Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 900 A new grave in a desolate tomb, a page of history

The aftermath of the fight spread to this village. The villagers were originally terrified by the war, and now they were shocked by the changes in the world. How could they control themselves? They became more terrified, sad and anxious, and felt that they were in a desperate situation and could not see any hope. This article was first published by . .

This thought made Qiu Yan's inner demon body stronger and restored a lot of power. After fusing the two inner demon seeds, he not only gained historical memories, but also obtained the inner demon power accumulated by the two seeds, which could collect human thoughts more quickly.

Besides, the inner demon seeds have been passed down for five hundred years. Even if the hosts are mostly ordinary people, they have experienced birth, old age, sickness, death, joy, anger, sorrow and happiness. For the inner demon, it is still a rare harvest. Under the precipitation of time, it ferments mellow thoughts, which are all swallowed by the inner demon body.

This swallowing not only alleviated the deficit of the inner demon body to a certain extent, but also touched a wonderful realm, as if he personally attached himself to a family and tasted the changes in people's hearts for hundreds of years. A law emerged, which made his heavenly demon realm have a trend of change again-

Because the inner demon body was entangled with the power of time and space, after infiltrating the land of the relic, its ability alone was reduced a lot. It has only recently recovered the power of the demon head, but in terms of realm level, it is still the level of the heavenly demon.

The way of the inner demon is originally in the human heart, but at the level of the heavenly demon, from the outside of the human, it often grasps some principles of heaven and earth. However, the heavenly demon itself may not be able to comprehend it thoroughly. Once it is clear, it is a new realm.

Qiu Yan's inner demon body is different from ordinary inner demons. It has the thoughts of three bodies, comparing with each other, and is getting closer to its own heavenly demon core little by little. With the exploration of the power of time and space, it can vaguely see a little dawn of advancement.

At present, with the return of the hundred-year-old seeds, the way of the human heart, which was thought to be perfect, has changed again.

"Interesting, in this case, I also have expectations for other inner demon seeds." With this thought. Qiu Yan spread the perception, and his grasp of the hearts of people around him also improved a bit.

"There are Hong and Huo Zhu. Although I built a statue in their hearts, it is not enough to make them immortal. There must be a mystery in this fight that spans five hundred years. It may be worth seeing, but in my current form, it is not easy to approach. It is better not to take risks. Back then, I also planted seeds in the hearts of both of them. I wonder if they are still there now, huh?"

Qiu Yan was thinking, and suddenly his mind moved, and a firm heart appeared in his perception, which was full of resentment and hatred.

The negative emotions born from this firm heart are the most ideal place for the inner demon to live. What's more, that person did not deliberately condense his state of mind, so there would not be a situation that is as difficult to penetrate as the sword master.

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan left two fragments in the hearts of the two seed descendants and withdrew.

These fragments. It is enough to replace the seeds, promote them to a certain extent, and can grow into seeds again after a long enough time. Leave room for the future.



In a corner of the village, Bian Shu's anger suddenly choked, as if there was something extra. But after careful investigation, he found nothing, and then he fell into hatred for the Western Army again.

In this war, his family was destroyed, his parents died tragically, and his two sisters suffered humiliation. What made Bian Shu even more angry was that all this could be said to be caused by him.

There have been rumors in the world that when the phoenix sings in the West Mountain, a saint will appear. Therefore, after the Western Army started the army, many people along the way led the way, and they welcomed the king's army with food and drink, but when the king's army arrived, it did not bring a paradise.

It is also true that when Daxin was at its peak, it was powerful and others had their own concerns. Now that the building is about to collapse, how can the soldiers of the Western Army restrain themselves?

In this era, due to the set of methods passed down by Yin Xiao'e, the concept of professional soldiers was formed in advance, even in the western countries. However, the real soldiers were still "lowly" people in the eyes of others. They went all the way to fight on other people's land, suffered casualties, and were defeated. They shed blood and sweat. Finally, they saw the dawn of victory. Would they still treat the livestock on other people's land as their own relatives? This is not something that can be satisfied with a thank you.

Therefore, Bian Shu's actions are bound to bring a disaster.

Blood runs through the villages and towns, and the hatred is continuous and difficult to eliminate.

"Livestock like Bian Shu, except for farming, have almost no other expertise, so they will naturally not be cherished, because he can be replaced. Once his value is exhausted, no one will care, and at most they will keep him alive."

Qiu Yan's inner demon body lives in Bian Shu's heart. This person is the person who Qiu Yan noticed who is determined but full of negative emotions.

His heart was filled with hatred for himself and the Western Army. He had a tendency to self-destruct, but he couldn't let go of his hatred. On the other hand, he knew very well that with his status and position, he had no chance of revenge.

In fact, if Qiu Yan hadn't interfered with his thoughts, he might have committed suicide out of despair and helplessness when he realized the situation.

