Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 946: Blocking the way and revealing the dragon's light

As the roars spread, the outline of the black shadow became more and more blurred. At first, it swelled from time to time, but later, it gradually melted. From a distance, it looked like a pool of mud, and no longer had any shape.

If someone who didn't know the reason saw this picture, he would think that this black shadow was originally a pool of mud, but it had intelligence and could roar, but it fell into the depths of blood and was incompatible with blood, so it was exposed here.

But Qiu Yan's consciousness turned into a breeze, but he understood the reason for the matter and knew that it was far from that simple.

According to the composite will, the reason why the ocean currents and undercurrents in this sea of ​​learning were born is related to the origin of things. In three years, this wisp of consciousness breeze has explored several ocean currents and undercurrents, but has not gained anything until Qiu Yan turned to explore the current one, and then he found a clue and explored it.

The closer you get to the end of this undercurrent, the more you can feel a restrained and condensed sense of chaos.

The chaotic mood should be unbridled, unscrupulous, and unrestrained, but it is the mood exuded from the depths of this undercurrent that presents a restrained and restrained taste, but the inner frenzy has not changed, but gives Qiu Yan a primitive and ancient breath, which, according to the description of the compound will, just happens to be the characteristics of the compound origin breath.

After several attempts and understandings, Qiu Yan can basically be sure that there should be an origin at the end of this ocean current.

However, what happened afterwards was unexpected, and the development of things was out of control-

Just when Qiu Yan's consciousness breeze reached the end of the ocean current, a torrent suddenly exploded. Before he saw the shadow of the origin, he was blocked by a figure emitting black evil spirits!

This figure was also in human form at first, but it had a long and thin tail behind it, full of evil spirit, a manic and low voice, and spoke incoherently. It was covered by a barrier, and even the blood and water filled with chaotic mood were affected by the evil spirit, making it difficult to touch the surface of the black shadow.

At that time, Qiu Yan was concentrating and sensing from a distance with the breeze. He could still capture a wisp of the other party's divine thoughts, which were chaotic but still had their own self. From the other party's words, he also guessed that this black shadow was like himself, a kind of creature that invaded the sea of ​​blood, similar to a demon, with a high level of cultivation, but was eroded by the evil spirit, and his thoughts were gradually confused.

Almost the first time he felt the chaotic evil spirit, Qiu Yan remembered the scene he saw in the illusion -

In addition to the rich scarlet color, the illusion in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, sometimes Qiu Yan's perception would be guided to a deeper place and see a group of dark evil spirits!

That group of evil spirit, because it was just an illusion, could not feel the specific breath, and it was difficult to distinguish. But looking at the black shadow in front of him, Qiu Yan's intuition told him that the evil spirit wrapped around the black shadow must be related to the evil spirit in the scarlet depths.

Immediately afterwards, before Qiu Yan could sort out his thoughts, the black shadow roared and pounced on him, writing rolling black evil spirits, with a momentum like a rainbow, and the blood solidified and turned into a prison, trapping the consciousness breeze!

Even if Qiu Yan made that wisp of consciousness bloom with the power of order, it still couldn't resist the attack, and finally the wind rose and scattered. The black shadow on the opposite side also scattered several times, wrapped around like a rope, and tied up the invisible breeze at once, tightened rapidly, and slowly infected!

After that, Qiu Yan could clearly feel that after the consciousness breeze was tied up, there was a swarm of evil spirits, trying to assimilate and disrupt his consciousness.

The evil spirit was like a gentle rain, constantly eroding and infiltrating, forming a burning pain in the consciousness, accompanied by a sense of beating and destruction, trying to ignite the chaos in Qiu Yan's consciousness, burning himself out and erasing himself, but this tendency was blocked by the power of order, and it was difficult to really do so, but it also had infinite stamina and thus dissipated.

In addition to the beating and destruction on the surface, there was also a torture mood that penetrated into the depths of Qiu Yan's consciousness, vaguely trying to strip out the chaotic actions he had done before, generalize them, impact the mind, and then interrogate him.

However, what was infected and bound was only a strand of consciousness, not the body. As long as Qiu Yan kept a thought, it was impossible for the evil spirit to really lead out the foundation of his mind, so there was no way to talk about this interrogation.

However, the changes in it are quite interesting, and Qiu Yan is interested in the origin of the evil spirit. But soon, his attention is attracted by another key point-

Due to the erosion of the evil spirit, Qiu Yan's consciousness has a connection with the black shadow. With concentration, he can further explore inside, and he actually feels a strong breath of the origin in the other party's body!

This discovery, after a little thought, made him realize that the origin he was looking for is likely in the body of this black shadow!

However, there are more problems.

