Dark Super God

034, Mathematics


The deafening honking of truck horns grew louder and louder. Google search reading

From the driver's seat of the oncoming truck, one could see through the window that the driver inside was shaking the steering wheel in panic, but because the distance was too close, there was no time to turn, and he hit Gu Xing in the blink of an eye.

Gu Xing didn't have time to dodge, he just saw him growl, step on his feet with explosive force, and his feet sank into the concrete ground, and then spread out his two big palm leaf palms and slammed towards the front of the truck!


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There was a loud noise, the front end of the truck was severely deformed, and the windows were broken!

Gu Xing felt a terrifying force coming from his arms, and his arms hurt, but that was all.

He held the truck with both hands, and the knotted muscles in his arms contracted and contracted as if they were breathing. The terrifying force collided with the force of the truck during this contraction, and his body was involuntarily moved by the moving truck. The speed, combined with the huge inertial force generated by the weight, slid backwards for more than ten meters before stopping.

When the truck finally stopped, Gu Xing left the front of the truck with slightly trembling arms and looked into the truck with fierce eyes.

At this time, he was more than two meters tall, almost at the same level as the truck window. From this point of view, he was almost at eye level with the driver in the truck.

The driver in the truck looked as if he had seen a ghost. His face was pale and panicked. He didn't dare to look at him at all. He just hurriedly opened the door and jumped out of the car and ran away.

Gu Xing frowned slightly, feeling confused.

Judging from the appearance of the truck driver, it was obvious that the truck driver did not hit him on purpose. But if it was not intentional, could this all be a coincidence?

Gu Xing didn't believe it.

How could such a coincidence happen?

It's not like he's never been to this street before. If there was something strange here, he would have encountered it long ago. And he has now left the cage house. If such weird things can only be encountered in specific places, he does not have the conditions to encounter them now.

What's more, he was the only one who encountered such a strange thing from beginning to end, and Zhan Fuping who was with him did not at all.

Judging from these inferences, this incident was obviously done by external forces, and it was also targeted at him!

"When I drove here and got off the bus, I didn't encounter anything like this. I only encountered it after entering the cage house. In other words, the original source of these weird things was in the cage house! And these weird things are within a certain distance. The restriction is that the source in the cage house cannot radiate to the street. Based on this condition, it can be inferred that the reason why it radiates to the street now is that the source followed it to the street, which means that the source of these weird things can move! "

Gu Xing quickly analyzed in his mind, "That time I went to Coffin Village on my own initiative, this time I encountered it passively, and judging from the fact that a truck just hit me and wanted to kill me so precisely, these strange sources have intelligence. It’s most likely man-made!”

Thinking of this, Gu Xing began to scan the street like a wild animal, looking for the "source" of these strange things among the crowd.

He doesn't know anyone in Hong Kong. If these weird things are really man-made, then there is no reason to come to him, so the most likely ones are Zhan Fuping's enemies!

As for why he encountered such a strange thing alone, there are two possibilities. One is that the other party does not take Zhan Fuping seriously, and the other is that the other party's ability cannot deal with two people at the same time.

"It's interesting that such people exist in the world..."

A trace of excitement appeared on Gu Xing's face again.

The strange experiences he had since childhood made his understanding of the world different from ordinary people's. His thinking will not be limited. As long as something is possible, no matter how absurd it seems, he will not immediately deny it, but try to imagine the possibility of its existence. .

If his judgment is correct, then the world may not be as simple as he has seen before.

When Gu Xing expanded and blocked the truck with terrifying force, people walking around in the streets stood there in shock.

When the truck hit Gu Xing, many people were worried about the bloody scene that would follow. Who knew that such a supernatural phenomenon would happen the next moment!

Making a movie?

For people who don’t know the truth, the first reaction in many people’s minds is this.

Hong Kong's TVB dramas have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although the mainland is now developing rapidly, far exceeding Hong Kong's film and television plate, many Hong Kong stars have gone to the mainland to develop. However, there are still many newcomers and Hong Kong celebrities who are either conservative or whose opinions are not popular in the mainland, and they still occupy this three-acre area.

Hong Kong dramas still have a large audience, and many places in Hong Kong have become filming locations for Hong Kong dramas. Most locals in Hong Kong have seen Hong Kong stars and crews filming dramas on the streets.

Therefore, many people were not frightened by Gu Xing's exaggerated body expansion and blocking of trucks. Instead, they looked around for the crew and talked about it.

"What kind of drama is this? It's a big production!"

"The trucks are blocked. It must be a movie! Have you ever seen such a big guy used in a TV show?"

"Hong Kong Hulk? Hahaha, why didn't you hire Nic to star in the film?"

The people around were not frightened, but watched with interest.

However, when Gu Xing's ferocious beast-like eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the "source" of the strangeness, everyone who was caught by Gu Xing's eyes felt terrified.

Everyone who was seen by Gu Xing had the illusion that the next moment Gu Xing's swollen monster would pounce on them and devour them!

At this time, the more people around looked at Gu Xing who was getting bigger and bigger, the more they felt that he was a monster. Many people couldn't help but hurried away from here in fear.

"Tsk, what are you looking at! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Some people were still tough in their words, but their bodies were honest and moved away from here with others.

"Ah Xing..."

On the sidewalk behind Gu Xing and the truck, Zhan Fuping looked at Gu Xing in front of him in shock.

Although he had been constantly overestimating Gu Xing's ability, Zhan Fuping was still shocked when Gu Xing used manpower to stop the moving truck carrying several tons.

