Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 61: “Cannot” is not the same as “too lazy”


Sorry that there is a  poll at the bottom but it's the build up to the new release and this one is really important for my 4th novel. For those that are curious, we're at chapter 89 (though may be 90 when you read this) on the patreon, so plenty of quality demoness content for you to read and a very interesting character has recently came into frame.

Next week I'll probably give some deets about the new novels protag (already got 19 whole chapters written with me actually bothering to edit them since I have the time)... I hoped to reach 30 before I release since 10 public chapters & 20 paid seems like a good launching point.

Depends but it is what it is.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


After securing a restaurant through legitimate transaction, watching Slate kill her second sister’s men with a sword art inherited from her, knocking the shit out of her second sister, having a bout with Photon and then being told off by her eldest (Indigo) sister Violet just rested.

Despite how short she was actually active it was a very busy day…

The demoness didn’t even go out to eat, instead silently practising using her demonic qi to sustain herself which was easy enough. Doing nothing but playing with her powerful primordial qi also did great wonders in allowing her to gain deeper insight into it - she had to be said she was very lazy in regard to that. She was ‘the Violet Indigo’ afterall; the being who was renowned throughout the realms in echoes that whispered her unbeaten physical power made it so many of her fellow god empress’/emperors questioned if her or Mother was the strongest!

Many people believed she didn’t even have any qi in her body, reasonable since she was an oni who had no meridians, which in some fashion was correct. Even after her first reincarnation back into the royal family of oni’s she didn’t have anything close to dantain or meridians - yet that was because just like her fellows she didn’t need. It could even be said that their lack of any of these dantain & meridians was actually their greatest strength despite what many said.

One could even say that it is precisely the lack of these things many practically worshipped with their ‘cultivation’ that surprisingly made Violet so easily able to control qi. The natural physique of an oni was based around the usage ‘intent’ which would actually directly strengthen their body passively as they grew their ‘intent’. Although many forms of ‘intent’ existed within the world there was something that linked them all together; they grew with their owners' own personal experience and insights.

In this way ‘intent’ could be said to be one with the oni as their entire being was formed from the usage of it while merely by living their lives they would grow it. No race had an easier time gaining strength hence why the average level of an oni was high - them being so heavily linked to ‘intent’ was also what formed their personalities. To have intent is to wish to act so being made from intent is to be made to act as such the oni act when they wish to act.

That was what made a lot of people confused; it made them selfish which was the defining feature of demons however unlike demons they were close to nature. Many people refused to actually believe that the oni were so intertwined with the will of the world however as beings made from will themselves it no longer becomes surprising. This is also why they tend to be more intune with their instinct to the point they can sense others' intentions - they are intent like how phoenix are flames, Mother is a MILF & Elizabeth loves sex.

Though they also have no intent to explain themselves despite their almost sixth sense in detecting hostility hence why they are often treated as monsters. An oni has never randomly killed an innocent who was just passing by, if you don’t include bystanders, for no reason at all rather they had a reason but none to explain themselves… Didn’t change the fact they often were more brutal than they should be since a mere glance can get them to tear your head off.

What did all this have to do with Violet using her [Primordial Demonic Qi]?

The answer to that was quite simple; how do you think cultivators are able to control their qi as well as cultivate the qi of heaven & earth? There could only be one answer. They infused their intent in order to claim ownership and change the qi into their own before using it to transform it however they had been taught.

In a way it could be said that the only reason that the oni race hasn’t discovered a way to cultivate themselves isn’t because they can’t but because they don’t want to. Oni have their way to get stronger and this was a hard tradition - since oni were a traditional race they thus kept to this tradition without questioning things. Beyond even cultivating they do already have it in them to control qi since even they need them to complete their skills - if they really try they could easily use any spirit tool as long as the external qi is high enough.

Slate herself used it when she made ‘renovations’ on that street or whenever she hid in the shadows as a shadow guard. Then again it may be more accurate to say they ‘influence’ it with their intent rather than ‘controlling’ the qi as a cultivator does, it just so happens their ability to influence was leagues better than a cultivators. Unlike a cultivator who may need to spend years cultivating their qi, ability to control qi and understanding of an art the oni just do the last one hence why they’re renowned warriors.