Among them, the breath of the origin is constantly weakening, as if it is being gnawed and melted, slowly but irreversibly weakening in the black shadow's body;

The second point is that Qiu Yan's consciousness after being entangled by the evil spirit, although it has resisted the assimilation invasion, is also deadlocked, difficult to get rid of, not to mention further seizing the origin.

After that, not long after, the shadow gradually blurred and melted away, the slender tail disappeared, and the human form on the outside slowly collapsed, eventually turning into a pool of mud, only the occasional roar remained.

But with Qiu Yan's keen perception, it was not difficult to notice that the shadow's remaining self-awareness and rationality were almost completely dissipated. Originally, he could still speak a few confusing words, but as time went by, even a complete logic was difficult to form.

"If this kind of black evil could really smile at the spirituality and reason of living beings, it would be too terrifying. I don't know if it is derived from magical powers or other methods, but fortunately it is not completely invulnerable..."

During this whole process, Qiu Yan used the connection of consciousness to test the reaction of the black evil spirit to various artistic conceptions, order and perceptions, and finally came to a conclusion. He found that even if it was blessed by the power of truth and order derived from the spirit of the sages, Under the erosion of this evil spirit, all concepts are on the verge of crumbling. Over time, they will inevitably be melted and disintegrated by the impact, but there is a kind of understanding that can barely keep it from falling -

Dragon Qi Enlightenment!

The perception related to dragon energy seems to have special resistance to evil spirits. It can resist erosion to a certain extent and shows signs of breaking out. However, most of Qiu Yan's understanding of dragon energy comes from his experience as a human being and his subsequent achievements. The humane classics are favored by the two dragons, but in the final analysis, the weight is too small. If it is divided into this ray of consciousness, it will be even thinner and difficult to form, let alone fight against the black evil.

Because of this, he made the decision to let his flesh and blood body burn the air with dragon beads, condense the green smoke, and carry his consciousness into the blood prison network, and finally pass through the vortex and enter the blood sea.

Now, as the black shadow collapsed and became pulpy, the original aura within it became weaker and weaker, as if it had been completely consumed. However, Qiu Yan could vaguely detect through the dark harbor that the original aura did not really disappear, but was given away by the evil spirit. It was "digested" and transformed into another form, which was stored in this pool of black matter. It was airtight and even the breath was blocked in it.

On the other side, as the original aura disappeared and weakened, a voice of attraction and calling gradually rose up, echoing in Qiu Yan's heart, calling him and pointing out a way for him to go.

"This call seems to come from the bottom of my heart, but in fact it is just an illusion, and the source is the black evil!"

He quickly figured out that the sound was actually coming from the dark shadow following the evil spirit.

During this period of time, Qiu Yan also synthesized various experiences and tried to deduce the logic and what happened, and achieved certain results.

"It seems likely that this dark shadow also came here to look for the original object, and successfully found it at the end of the undercurrent. However, he was haunted by the evil spirit. The evil spirit eroded his flesh and consciousness, making him look like this. In the end, he even lost his spirit. Wisdom is gone, and the purpose of that evil spirit is not simply to plunder this person's body and mind, but its original intention is probably to devour the original thing. Now he has eaten it dry and is planning to leave according to the call, but the person who issued the call What kind of existence is it? Is it the person who circulates the evil spirit? "

As he thought about it, Qiu Yan's mind once again flashed a bit of dark evil aura in the scarlet color.

"Could it be..."


While he was thinking about it, the black shadow suddenly fluctuated, then flew up and rushed towards one direction!

At this moment, within this black shadow, there is only a faint trace of the original breath left, almost extinct! And this flight was extremely fast, traveling thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, causing ripples to appear in the deep blood. There were various creatures along the way, but as long as they were touched by the black shadow, they would immediately be entangled by the black evil, pulling them into themselves! And then erodes inwards!

"What's going on?"

"What's this?"

"What a monster!"

There are many students speaking various languages ​​in the air. Although it is different from Darui Mandarin, Qiu Yan can understand its meaning as long as he senses the spiritual fluctuations. He knows that they are also monks, aliens, and monsters with cultivation. After they are entangled, But there was not much power of order to resist, and his sanity was soon on the verge of collapse!

Seeing such a scene, even Qiu Yan couldn't help but be surprised, sighing at how powerful the Black Evil was!

"This is just a little black evil. If the black evil is strong, or not limited to a black shadow, how powerful will it be? It can be called a catastrophe!"

Soon, Qiu Yan noticed that as more and more creatures were entangled, the black evil became more and more intense. It was obviously strengthening itself by absorbing and assimilating creatures!

The entangled creatures are even more interested!

Just then!


There was a loud noise, and a burst of smoke rushed over. The dragon shadow flickered inside, and a scholar's figure appeared, but with a few scales on his face, shining brightly, blocking the way forward, and then collided with the black shadow!

Qiu Yan's smoke incarnation finally arrived! r1152

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