Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 942 Notes can also be recorded in history, and the blood sea is in turmoil again

"If the imperial envoy really leaves, the sharp sword hanging over our heads will be removed..."

In the Wuxin military camp, mid-level officers could be heard saying such words from time to time, and the topic was inseparable from the imperial decree that came not long ago, which called for Qiu Yan to return to the capital.

Anyone who knows the inside story realizes that once Qiu Yan leaves, he will never return to Jiannan. Not only will he not return to Jiannan, he is afraid that he will never return to the place again. He must be in the center of Beijing. Staying in the land forever, entering the palace and living in the house, reaching the peak of being a minister.

Is there anyone in the world today who doesn’t know Qiu Yan’s contribution? Qiu Yan doesn't care if he doesn't enter the temple. Once he enters the temple, it will be earth-shattering!

Not to mention the military exploits in Northern Xinjiang and the political achievements in Southern Xinjiang, other trivial matters have been spread all over the world. Even Qiu Yan’s notes more than three months ago caused quite a stir——

That notebook records many of the things he has done since he came to Jiannan, as well as some of his views and experiences on Jiannan's officialdom. It was originally a few familiar officials who accidentally looked through it and discovered that it contains humane things. Then he paid attention.

After that, after visiting it several times, I noticed that the secrets of military reform were recorded in it, and I started to think about it.

So far, Qiu Yan's military reform in Jiannan has not yet been fully completed, but it has begun to bear fruit. Many people are unwilling to admit it, but they still have to admit that Qiu Yan simply took advantage of the situation and manipulated it. Lian Heng cleverly leveraged the seemingly unshakable mountain of military strategists, using military camps as the entry point. While giving benefits to military strategists, he also deprived them of many powers, perfecting and improving military politics.

In addition to the guard system, there are now many prototypes of systems emerging. Among them, the method of provincial troops and combined camps, the method of generals, martial arts schools, and the method of protecting horses are gradually becoming clearer. Their tentacles are not only spreading in the army, but also beginning to involve daily life. The government decree has benefited many frontier people.

This method is useful for officials on the border who are interested in doing something. It was very attractive, so once Qiu Yan's notes were exposed, many officials immediately rushed to see them. Everyone secretly memorized them and copied them from memory after returning home for study.

This trend almost reached its peak more than two months ago after the Swamp people presented their hometown and the map of Five Swamps!

Without spending a single soldier, the reform of the military system was completed. While conquering the swamp problem, it is said that his people also spread new farming methods in the swamp, which gradually changed the scene of the swamp. Not only did the number of robberies decrease rapidly, but the merchants who came and went also benefited from this, and exchanges became smoother. .

As a result, Qiu Yan's notebook became even more valued by many people. He believes that there are extraordinary methods hidden inside. If he can understand it, he can achieve three or four out of ten of Qiu Yan's achievements, even if he cannot achieve them all. That's enough.

So, after many people's inquiries, explorations, and insinuations, you memorized a bit and he memorized a sentence, slowly. Almost the entire book was written down, divided into several parts, and circulated in official circles. Soon after, it spread more and more widely, and it was no longer limited to Jiannan Road.

However, problems also arise, because no one can memorize the notes from beginning to end, and the order of many sentences is difficult to sort out, which leads to many logical problems.

A typical example is that when Qiu Yan talked about weapons, he designed a set of crossbows, which later generations called "Qiu Xiangnu". It was extremely powerful and could fire continuously.

Combining the context of this crossbow, we can understand two logics. One is, "To guard against the swamp people, we should use heavy weapons and educate them in the royal way."

But this is only a widely circulated statement. There is a second logic, which is "the king's education should use heavy weapons to guard against the swamp people."

The two statements seem to be the same, but the underlying logic is very different. Although they both reflect the vigilance against the swamp people, one says that they must use force to completely subdue the opponent and then teach them; while the other says that they must first teach sincerely, but cannot Relax your vigilance, and if something bad appears, use force.

The two statements are naturally very different when it comes to their actual implementation. However, the people in Marsh are now stable, sincerely surrendering to express their citizenship, and there is no commotion. There is no chance for Qiu Yan to verify it. This statement has gradually become more and more popular. It became an unsolved case.

There are many similar statements.

Even many years later, when Qiu Yan's words and deeds became almost legendary, the research and debate on his notebook never stopped.

Speaking of which, if you want to straighten out the logic, it is easy to just ask Qiu Yan directly. However, if Qiu Yan does not disclose such private things to the public, and others rush to ask or ask for a letter, it will be rude and inconsistent with etiquette. To spread the history, it will also leave a reputation in the history books that is difficult to distinguish between praise and blame.

Qiu Yan kept silent about this and did not comment, which ultimately led to the birth of the deviation.

This was just the officialdom of Jiannan. When the notes really spread, more and more people saw it, and many hidden meanings were unearthed. Some people discovered that it contained many traces of new laws.

