Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 964: Discussing the Dao is not a wish, and things are done without a sound

This ball of luck is so huge that it can be said to be towering over the sky. It lies in the middle of the dark road, blocking the way forward without leaking any gaps, and hindering the slender consciousness differentiated by the hairs. —{2}{3}{w}{x}

These are all Qiu Yan's consciousness.

And this road is the road leading to the core of the origin of Jie Sha.

The thin threads of consciousness are like tentacles. While spreading and snooping, they also feed back a lot of information to Qiu Yan, allowing him to understand the situation and situation, and understand the things that hinder the advancement of consciousness.

Now, he has mobilized a vast and continuous destiny. In the closed world of the Land of Relics, the human destiny of many creatures is all-encompassing and contains many mysteries. When he first obtained it, Qiu Yan once lamented the huge destiny. .

But this luck is nothing compared to the luck blocking the road, not even one percent of the size.

"The human destiny in the Land of Relics is huge compared to my own destiny, but compared with this destiny blocking the road, it is nothing at all. But this mass of destiny blocking the road, In the eyes of Jie Sha, it should be just a drop in the bucket..."

As his thoughts jumped, the luck coming from Qiu Yan couldn't help but tumble, and gradually merged with the blocking luck. There was no barrier between the two sides. When the leftover Qi entered it, it stretched out and expanded like a spider web.

This feeling is very special, as if there are two consciousnesses in one body, each controlling a breath, and the breaths are compatible and indistinguishable from each other - the destiny of the land of slough, after the transformation of the hole in the hair soul, The luck that has been transformed into the inner body of Jie Sha is imprinted with the mark of Jie Sha, just like when it entered the flesh and blood body, it was imprinted with the mark of the flesh and blood body and could be moved.

However, this mass of luck was controlled by Qiu Yan, and merged with the blocking luck controlled by the original will. The consciousness of the two parties should have been at odds, but Qiu Yan avoided the truth and became empty. He does not go head-to-head or fight for control of his luck, but instead finds another way to spread his luck thinly, aiming to reach places that block his luck.

"To move a heavy object, only using brute force is too expensive. If you want to move such a huge mass of luck, if you compete head-on, you need to accumulate a lot of luck. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and may not be effective. It is better to find a At the fulcrum, I will move it. My purpose is not to break the obstacles of luck, but to let the hairy tentacles continue to extend and reach the core..."

In this way, Qiu Yan controlled the expansion of the slough's luck, spreading like a spider's thread inside the blocking luck. There is a reaction wherever it passes, causing the surface of the luck blocking the road to boil, as if it is heating up.

In fact, Qiu Yan wanted to use this slow walking method. Make the entire blocking luck boil and create a gap for the next step.

"However, this process should be quite long!"


"The process of finding this place is much longer than I thought."

In the Blood Prison Wenwang, Jun Zuo had a wicked smile on his face and walked briskly. Step by step, I walked forward in the air. In front of me, there was a lot of fog, making it difficult to distinguish all directions; behind me, the chaotic artistic conception and the spirit of literature and thought condensed together to form a strange pattern.

This pattern is like graffiti, without any symmetry or structure, but it reveals an indescribable beauty. The scattered strands of waves cause the surrounding network to continue to rot and reorganize, and the color gradually turns to deep red.


There was a loud noise, and the website shook. This was the torrent of supernatural power from the outside world, which was still bombarding, making the website shaky, and shattering sounds came from everywhere, indicating that other parts of the website were cracked, like a house leaking air everywhere.

In the storm, Junzuo was strolling leisurely.

"You have caused me a lot of trouble along the way. With the continuous blessings of literary thoughts, contemplation, and spiritual order, even I almost got lost in many illusions."

This human form transformed by the spirit of artistic conception seems to be talking to itself.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Wherever he walked, there was a crisp sound, evolving into a bloody color, which continued to precipitate and spread, like paint splashed on the wall. While it was stained with a strong color, it also flowed and dripped downward, contaminating more. Many places.

"On the way, I was confused by literary thoughts. I once lost my way and fell into several layers of illusions. I even experienced three reincarnations. I tasted ordinary life. I studied and learned many times and gained three tastes. I have to admit that the truth is quite profound. Even if I almost fell into the Tao, indulged in it, and converted to the so-called human way."

As he spoke, he stopped and showed a wild smile: "Unfortunately, these are ultimately not the truth of heaven and earth. As long as I remain focused and confused, I will not really fall into it and lose myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood on his body spurted out, and the powerful original aura erupted, one wave after another, as if there was no end.

At the same time, the strange pattern suspended behind him expanded rapidly, like a huge screen, occupying one side and distorting the surrounding artistic conception.

"However, thanks to this training, I am sure that my path is correct. Not only have I become more closely integrated with the original things, but I have also gained a lot of understanding of the so-called order and literary thought. Of course, this is also your ignorant and vain attempt. Using the network of humanities to fuse the original things, people's hearts are not enough and snakes swallow the elephants. In the end, stealing the chicken will lose the rice. The details of the literary network are contaminated by the original aura. If you reveal it to me, you will be in such a situation. You are really asking for your own death. But it made me successful!”

