Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 104: The Cat Out The Bag

That clapping had already garnered everyone's attention however the nail in the coffin was the voice which Violet (as well as many others) could never forget. Turning to the source revealed a rift into the abyss forming as the small 5 foot figure, dressed in a finely tailored tailcoat, with the wind  rushing out the portal making her messy black hair blow upwards. Black eyes like that of the abyss curled up into a joyous smirk as they passed over all the people there.

Her appearance alone was enough to have the entire war to slow down as their eyes fell towards the sheathed katana she had bounced upon her shoulder. The design of both the sheath & handle being nothing short of minimalistic to the point it seems unfinished - not even having a guard. Yet that kind of scruffiness was hardly surprising for her fangs as her ears nor cat tail were not in the best condition.

A visible bite mark had been taken out of one ear while her tail seemed to - at most - have half its length remaining due to how markedly stubby it was.

Despite that her clothing was about as perfect as they could be; not so much as a crease appeared in her white undershirt as she patted her dress pants with her remaining free hand. Though it took awhile due to how little her white gloved hand was. Those metal nails poking out the ends ever so slightly.

“What's with mask?” <Vivi>

As expected it was the purple haired Violet that questioned the cat, reaching down with her slowly recovering arm to pick up her weapon, pointing towards her with her own weapon. Both of them released a certain level of prominence that far surpassed any weapon most people had seen. A shock that was greater for those who knew the mythical rank of Vivi’s treasured club.

Neither of the pair focused on that.

Instead chosing to focus on the black crows beak (radianting constant black smoke from the sides) which covered the lower half of her face. Those who knew her knew that it was strange of her to hide that smile she seemed so chuffed about. Meanwhile those who didn’t know who she was couldn’t help keep their tongue under control due to the sheer level of suppression she gave… By just being there.

She wasn’t acting threatening, she wasn’t giving some grand speech, she wasn’t waving her sword around and she wasn’t even preparing for a fight. Just simply standing there made many of those perceptive demons jump back to cautiously watch her. Those Munzumira didn’t even seem to care enough to retaliate using this obvious opening; reinforcing the scary fact that they were just playing around.

That cat just had her hand slowly pass across the mask while letting out an exaggerated sigh.

“Well I am a very weak little kitten - so I need to take extra care in a dirty place like the mortal realm. I don’t want to catch anything and end up in an untimely grave… Though I suppose, being a couple of aeons late to the table, nobody can accuse me of being too excited at arriving at my destination nyahaha~!” <Chesire>

Surprisingly all the powerful demon gods simply nodded their heads with understanding. Strangely the little gerbil even arrived in time to nod; letting his green tendrils thread through his master's wounds in hopes to patch her up. None of the spirits stopped him.

Her laugh cut through the tension leaving those at the lower rung completely caught off guard - not knowing how to react to the change in mood. Not that she gave them time to settle their feelings as she soon began to widen the breadth of her wandering gaze to cover the entire battlefield instead of the cored group of defenders. Her brow raised for a moment as she seemed to notice something before moving her sheathed sword to point towards something.

“What is with those frowns; how about we turn them upside down!” <Cheshire>

That outburst understandably left everyone quite flabbergasted and wondering who she was talking to/about yet they weren’t left waiting for long… Soon understanding.

Those uncaring & unchanging Munzumira tilted their heads to the side as it became quite clear why their frowns always seemed so unnatural no matter how one looked at them. It was simple when one thought about it. They never were frowns.

Somehow the features on each and everyone of their faces began to rotate, at different speeds, creating an even more unsettling scene since even those eyes were no different. Their faces being jumbled up yet the first thing to settle were their mouths that formed a large cheshire grin which was followed up by their eyes that now seemed to curl up in amusement. Last was that little button nose that basically didn’t change at all thus making one wonder why it was even involved in the first place.

An obvious question soon followed…

“Who is she…?” <Slate>

Slates answer coming from an unexpected place as a smiling Munzumira jumped out from the shadows, throwing herself around the girls shoulders, to whisper into her ear.

“She is me~.” <Munzumira>

Another came out of the shadows to hug her waist and look up at her like a bubbly kitty. The oni obviously was hesitant to let two enemies grapple her from both sides but also couldn’t hit them with her gigantic sword so chose to send her fist down on the front one. Not paying too much attention to what it said.

“And me~!” <Munzumira>

Her fist seemingly passed right through the spirit’s face as if to remind the demon lover that they indeed were an energy based race. However, before she could come up with a method to defend herself, another girl came out of the shadows to shyly tug on her waist. Despite that her hand drifted from the waist to the two buns that acted as her ticket to being bred by her beloved ojou-sama.

“As well as me~...” <Munzumira>

Immediately realising that it wasn’t her precious ones that felt up her butt - she didn’t hesitate in whipping her hand back. Nevertheless her hand passed right through that now irresistibly cute face. It wasn’t even the end of the swarm as another actually wrapped her legs around the oni’s head this time. Planting her face straight under her skirt and against her cute little bare pussy pussy that pressed into her mouth.

“Maybe me mmm~♥” <Munzumira>

These two weren’t the only pair that decided to get more scandalous. A new perverted Munzumira reached towards her chest where she seemingly passed through any clothing with glowing black hands where she pinched the tips. Smirking as the Munzumira sitting atop Slate’s face mewled as the oni moaned into her needy weeny labia.

