Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 71: Dong Empress (Pt.1)



Anyways, enjoy~♥



Being who she was, Violet didn’t wait around after creating such a disaster, instead she began to head back down the streets once more.

As could be expected from their loyalty the {Orchid} members were like puppets that had their strings attached to their young matriarch. Almost as if they had a seventh sense built entirely around following Violet - they managed to somehow find the strength to rise before she left them in the dust instead. Even with their bodies battered and clothing ripped nothing could stop them.

Meanwhile the {Sovereign of Storms} just silently glanced at her little sister's back as soon the backs of her own shadow guards came to her view as well. The silent knightess simply looked for a second before turning back towards the nightmare left behind in the girl's wake. Somehow she sensed a headache coming on yet decided to just ignore the whole thing; it wasn’t her problem to begin with.

“Well that was a very chaotic situation [pɐsɥ] good thing I dropped by [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

She turned her head to look towards the robed figure - they were wearing a white & gold robe which looked like what a saint may wear. Contrasting that however was a large hat which one would expect to see on a wizard. This strange hat even had stitches upon it which ended up looking roughly like a smile.

In fact this figure was only a short five foot tall while the wide brim of their hat essentially hit their entire face except for a big cheshire-like grin. Rather fitting considering who their mother was even if they showed no loyalty to the one who helped birth them. Calmly they looked around at the many bodies; their gaze then turned towards Violet leading to Sohn-Tochter doing the same.

“A shame she is currently too young or she likely would’ve pinned me down before delving into the abyss of my ebony butt like usual [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

Seemingly always finishing their words which are arcane words - rather fitting for a demon god who also happened to be one of the few magic gods.

Their actual words were far from being filled with dignity as their cheshire-grin turned into them instead giving a cute pout with their plump lips. This didn’t change the fact that, as an older sister, Sohn-tochter didn’t care to hear how Violet usually treated this brat. Not that she expressed it in any way other than to begin walking away.

The completely flat dark-skinned ‘girl’ didn’t mind the famous figure leaving as they moved their gaze to the pitiful figures around the arena. Surprisingly only the regular competitors who were close ended up dying - no doubt thanks to the hard work of {The Heavens}. Out of all of them the randoms in the best situation were at the highest point of the noble area - Du & Vanta.

They had essentially managed to get away scot free while sleeping in one another's arms making the {Lord of the Faustian Bargain} tap their shoulder with their staff as they thought.

“Maybe after I finish up with this whole thing I can visit {The Oni Village} to get myself a good old dicking - goblins non-stop is starting to get boring [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [ɟnll sʇod]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ> 



Violet paid no mind to the suffering of her servants as she broke into a little bit of a half-skip while leaving the ruins of the temporary arena behind. There were many civilians as well as cultivators who were in the city centre yet too far away to be pulled into the divine domain thus were left obviously confused. Among those confused were the guards of both the city in addition to those of the noble families or merchants who took part in the event.

Those guards were obviously at the forefront of this situation since even a prince had vanished inside the domain; this was a large problem!

With that it wasn’t surprising that many of them looked at her with unkind looks upon their faces while approaching her in turn. Before they could say anything the crowd from the direction of the imperial compound began to part while blaring horns signalled the arrival of someone of great importance making all those approaching pause. It took little time for the dignified figure of a woman to walk towards Violet.

Although she had no blemishes upon her skin she could not hide from the hands of time so her age showed in certain places. Most obvious was her long hair which was tied into a bun using a beautifully extravagant phoenix hair pin - her hair being a light grey. She even wore quite a conservative dress which showed no skin below her neck.

The dress did manage to bring attention to her thanks to being made out of high quality threads which even the most experienced mortal artisan would not be able to recognise. They made up a blood red dress which was smooth yet allowed her to not overheat even with how thick the dress actually ended up being. It even had some form of [Spirit Stone] woven in; glittering with a mixture of violet, green, black, red and gold.

Even with her just stepping in the same city square the cultivators instantly felt the qi emitted from those stones. Yet for many of the rogue/foreign cultivators or smaller sects within the kingdom found themselves being forced to leave due to issues arising with their qi. For those built thanks to the sturdy foundation of the empire, they were filled with the qi like a fish who had just arrived in clean water after nearly suffocating.