In the sound of words, thoughts surged out from the pattern behind the person, falling between his hands. As the two palms fluctuated, they condensed and visualized, manifesting a chaotic whirlpool, as if it could go straight to the sea of ​​blood!

"Thanks to you, I have obtained the status I have dreamed of..."


The blood exploded, forming a light red air wave visible to the naked eye, impacting all directions! All the fog was dispersed at once, revealing the true face.

Here, it is an empty place, but not empty.

If you look with your eyes, you can see rows of words in the air forming sentences, and each sentence presents a scene, interpreting the principles in the scriptures;

If you listen with your ears, you can hear the sound of reading, which is pleasant to the ears, constructing an illusion in your heart, condensing literary thoughts, giving rise to many insights, and understanding the reality of human nature;

If you feel with your heart, you get a warm artistic conception, as if you are immersed in a hot spring, your body and mind are soaked, washed by the spirit of sages, orderly literary thoughts, and washed away ignorance and vanity.

"Ignorance and vanity?"

Faced with his feelings, Jun Zuo shook his head and looked at the empty front and said: "This is not a shameful thing, it is human nature. You distort your nature and give names to things in the world. This is the real ignorance and arrogance."

"Oh?" A complex voice sounded in the emptiness, "Why do you say that?"

Jun Zuo smiled indifferently and said: "The universe, the stars, the heaven and the earth, there are countless secrets, created by heaven and earth, but you have used artificial words and texts to record and pass them on to future generations, forcing the invisible artistic conception into words, which is acquired, and it is a self-righteous performance, using the power of heaven and earth to your own ’s concept is like covering everything with a veil, making future generations see flowers in the fog, not knowing the true meaning, only studying the theories in books, studying the classics for a lifetime but meaningless. ”

After the voice fell, the thoughts around him gradually became confused...

The voice of the compound will said: "This seems to make sense, but it is empty. The truth of heaven and earth is so profound. Many great scholars, masters, and even saints have spent their entire lives, but they have only gained a little bit of it. Mortals have experienced a lot in their lives, and their qualifications are different. How many people can have the talent and gift to explore a ray of true meaning from the ever-changing world? ”

The words were like thunder, shaking and washing the chaotic thoughts and calming them down.

"You are underestimating the ability of mortals." Junzuo sneered, "You keep saying that you created humanity, but you still think you are superior and look down on mortals."

The calm thoughts showed signs of solidification.

The voice of compounding replied: "There are people with different talents and different positions. How can we deny it? Can we be equal just by advocating equality for everyone? Only by admitting differences can we move forward. Otherwise, indulging in slogans can only convey wrong ideas, breed resentment, and cut off the channels between the upper and lower levels."

The flow of literary thoughts is seen, and the scene is derived.

"Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and pass on humanity."

"The inheritance of humanity is the exploration of predecessors, and then accumulation. Later generations first understand the accumulated knowledge, learn to think, master methods, and then continue to explore, and then accumulate again. The continuous accumulation back and forth will become civilization. As you said, after learning the words of predecessors, you are blinded, and do not expand your own horizons and explore with your own strength. How can such people create humanity? How to open up a path? How to comprehend order?"

At this moment, the literary network that was shaky all around was stabilized again.

Junzuo laughed: "Absurd! What the predecessors have explored, the later generations have to go through again. This process may take more than ten years or even decades. Isn't it a waste of time? This is clearly the trick of human nature!"

This sentence has no great impact on the literary network.

"If everyone has your level of cultivation, it would be fine. If everyone has your magical powers, there would be no need to worry. But how can the world be like this? Your statement is like saying that you have achieved something and you say it is a gift from heaven. You don't talk about the path, cut off the way for future generations, deny the real existence, and blindly use imaginary things and objects to represent reality. This is truly absurd."

"Hahaha! I really can't argue with you!" Junzuo laughed wildly, "However, I can't argue with you, but I can destroy you. Once you are destroyed, the thoughts and Taoism will have no carrier. How can you fight with me? And once the main body of the doctrine is lost, even if there is inheritance, it will slowly tend to disperse, and eventually fight each other and break away from the so-called orthodoxy. It seems to be in order, but it is actually a manifestation of chaos."

After the voice fell, Junzuo took a step forward, and the sudden stretching and expansion behind him finally turned into an invisible air wave, sweeping towards all parts of the literary network!

The next moment, the literary network was jumping, the foundation was shaken, and the overall structural nature showed signs of change!

"You didn't expect that I was discussing Taoism and fighting with you. It seemed like we were competing for ideas, but it was actually a delay for time. I will accept this network of humanities. In the future, this network will be a network of chaos!"

After these words fell, a figure appeared on the opposite side, as black as ink, stepped forward, appeared out of thin air, and did not even stir up a ripple.

"It just so happens that we are also delaying time. If it weren't for this discussion, I would have been too late to find the right path." (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Juan Tu Zhong Fan" for the monthly vote!

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