Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1223 Black Wind is helpless, only has a murderous heart


At first, Lord Black Wind didn't pay much attention, only thinking that the three vellus hairs were the prototype of Qiu Yan's magical power. However, when his will got closer to the vellus hairs, a huge suction force suddenly burst out. ≧

This explosive force is so strong and fast that it goes far beyond the scope of concepts. There is an indescribable and irresistible feeling!

The Black Wind Master was startled at first, and wanted to control his mind to escape, but how could he escape? Even the strand of will used to control thoughts was dragged directly towards the hair!

boom! boom! boom!

The next moment, his hair vibrated, and an infinite scene emerged in the depths of Qiu Yan's consciousness. There seemed to be the flow of history, the death of infinite gods, and countless strange scenes. Most of them were jungles made of reinforced concrete. There is also a vast space, parallel to the concrete jungle, in which countless figures float, countless thoughts flow, and countless lives rise and fall in it!

Just as the strange scene was changing, Lord Black Wind howled, and he found that all his thoughts were being pulled towards the three hairs!

absorb! agitation! broken! Continuous!

Immediately afterwards, boundless humanity evolved, the historical circulation in the ancient gods' transformation, and the power of the gods seeped out layer by layer, and finally the terrifying black evil emerged.

Back and forth, traveling through time!

It was as if four mountains were pressing down directly, and with the roar, the will of the black wind was completely shattered!

"What's going on! This is impossible! How powerful is this?"

Wondering in his heart, Black Wind's own will turned into panic!

Because his will and strength are being consumed at an extraordinary speed. This is not a thin stream of water, but a violent and direct swallowing. The contrast is so great that even a person like Black Wind finds it unbelievable.

It was like a strongman arriving at a seemingly run-down home. He broke into the house and wanted to steal money and rice, but after entering, he discovered that there was an ogre living in the house. The strongman only wanted to steal money, but the ogre wanted to devour the leather and flesh together! Leave no residue behind!

"Ah! This must be another plan of that Zi Yuan! I didn't expect this person to have a back-up plan and even have a plan here. It's terrible! It's terrible!"

For Lord Black Wind, the feeling of his will being constantly torn apart and devoured is even more painful than having his body torn apart, his bones being pulled out, and his flesh and blood being chewed on.

only. This pain seemed to be endless, completely swallowing up his whole body and mind, making it difficult to escape!

During this period, the Black Wind Master used various methods, but it was still difficult to escape, and it was getting weaker and weaker. He could only scream and howl while being sucked--

“What’s going on with these three vellus hairs!!!”


"Although I have some guesses about the origin of these three vellus hairs. But it is still surprising that they can reach this point."

At the same time, while Lord Black Wind's will was howling, Qiu Yan's will was watching the fire from the other side. The insights and memories from the future have already settled, which shocked him, a natural god who had just become a god.

The Black Wind Master originally wanted to refine his divine body in one go. Transformed into an incarnation outside the body, the will is spread throughout the clay sculpture, but at this time it has already been absorbed by the three vellus hairs. It was extracted from all parts of the clay sculpture, so Qiu Yan's will came down without any hindrance.

"It's really unexpected. Since this hair has such power, who planted it?"

During this period of time, none of Qiu Yan's three hairs had been used. They were still intact in his will, as if nothingness, but he could make something out of nothing. When he was in a low state, he didn't think it was a big deal, but now he has it. Tianjun's realm and vision are naturally different. When the hair absorbed the Black Wind Master, he gained a lot!

"Moreover, this hair absorbs Black Wind's will and power, and the power of time inside is specially extracted and lingered. This step is probably to prevent interference with the historical process..."

Qiu Yan and the Black Wind Master, one after another, went upstream in the long river of time. They passed many time nodes along the way, and they were already very clear about the changes inside.

This history has already happened, and if you want to change it, it will take a lot of energy, and you may even have to suffer the backlash of fate.

This is normal. This is like the flow of a river. This is the general trend. The future direction has been fixed. If you want to forcefully reverse it, it is tantamount to changing the course of the river, and the pressure you will bear will naturally be huge.

"The Great Lord Black Wind moved forward and endured huge pressure, which consumed a lot of energy. He kept trying to change the direction of the long river, so he naturally had to bear more pressure and consume more! I will send my thoughts to the future, and there will be a long river. You may have to bear the price of bifurcating, but it has happened in the past. These three hairs have great supernatural powers. If they completely absorb the will and power of Lord Black Wind at this time, they will also store a being at the level of Tianjun. , the flow of insights has had a huge impact on the past. If nothing else, I alone may be able to reach the realm of the Heavenly King within a few years of my birth!”

