Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 58: Unmovable wall versus the unstoppable object


Day 58; demoness is still my no.1 series despite being the middle child... Am I writing Shrek?

Also uploading this chapter 2 days in advance since I needed an emotional stim boost on my break day - make myself feel like I'm doing something despite not being able to do anything.

Anyway, enjoy~♥


Violet & Photon just remained there looking at one another in silence for at least a solid minute letting everyone surrounding them become insanely awkward.

The two in question didn’t seem to care as the (literal) lion of a man remained kneeling in front of the far smaller oni girl. This was probably the first time in a long time that an oni - a race who usually towered over others with the physical capabilities - who seemed like a child in front of a giant when talking to someone from a different race. Then again Violet is indeed a child so it also made a lot of sense.

“So you’re not going to tell me all about that, are you?” <Photon>

With a sweet smile upon her face Violet looked at the mountain of a man while nodding her head with the innocence of a saint. Seeing the gal on the girl Photon couldn’t help chuckling to himself yet he could already see that, as a hero, he would be in for quite the overtime with this one getting involved. Even his confident smile which never faltered seemed to almost dim as he looked down upon the girl.

“Let me rephrase my question; you don’t have anything planned?” <Photon>

What she did next made the hero who never stopped his heroic deeds feel like he needed a long, long holiday away from all this. A smile which would make someone mistake Violet for a child who would never commit a war crime while shaking her head telling him there would be many war crimes committed. If there was one thing this sadistic demon loved it was making his life a living hell; ever since they were playmates of about the same age this girl bullied him!

Quickly he bounced back to his usual vigour as if he had suddenly discovered a new life line and for the overworked {True Hero} that may as well have been the case. It was a simple thought that made quite a lot of sense… Just because she was planning something didn’t mean that it would actually cause him trouble did it?

“So~ this thing you're planning wouldn’t happen to cause trouble would it?” <Photon>

The look he was giving Violet had long turned into a pleading one which made everyone surrounding them feel very weird. How often would they see the image of a tiny girl and giant man in this kind of situation - a man pleading with a little girl to just shake her head? Just as she was about to move her head Photon suddenly moved his hands forward.

“We’ll have to settle this how we always have then… I hope you are ready for I shall not be merciful even if it’s you.” <Photon>

Grabbing onto Violet’s head while Violet looked at him with the same saint-like smile yet the malevolence only {The Primordial Demon} could manage was clear a day. It was clear to all that this had turned into a silent fight between the two with {The Beast King} trying to force the girl's head to shake while Violet wanted to nod. With the physical might of both squaring off both his hand and her head trembled as they attempted to have things go their way.

Though with neither of them being what many would consider ‘within the bounds of logic’ things quickly escalated beyond what anyone thought was possible.

A whirlwind of wind began to form between them as their might clashed while the ground beneath them cracked under the pressure. Debris from the shattered floor seemed to become weightless as with their sheer physical force bending space itself - neither refused to step back at this point. Those surrounding had no choice except to retreat away from the scene or risk getting caught up in the chaos that was taking place… Chaos which would perhaps make even the great Chaos J Faust proud.

“W-what is happening nya~?!” <Princess Kitty>

As one could imagine {Orchid Guards} were quick to act. Two of Violet's female shadow guards, a muscular long armed Silverback-kin & equally impressive humanoid wyvern, carefully grabbed Kitty’s shoulders to leap away. Safely getting the girl out of the way of the attack with an air of experience with their actions with how quickly they reacted.

Obviously this left Kitty confused as she had no way to fight against the overwhelming power of the two yet before she could even try she saw Qin & Ashue also following behind. With a single leap the group managed to reach the third floor of the restaurant they had just walked away from making the cat even more shocked. Her mouth was left hanging open as she wanted to ask more; however the gruff voice of the Silverback-kin woman spoke up.

Both shadow guards falling onto one knee to Kitty.

“Forgive us for our impertinence Lady Dong nevertheless as followers of {Orchid} it is our duty to protect the assets of our absolute sovereign; Violet ‘Indigo’ Shuten!” <Silverback>

Hearing that Kitty blushed at the connotation that she was one of Violet’s ‘assets’ yet almost jumped out her flesh as from all around the appearance of at least 100 members of {Orchid} appeared kneeling at various points as they yelled out.

“For the absolute sovereign!” <Orchid Guards>

“They sure are lively ohohoho~!” <Ashue>

“Our purpose in life is serving ojou-sama afterall boss Ashue.” <Qin>

The next second after they appeared the shadow guards all vanished including the two who protected Kitty from the aftermath of the clash. As the current de facto leader of the guard (due to Violet preferring her) Qin remained by the side of the advisors so she can quickly follow through with any commands. As for the advisors in question; Ashue had Slate under her arm like a sack of potato while magically Slate was still holding her sword despite clearly being out cold for quite some time.