"With self-knowledge, hatred, and a firm mind, as long as there are some opportunities, it may not be impossible to succeed," Qiu Yan had his own views on Bian Shu's future. "Now that I am attached to you, isn't that your opportunity? No matter how the world changes, how different the Land of the Lost Land is, even the God Clan is also a seed I sowed, just take a look and see how mature it is."

With such thoughts, the inner demon body settled down, but it was not silent, but further infected Bian Shu's thinking.

This kind of infiltration is very scary, so scary that it can make others act according to his thoughts silently without him noticing.

The chess pieces fight on the chessboard, but they don't know that there are two hands behind them controlling everything.

While infiltrating Bian Shuxin's thoughts, Qiu Yan also extended the tentacles of the inner demon. The panic in the village was enough to make the inner demon recover quickly.

At this time, the aftermath of the fight between Youhong and Huo Zhu had disappeared, and the aura of both sides had dissipated. It was obviously a fierce fight, but Qiu Yan didn't know the result of the fight.

However, a few days later, a message came, and the situation of who won and who lost was clear--

"The King of Daxin died, the queen and the prince died in Zhaixing Tower, and the country of Daxin was gone!"

Along with this news came an incomprehensible atmosphere. After seeing the style of the Western Army that was different from the rumors, many people deeply understood that they were not safe.

In this era, some habits of the clan period have not been completely eliminated. At least the fact that the winners can take whatever they want from the losers has not changed. With the fall of a dynasty, the royal family will inevitably end up miserable, and becoming a slave may not be the worst result.

On the other hand, the livestock people who originally hoped for the demise of Daxin and did not hesitate to help the enemy lead the way for this, now find that their situation has not changed, and it is even more difficult - due to years of war, social production has been severely damaged, resulting in a reduction in the production of food that can barely maintain population growth. As a result, people in the entire central area are inevitably starving.

At this time, the limited food will definitely not be supplied to the people who welcome the Western Army, because they are insignificant. Instead, the slave owners who are hated by them have been appeased by the Western Marquis and have not fallen into trouble. In the minds of many livestock people, the slave owners have done many evil things and should have been completely exterminated by the righteous Western Army, but unexpectedly, the opposite happened.

In fact, although the slave owners and the Daxin royal family are related, they are not from the same tribe in terms of blood. They hold power and are the foundation of the country. No matter who is in power, they will treat them well to consolidate the foundation of rule.

Therefore, although the victory and defeat are decided and the war is far away, it has not brought happiness.

Starving people are everywhere, exchanging their children for food, and new graves are added beside the desolate tombs.

Driven by hunger, slaves rebelled and livestock migrated, and the same was true for the village where Bian Shu lived. This allowed Qiu Yan's heart demon fragments to expand rapidly with the flow of people.

In this era of war and chaos, the country was destroyed and the family was ruined, the most lacking thing is strong emotions and thoughts. If Qiu Yan is willing to use the heart demon illusion to evoke the thoughts of the crowd, it will be easy to make ** go to the next level, thereby obtaining more negative emotions and repairing the cultivation of the heart demon body.

"There are many benefits in times of national and human disasters. No wonder there are always people in the past and present lives who use various excuses and names to destroy a stable country. Perhaps in the eyes of those people, as long as they can gain benefits, death, injury and destruction are also trivial. They are all the pain of the times in their eyes, and at most they will become a page in history books."

Qiu Yan naturally does not need to do this. As long as he keeps looking for the lost Heart Demon seeds, he can quickly restore the old state, and even go further.

However, if you want to find other seeds, searching alone is too simple. It is not possible to encounter other Heart Demon seeds every time. Instead of blindly searching, it is better to explore along the historical evolution. But to do this, you must understand the whole story of five hundred years ago.

The information obtained from the two Heart Demon seeds is only a corner of the puzzle. If you can get a few more pieces, you can piece together a more complete picture and get a more realistic inference from it.

"The best option is to get more Heart Demon seeds, and use the memories inside to explore what happened back then. This is almost a paradox. To find seeds, you need to know what happened back then, and to know the details of what happened back then, you need more seeds. However, if you find a few more seeds, you can fall into a virtuous circle and promote each other."

"Why are you running?"

Just as Qiu Yan was thinking, Bian Shu, who was migrating with the villagers, also encountered a little accident. He was blocked by a group of Western Army soldiers. They looked at Bian Shu and others with ill intentions, and finally rushed up and captured them all.

"This group of untouchables must be escaped slaves. Just send them to the mine to let them atone for their sins! Go! Take them all away!" Amidst the wailing and sighing, Bian Shu and others were all captured, and they became the lowest slaves from livestock, and then they were sent to a mine.

During this process, Bian Shu's hatred was about to burst out several times, but was suppressed by Qiu Yan.

"To take revenge, you can't just show off your courage for a moment. It seems that if you want to make Shu successful, you need to polish him for a few years." (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Xiao Guigui", "Hu Sanshao", and "Lin Yunnan" for the monthly votes!

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