Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode

Chapter 59

Three members of Rondan’s Knights.

At least 60 Cult Fighters.

“Kill them!”

With a roar that felt like it would shatter eardrums, the heretics began pouring toward us like a tidal wave.

How cowardly to try and overwhelm us with sheer numbers.

Just seeing their overwhelming numbers made it difficult to breathe.


Taking a deep breath, I calmly reviewed the situation.

The patrolling squad quickly noticed signs of infiltration, and a rapid response team rushed in almost instantly.

From the quality of the armor given to each individual to their organized formation,

They were on a completely different level from mere ruffians.

They must have been trained somewhat professionally.

Through this, I could also gauge how long the heretics had been preparing.

In terms of numbers and armed status, we were clearly at a disadvantage.

There was a high chance we could be obliterated here.

But even in such a desperate situation,

My blood was boiling.

The exhilaration I felt now was entirely different from when I faced the candles in the blizzard.

I could feel a mix of emotions flowing through my veins, whether it was from ‘Leydan Tanton’ or my own.

Though I couldn’t clearly describe this feeling…

“Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.”

I wasn’t someone inclined toward murder or violence.

I wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

That said, I had no intention of repeating the mistakes of ‘that time.’

And now, I had the physique and mentality to handle it.


Surprisingly, it was Muyun who kicked off our side’s advance.

As an enemy rushed forward, Muyun leapt high with a gigantic toy axe and soared right over two camptains—just for convenience’s sake—and landed in the midst of the lowly soldiers.

A heavy sound echoed, and she quickly went out of sight due to the troops rushing toward her.

But soon, the toy axe was raised high in the air.



“Get away from that axe girl right now!”

Spinning in place at an unbelievable speed, she began wiping out vast numbers of the enemy troops in an instant.

No troop could properly respond to Muyun, and they could only fall victim to her attacks defenselessly.

Upon closer inspection, I understood why.

If she had just spun like a top, she would have obviously been hit, but I realized she was exercising precise control to keep the enemies at bay even while spinning at that rapid speed.

I had felt it when she broke through the Gardener’s entrance and when I briefly coordinated with the Dragon Slayer; Muyun’s strength was certainly not that of a common knight.

If White Mask could grasp the meditatio she mentioned earlier, she might become even more overwhelming than she currently was.

“What are you just standing there for? We need to do our part, too.”

After saying this unilaterally, White Mask jumped up and struck at a captain.


The sound of a spring being snapped filled the underground space, and the captain who blocked White Mask’s attack showed signs of difficulty before being thrown back by her force.

With the momentum gained from that push, White Mask performed a graceful flip in the air and landed elegantly while facing the captain with her sword drawn.

The captain narrowed his eyes at White Mask, slightly taken aback.

“Both you and that one there… How do you, as a woman, possess such strength?”


Having said that, White Mask smirked and answered with a derisive tone.

“Is it not you who is weak for being surpassed by even such ‘woman’?”

“…Kuhaha! Surpassed? Me, Homan, the one with the mustache?”

The captain, Homan, smirked at White Mask’s provocation, clearly entertained, yet his gaze was filled with murderous intent.

“From a long time ago, it has been my hobby to bring tears to the eyes of arrogant women like you.”

“Sounds promising. Those who say such things usually end up having tears rolled down their own cheeks.”

“You’re not backing down, are you? In battle, one proves themselves solely by their strength!”

After finishing that remark, Homan began to swell with muscles as if he were trying to squeeze every ounce of strength from himself.

“…You’ve been poisoned by the Fragment of the Outsider.”

Seeing this, White Mask muttered softly before charging in.

Poisoned by the Fragment of the Outsider, huh.

Like a cult member, he must have taken steroids that he calls a gift from the gods.

That reminded me of the physical enhancement candy that Muyun had given out.

He must have been consuming such things in large quantities.

But me, Leydan Tanton?

I was a man who consumed the unaltered version that wasn’t even modified to be easy to ingest.

I hadn’t realized just how strong I had become while exclusively facing Outsiders until now.

It worked out well; I could measure my combat power here and now.

“…Looks like it’s just you left.”

One of the mustachioed brothers approached me.

I had thought he would cowardly team up with Homan for a 2 vs 1 situation.

“You know, a man should fight fairly. And that’s why you’re not helping that woman, but waiting for me instead, aren’t you?”

Well, if he’s giving me such a high evaluation, I guess I should be grateful…

But in reality, I was just zoning out because Muyun and White Mask had gone ahead first.

Since I remained silent, the captain clicked his tongue and raised his great sword.

“So you’re one of those who doesn’t talk, huh? Good. They say the truly skilled are those who are taciturn.”

Was this guy also one of those who had taken the Fragment of the Outsider? His entire body began to twitch unnaturally as his muscles bulged.

“I shall personally take on you, I, Caliburn!”

Since they put their faith in the Outsider, both Homan and this guy had no qualms about revealing their full names.

They’d better watch out; they might end up regretting it later.

Of course, the Outsiders I had encountered were all pure, but I didn’t know what kind of Outsiders lurked in the mud with their minions.

