Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 987: Destroying the army is not a complete success, only when the disaster is quel

"I should have thought of it earlier, I should have thought of it earlier, this leader..."

Looking at the chaos in front of him, Zhao Hong's expression was wooden, and a sentence emerged in his mind-

The army was defeated like a mountain collapsing!

The chaos in the camp has been going on for a while. From the appearance of the thunder of humanity to the eight monks falling to the ground, it was only a cup of tea, but the entire White Lotus camp showed signs of collapse. |[2][3][w][x]

This was not caused by the monks falling, but the scene of the fall caused a severe blow to the morale of the army!

You know, when those people were flying in the air, they used the combined attack method to draw a trace of the spirit of the White Lotus soldiers all over the ground and gather them into a force.

This was not intentional by the monks, but they and the core soldiers were all specially trained, and they had some kind of invisible connection. When the monks used their magical powers, the connection was amplified, so as to offset the evil spirit of the army formed by these soldiers.

But these advantages have now become disadvantages.

Qiu Yan's method of rejecting supernatural powers is actually very simple, almost brutal, that is, to mobilize the thunder of humanity with the network of humanities, and dispel all the supernatural powers that do not belong to humanity.

In the network of literature, there are more than ten thousand forces of order wandering, and many great scholars sit and discuss the Tao, and the flow of literary thoughts is as fierce as the surging river. How strong is the thunder of humanity mobilized? How can eight cultivators of the third realm bear it?

Not only can they not bear it, but along the connection, many core soldiers of the White Lotus Sect are also affected and their spirits are directly suppressed by the sea.

Such a change is a pleasant surprise for Qiu Yan.

He has already understood the White Lotus Sect's method of refining people, but he can't get an example, because the soldiers have supernatural powers to protect them. Even if they are defeated, they have a secret method and can escape together. When dealing with the army entering Shu before. Qiu Yan didn't check it for a while, and let the core soldiers who had been refined thousands of times fall into the water and die.

Now, because of the eight cultivators, the morale of the soldiers has fallen, and the balance of their magical powers after being refined has also been broken. Originally, the White Lotus soldiers were able to resist the land mines and offensives under command, but now their spirits have been shaken, their minds are wandering, and their limbs are not very comfortable. Impeachment and fighting again?

Under the impact of the troops, the White Lotus soldiers completely lost their rules. Looking at their staggering appearance, they did not look like trained soldiers, but like a group of farmers with decent martial arts, who took weapons to attack the enemy, and were completely a mob.

Not to mention, Qiu Yan had already arranged Liu Hong and others to lead the follow-up troops. Approach the surrendered officers and soldiers, mix in with them, and attack from both inside and outside.

The number of surrendered officers and soldiers was huge. Even if the White Lotus Army wanted to count the number of officers and soldiers and restrict them by connecting the soldiers, many low-level generals of the officers and soldiers were killed and injured in the previous battle. This left many gaps and omissions. The soldiers did not know the generals, and the generals did not know the truth. They were caught by Qiu Yan and thousands of people were allowed to sneak in.

However, this kind of infiltration was only temporary. Suddenly, there were thousands of people. As long as someone paid attention, they would find out and report it, which would expose them.

But there was a time difference between the discovery and the report to the higher-ups. This time was enough for Liu Hong and others to follow Qiu Yan's instructions.

At this time, the quality of the army trained by Qiu Yan was revealed. They actually carried out the taboo of military strategists in the enemy camp, divided the troops into groups, and marched forward separately, and then gathered in one place according to the methods used in daily training -

During the training, there were various simulation training and studies, including infiltration, and how to identify directions and communications after dividing the troops into enemy camps.

Not long after, the troops regrouped. Before Liu Hong, Yang Huang and others could admire Qiu Yan's strong training, they saw fire and thunder in the White Lotus Sect's main camp. Knowing that Qiu Yan had taken action, they also took advantage of the situation and launched an offensive.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Hong set up camp in a very methodical manner. Even the captured troops were strictly arranged, surrounded by layers, and there were trenches between them, so they could attack or defend.

However, such a strict arrangement was destroyed by many haystacks. Liu Hong and others just threw this simple thing forward to fill the trench. Then the vanguard attacked and killed, and the rear army set fire to the haystack, turning the trench into a hell trench in an instant, and the soldiers inside lost all their combat power.

It was the killing and arson that immediately made the carefully arranged camp a mess!

Suddenly, the outer flames continued, and the thunders continued inside. The morale and spirit of the soldiers in the entire camp were all in chaos. In this military battle, courage is actually very important. If there is no courage, even if there are soldiers and civilians in a city, they may not be able to match the enemy with less than a hundred people.

Now, this White Lotus Army is in such a situation. The more chaotic it is, the more difficult it is to control, especially since there are many captives and soldiers in the army, and their minds are wavering and frightened, which makes it even more chaotic.

The most fatal thing is that the command system of the vassal army has not been established. Once it is chaotic, it is difficult to control. If in the past, there were special means of the White Lotus Sect that could force a clear ban with extraordinary power, now with the looming thunder in the sky, it is difficult to work.