They did have some limits as they couldn’t really produce formations like those with dantain could do with the freedom given by their own qi; without ownership the qi wouldn’t settle. It in turn caused them to protect themselves by using far different methods than others while their weapons tended to be far more simplistic in their effects (and heavy). Yet most of that was irrelevant to Violet…

Because she went one step beyond a cultivator - she doesn’t take ownership over heaven & earth qi but creates it herself thanks to being a primordial god!

It just so happened she was also the primordial god who had the intent of being an absolute existence that couldn’t be broken but could break anything. Such a powerful intent fueled by the absolutely selfish qi led to the flames of destruction being lit, brought the [Naraka 12 Tribulations] to blow and led her to evolve into the one called {Wrath} who lived up to their namesake well in the {Heaven;y Realm}. That didn’t change the fact that she had no reason nor motivation to use qi after having reached the apex without it.

Then again she clearly didn’t find it boring for an entire two days after having fought against the renowned hero she was still sitting back in her bed. Her little hands moved in front of her as the rich demonic qi danced around with her ‘oohing’ and ‘awing’ - forming different shapes like a child playing with putty. Unfortunately for her advisors this also meant they were stuck in the same room for several days straight watching her.

Despite the repetitions it didn’t stop them from clapping their hands in response to whenever she created something new.

“Truly no oni is as talented as ojou-sama…” <Slate>

“Indeed; I don’t even know if I can control my qi as well as Violet ojou-sama can~!” <Ashue>

Violet being Violet also wasn’t exactly humble so nodded her head with a puffed out chest towards their constant flow of compliments. It was only on the morning of her 5th day in the empire where a familiar blue-haired sister walked into the room - holding a plate with an entire fried flightless bird. Nobody decides to question the ethics of a phoenix doing such.

“It’s good to see you are finally practising your qi control; it was rather silly of you to put it off for this long due to laziness. What you do could be compared to Mother not using her mana, me not using my storms or Bloodleaf not using a blade. Foolish for one who seems so obsessed with the idea of ‘strength’.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Guh…” <Violet>

Hearing her older sister's ridicule, something that was hardly ever targeted at her, made Violet’s shoulders slump as she sat in her bed since it was comfy. Lowering her head sadly while if she had ears they would no doubt have lowered. That did result in her leaving her qi out resulting in the bedroom becoming a holy land (ironically) for not only demonic cultivators but demons yet that was only a thing of little note.

Still she upturned her violet eyes with a cute little pout on her face to look at her older sister who placed the plate into Ashue’s hands.

“Qi useless against Mother…” <Violet>

“While it is certainly true that it would be better to rely on your radiation when it comes to scaleless since it will counteract her mana, however that is still an ignorant assessment. It’s true that radiation distablises everything around it including all forms of energy yet part of what makes up that radiation is your very own energies which does not exclude qi. Thus in order to get a greater result of that you must also get greater insights into all its components just like how in war you must understand all your units' jobs.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Gah…” <Violet>

Once more she was cruelly shot down by the heavens; not through lightning tribulation but a far harsher tribulation of nagging. Its effects lasted for longer as did the time it took. Not even the tough hide of her {Absolute Wrath} could overpower such a brutal tribulation so all she could do was sit there and take it.

“Plus it isn’t as if Mother is the only person you fight. Just a few days ago you fought Photon who would certainly suffer if you knew to properly utilise your qi like others your level, not to mention you also clearly do not get along with Munzumira. Also it isn’t as if you can shrug off my own attacks if I wanted to teach you a lesson.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Go~h…” <Violet>

Despite still being as emotionless as always as she spoke that didn’t stop Sohn-Tochter from expressing herself subtly in ways she wouldn’t with others. It just so happened that the way she did it was by poking Violet’s nose as she only became more and more deflated as the gruesome tribulation of sisterhood weighed down on her. Even though she couldn’t emote it, it was clear that the older sister enjoyed teasing Violet.

She loved doting on her even more however…

“There is a ‘last man on stage’ style tournament taking place in the city square today so you should go there to practice only using your qi in battle. Although there shouldn’t be anyone of note you can bring your girls with you - perhaps you could even push that little kitten into growing into a true cardinal beast. Now eat up since I used some of Leviathan's rum to soak the [Immortal Flightless Cockatrice] in for a day.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Nn~!” <Violet>

Ignore the fact that an immortal beast was very unlikely to have no intelligence…


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