Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 1202 Blood is gone and the sky is blue, words fall and people’s hearts rise

"The sky is dead, the red sky must stand, the traitorous ministers are in the government, and the people are in dire straits!"

At the same time, in the mountains and rivers to the east, outside a city, there were thousands of people wearing simple military robes, holding weapons, shouting slogans, holding the weapons in their hands high, their faces His expression was furious and his eyes were filled with murderous intent!

"Now that the world is in chaos, it is the time to make contributions. We must rise up and fight to create a future! This vision of the world is a symbol of Yi Ding's power, and it is also a manifestation of the court's unrighteousness, and it is also a sign of the treacherous officials and traitors. That’s why!”

At the very front, a tall, strong man with a rough face stood on a mound, shouting at the top of his lungs. ∈♦

Below, everyone is facing it.

On the city not far away, several young masters dressed in brocade and silk were looking at the scene below the city. They couldn't help but smile proudly when they heard what the man shouted.

"Where did the chaos in the world come from? The surrounding counties and counties have long been controlled by our Gao family. There are also several other families further away who control the situation. If you really want them to be in chaos, they will be in chaos, and if you want them to be peaceful, they will be peaceful." The eldest, named Gao Huan, is an outstanding disciple of the second generation of the Gao family, and is excellent in poetry and painting.

Next to him, a young man who looked like he could only be called a teenager was a little confused: "These people, as long as they do a little research, they will know that what the leader is saying is false. How can they still be incited?" This person's name is Gao Yu is also a second-generation disciple, ranking fifteenth among the brothers.

"Fifteenth brother, you don't know something," another person said. This person's age was between Gao Huan and Gao Yu. His name was Gao Ti. He was the second generation of the Gao family and ranked eighth. "We stand tall. He can see far, has family resources behind him, and has been carefully trained since he was a child. He is naturally well-informed and knowledgeable, but how can the common people in this city compare with us? "

"That's right," Gao Huan nodded in agreement, "Look at these people, they can't see much of what's in front of them, and they've only been to Lincun at most. How can they know the general trend of the world, even if it's good for them, such as those new laws. As long as As soon as we take action, we will find some highly respected people to build momentum and say that the new law will harm people. They will naturally believe that the new law that will be beneficial to them will be overthrown with their own hands, and then they will complain about the harsh treatment of the court. Some people even do not bother to discern at all. Don’t do things based on the situation, just based on your mood. Even if you know it’s fake, you won’t disobey it.”

Gao Ti smiled and said: "Let them take the lead now, and we just need to wave the flag and shout from behind to make them feel confident. Once the reckless Marquis Dingguo is forced to give in, all these people will be thrown out, and the Marquis Dingguo will be killed. Kill, I heard that this person is ruthless. If he kills these people, he will leave a bad name in history, and his doctrine will become a street rat."

"The two brothers have really seen a lot of people. They can turn their hands into clouds and rain, and they can point out the world from within their own minds. It's really admirable. I still have a lot to learn in the future." Gao Yu looked full of admiration.

The three of them smiled and pointed, chatted and laughed on the city wall.

They had forgotten that when the bloody sky first appeared, they were also in panic all day long. It was not until news came from the capital that the matter was calmed down by Qiu Yan and there was no possibility of the end of the world, and things returned to normal.

However, these did not make the three of them feel grateful to Qiu Yan, nor did they make them feel that they were all mortals like the people outside the city.

The men and horses under the city were originally civilians, but because of their natural blood color, they destabilized various places and aroused evil thoughts in their hearts. They became rioters. Now they were organized and turned into a simple army.

However, it is not that simple for an army to take shape. Even if there are no rules and military formations, simple training and the simplest command commands are still required, let alone providing weapons. These things are not ordinary games. What Bing Sanyong can learn is that there are still traces of aristocratic families behind it. It was organized by the Gao family, a large aristocratic family in the east, in order to test Qiu Yan and force him to make concessions.

However, the three brothers here were talking happily, but suddenly something happened in the sky!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

I saw thunder flashing in the still red sky, and electric snakes tumbling like dragons flying through the clouds.

The thunder came so suddenly that the three brothers of the Gao family at the top of the city were startled. When the three of them looked at the sound, they happened to see streaks of starlight falling from the sky, splitting the blood and returning it. A clear sky!

The next moment, the starlight fell on the ground, with a trace of humane literary thoughts, blending into the hearts of everyone inside and outside the city, calming all the random thoughts and greed in everyone's hearts, allowing them to regain their clarity of thinking.

Immediately afterwards, another sentence sounded in everyone's hearts——

"This change of heaven and earth has triggered chaos among the people, causing many people to activate the dark side of their temperament in the fantasy of the end of the world. However, thinking that the source is the supernatural power of the heavenly king, it is understandable for mortals to be provoked, so now Use magical powers to calm down your thoughts. From now on, your thoughts will be as usual. However, magical powers can activate evil thoughts and calm distracting thoughts, but they cannot turn evil people into good people. If you do evil again in the future, it will not be caused by magical powers, and the consequences will be Conceited! I advise you to restrain your thoughts and wait for the return of the new dragon, and the world will return to its original perspective!"

