Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 906: Leave a demon name, plant demon roots, half of the world has demons

Easily turning the situation around, Qiu Yan glanced at the people who were in confusion and grinned: "This time we have achieved all our goals, I will let you go. The chapters are updated the fastest."

"Please let us go! I didn't expect that there would be someone as famous as you in this world. Would you dare to leave your name?" The mysterious man struggled to raise his head and shouted.

Hearing this, Qiu Yan looked over, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Based on my abilities, you can call me the Demon."

"Heavenly demon? In the name of demon? What a loud tone! He is really not a good person!" The mysterious man gritted his teeth, but also put aside his worries. After he saw Qiu Yan's body condensed with metamorphic divine power, he was quite shocked. , I want to find out the background of his person, whether he is really like this, or whether he has deliberately changed, and now it seems to have the result.

In the history of the Lost Land, the word "devil" is often related to rebellion, sin, and terror. No one would deliberately name it after this, and it is even less likely that the legendary characters would tarnish their names.

"There's no need to say more. I'm leaving first, but before I leave, I want to lend you a little more blank divine power." On the opposite side, Qiu Yan didn't take it seriously and raised his hand to grab it. The mysterious man was shocked and covered in flesh and blood. His muscles and bones trembled, and a bit of divine power was condensed and flew out, landing in Qiu Yan's hands. His aura suddenly plummeted, revealing a look of decline.

"It's really bizarre. It's clearly not a divine body, but it can move divine power. I've had contact with this blank divine power before, and I've never understood its origin. I didn't expect that such a change would happen in the land of relics right under my nose. It’s time to explore slowly.”

With this thought, Qiu Yan's body suddenly disappeared, and the dark clouds in the sky also disappeared, revealing the clear sky again.

It seemed that Qiu Yan had left, but he was just deliberately showing off his appearance before. In fact. The real Qiu Yan has long been transformed into thousands of thoughts and integrated into everyone's hearts. Even if his body has been eliminated, he can still know every move here.

However, in the eyes of the mysterious man and others, it was Qiu Yan who had no intention of killing them and left directly. They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but on the other hand, they were all extremely frightened. He has a very deep fear of Qiu Yan's origins, methods, and strength.

"There are still people like this in this world! I'm afraid that the God Lord of the God Clan, who has been so powerful for hundreds of years, may not be so capable! This person who calls himself a demon, after all..."

With these thoughts in mind, the mysterious man soon discovered that his chaotic thoughts were beginning to calm down, and the level of confusion was much better than before, so he immediately stood up. He grabbed Panlang who was still struggling, suppressed his chaotic thoughts, and fled far away after a few ups and downs!

"He is indeed the most tyrannical priest of the God Clan back then. He was able to do this even when his mind was in turmoil. This time he let them run away, and he didn't know when he would be able to catch him. However, compared to this, what is more important is But it’s the so-called demon! This person is a serious problem for our God Clan! We must go back and report it immediately!”

On the other side, the cloaked protoss got up from the ground after a while, speaking with deep fear in their eyes.

Next to him, Quan Zu also stood up with difficulty and said with lingering fear: "This devil may be a catastrophe in the world. From his words, it can be vaguely heard that he may be a person who survived from ancient times. Such a person reappears in the world. It is absolutely impossible." We can’t take it lightly…”

With their own thoughts, today's battle was ended in such a bizarre way. However, afterwards, from the mouths of those who participated in and watched the battle, the name of a shocking demon king slowly spread and became the name of many people. A heavy nightmare in the human heart.

However, since this birth, Qiu Yan has been silent, silently spreading inner demons among creatures and exploring the way of human heart.

At the same time, he also learned about some distant events through the memories of the mysterious man, the Fist Ancestor, and the Cloaked God Clan.

In fact, Qiu Yan penetrated the head with one hand and obtained not lives, but memories. The memories of these three people cannot be traced back to the time when the Lianxi tribe was destroyed. They all took shape after that, but they are already remarkable.

"From the memories of the two protoss, you can vaguely see the figure of Youhong. Compared with the past, his aura has changed significantly, but the aura exuding still comes from my legal domain, but it has changed slightly. , the specific reason can only be known by seeing him in person.”

The scene in the memory, once immersed in it, is like going back in time. After Qiu Yan gained the memory of the three people, he merged into it and carefully explored it, not letting go of any bit.

This investigation allowed him to discover many secrets.