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan's heart has already experienced many changes, and he is aware of the possibility of historical changes——

If the will and power of the second level of the Sixth Realm existed in the three hairs from the beginning, and instead of being occupied and taken away, they were absorbed, torn apart, and refined in turn!

Then Qiu Yan's will as the main body will definitely benefit from it, and then quickly become Tianjun without going through many twists and turns. However, in this way, the route taken by the Tianjun-level Siyuan Mountain God will naturally be different from the past. It is a devastating blow to the people and things along the way. It is a complete change in the cause, and the result is of course changed beyond recognition.

In this way, history will of course be completely changed, and the future situation of Donghua and even the starry sky may change!

"The cause and effect of such a change is too great. Even these three hairs may not be able to carry such a huge historical change! Therefore, when absorbing the Black Wind Lord, the power of time and space was specially stripped out as a backup ”

Feeling the changes, Qiu Yan also gained a lot while comprehending. The power of time and space in the black wind's will was continuously drawn out and surrounded by three vellus hairs, and these vellus hairs were in Qiu Yan's consciousness. Directly connected to his consciousness and perception, the insights gained were more direct and huge, much more than those gained before when swimming against the current.

"It's just that I thought that Lord Black Wind, after finding it difficult to hurt me, turned to explore Yuanshi, and he would definitely take action when my will was about to be fulfilled. Therefore, he was involved with the three hairs, and thus reached a stalemate. In this way, my will was in When it comes, maybe we can find out the reason why the soul came here."

Qiu Yan has done a lot of research on the three vellus hairs. Although it is difficult to grasp the root cause, but now that he has reached Tianjun, he can still detect the inscrutableness of the vellus hairs, so he is not worried that the vellus hairs will be broken by the black wind, so he There was such a borrowing move, but he didn't expect that the cultivation of the second level of the sixth realm was still unable to really shake the three vellus hairs, let alone let the vellus hairs show their clues.

In fact, the Black Wind Lord's will has only the last tenth left in this breath. The breath has turned from strong to weak, and is almost about to dissipate. It has reached the final critical moment of life and death, as if it were on the sea. The rootless boat will be completely destroyed by one more big wave!

This kind of loss was too great and serious for Lord Black Wind, so much so that he began to feel lucky that half of his body was intercepted by the Three Talents Fire and did not arrive. Otherwise, this time, The whole army will inevitably be annihilated and there will be no recovery!

But fortunately, fortunately, the damage this time will be irreparable after all. He will definitely have to stay in seclusion for countless years in the future before he can recover. Whether he can even recover is a matter of two opinions -

This will is directly torn, broken, and absorbed, and the impact on the will itself is indescribable. If it is an ordinary person, it is equivalent to the soul being cut in half, and it is very likely that the soul will lose its soul and go crazy!

"Zi Yuan! You are such a thief! You are constantly plotting and scheming! You can actually become a Heavenly King like this! How blind is God!"

Although he has a strong will and will not go crazy easily, Heifeng still fell into madness and lost his normalcy. He cursed without grace, but this did not help. He saw that the last bit of his will was swallowed up by three hairs!

But at this moment, the Black Wind Master suddenly had crazy thoughts in his heart!

"Okay, okay! Since you have a back-up plan! Then don't blame me! Now that the matter has come to this point, I have been damaged so much that even if I gain the upper hand from Donghua, it is almost meaningless. I will have to go into seclusion for thousands of years or swallow It will take a thousand years to recover. In this case, no matter how much we lose, it is nothing!"

With this thought, he actually set the rest of his will on fire! Suddenly evil thoughts arose!

The damage caused by this burning will is more serious than being broken and swallowed by others, because it not only affects the will present, but also affects and affects the other half across the starry sky!

It's just that Lord Black Wind didn't seem to care at all. In this burning will, the most original power was inspired, directly breaking the boundaries of time, revealing the vast unknown and chaos!

"Aren't you planning? I want to see if you can even plan when you are not a god! You all have magical powers! If you don't become a god, you are just a mortal thing. Even monks must be restricted. Gods Tianjun’s insights may not work!”

As he spoke, the Black Wind Master ignored his will and rushed towards the unknown time. However, he was still pulled and swallowed by three hairs behind him, making it difficult to move away simply and continuously. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "Dingtian Man" for the reward!

Thanks to "St. George's Dragon Strike", "Kalaw", "Baoyu Zhenren", "Huang Jianqin", "Yu 1992", "The Quiet One", and "Qu Jieyuan" for your monthly votes!

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