Meanwhile the empress herself seemed completely unaffected by any of this as one of the few well known Ascension realm cultivators in existence. Those women or upstart nobles who underestimate her as a scorned woman who is nothing but old news abandoned long ago by the {Immortal Emperor Dong} have never ended well. Plus she had many ‘spry little toys’ to the point she may have a larger harem than the emperor; she was only weak in comparison to him while even those sect masters from the Great Sects needed to pay respect to her.

In truth only the ancestors of the sects even have the right to speak to her on the same level as one of the four empresses that have a history just as long as their empires.

It was also immediately clear to those who had seen him that she was the mother of Prince Du as they shared a strong resemblance making Violet herself tilt her head. Seeing the disrespectful actions many of the low-ranking guards in the empress’ convoy wished to charge the girl. Each was stopped by those from the {Immortal Palace Guard} who knew far more about the empire than even many of the royal family.

Some said there was even a situation in the past where a favoured prince long ago got into a fight with an {Immortal Palace Guard} who proceeded to mercilessly behead the prince. Not only did they kill the prince due to simply being annoyed - they even got away with no repercussions of any kind causing a level of fear and mysticism around the order. It is often said that the emperor sits on the top of the empire while the empress rules over the people and below her are the {Immortal Palace Guard} who you listen to even if they tell you to kill the favoured royal!

Seeing the actions of the {Immortal Palace Guards}, all others didn’t even dare raise complaints and could only look on in sheer confusion. This tense atmosphere wasn’t helped by the slow methodical pace from the empress - nobody dared to speak or even whisper in her oppressive presence so all that could be heard was her heels clicking against the hard ground. Her face somehow remained despite all the eyes on her.

After about a minute the cold and cruel ruler stood in front of Violet to look down at the tiny oni girl without a single change in her expression. The {Orchid} members, compared to the fully armoured guards in front of them, didn’t seem tense at all as they continued to tend to their wounds with various medicines now they were given the chance. Clearly these shadow guards had no respect for the empress which rubbed many the wrong way.

Contrary to manys expectations there was no displeasure in the empress as she held her hands together before lowering her head in a  bow to Violet.

“This old lady has rushed over in order to tell you that the structure had indeed shown to be working in preliminary tests just as the faustian artisan had said. However, as you are aware, we will be unable to confirm till trying it during the actual event. There is a problem with the concealment array as we have already had it spread out too thin to begin with - as it stands our experts believe it will not last more than a week so if they don’t come-” <Empress>

She still had the same air of dignity around her even with her head bowed yet it was clear to anyone she was subservient to the tiny oni. To say this left everyone except for the {Immortal Palace Guards} confused was a massive understatement; they all would have thought she was a fake if not for her aura. Many of those less sensitive to cultivation did indeed scream out she must be fake only to be quickly suppressed by those with decent attainments.

Meanwhile Violet’s unfocused gaze ran up and down the conservative woman before turning to look towards her two advisors. Her thoughts were unknown to everyone yet she was simply showing concern; she believed those two needed far more endurance. How would they be able to keep up with her in their current state?

With those thoughts her demonic mind quickly began to grind its gears in order to see about creating a solution using the old woman.

“- we may have hidden away for no real purpose. While there are no regrets for any of us in on the great Ragnarok as we have certainly gained a lot as cultivators of the strongest type - I wish to know if her demonic highness has any plans in case things go awry. If you don’t I could- your demonic majesty?” <Empress>

Midway through her inquiry the empress was interrupted as the ‘dainty’ little hand of Violet calmly stretched forward to press on her abdomen. Specifically the demonic oni pressed her rest over the cultivators all important core leaving her feeling confused - Violet wasn’t just planning to touch her however. In fact a flow of intent flowed out from her body to flow into the ladies core causing the dignified woman to let out a surprised gasp.

“What are you doing to her empress - guards sto-” <Imperial Capital Guard Captain>


“Nobody should interfere with the blessing.” <Immortal Palace Guard>

Immediately after a middle aged guard captain, a man with an impressive cultivation at the core formation realm, called out to his fellows his head separated from his body. The halberd from one of the {Immortal Palace Guards} flew through the air to send his head flying into the crowd before anyone even realised it. This made the incensed people who were about to yell out turn deadly silent with cold sweat running down their backs as they could only look on with shock at the scene of their empress actively ‘changing’.