"In the final analysis, this so-called protoss is actually a transformation of human beings. The body is infected by the blank divine power and has changed. Therefore, it has a long lifespan, which can reach about two hundred years. If it is powerful, it can even live up to three hundred years. Yuan, this is already a very long time in this life. The mysterious person is a priest of the God Clan, and his life span has been 270 years. He is approaching the end of his life. He has deserted the God Clan because he is dissatisfied with the rule of the Youhong clan. "

"In addition, in the memory of the Cloaked God Clan, there is the scene of the battle between King Daxin and the Youhong clan that day. The sword master who killed five people with one hand and King Daxin also went to help, but they were still defeated. And that Although King Da Xin was a mortal, he was possessed by Huo Zhu and fought with the Youhong clan. The rest of his body was spread to all directions. From this, it can be seen that Huo Zhu lost his body and was simply attached to the legal domain and blank divine power. Then it resides in other people’s bodies so that it can survive to this day.”

"As for the source of the birth of the blank divine power, it is actually a kind of time hole. By operating the method of observing the gods in the heart, releasing the legal domain, and then meditating in it, the legal domain can be purified and a little blank divine power can be condensed, but it takes a very long time. It’s long and every drop is precious.”

After discovering some of the roots from the memories of the two protoss, Qiu Yan turned to pay attention to the memory of the fist ancestor.

This boxing ancestor is a pure human being, and his experience is not very strange. He was originally a guard general of Daxin, but later he defected to the Western Marquis. He was highly used when the Western Marquis marched, but once the world was settled, he lost Luck was probably the aftermath of the betrayal, so after being knighted, he came to guard the mine.

Guarding the mine is not actually a disparagement, because the mine is of great significance.

From Quanzu's memories, the most important part Qiu Yan discovered was about the minerals excavated in the mine.

It stands to reason that in this era, although due to his and Yin Xiao'e's intervention, many places developed rapidly, the smelting technology still had many bottlenecks. He had made some achievements in casting bronzes, so he needed to mine and use them. The scale and conversion rate are very low, and there is actually no need for large-scale mines and mine slaves.

Therefore, the real reason is that in these mines, there is a kind of time mineral. This kind of mineral has great utility for both the gods and humans, and can explore the limits of the body to the maximum extent. Potential, the previous Sword Master, and this Boxing Ancestor, they can exert a combat power no less than that of the Gods, relying on the use of time mines to stimulate potential, unlock the mystery of the physical body, and allow people to reach the second level of life cultivation. force.

"This kind of time mine did not exist five hundred years ago. Now it is born. I wonder if it is due to the power of the sundial and time and space, or to the external gods, or to the disappearance of a few suns? I wonder if it is to me. If it is effective, can we also condense blank divine power..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan repeatedly explored the memories of the three parties, and gradually noticed that the so-called time cave was very similar to the time mine, and the time mine itself was also very secretive.

He stayed in the mine for five years and did not notice the ore. This was because the ore looked the same as ordinary ore, and even looked like copper ore. It took a special tempering method to extract the mineral that the human body can absorb. substance.

It is worth mentioning that the quantity of this substance is not large, but it is more than enough to supply the Protoss. However, as time goes by, after humans also discovered the benefits of this substance, they also focused on it, and then the scale of mining continued to expand. However, the total amount of minerals handed over to the gods every year remains unchanged, and the retained part is digested by the human nobles themselves.

During this process, the nobles who commanded the slaves continued to instill a concept into the slaves, saying that the reason why they were being oppressed and exploited more and more was because the Gods were becoming more and more greedy, implying intentionally or unintentionally that the only way to defeat the Gods was to overthrow the Gods. Slaves can be free.

"From the memories of the two protoss, it can be seen that the protoss infects the body with blank divine power, changes the nature of life, and obtains longevity and powerful strength. However, it is not easy to do this, so the number of the entire tribe is very small. As the As time goes by, there are even fewer and fewer, so the demand for time minerals will decrease a little every ten years. However, due to the relationship between human nobles, the excavation of time minerals has become more and more intense. The changes here , but it is also a humane experience..."

In Qiu Yan's thinking, the world in the Land of Relics is also undergoing many changes. Qiu Yan is exploring memory and researching blanks in divine healing, and he is like an outsider, experiencing the process of this world through countless people's hearts.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed. Qiu Yan can feel more and more that the world's rejection of the inner demon body has grown from scratch and is getting stronger and stronger. It won't be long before all the tentacles of the inner demon spreading in the world will be wiped out. Excluded.

"It's time to prepare. In addition to sorting out the gains of the past twenty years, we must also prepare for the next infiltration. Moreover, at this last moment, it is also time to meet some people. After all, we will come again next time. I don’t know how many more years it will take.”

As he thought about it, Qiu Yan's thoughts changed. At this moment, the minds of half of the creatures in the world suddenly shook, as if something was buried deep in their hearts.

However, countless inner demon tentacles are converging and condensing, cutting off contact with the main body of the inner demon, and turning into a seed.

Qiu Yan actually wanted to bury the seeds of inner demons in the hearts of half the people in the world! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "lxlyandccc" for voting monthly!

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