“Probably me!” <Munzumira>

They weren’t the only Munzumira that existed and the others present didn’t bother remaining passive any longer - even if they weren’t exactly resorting to violence. Their hands & mouths wandering all over the woman that they could sneak up on. Considering that only Navy Indigo beat her in stealth… It was hardly surprising that the city turned into a den of lust .

“““““But definitely us~.””””” <Munzumira>

Singing in a chorus as if the moans of their “victims” were their backing track; any men that tried to go on the offensive found themselves unable to even approach no matter how fast they ran.

“Yet also myself chehehehihihi~!” <Cheshire>

In the centre of all that stood the cat herself.

“So we meet at last Cheshire - {Faux God empres-}” <Vibrant>

“K-keep your hands off me you nave!” <Archangel of Life>

Before she could finish her (no doubt epic) monologue, Vibrant found herself interrupted, turning to see that the archangel was also attacked despite all men being left alone. Both the Violet’s were essentially the only females that remained unbothered as they both began to stand next to each other in order to face that little black cat. Meanwhile the only female demon god there, {Dreamer} & {World’s Voice} not being present, had an army of spiders that deftly protected her as she fanned her face like it was none of her business at all.

Despite the Munzumira making her orientation quite clear they also sneaked up behind the arrogant angel who never even considered they would be attacked. A black stained hand reaching out from the shadows to give a nasty *thwack* to their rump despite the shinto robes hiding their form. That angel surprisingly mewling like any of the others as a hand wrapped around their black shoulder length hair.

Their shout even being ignored as another little girl in black seemingly reached for their chest only to appear to stop far from their visible chest. Though, as if finding something, the girl gained a smirk as her hands eccentrically circled around in midair. An action that caused the stubborn angel to actually tremble.

A third even having a glowing black hand reach straight for the waist to seemingly begin stroking something that was growing.

“...What?” <Vivi>

Even the demoness was stunned for once since everyone who knew Cheshire knew her taste.

“Heh illusions would be obvious so this little angel sure went out their way~!” <Cheshire>

That confused everyone for a moment before the breast-feeling mime seemingly pulled their hands away then reached forward again. Grabbing the robe only to pull it loose at which point a pair of titanic tits exploded out to hit Munzumira right in the face. Comically sending her flying back in the first bit of real damage they appeared to manage against the army of the abyss.

Cheshire looked down at the cheshire-grinning Munzumira that slid to a stop right in front of her as both tilted their head to the left then the right. Mimicking each other perfectly as both turned to Vibrant. Even the oni who cut up the archangel in the past was completely shocked as well as mortified at the realisation that they chose to cut such a tomboy babe instead of skewering her.

Made even worse as that angel was shockingly ripped under their dress; those countless criss crossing scars making them surprisingly hotter.

Meanwhile Vivi just nodded a little but lost interest soon after since there was a fight to come.

“WAH!” <Vibrant>

“NYAH WE GOT IT!” <Cheshire>

“MUHUHUHEHEHE~!” <Munzumira>

“GRRR {Holy Flutter}!” <Archangel of Life>

The pair laughed at the astonished look of Vibrant who looked towards her rival that promptly covered their large (interestingly white) areola. Their little hands were not enough for the job as they promptly shook with crimson all over their faces. Wasting no time in having their wings come down on the pair of Munzumira with holy light shimmering off of them.

That slight flutter of their wings caused those golden lights to transform into a rain of holy blades that sliced up the two Munzumira that hovered around them still. Seemingly losing all patience as they didn’t even bother to tie up their uniform. Creating a shard in their hand as they moved into that iconic posture.

“I AM NO WOMAN BUT THE ARCHANGEL OF THE {True God}!” <Archangel of Life>

Surprisingly leaping forward as if to increase their attacks speed by even that little bit more as they drew their their ‘sword’ ever so slightly from the hand that was acting as a sheath.

“{Deciding Dra-}” <Archangel of Life>

“{Deciding Draw}~.” <Cheshire>


Despite all that they found themselves coming short as the cat drew their sword at such a speed that only the {Sword Saint} could faintly keep track. Instead of the loving green of Mother or the holy gold of the angel… There was only an abyssal black that shot out from the blade. The drawing of that sword alone caused an unbearable screech to echo out - causing the eardrums of even Vivi to bleed as her cute little face winced in pain.

Funnily enough it was probably the cacophony of moaning women that helped prevent the screaming blade from claiming the souls of their weaker members. Still that sword found its mark as it accurately hit the butt of the archangel's sword to send it flying up in the air. That angel even stumbled back with their numb hand flying into the air as they looked at Cheshire with shock as the cat's sword promptly returned back to its own simplistic sheath.

“H-how?!” <Archangel of Life>

“Isn’t that obvious; I’ve been teaching her since she was…” <Cheshire>

Trailing off as she attempted to reach up to show how tall Mother was only to pause as she reached her maximum making her turn to look at her hand. Bringing it down to study her arm length before turning to Munzumira who looked back to her. A moment later Cheshire balanced on Munzumira’s shoulders with her spare hand outstretched to mimic the height.

“Since she was this tall~!” <Cheshire>

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