Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 950: Humane Reforms in Changhe Guanzhou

Qiu Yan's consciousness was shaken, and he felt his consciousness falling rapidly, but he did not panic. At this time, his thoughts were tenacious, and he had three bodies to support him. He knew that the thoughts of falling actually came from the perception of the incarnation, which was an illusion.

Or rather...

"This is a historical scene that traces back to its origins! I am walking into a long river of history."

Qiu Yan is no stranger to the long river of history. He has been in contact with it many times and has studied historians. He has developed supernatural powers such as the long river fantasy world. If he is willing, he can even use the right geographical location to condense a history from the abandoned land. The long river turns into magical power.

Therefore, with just a little contact, he understood the situation and knew that after he held the scarlet substance, a part of his consciousness was pulled into a strange realm. Only when he understood the mystery within the substance could he experience the long river of history.

The origin is the source of history.

What this long river presents is not the history of Donghua, but...

"This is also a continent, I don't know its name."

The mountain stronghold rises from the ground, the city is passing by, and Qiu Yan's consciousness is roaming in the long river. All kinds of scenes flash by, a hundred years are just a snap of the fingers, the rise and fall are only in an instant, the successful and defeated bandits, and the Wang Xie family are just one by one in the long river. Splash.

Compared with the entire long river, what is a temporary dynasty? Success or failure in one life also seems insignificant.

The weight of history is accumulated day after day, year after year.

In a short period of time, Qiu Yan experienced a thousand years of Buzhou, watching Buzhou develop step by step from a primitive tribe to its peak, and fell into a three-hundred-year dynasty cycle, albeit with twists and turns. But he is moving forward slowly.

Humanity, climb the peak step by step.

The difference is that in this continent. Due to the relationship between two extraterrestrial beings in ancient times, spiritual energy and transcendence were suppressed, and almost no supernatural powers could be manifested in the world. Even if someone could develop some skills, they were limited to a very small area. At most, they were divination and fortune-telling, one-in-ten predictions, or It's the right time and the right place. Borrow the east wind, or use fire attacks, the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, move mountains and fill the sea. Don't even think about it.

In such a situation, the power of Taoism and gods was suppressed to the lowest level, and instead, the humane school and doctrine made great strides forward. Some aspects even go beyond Da Rui's level. The highly developed humanities, led by Mohism, have entered a new era, and are about to undergo changes that will change the world.

At this moment, as if destined, some people behind the scenes came to the fore, destroying thousands of years of accumulation, and all parties in the mainland fell into a melee of warlord rule. ** fills the world, and this book is also a boost to the progress of humanity. But after uncontrolled burning and spreading, it became the fuse that destroyed humanity.

In this situation, it is increasingly exploited by some people——

Although these people do not have advanced cultivation, they can live a long life. They do not rely on cultivating their true self and climbing the peak of life to achieve longevity and immortality, but rely on chance and coincidence, devouring the treasures of heaven and earth to achieve their own lives.

Even though it is difficult for extraordinary supernatural powers to appear in the world, and the spiritual energy has been sealed and suppressed, the soil that can breed extraordinary powers has not disappeared. It is hidden silently in the earth. It will appear when there is a chance, and it will condense into heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This is just the simplest expression. form.

But even so, little things add up, and as time goes by, enough strength is finally accumulated——

At the beginning, it was just an occasional person who inadvertently swallowed the treasures of heaven and earth and discovered the magical effects. Gradually, time passed, but people did not pass away, and finally the little things added up to the big things.

But as time washes away, thousands of years of loneliness, and watching relatives and friends around them grow old, sick, and die, these immortals become indifferent and begin to think that they are superior to others, not on the same level as mortals, but people chosen by God.

They come into contact with each other and eventually move toward union.

After the alliance, they first further monopolized the natural resources and treasures of the continent. Relying on the knowledge and majesty brought by immortality, they did not expand their power and controlled the countries and dynasties behind the scenes. Finally, they took decisive action when mortals were about to make a leap with the help of mechanism skills. , causing the entire continent to fall into war.

"The unified dynasty collapsed and fell into a warlord melee. But before that, the humanity here was already close to Da Rui. Order itself may not bring about technological progress, but it can create atmosphere, habits, and spiritual pursuits, which can be transformed into inner motivation and promote change. The development of human nature brought about by the Mohist organ technique is similar to that of the previous life, and it is an ideal choice for a world without magical powers."

Watching the flow of history, Qiu Yan didn't seem to be worried about his situation at all. The matter of the original thing and the black shadow seemed to be forgotten by him, and he turned to savoring a continent he had never met before and whose name he didn't know. .

This is because in his heart, he vaguely guessed the meaning of this continent, and realized that what might happen in the future might be answered here.

After that, the scene of the long river was in chaos.

The warlords' wars led to the rapid development of some technologies. However, in the classical dynasty without a complete production system, the development of military technology could hardly benefit the people's livelihood. On the contrary, production was continuously destroyed, the land was barren, and the population was reduced. It fell into a vicious circle. If humanitarian development does not progress, it will retreat.