Such words came in a mighty voice, with an awe-inspiring force, and spread throughout the world where the blood was shrouded in blood, the stars were shining, and the thunder was heard, so that all the creatures in it could hear it, and even directly acted on their spirits, causing them to instantly I understand the meaning inside.

The words were not majestic, nor were there many bold words, but they made everyone feel majestic and inviolable, knowing that it was a powerful person who took action to completely dispel the strange phenomenon! The words also mentioned the return of the new dragon!

The news of the emperor's death has now spread all over Da Rui. Many ambitious and interested people use this as an excuse to incite people everywhere, making the chaos more intense.

But now, someone suddenly took action, and the voice changed the world. It can be said to be shocking, more vivid than the person who secretly instigated, and it is not comparable to ordinary conspiracy methods.

When the voice came out, it skipped the emperor's death and mentioned the new emperor's ascension to the throne. In this way, the people's minds were changed from thinking that the emperor's death was a bad omen and the legitimacy of the dynasty was challenged, so the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth was changed to the new emperor was about to ascend the throne, so there was a powerful gift to dispel the strange phenomenon in the sky, changing the bad omen into a good omen!

Soon, as the voice fell, the blood in the sky faded rapidly in one direction like the receding tide, and in a blink of an eye, the clear sky returned.

The blood faded, and the sun shone.

It shone on everyone, melting their wild years and desires beyond their own, and re-emerging their yearning for a normal life buried in their hearts.

Suddenly, those words that were obviously meant to incite the thoughts in their hearts seemed a little abrupt and unreal, and reason quickly returned.

Even the three brothers of the Gao family on the city wall realized that the situation was not good.

"The new dragon has returned to the throne, is it the new emperor's accession to the throne?"

"This matter is not trivial, and there is an infinite power to take action!"

"With this sentence, I am afraid that things will change, and there must be a way to deal with it!"

In fact, it was not just them. At the same time, most of the land that was originally covered by the red sky was affected. Except for the northern border, all the families in other places realized that the situation was unfavorable.

The aristocratic families have been passed down for many years, and they are knowledgeable and can see the big picture from the small details. Just by hearing the sound, they quickly analyzed what might happen and knew that the current situation would change!

Those who were valued and cultivated by them to instigate the people noticed at the first time that many people who had been infected by the fanatical atmosphere had regained their clarity of mind and were no longer crazy!

This is no wonder. There is a god above your head. With awe in your heart, you will have a bottom line and be able to distinguish right from wrong. When the people are not united and all fall into frenzy, they will speculate on each other, and it is easy to divide and rule, and restrain each other. Once someone wants to resist, they will encourage others to go over and suppress the rebel.

But if the whole team has his thoughts and it becomes a consensus, then the authority of the person who leads the team will decline all of a sudden, and no matter how great the power is, it will disappear.

"Power, after all, is to command others. If no one can command, how can there be any action?" On the viewing platform, Qiu Yan took his hand back from the armillary sphere, turned his head and glanced at the many prime ministers behind him, "Now the possibility of spontaneous rebellion by the people is not great, and it can even be said to be extinct, but this can only last for a while. If it is not stable, it means that the officials are forcing the people to rebel. So next, the several prefectures in the east must be led by the government to restore production and restore the order to the old state. I need your help here."

The disappearance of the strange changes in the sky just now was also in the capital. That sentence also appeared in the minds of several prime ministers. They are even more aware of the chain reaction that this matter will produce!

"But..." At this time, Qiu Yan changed the subject, "The government resumed production, and the people were no longer driven by the idea of ​​the end of the world. Then if someone instigated the people next time, it would be a conspiracy, and Qiu would naturally not be soft-hearted."

After the words fell, two officials came over. They were Liu Hai and others. They were originally officials in the Privy Council, and now some of their powers have been extended to the Ministry of War.

Qiu Yan waited for a few people to come over, and then handed over a letter.

"If there is chaos in various places again, order the new army to go out and cut off the source. In addition, the clans and families in various places should have received orders from the court long ago, asking them to help pacify the various parties, but try to restrain the traces of family rules. If they do not comply, they will be investigated. This news will be passed on using the pulse transfer instrument just developed by the Ministry of Industry."

As these words were spoken, a strong wind blew behind Qiu Yan, and a group of extremely strong blood-colored light fell and merged directly into the circle of the armillary sphere!


The surrounding space suddenly twisted a little!

The luck between heaven and earth fluctuated violently, and the underground dragon veins showed signs of turning over. On the land to the east, a group of black evil spirits trembled faintly, sensing that the dragon veins had a tendency to surround themselves. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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