the good work, kid.

As the police finish securing Cheetah, Cyclops watches on, his mind already racing with thoughts of the next challenge as he finally in the alley.

Cyclops: (to himself) Just another night in the city.

Cyclops stands in the dimly lit alley, the glow of the city casting shadows around him. In his hand, he holds a batarang with a note attached.

He unfolds the note, his brow furrowing in curiosity as he reads the message inscribed upon it.

Note: "Meet me on the rooftop of the bank and don't fight."

Cyclops's gaze shifts upwards, and he spots Robin perched on the edge of the rooftop, his cape billowing in the night breeze.

Without hesitation, Cyclops makes his way to the fire escape, determination etched on his features as he ascends to meet Robin.

Cyclops steps onto the rooftop, his stance firm as he faces Robin, who watches him intently.

Robin takes a step forward, his voice steady as he addresses Cyclops.

Robin: Cyclops, you're joining the team. Whether you like it or not.

Cyclops meets Robin's gaze head-on, his expression unreadable as he considers the offer.

After a moment of silence, Cyclops nods, his decision made.

Cyclops: Alright. I'll join the team.

Robin's eyes widen in surprise at Cyclops's unexpected agreement.

Robin: Really?

Cyclops nods again, a hint of determination in his voice.

Cyclops: Yeah. Let's do this.


Dr. Fate and Cyclops stand facing each other, their expressions animated with exaggerated frustration and determination.

Dr. Fate: You must join the Teen Titans, Cyclops. It's your destiny.

Cyclops: No way, Fate! I'm a lone wolf! I don't need a team!

Dr. Fate crosses his arms, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he hatches a plan.

Dr. Fate: Oh yeah? Well, what if I offer you... ten free ice cream boxes?

Cyclops's eyes widen in surprise, his resolve faltering at the mention of his favorite treat.

Cyclops scratches his head, his expression conflicted as he weighs the tempting offer in his mind.

Cyclops: Well... I mean... free ice cream is pretty hard to resist...

With a defeated sigh, Cyclops throws his hands up in defeat, his stance resigned as he agrees to Dr. Fate's terms.

Cyclops: Oh, fine! You win, Fate! I'll join the team.


Cyclops turns to Robin, a quizzical expression on his face as he asks about their mode of transportation.

Cyclops: What should we ride?

Robin grins mischievously as he leaps from the rooftop, his cape trailing behind him.

Robin: Of course! TO THE ROBINMOBILE!!

Cyclops's expression shifts to confusion as he watches Robin disappear into the night and snort for no reason.

Cyclops: Robinmo- What?

Without waiting for an answer Cyclops follows suit, leaping from the rooftop with determination.

However, his descent is abruptly interrupted as he collides with a flower pot positioned just outside the window, sending him crashing into the random caar below.

Cyclops winces in pain as he slowly rises to his feet, his hand pressed against his aching back.

Cyclops: My back, oh my back...

He takes a moment to crack his back, attempting to alleviate the discomfort as he looks around for Robin.

Cyclops: Where did that guy go?

Ten Minute's Later Robin stands next to the Robinmobile, waiting impatiently as he scans the skyline.

Robin: (calling out) About time, Cyclops!

Cyclops approaches, a slightly sheepish expression on his face as he catches his breath.

Cyclops: (breathless) Sorry... got delayed.

Robin arches an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his gaze as he studies Cyclops.

Robin: (curious) Delayed? What happened?

Cyclops shrugs, opting for a vague response as he moves towards the waiting vehicle.

Cyclops: (evasive) Trust me, you don't want to know.

Robin nods, accepting the answer with a grin as he gestures towards the Robinmobile.

Robin: Fair enough. Hop in.

Cyclops climbs into the passenger seat of the Robinmobile, settling in with a sigh of relief.

Robin glances over at Cyclops, curiosity evident in his expression as they drive through the city streets.

Robin: So, where do you live, Cyclops?

Cyclops leans back in his seat, looking out the window as he responds casually.

Cyclops: Brooklyn. Been there for about 8 years now.

Robin nods, absorbing the information as he keeps his focus on the road ahead.

Robin: Nice. Must know the area pretty well by now.

Cyclops chuckles softly, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Cyclops: You could say that. It's become home, in a way.

Robin glances at Cyclops with a curious expression, intrigued by his response.

Robin: Sounds like you've got some stories to tell about the neighborhood.

Cyclops meets Robin's gaze, a thoughtful look in his eyes as memories flicker through his mind.

Cyclops: Yeah... a few. Some good, some not so much. But that's life, right?

Cyclops: So, what's your story, Robin? What's your past like?

Robin, focused on driving, begins to speak, sharing fragments of his past but carefully avoiding any mention of Bruce Wayne or Batman.

Robin: Grew up in a circus. Parents were... acrobats. Lost them in an accident. A man took me in, trained me, and now I'm here.

Cyclops listens intently, then suddenly his eyes widen in realization.

Cyclops: Wait a minute... Is you name Richard as in Richard John Grayson???

Robin's eyes go wide with shock, and he abruptly stops the vehicle, turning to Cyclops with a demanding look.