As the panic continued, people's hearts changed, which also affected the present world and changed some rules.

Soon, the immortals who were controlling everything behind the scenes discovered a phenomenon. They noticed that people who died tragically could develop magical powers. After absorbing them, they could gain supernatural powers!

This is actually related to the aliens at the beginning. After thousands of years of development, coupled with the increasing number of immortals, they gathered together and controlled most of the natural treasures. With many arrangements, they finally caused a qualitative change, which caused a drastic change in the environment of Buzhou. The resentment and soul power of the dead slowly permeated Buzhou and were difficult to dissipate. They could even be absorbed through rituals.

At first, only the immortals knew this news, but as time went on, the warlords also mastered the trick. After that, their relatives and subordinates did the same. In this way, the human nature of this continent was completely reversed. The foundation of order was originally the development of mechanical technology, but as the number of people who absorbed resentment and soul power continued to increase, the extraordinary power finally gained the upper hand.

Correspondingly, the killing of civilians and mortals arose in various parts of Buzhou. To become an extraordinary person, hundreds of mortals must be killed, and those who want to reach a higher level after successful cultivation must kill more people with their own hands!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

As a result, the original civilization completely collapsed, the social division of labor no longer existed, and the entire continent was divided into killers and the killed. There was no boundary between the two. You kill people, and people kill you.

The strong kill the weak to improve their cultivation, and the stronger kill the strong. In this cycle, the entire continent is doomsday.

"Humanity changes, first people change, then shape changes, and finally thoughts change, radiating into the world... Hmm? What is this? This will! Could it be..."

Looking at it and understanding it, Qiu Yan's mind suddenly shook, and he felt that the thoughts of thousands of people were blessing him, and his vision was raised.

This feeling is like a person who was standing on the ground and suddenly flew up. He could only see the small area in front of him, but as he rose higher, he saw the surrounding scenery, followed by mountains and rivers, and finally the entire earth!

However, for Qiu Yan, seeing the entire Buzhou was not enough to shock and surprise him, but this time was different. Bathing in the long river of history, the scene he saw was the reality happening around him. It was just a replay and he could not interfere. But whether it was from the microscopic or macroscopic perspective, it could be presented almost perfectly.

Therefore, after the changes in humanity in the entire Buzhou, after being blessed by the thoughts of thousands of people and expanding his vision, Qiu Yan actually saw and felt the will of the entire Buzhou clearly!

The entire Buzhou was shrouded in a great will, but this will did not appear suddenly, but was originally integrated into it and was born by the Buzhou itself, without self-awareness.

The people of a city can give birth to the will of the city, the people of a country or a region can condense the dragon veins and dragon energy, and the thoughts, ideas, emotions, desires and other spiritual forces of the creatures of the entire Buzhou will also radiate in the behavior continent, interfering with the operation of the external world!

"So that's it! So that's it!"

Qiu Yan was not completely unaware of the existence of Buzhou's will. He had felt it vaguely in the past, but this time, he was traveling in the long river of history, guided by the will of many great scholars and masters, and what he saw and heard was clearer and deeper.

Instantly, enlightenment emerged in his heart.

"With the improvement of cultivation, cultivators use themselves to influence and interfere with the surroundings. When the nature cultivation reaches a high level, they can radiate and interfere with physical objects with their thoughts, and life cultivation can break the artistic conception. The thoughts of these millions of creatures are actually a kind of artistic conception, and the entire Buzhou is also a physical object. The two sides influence each other. Is this related to the origin of supernatural powers?"

In the perception, the long river of history is still rolling forward, day and night. But there are not many artistic conceptions of change in the world, but it is getting more and more chaotic. Instead, the will of the entire Buzhou is changing rapidly, twisting, and condensing. The reason why it was not easy to show originally was because the Tao follows nature, and the development of human nature is compounded by the laws of heaven and earth. Now that human nature has deviated and there is a trend that is incompatible with heaven and earth, the will of Buzhou will naturally become clearer.

One day, a madman raised a huge formation to refine all the creatures in the entire continent! Although many talented people stepped forward to fight with this madman, they still failed to stop him in the end.

On the day when the formation was formed, the sky and the earth changed color, the formation pattern spread in all directions, hundreds of millions of lives were destroyed, blood rushed to the sky, resentment filled the field, and the frenzied thoughts were integrated into the will of the continent, causing the blank and ancient will to finally transform and no longer be the same as before!

At the critical moment, the madman was killed by a close person and died before he succeeded. The formation diagram that lost control did not end, but continued to condense blood, resentment, death, and frenzy. The will of the continent gathered the thoughts of hundreds of millions of lives and finally gave birth to a little self-awareness!


Seeing this scene, Qiu Yan couldn't help being surprised, and had all kinds of guesses, and even suddenly realized, but the next moment, a black light shot out from the void, tearing the illusion, pointing directly to the core of the smoke incarnation, breaking his perception!

The incarnation core carries Qiu Yan's consciousness! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "啖兰" for the monthly vote!

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