There were casualties in a group.

However, the direct damage caused by the troops led by Qiu Yan was not much. After all, they only had a few thousand people. Even if they let go and killed, how many could they kill in a short time?

Many of the casualties were actually caused by the White Lotus soldiers who were crowded, pushed, trampled and trampled on each other in the chaos!

Don’t underestimate the unconscious injuries of the chaotic crowd. The consequences are often more serious than those of direct attack. This is also the reason why the two armies in history books are often defeated and rarely annihilated.

Once the army is defeated, they flee in all directions. The mountains and plains are full of deserters. Even the most elite soldiers cannot chase them.

“These remnants of the army are a big threat to the surrounding cities and towns. I hope that the letter I sent to the prefectures will be kept by them. Even if they don’t take it seriously, at least they are not unprepared.”

Looking at the scattered figures in the distance, Qiu Yan changed his mind.

This time he marched forward, first defeated the White Lotus Army that entered Shu, then crossed the swamp and turned north, passed through Chu and reached the Yangtze River. The achievement was a “fast” word. Using the exploration ability of the network and the other party’s information, with information asymmetry and elite soldiers, he defeated the enemy’s greatest force in one go, laid the foundation, and then slowly planned. Therefore, it is very important to keep secrets when marching. If you are not careful, you will not only fail to defeat the enemy, but also fall into the trap.

In the final analysis, if Qiu Yan had not been determined, there would have been no military entity in the south that could fight against the White Lotus Sect.

But some things will not change because of human actions, such as the wind direction of the rout, but the harm can be reduced by more calculations and more preparations.

Therefore, before the formal march, Qiu Yan had contacted the surrounding cities through the literary network, condensed the written letters, and left a warning, but it would depend on the arrangements of each city. After all, Qiu Yan only had 5,000 soldiers and horses, and it was impossible to take care of everything.

"Man proposes, God disposes, so I can only do my own thing first..."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yan drew his long sword from his waist, shook the reins, and rushed forward to chase the rout-

That Zhao Hong was indeed a talented general. After being shocked, he made a prompt decision and retreated with his remaining combat power without fighting!

Qiu Yan had long known through the literary network that Zhao Hongli had established a chain camp. In addition to this main camp, there were several other large camps that supported each other in order to prevent being trapped in one place.

Because there were too many prisoners, they formed a barrier on the periphery. Now there was chaos, and the core troops of the White Lotus Army were surrounded inside, unable to move forward or backward.

In addition, several monks were connected, which caused many soldiers to be implicated and their limbs were not coordinated, so only a few were taken away by Zhao Hong.


At this time, shouts came from afar. It turned out that Yang Huang and others had arrived. They led the army to intercept and kill from outside and joined Qiu Yan's troops. After a few breaths, they arrived in front of Qiu Yan with excited faces.

"Great victory! Another great victory! Although I haven't counted the number of people, we have 5,000 troops..."

"Count the casualties, and then leave a hundred people to tie these people up and keep them under strict supervision," Qiu Yan gave an order before the other party finished speaking, pointing at the core White Lotus soldiers who were out of their minds, leaving this sentence, and then changed the subject, "Others, take a break and continue the pursuit with me!"

"Continue the pursuit?" Yang Huang's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" Qiu Yan nodded, "This time the White Lotus Rebellion affected most of the south. We only broke through the camp along the river, which is not a complete achievement. It will be considered complete only when this disaster is quelled."

"We must quell this disaster!"

Hearing this, Yang Huang, Liu Hong and others took a breath of cold air, and then realized how big Qiu Yan's appetite was, but then they remembered the current record, and felt that this statement was not an exaggeration, and they were all eager to try again, determined to make great achievements and leave their names in history.

Qiu Yan glanced at a few people and said, "Be brave and cautious."


On the other side…

Qiu Yan's battle record has been delayed for many reasons. The court is still unaware that what is being discussed at this time is that the emperor wants to lead the army in person.

In the ancient dynasties, the emperor was the core and could not afford to lose. On the battlefield, swords and knives are blind and victory and defeat are difficult to predict. From ancient times to the present, there has never been a lack of examples of emperors leading the army in person, and the results were unexpected.

Therefore, after Li Kun's idea was put forward, the ministers jointly opposed it, but Li Kun's will was firm, and local officials threatened by the White Lotus Army kept asking for help, and memorials flew to the two governments like snowflakes.

A mess.

In the end, the ministers compromised, but they also agreed with Li Kun that he was not allowed to approach the front-line battlefield and could only go there to express his attitude.

At the same time, thanks to the pressure from the court and the emperor's determination, the military did not make too many difficulties. The two elite troops were quickly mobilized. Seeing that everything was ready, they were just waiting for Li Kun's order and the 100,000-man army was about to go south.

At this time, the news about Qiu Yan finally came. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Tianya's Piaopiao" and "Ximen Doujiang" for their monthly tickets!

The third update is finally here! I wish you all a happy new year again! Everything goes well!

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