Soon, many reformist New Party officials began to study the notes and were deeply inspired by them.

You must know that Qiu Yan's military reform is not simply about replacing ordnance and reforming the military system, but involves money, food and financial resources, management and organization, supervision and rewards and punishments. By extension, this shows his financial management ideas. .

Da Rui's reforms came and went, but the fundamental thing was to replenish the national treasury. With money and food, the imperial court could straighten its waist and do more things.

In fact, Wang Fu's reforms and many new policies benefited many citizens and farmers, but they were only incidental. The real key was to make the treasury rich again and have the hope of continuing to accumulate money. However, the battle in the northern border consumed a lot of money, almost consuming all the accumulation since the reform. Because of this, Wang Fu tended to advocate peace, and gradually lost the emperor's favor and eventually lost the power to reform.

Now, Emperor Li Kun did not stop the reform because of Wang Fu's departure. The core goal of the reform has not changed either, which is still to accumulate money and grain. However, the current New Party has been operating for several years, and has experienced two imperial examinations in the middle, and has promoted talents on a large scale. The number of its team is incomparable with the past. Although there are still deficiencies in high positions, there are still many people involved in specific positions of real vacancies and real power. It is already a major force with tentacles in all aspects.

These people gradually began to care about Qiu Yan's movements, because they saw from the military reform that Qiu Yan in the future would most likely be entrusted with important tasks and preside over the reform, or at least be related to this.

As the situation in southern Xinjiang became better and better, the tribal chaos in northern Xinjiang also gradually improved after using Qiu Yan's resettlement strategy. The emperor also mentioned Qiu Yan's military policy in southern Xinjiang from time to time, often praising him, and sometimes reprimanding many generals of the northern army, discussing the bad policies in the army.

All these made people with a keen sense of politics begin to realize that Qiu Yan's return was inevitable, and his return would not bring a simple return to the court, but would set off a storm!

At this time, it had been more than three years since Qiu Yan left Beijing. Too many things had happened in the center of Da Rui, some people rose, some were dismissed, and the rise and fall changes were difficult to describe. Except for the top few positions, other positions and ministries had already undergone several updates and replacements, and many people had forgotten what Qiu Yan did in the capital.

However, as the day approached, officials with aristocratic family backgrounds finally realized that Qiu Yan's problem was unavoidable and could not be avoided. They could only face it. It seemed that he was driven out of the capital at that time, but now it seems that he left the capital on his own!

And the political enemies of the aristocratic bureaucrats, such as the new party upstarts, regarded Qiu Yan as a natural ally.

The sudden spread of Qiu Yan's notebook was also the first performance of this impending storm. In a different time and place, even if it was the same notebook, it might not have such an impact.

However, as the center of the storm, Qiu Yan was not anxious, because his mind was focused on another place-

"The consciousness that dived into the sea of ​​blood finally found the traces of the origin!"

That day, he finished his official duties and returned to the mansion. He felt something in his heart, gave a few instructions, went straight into the study, took out a palm-sized box from behind the bookshelf, and opened it.

There was a crystal clear bead in the box, which was round and round. After it came into contact with the air, wisps of green smoke came out, as if burning the air.

"This dragon ball cannot be completely refined after all, and it is still out of control." Shaking his head gently, Qiu Yan raised his hand and pointed, and starlight surged at his fingertips.

This starlight came from the stars outside the continent through the literary network. It contained the power of yin and yang, covering the bead and isolating the inside and outside.

Since the divine body became a star lord, on the surface, the flesh and blood body did not benefit from it, but through the connection between the two sides, the combat power actually increased several times. The starlight was just the simplest manifestation.

However, the previous wisps of green smoke did not disappear, but were still floating in the air. Qiu Yan sucked it with his nose, gathered it, and swallowed it into his stomach.

These green smokes are not simple either. They are formed by the burning of the blood and qi released after the dragon ball came into contact with the air. Although they seem to be a few wisps, in terms of the richness of blood and qi, they are no less than those of the peak of the second realm of life cultivators!

Of course, this is also due to Qiu Yan's cultivation. Since he got this dragon ball, he has studied and cultivated it, and found many wonderful uses. He tempered it with heart fire and kidney fire, and cultivated Yin Ling and Yuan Ying. Now it is just right to use it.

But the green smoke turned into the abdomen, contaminated with the breath of life, and was infused with a thought. Then it was pulled into the literary network, rushing along the network, all the way to the depths of the humanistic network, passing through a door, and actually arrived in Shilin!

At the beginning, Qiu Yan borrowed Shilin to bring Li Kun's soul back to the world of the living. Now this green smoke containing his blood and qi will also enter the Blood Prison Literature Network from here to cooperate in finding the traces of the origin.

However, as soon as the green smoke arrived at Shilin, before it moved, a huge shadow whistled in the distance! (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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