Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 809 Don’t say you value him, you’re just fanning his heart

Traitor Qiu Yan!

Hearing this name, Qiu Yan's eyes did not change at all. He knew that what he saw was a scene that Han Bian visualized using the halo and classics.

But the students of the Imperial College in this illusion were not necessarily fake.

His eyes turned and took in those faces. Qiu Yan soon found a few familiar figures among them. Zhou Guan, Luo Jiayun, Cao Hanqi and others were among them. In addition, even Wen Zhizhen was among them, and Feng Zhao, who had met him once before, was also among them.

These people originally had different experiences.

Zhou Guan passed the imperial examination and now serves in the court; Luo Jiayun failed the exam and returned to his hometown to study hard and prepare for another exam; Wen Zhizhen, needless to say, became a scapegoat for the fraud case. After being imprisoned in the capital for a while, his fame was revoked and he would never be employed again. He had no hope of taking the imperial examination in this life, not to mention that his reputation was ruined. Even if he studied, he might not be able to achieve success.

As for Feng Zhao, Qiu Yan didn't know where he was going, but it was not difficult to figure out his general situation.

None of them had ever entered the Imperial College.

These people went to different places, and their luck was high and low. They didn't have much intersection with each other, but their circumstances were not entirely determined by luck, but were only affected to a certain extent.

At present, their faces all appeared here, not without reason, because several people also had similarities.

"These people are all projections of luck. Their luck was collected by Han Bian, hidden in bamboo sticks, and sealed here, but now they have been mobilized."

Looking at the indignant looks of the students, Qiu Yan could see a little trace of their original luck from their heads. At present, the luck of these students was controlled by Han Bian and used to resist Qiu Yan's aura of hundreds of schools and the method of doctrine.

In this situation, the discussion between the two had actually begun.

Han Bian was quite hidden. Before, Yang She was bewitched and turned into a puppet, showing it to the outside world. He was low-key, like an ordinary minister, acting kindly and being kind to others, so that no one could detect it.

But in fact, whether it was the layout of the book collection inn or the instructions to the book collection shopkeeper during the lantern festival. As well as many events, the layout of the legalist formation was all done by him, but Yang She was infused with thoughts and memories, thinking that he did it, which made Qiu Yan sigh.

Now, seeing Yang She being exposed by Qiu Yan, Han Bian came out, calm on the surface. But in his heart, he was really facing a great enemy. This person who was doing conspiracy things, when he was controlling the situation and fueling the flames in the dark, certainly seemed to be strategizing. But taking advantage of the situation already showed that his own strength was insufficient.

Qiu Yan had taken advantage of the situation before, but if he had enough ability, why would he bother? It was just like in Jiannan Road. Isn't it easy to flatten the mountain and pacify the hilltop?

So, Han Bian came forward. It was a helpless move. He just had a lot of ambitions in his heart, and he was not an ordinary person, so he didn't show it. He talked calmly with Qiu Yan, expressed his attitude, explained his position, and acted as if he was not afraid of Qiu Yan's magical powers. He squeezed Qiu Yan with words and asked Qiu Yan to discuss with him. This was to eliminate Qiu Yan's advantages as much as possible, so that both sides returned to the same starting point and competed for victory.

Unfortunately, Qiu Yan saw through his intention and was unmoved. He directly used the halo and doctrine to suppress others.

Speaking of this, we can actually see the difference between the two. Qiu Yan has been on the road. Although the doctrine has not been officially spread, it has only been planted in the hearts of northern Xinjiang and some scholars. However, he won the imperial examination and was unparalleled in the grassland. The names of the two classics spread all over the world, attracting great scholars to gather and compete with him on the battlefield of doctrine.

These things alone have accumulated a momentum, not to mention that Emperor Li Kun is implicitly going to entrust him with his orphan, give him an official title and seal, and follow him with luck.

All these combined, Qiu Yan's own reputation and luck are not comparable to Han Bian's. Even though the other party entered the officialdom many years earlier than him and had been planning for many years, he did not expect that Qiu Yan would come straight to the Hanlin Academy after leaving the court and just finished discussing with many great scholars, and expose Yang She's depth, catching him off guard, forcing Han Bian to come forward to deal with it.

In this situation, Qiu Yan wanted to suppress him by force, and Han Bian really had no choice but to stimulate the little scholar's luck he had treasured and use it here. Most of them were related to Qiu Yan, hoping to use this cause and effect and human feelings to restrain Qiu Yan.

Although these people who were projected by the luck were not the real person, if they were suppressed, it would still affect the real body. Han Bian thought that Qiu Yan would inevitably be cautious, but he still did not dare to be careless and thought about Qiu Yan's possible response.

But he did not expect that after he aroused the blood in the students' hearts, Qiu Yan was still indifferent. Even when he heard the students shouting the slogan "traitor Qiu Yan", he just watched indifferently.