Changes indeed began to happen immediately as the woman's waist began to shrink to the point of absurdity making the already tight corset pointless. In fact she got to feel the corset that always restricted her become so loose fitting it actually slid down to her waist. Her expensive dress which was never particularly tight fitting now looked obviously ill fitting however this was just the beginning.

From her core the intent managed to spread out across her body, using her very own meridians to spread their influence. Once dignified bossom, hips, buttox & thighs of hers quickly fell under the influence of the demon empress lewd intent for her. They rapidly expanded in size as even her now overly plump areolas & fat button nipples were quite visually outlined in her dress.

“Uwa it feels so hot that I can’t hold it~!” <Empress Dong>

Her crotch and chest dampened with her own fluids as she could no longer hold it or her voice in.

Heat over flowed from her privates as her lifeforce became so plentiful she struggled to comprehend how she was living with so little. The intent not only expanded her body but actually caused her to undergo body cultivation which she had never practised before - rapidly she broke through the initial stages to gain an overflowing amount of vital essence. Starting before even Body Preparation realm her tendons quickly reformed, blood consolidated, marrow formation, flesh reconstructed and bones refurbished.

In other words, at the cost of her body looking akin to that of a floozies, she went from the 0th realm to the 7th realm of body cultivation in a moment. Clouds began to form above yet it was obviously very late considering it should have shocked her 3 or so realms ago. Clearly {The Heavens} was even caught unaware.

Still an uppercut from Violet’s other hand quickly leads to a clean sky from above while making sure many of the surrounding people fly away due to the force.


Under the pressure of her briskly expanding assets the tame dress she wore would obviously not be able to keep them safely contained. Nevertheless, that dress was made from some of the finest threads in the demon realm, so an ordinary Ascension realm cultivation may have ended up suffering due to it becoming more akin to bondage. Still she was being filled with the powerful intent of Violet - even if she was being transformed into something perverse she was still having her body tempered by the Demon God Empress.

The dress thus had no choice but to gradually tear as it pitifully tried to adjust to her growing size; her now massive breasts exploded out.

Her skirt obviously managed no better as it ripped at her rear thus exposing her round rump to the entire crowd of civilians who audibly gasped. It was also at that moment that Violet was about finished with increasing her ‘body cultivation’ resulting in the final touch of an overly plump pair of ‘rouge’ coated lips. In return her body cultivation, just like her qi cultivation, had reached the peak of the 8th stage thus making her the  Heart Ascension realm.

Violet pulled her hand away from the bimbo empress’ well tempered abdomen resulting in her falling to the ground. Even that action brought attention to her new form, however, as the sound of her breasts & butt bounced around with little hope of control. They were now so impressive she even got hit in the face - those massive melons happily clapping at their owners' transformation.

“Hmmm… [Demon Bimbo Race - Demonic Transformation Art].” <Violet>

Taking far less time to name the art she just ‘gifted’ the empress as well as race than she did to put it into practice on the unexpecting ‘human’. Before she could react, a quick bolt of lightning shot down from the sky above to ‘playfully’ zap her butt with enough charge to turn an average cultivator into fried meat. The demon empress turned to the sky to angrily growl at her sister before the far more sultry voice of Empress Dong called out.

“Thank you for your blessing, yo- no my demonic majesty.” <Empress>

Strangely there was no demonic qi in the air despite the clear transformation.

Still nobody had the chance to point this out as just about everyone from the Dong Empire were aghast with the body as well as reaction of their empress. Though it had to be admitted that many in the audience also didn’t mind the perverted moment since they didn’t understand it to be demonic conversion but rather the fact it was done to ‘their’ empress. This entire thing was so unbelievable that many thought it some kind of trick even if she had the str- no was stronger than the empress.

The cause of all this couldn’t care less as she moved her head forward, opened her mouth and proceeded to attach herself to empress Dong’s exposed left nipple.

“Nom.” <Violet>

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