Robin: How do you know that name?

Cyclops smirks and removes his mask, revealing magenta hair and eyebrows with teal eyes. Robin's shock turns to recognition.

Robin: Zack Summers!

Both boys burst into laughter, the tension dissipating as they recall their shared past.

Cyclops: Oh my god, it's been ages!

Robin: I can't believe it's you. But, for the record, I still hate you for that one time you shot me with your laser and sent me flying into a wall.

Cyclops, still catching his breath from laughing, looks at Robin with a serious expression.

Cyclops: I thought you were dead.

Robin, puzzled, glances over at Cyclops.

Robin: Who said that?

Cyclops shifts in his seat, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Cyclops: My mom. She told me you didn't make it after the accident at the circus.

Robin's expression softens, understanding dawning in his eyes.

Robin: The accident was bad, but I survived. Bru- I mean, someone saved me and took me in.

Cyclops nods, the weight of the years of misunderstanding settling in.

Cyclops: I'm glad you made it, man. I've missed you man!!

Meanwhile in T-Tower Cyborg sits at his desk, staring at a holographic display of various schematics. His room is filled with advanced technology and gadgets. He looks lost in thought.

The door to Cyborg's room slides open, and Beast Boy peeks in, a concerned expression on his face.

Beast Boy: Hey, man. You okay?

Cyborg turns his head slightly, acknowledging Beast Boy's presence.

Cyborg: Just thinking about the new member.

Beast Boy steps into the room, closing the door behind him. He sits on the edge of Cyborg's bed, looking serious.

Beast Boy: You mean Cyclops? What about him?

Cyborg leans back in his chair, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Cyborg: When we were having that debate, I didn't raise my hand. Everyone else was so quick to vote, but I hesitated.

Beast Boy leans forward, his curiosity piqued.

Beast Boy: Why? What's on your mind?

Cyborg's expression becomes more introspective, his eyes reflecting his inner conflict.

Cyborg: I just... I need to understand his reasons for wanting to join. Is he really committed to the team, or is he here for something else? I guess I need to see it for myself before I can trust him completely.

Beast Boy places a reassuring hand on Cyborg's shoulder.

Beast Boy: I get it. Trust takes time. But from what I've seen, he seems like a good guy. We'll keep an eye on him together.

Cyborg smiles faintly, nodding.

Cyborg: Yeah, thanks, BB. We'll see how it goes. For now, let's give him a chance

Back to Robin and Cyclops are in the Robinmobile, driving down the road. Both of them are singing loudly, clearly enjoying themselves.

Cyclops: 🎶It's my life!🎶

Robin: 🎶It's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever!🎶

A loud POP is heard, and the car jerks to one side. Both Robin and Cyclops look startled.

Robin pulls the car to the side of the road. Cyclops looks out the window to see the deflated tire.

Cyclops: Did we just...

Robin: Yeah. Flat tire.

Cyclops turns to Robin with a hopeful expression.

Cyclops: You got a spare, right?

Robin scratches the back of his head, looking sheepish.

Robin: Uh, about that... I don't have one.

Both Robin and Cyclops have dumbfounded expressions, staring blankly at each other, unsure of what to do next.

They both simultaneously facepalm, still sitting in the car.

Cyclops: Great. Just great.

Robin: This is not how I imagined tonight going.

Robin and Cyclops are still in the car. Robin turns to Cyclops, looking determined.

Robin: We need to get out of the vehicle.

Cyclops jump of the vehicle and steps out. Robin follows suit.

Robin, standing beside the car, looks at Cyclops.

Robin: Destroy it.

Cyclops' visor glows as he unleashes an optic blast, obliterating the Robinmobile. The car explodes in a burst of energy, debris flying.

Robin and Cyclops stand in front of the smoldering wreckage. Cyclops looks at Robin, confused.

Cyclops: Now what?

Robin looks around, shivering slightly in the cold night air.

Robin: Let's go find a hotel. It's freezing out here, and it's midnight.

Cyclops looks exasperated.

Cyclops: How? We're stranded in Queens with no car!

Robin smirks pulls out the small communicator from his utility belt, looking confident.

Robin: We'll call for a ride with this.

Robin presses the button on the communicator, but nothing happens. He frowns and shakes it slightly.

Cyclops watches, then raises an eyebrow.

Cyclops: Is it supposed to do that?

Robin looks at the communicator's screen, which is blank.

Robin: It's... out of battery.

Cyclops facepalms and lets out an exasperated sigh.

Cyclops: You've got to be kidding me.

Robin looks around, clearly frustrated but trying to stay calm.

Robin: Okay, plan B. We find a place to charge it or at least get some shelter for the night.

Cyclops crosses his arms, looking around at the dark, empty streets of Idaho City.

Cyclops: And where exactly do you plan to find shelter out here in the middle of nowhere?

Robin points down the road to a distant, flickering light.

Robin: There. Looks like a diner or something. They might let us stay until we figure this out.

Cyclops nods reluctantly.

Cyclops: Lead the way, Robin. Let's hope they're friendly.

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