However, since he had already begun to arouse the emotions of the students, there was naturally no reason to give up halfway. Han Bian glanced at Qiu Yan and continued to list the "crimes" of Qiu Yan, the prime minister who was high in the temple, as a lecturer of the Imperial College.

This statement was surprisingly related to the new law. From Han Bian and the students, it can be heard that in this academic fantasy, Qiu Yan inherited Wang Fu's position and became the new head of the new law. He promoted many new laws with his own strength.

As the new law was implemented, the treasury became increasingly full, but in the eyes of the scholars, it was a heinous crime. They believed that the new law not only violated the ancestral custom, but also made everyone pursue profit and lose justice. Merchants in the capital were also suppressed, and many aristocratic families were also threatened. Over time, it showed a change of moral decline and social customs, which was deeply criticized by the scholars.

A few days ago, Qiu Yan even spread rumors that he would implement a "Farmland Water Conservancy Law", which was seen as a sign that the government would directly intervene in farmers' land and compete with the people for profits!

"By contaminating farm rights with subordinate officials, the farmers seem to have gained a little bit, but in fact it is just superficial. In order for the new law to be implemented smoothly, Qiu Yan released a few tricks, just to dispel the wariness of the simple people. Once he lets it go, it will be difficult to return. When he reveals his true colors and enslaves the farmers all over the world, no one will be able to fight against him!"

Han Bian's impassioned speech and words made the students present feel deeply worried, as if allowing Qiu Yan to reform would eventually lead to chaos in the world and the people's livelihood!

"The most urgent task is to legislate strictly instead of amassing money everywhere. I have always heard that although the officials are in chaos, there are good people, but I have never heard that there are people in chaos but there are good officials!" After saying this, the students were finally fully inspired. I have stopped reading books, and I have not thought about learning anything. Even if I don’t know anything about the changes in the world’s land, I don’t know who is really suppressed after the land is concentrated, and I am already furious!

Han Bian nodded secretly, what he needed was everyone's anger.

"In that case, you go and ask for orders for the people." At this time, Qiu Yan suddenly spoke, and his words were like a breakthrough, allowing the anger accumulated in the hearts of the students to be vented.

In the final analysis, although these students are illusions, they are not imagined by Han Bian out of thin air. They are the projections of the luck of the living scholars. These thoughts and ideas are roughly related to the main body and follow the luck. The temperament and emotions will be affected by the main body to some extent. Influence, with scholarly spirit.


In anger, the students stood up in unison and walked towards the outside of the Imperial College. The footsteps suddenly became chaotic. The Imperial College members had spoken out to stop them, but how could they stop them?

This place is just an academic illusion made up of a halo. Except for the Imperial College, there is nothingness outside. But as many students opened the door, they were greeted by a bustling flow of people, all of whom were doing ordinary things. , make ends meet and spend every day ordinary.

Heze is an expansion of fantasy, and many details have been perfected. Both people and objects are as real as they come.

When pedestrians on the road saw a group of red-faced people shouting slogans of "please for the people" and swarming out, trampling their stalls and goods to pieces, they were immediately dumbfounded, and then showed sadness. I want to reason with these students who like to reason the most.

But students who are caught up in their own emotions, how can they stop?

As the students left, the noisy Imperial College became quiet again.

Han Bian looked away from the door, glanced at Qiu Yan, and asked, "Sir, do you want to follow the trend? Do you want to save this luck? Let the luck itself escape my control?"

"If I don't say it, you will say it, and it will arouse more anger among them," Qiu Yanze said, "What Scholar Han studied is Legalism, so it's just a matter of using mental skills, so why bother to incite the students' hearts? "

"I'm just encouraging their own will," Han Bian didn't ask further questions and laughed. "It's precisely because I value them and believe in their abilities that I encourage them and hold a trace of their luck in my hands."

"You are treating them as tools instead of living people. This is not valuing them, but despising them." Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes, "If you really value them, you will respect their personality as human beings and pay attention to their future development. , instead of sacrificing their future, just to gather their luck and realize their ideals!"

Han Bian said: "How can you say it is my ideal? This is also their ideal. They have such a sign in their hearts that they will be ignited by me."

"Is that really the case?" Qiu Yan shook his head, "When one's own path is not certain, one is most susceptible to being infected and interfered by other people's ways. He will regard what others tell him as truth and do whatever he can to it. , after more experiences, looking back, I realize that I have become someone else’s pawn and tool, and even my luck has been involved in making someone else’s path.”

"There are so many classics in the world. If a student has read tens of thousands of volumes and knows what they mean, how can he say that he has no experience?" Han Bian also shook his head, "You are underestimating the students' minds. They learn from books." The knowledge gained from listening to the teachings may not be as good as experiencing it personally.”

As if to confirm, the Babel drum outside the door suddenly sounded! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Blooded Fairy" and "Playing Drop Down" for the rewards!

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