Although Sham Shui Po is considered an urban area and the speed of the truck is not too fast, it is not something that people can do at all.


In the crowd.

A young man with very ordinary clothes and appearance walked into a restaurant, frowning and looking back at Gu Xing on the street from time to time.

"Physical strangeness... This is really the first time I've seen it."

The young man walked away like the people on both sides of the street, but did not walk far. Instead, he walked into a nearby restaurant, because if he walked far, his ability could not radiate to the other party.

"It can actually stop a truck carrying several tons of cargo. It's really scary."

The young man walked into a small restaurant and found a seat at the door. "Next, let's see if you can stop the army. It's very interesting to see the mainland's strangeness fighting the mainland's army."

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but want to laugh.



The young man was stunned. Gu Xing on the street ran away without any warning!

And he didn't run away, he ran into the cage house before.

"What's going on!"

The young man got up and left impatiently, "Can't people have a good time?"

As he spoke, he walked towards the cage house again.


"There was a lucidity in the middle of the two strange events, which is different from the continuous strangeness of the coffin village. This shows that the high probability of man-made strangeness this time has its own limitations and cannot continue. If this is the case..."

Gu Xing shrank and ran back to the previous cage house again. Then, he opened his eyes suddenly: "Open!"

Jiuxiao·Open the door!


A roar exploded from the depths of Gu Xing's mind.

The world, like time stopped.

Everything in sight became extremely slow, as if it was a slow-motion motion frame by frame...

The noises near and far turned into notes, which sounded in the ears one by one...

The faint odor of the cage turned into many subtle and different strong smells, stimulating the nasal cavity...

The eyes, ears, mouth and nose, all the five senses became so clear and free.

"It's amazing."

The opening door was stimulated again, and the activity of brain cells exceeded the critical point of 10%. Gu Xing once again experienced the wonder of the five senses changing from macro to micro.

"Jiuxiao? Evolution" is his strongest combat power, but it does not stimulate the opening door and the resting door of the eight gates, but only stimulates the life door.

Because the opening door and the resting door involve brain cells, and if the activity rate of brain cells stimulated by Gu Xing exceeds that of Gu Xing, there will be great sequelae.

That time in the bathroom, the sequelae occurred, and Gu Xing lost control of his whole body! This is very dangerous in his opinion.

If the door opening and door resting are activated during the battle, even if the enemy is killed, the sequelae will make the person very dangerous. Therefore, Gu Xing did not integrate the activation of the door opening and door resting into "Jiuxiao? Evolution". And the door opening and door resting will never be activated unless it is absolutely necessary.

Although Liu Yang said before that the sequelae of Jiuxiao's potential activation are the most serious for the first time, and they are not so serious afterwards, and there will be no sequelae at all after a long time, but Gu Xing still will not risk his life.

But now, facing this almost unsolvable weirdness, Gu Xing has to activate the door opening.

If his previous guesses are correct, in this wonderful state, the weird "source" will definitely be solved!

After feeling the current wonderful state for a moment, Gu Xing moved his body and quickly rushed to the cage house building with the "monkey leap" of "Tongbeiquan".

The surrounding pictures, sounds, and air images, when he quickly rushed to the cage house building, turned into various data and entered Gu Xing's brain, forming a structural blueprint of the cage house building.

Soon, the terrain of the entire cage building turned into a three-dimensional blueprint in Gu Xing's mind.

After knowing the cage building well, Gu Xing came to the middle of the corridor on the third floor of the cage building and stopped.

Then, Gu Xing stood in the middle of the corridor without moving and slowly closed his eyes.

The moment his eyes closed, Gu Xing's hearing suddenly increased greatly, and the range became wider. Standing on the third floor, he could hear all kinds of sounds coming from the residents of almost the entire cage building from the first floor to the seventh floor.

"Ding Ding Ding..." Knocking sound.

"Clang!" The sound of the iron cage.

"Splashing~" The sound of water.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." Footsteps.


Gu Xing could judge what the people in the whole building were doing, how far away they were from him, and how many kinds of sounds were coming from the sound alone.

Suddenly, his eyebrows moved, and he felt a new sound coming from a back door entrance of the cage building.

A new footsteps.

At the moment when the new footsteps came, a ethereal little girl's voice suddenly rang in Gu Xing's ears: "Big brother, can you give me the ball back?"

Along with the voice, Gu Xing also felt the touch of the ball gently touching his feet.

"Found you!"

Gu Xing's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a fierce look!

He ignored the little girl in front of him and the ball under his feet, and turned over and jumped down from the third-floor guardrail, and quickly jumped to the back door entrance where the new footsteps came from with a "monkey leap".

Here, Gu Xing saw nothing in his eyes.

But in Gu Xing's mind, in the blueprint constructed by various sounds and images and rigorous mathematical and physical calculations, there seemed to be a person here!

Gu Xing did not hesitate, his right arm suddenly expanded, and his palm fan-like hand grabbed the position of the person calculated in his mind!


There was a muffled sound, and there was still nothing in front, but Gu Xing felt a sense of substance in his hand.


Feeling the sense of substance in his hand, Gu Xing laughed wildly, kicked his feet, rushed forward, and slammed the "thing" in his hand against the concrete wall behind him.


A loud noise.

Gu Xing's eyes blurred, and a young man appeared under his palm-leaf fan-shaped hand. He was being strangled by the neck and pressed against the wall, looking at him with horror.

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