From what I read while voraciously browsing the community, it seemed some Outsiders could transform humans into monsters by using their followers’ names as anchors.

The visuals described were truly something one would expect to see in a deep-sea documentary, sending chills down my spine.

But that wasn’t important right now.

I lowered my stance, preparing to respond.

Seeing what Muyun had done, it seemed best to go for a capture if possible.

But really, trying to capture an opponent armed with a sword while I was unarmed, wasn’t that a bit overestimating myself?

Well, as I said last time,

If my superior tells me to do it, then I will.

“Come and fight me, young man!”

With that, Caliburn kicked off the ground and dashed toward me in an instant.

Raising his great sword, which was slightly taller than him, he mercilessly aimed it down at me.


Was that a regular weapon? The sound of metal ringing out echoed as I struck the blade with my fist.

Being so unrealistic made me think it was some kind of toy weapon.

If so, that meant he was swinging that absurdly heavy great sword as if it were nothing.

“…What a monster.”

“Is that something you should be saying while holding it in your fist? Anyway, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Caliburn replied to my exclamation, lifting the great sword up again.

I had expected his movements to be clumsy due to the weight.


He raised it and then sliced at my side; the movement was lighter and quicker than any rapier.

I almost got cut by the sword but, thanks to my reflexes, I managed to evade by jumping straight up.

“Nice movement!”

Seeing Caliburn, who seemed to be enjoying the fight as if it were a game, I found my own spirits rising.

Is this what a true battle maniac looks like?

If so, then surely it would be courteous to respond in kind.

Suddenly, I remembered a villain from the fighting game I had been obsessed with while bedridden in the hospital.

“Show me your true power! I want to fight seriously against you, the only being capable of surpassing me!”


That line had definitely brightened my gloomy mood.

Why was I reminiscing about this?

My heart was pounding.

Bang! Clang!

The first exchange occurred as I leaped toward Caliburn, parrying the great sword aimed at me.

The next strike came as I dodged the sword lunging for me after I landed and swiftly approached Caliburn with a punch, which was blocked by his great sword.


The sound of my fist colliding with the great sword created a friction noise.

I felt the pain of my finger’s skin being scraped by the strong friction, but thanks to the overwhelming surge of adrenaline, it didn’t bother me in the least.

On the contrary, it served as an impressive stimulant.

“Kuhaha! It’s been ages since I met someone who knows proper courtesy!”

After sending me flying with his great sword, he stepped back to avoid a follow-up attack aimed at him.

“Caliburn, I honor you by putting my name on the line. You are stronger than any human I have ever met!”

…It stung a little, but what can you do?

I have to let him believe that.

I had a feeling this would be our final strike.

Caliburn, though slightly fatigued, was taking heavy breaths; I also felt the strain in my leg muscles.

When I return, I’ll need to do some strength training.

I can’t afford to be weak like this.


Charging at Caliburn while shouting my battle cry, I ran toward him as well.

Swish! Pow!

The two of us crossed paths, remaining completely still.

In that fleeting moment of passing time.

“You, you…”


“Though it is not fitting to scold at this point, it is surprising that someone like you craves such power.”

Caliburn said with a strained voice.

At first, I didn’t understand what he meant, but seeing something growing on the surface of my fist made it clear.

There was something pointed growing like a twig.


Caliburn seemed to stiffen and then fell over, unable to move.

The only one who could do such a thing…

“What are you waiting for? It’s a paralysis toxin, after all. He probably won’t die but wouldn’t it be better to finish this quickly?”

The Gardener said, withdrawing the thorns I had laid on the ground.

After a few uses of the party flute, could it be possible for the Outsider to directly grant me some powers now?

But I sent a dissatisfied aura toward the Gardener.

“…? No, why? You had basically won! I just thought, what if something unexpected happened and you got hurt…”

How naive, this Outsider.

Sure, I seemed to have won, but is it right to barge in on a man’s battle?!


“Wha-what? Wait…”

The Gardener’s voice drifted away as I chose to deliberately ignore it.


This was a thrilling fight after a long time.

Why was there a small tear flowing down my cheek?

“…That was a good fight, Caliburn. I apologize for being rude.”

As I whispered this softly, I wondered if a smile was appearing on Caliburn’s stiff face, or if it was just my imagination.



After bestowing my respect upon Caliburn, I noticed the remaining troops and Homan around us.

“You’ve worked hard, Master.”

“Don’t mention it. I merely gave you a taste of what you wished for.”

As expected.

I still had two strong forces left on my side.

Yet, now I was nearly strong enough to hold my own against even Outsiders.

“Tanton, are you okay?”

“Yeah, somehow.”

Muyun jumped over after knocking one of the lowly soldiers’ heads with the flat side of her toy axe.

…Uh, did that lowly soldier’s eyes just roll back?

He’s not dead, right?

Yup, right.

There was no doubt it was a capture.


…This was probably the umpteenth time I realized I shouldn’t act cocky around Muyun.

“Let’s head inside. If there are this many people, then something significant must be happening within.”

“Yes, Master.”


With that, Muyun, White Mask, and I walked forward, having achieved an overwhelming victory, toward the mysterious room.

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