Meanwhile on the floor below everyone else had either already ran away to watch from a distance or had been forcibly blown away. As the power conflicting grew greater and greater the two’s aura began to take form as a purple flame for Violet and a golden light from Photon that pressed down on the purple light as if representing the situation they were currently in. Soon those two impressive aura’s began to take form into the appearance of a rather familiar looking hannya demon while a golden armoured lion sparking with holy lightning pressed down upon the demon while the demon held its own.

Both those massive torso’s (only part visible of the avatars) alone were large enough to easily crush the restaurant under claw while their mere appearance made many pass out. The strength radiating from the two was beyond anything that could be considered anywhere close to what a mortal could generate no matter how strong they thought they were. Seeing the two monsters ‘fighting’ obviously thus brought great fear to many of those who were still awake.

Abruptly both Violet & Photon jumped backwards from one another yet both had a toothy grin on their faces while their eyes never moved from one another. The avatars behind the two seemed to almost be foaming at the mouth to get one another - for the demon that was more literal as radioactive green liquid and smoke did.  It had to be said the lion raiju was at least a little more subtle with its desire as it only sparked with golden lightning aggressively.

“I’m sure you know this Violet but I didn’t come here to play hero but to defeat you… This time I can’t lose as I have too much on the line while it’s the same for you as well. Like all other times, the winner will take every last drop while the loser will be left with nothing but a feeling of emptiness from the loss. Today is the day I beat you!” <Photon>

“RUUUURAAA~!” <Violet>

With the avatar mimicking her Violet roared ferociously while charging towards Photon with her fists raised with her intentions more than clear.

“Come~!” <Photon>

This didn’t make the hero falter; on the contrary he welcomed it with literal open arms while tensing his muscles resulting in his shirt literally just exploding. Oh and what a wonderful set of muscles those were. I mean like, fucking damn, boy could grate dimond on that chest!

Soon enough the ferocious right fist of Violet came down to slam into the chiselled abdomen causing a boom so loud the Immortal Emperor in his palace dropped his tea… IMMORTAL EMPEROR IN THE WEST! A gust of wind cleaned up any of the mess caused by Slate’s previous attack while only the building and people behind the hero were untouched.

Before the dust had even settled Violet fired forth with another fist while reeling back her fist to slam it into Photon again. The little oni clearly wasn’t holding anything back as the sound of her thundering hits echoed through the entire country while the towering figures of the avatars did the exact same. Still, despite the power, the lion didn’t falter against the demon and when there was finally no dirt left to block everyone's view the image was repeated.

Proudly Photon stood with his arms still spread as Violet rained blow after blow on him with a ferocious smile upon her face. Not only was he standing yet he hadn’t even taken a single step back during the machine gun blows on his bare torso. Anyone who wanted to accuse Photon of being a coward who only hid behind his shield could only silently watch while hiding in front of the might of Violet, not that he cared about all that.

A second later the lion finally started to play, his own large fist came down to clash with Violet’s fist which managed to hold equal. From that moment on each of them met each other fist for fist with a big grin on either of their faces as they punched so hard that the space around them itself began to crack. Atop of that the force of each blow essentially created a vacuum which resulted in a terrifying storm that caused the clouds above to swirl.

Once more the two parted as if in an agreement as the thundering of the sky signalled the tension between them was finally about to break.

Each of them readied themselves for one last blow as holy lightning sparked out from the hero’s entire body while purple flames engulfed Violet then they simply… Stood there. With the anticipation in the air, everyone else trembled, yet the giant man and little girl just looked at each other without an ounce of worry.

Finally it came to a conclusion as the two charged forward with one final pun-.

“You two…” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Tch.” <Violet + Photon>

Finally the world was saved as Sohn-Tochter appeared between them two with her arms crossed under her chest with the same look as always. With the spoilsport arriving the two reeled themselves back yet the result of that was Violet collapsing to the ground and began to groan due to her aching muscles. Seeing that the brave hero-

“Bwahaha I win; suck it and hand it over!” <Photon>

“Grrr!” <Violet>

Although Violet grinded her teeth she reached into her divine realm (forcibly according to the literal cracks in the fabric of space) to pull out a jar with a seal upon it to keep the contents safe. Without worrying about Violet’s safety the lion reached forward to take the jar before tearing the paper seal from the top of the jar - a rich yet heavy scent of alcohol filled the street which the hero glowed over. About to take a swig out of it only to suddenly find his hand empty making his face fall like a child who had just been robbed (so mimicking Violet who was a child who had just been robbed of her adult juice).

“This is my payment.” <Sohn-Tochter>

With a spark of blue lightning the woman vanished while drinking the lion/demon’s drink causing the hero to fall on his knees and reach up longing to the sky.

“My alcohol…” <Photon>

His voice soft while tears were running down his cheeks and his other hand clutched his aching heart.

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